NTE, PA., FEBRUARY 7, 1901. CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Qur Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- calities—What is Transpiring—Is Your Section Represented ? Yarnell. BE. I. Walkétr's, new saw mill has ar- rived and will soon be in operation. KE I. seems to be a hustling business man, While from town a couple of our citizens met with a bad accident, They got off the road into Moose river; one of them had to be rolled up in blanhets and was pretty near froz when he reached home. The supposition is they had a top load of corn and rye juice. Benjamin Cline has returned to his home from Lock Haven hospital where he was treated for inflammation of the bow- els, and is able to walk around again Mrs. W. Ii. Brown is on the sick the past week, grip being the cause Wm. T. with the grip, The club-room 1s well attended, danc- ing has been the program every night. The boys seem to keep some of our town people awake pretty late, coming home list bed Fetzer is confined to his but is getting better, Harry Shawley says Moose river wat- er is good for a cold. He gave some to Martin Fetzer and it proved a success. Our singing school which is conducted by Prof. Pletcher, is progressing nicely with about thirty pupils in attendance. James G. Croft has left for Janette, where he has secured employment on the trolly line as conductor. The spelling bee was well attended on Thursdav night, the contest was between Pleasant valley school and Marsh Creek school. But old Marsh Creek took the prize, Rev. Houke preached an able sermon toa large congregation in the Baptist church on Saturday evening. John Watson, one of Moose river's young men, was in town on Sunday. He and his best girl seemed to enjoy the sleighing. How about it, Adia. One of our young ladies got lost the other night and had her old mother can- vasing around from one to another inquiring if they saw anything of her. But no trace could be found of her till eleven o'clock; she had wan. lone’s, she had better take morning Chester Walker formerly of this place but now of Romola, and Miss Poorman of Holts hollow, were guests of Wm. T. Fetzer on Sunday the Logantor. Cyrus Bicksler has six teams of horses at work daily hauling white pine and oak bill timber from Holt's saw mill to the railroad station at Mill Hall. The mule team which Robert Barnum drives pulled 3 506 feet of pine boards over the mountain on one load Jagob Duck and Wil Washburn had an exciting experience with a wild cat the other night while returning home from meeting The animal encountered the boys just above the Sulphur Sg ring It chased them quite a distance over the mountain road Having no firearms they tried to kill it with stones, but after being hit once or twice it got away The public sale of the personal prop- erty of Cyremnius Rhone, deceased attended by a large crowd. The horses wer sold at high prices. Thomas R Harter purchased the saw mill outfit at $1150. He will finish sawing the timber on the Reninger tract and then rem the mill to the Kleckner tract south of Loganton, which he purchased recently. boards WAS ve Kemmer Brothers placed a new forty. horse power boiler in their saw mill last Friday Levi Couser was rather unlucky on Saturday. He fell down the cellar steps of his residence, while in the act of carrying a pan full of ashes to the street The aged severe bruises upon bone was broken Lonely and weary of George Stroubert has taken unto him self a wife in the person of Mrs Stamm, of Millheim A religious revival is in progress at the his body, but no Mt. Pleasant church mn Sugar Valley. | The pastor Rev. Gross conducts the ser. vices and there have been twenty-four | conversions Potter Township. The viewers appointed to create a new election precinct met but did not complete their work om account of the snow hluckade. They report the people favorable to third precinct, and are like ly to recommend it Esq. M. M. Grove has disc overed ayo acre tract of vacant land in the 7 Mts, and will take up the same, situated in Potter and Gregg townships, bounded north Hy Samuel Bitner and Michael Decker, east by Green Decker and How. ard Foust, south by vacant land and west by J. O. Stover, Thos. Bartges, printer and photo. «rapher, has A Centre Hall to his father's, at Earlystown Drifts blocked the roads badly, Grip is as fashionable in these parts as elsewhere, The sick are, Mrs. Prank Wright, Mrs Henry Moyer, Mrs. J. B. Royer, Jim Palmer, Mrs. Colyer, Lizzie Foust, Frank Carson, David Sweetwood and Peggy Smetzler, " La Grigpe Quickly Cured. “In the win of 18¢8 and 1 Iw taken down with a severe aS what is called La Grippe” says F. 1, Hewett, A prominent druggist of Winfield, 1 “The only medicine I used was two bot. ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It broke up the cold and stopped the cough ing like magic, and I have nevef since been troubled with Grippe.” Chamber. lain's Cough Remedy can always be des pended u 0 break up a severe cgld and ward off any threatened attack of pucumonia. It Is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular p rations in use for these ailments, or sale by Greens’ Pharmacy, 5 4 Nittany. We are having lots of snow and fine sledding right along, The singing in the Evangelical church will be Monday and Wednesday even. ings, hereafter, Rev, Searls is going to start a series of meetings on next Monday evening 11 inst, in the Evangelical church at this place. A. A. Pletcher and daughter Orphie were to Bellefonte on Saturday on busi HESS. Mr, and Mrs Romela on Sunday to see friends Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mowery ing Creek, were callers at N. K on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Zerby Kreamer and her daughter Mahe! out on Sunday afternoon for a drive Gunsauls were of Fish and daughters and Mis ladies cate pretty ast week one even Three of our youtig pear having a runoff ing, so near so that two of them with the robes red road, while the third one hanging to the until she was left sleigh among a lot of stumps and without a horse or shafts ; there were hand to gather them up and bring them None of them hurt, but badly were scatt along the ting n lines Course on bat of SO0u men some young home scared Paddy Love, of near Hublershurg, had quite alserious’ace ident on Saturday noon at the home of William Gates, he went up on the hay loft to throw down feed for his horse and stepped on a loose | it tilted, throwing him into the entry be low where there was box with the knife furned standing a cu up ; he fe with his haud on the knife cutting a gash McCormick was snmmoped up the in XX. Dr, and it took gash. S. Lingle and D Mills, took dinner with H. P week one day. Mr. Gentzel is six stitches to close Zerby perienced veterinary surgeon--any one give in need of a veterinarian should him a call. Axemann. Miss Gertrude Scanlon a very j young lady, after spending six at the home of her parents in this p | wedding took place | was Maud | Pleasant Gap, | appearance he was, on Sun | the convention gentleman received several | being alone, Anna | | & hubbub i fo ks a ®id in one da returned to her home in Altoona On Tharsday Jan. 31, a very pretty at the home « Hanter’s, the contracting Edgar Hasel an After an extend will be at home Niagara Falls, where Sm excellent position, neighbor's house | 8 number > grip wondered why full of smiles, but he little blacksmith Mr. Mrs Lawrence spent Sunday and Hile, of Elias Breon Hattie says John is alright and by a lay eye Mrs. Wm. Stuart is at present ing at the home of her daughter, Eugene Heverly Quite a number beld week Mrs. A last Thur her daughter, Harter, of Oak Gr lay evening at the Mrs. Laara Breon Millheim. Hosters has since pucumonia F.O week, with ing D. L Biv cn Zethy, er of the bank a pleasant surprise Monday by his wife daughter Zerthy’s soth birthday suppers assisted in commemor Mrs W.R. Weiser has } during the past week, du dropsy Charles W. McClellan has fined to the bouse with heart trouble ana 1 » ’ . andtiweive of his p ating the heen nm The revival services, in progress United Evangelical church for the three weeks, closed blessed with twenty | one penitents and twenty conversions Miss Esta Smith returned ta Nittanyvalley Miles Twp. Grip bas its bold in this valley HPON several Mrs. Cyrus Erhard is getting better She bad ben ill with pneumonia the past five weeks The appointment of 8, R postmaster, and against this Centre will remonstrate Soring contains about a dozen houses Bank, for many years. GG. W postmaster, has resigned Gregg Township. Spring Mills will have a banquet by 22, which will the Knights G. E. on Feb be an excellent affair Contemplated improvements at Spring Mills will be the erection of an imple. ment store by C. J. Piokle, and likely a furniture building by Smith Bro's. The Presbyterians began a protracted meeting at Spring Mills, last Thursday evening. Mrs. Tibbens, of Penn Hall, is quite 11. There Is much grip all around Samuel Gingerich, who has been for some time, is improving, Charles Bartholmew will move to Par. vin, Clinton county April st Penn Township, More snow Sunday. Eara Harter is pleased with a little daughter, a late arrival, Miss Gertrude Meyers is acting as tem. porary clerk in Wm. Meyer's store at Centre Hall, Stops the Cough Price 25 cents, to Shaflers THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFO Boalsburg. | Mrs, Clara Smith, of Pine Grove Mills, | is visiting with her friend, Mrs, L.8. | Bricker, John Thompson and wife were seen | in town on last Saturday. Mr, Thomop- son was looking after the business affairs | of the new road through the Theo. Boal farm, A. 8S. Allen is rheumatism, Mr. Wert, of Pa. Furnace, was in town on Saturday eve, Mr. Werts is the operator of an extensive timber tract at the above place Ww Bloomsburg, with home ill with inflamatory been son, Wm returned who has aid his has leisher a protracted Rev, (3 Lo meeting, | { hold their 26 | hall wo.-night, (Thursday); about were { Lions | gO (11 the stones ward ; » Gentzel, of Spring last an ex- leasant | weeks ace, tisworth Sunday, Says iL 1s a of at the home f our people attended at Pleasant Gap, last . or .t Ive spent home of n the ast from a visit ores Getlig as for Centre Mills, has raised He resides at Spring Bank, | a village at the entrance tothe Brush val | ley narrows leading to Mi believed will remove the office 10 Spring Mills Bauk Uventre Mills bas a grist mill and one or two farm houses, and has been a postoffice Diehl, the late | beim, and is il Works off the Cold, Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure 894, will banquet in their {§ invita members of a least of Boalshuig lodge 1. O. OF nual oul Ihe which mre side the the ye nis Is expected Ww am Ros the oldest son M1 and Ma Hale Linden Hall lay morning of brights dis ease, aged 1 ar The numbers 74, of LOSS, Of died on young man his life being born with right arm His father | to do merchant Was a cripj a out a hand on his 1S A Prosp Tous and wt n Ha of lande A surprise party of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Friday might in honor of son About cut Jrom Boalsburg and was held at the home Meyers on o dest ast their sixty-five young . Cinity, § 138 Hoy, of P. S. ( Johu Fry, of Pine G1 > M1 and Mr, Mis DR clug, Altoona : red at the Meyer surprised kindly and The home came lo young people gathe about 7:50 p. m , at g M1 home, and was very much find such a after ushered into the room by Messrs Ever. hart, Weiland, Patterson and Bailey The early part of the evening was spent in games of all sorts and about 11 o'clock a bountiful table was prepared by Mrs Meyers and Katie t 2 o'clock every leave and reported having ywable | time. The presents were many and very useful crowd being her daughter, ly was ready body to A very em Runville. friends at ingate, assisted ace with the which is | 1p ont both want to stand both run OOK a' things from a when the } had better bative potat and appears You your TiCRDHals, How to Cure the Lippe Remain Chamber quietly at hon ns ( and a That remedy the grippe to which is really the only Among the ens of thousands who have t for the grippe not one case has ever been reported that did not recover For sale by Greens’ Pharmacy Roland. of Bradford and Bryan to fo any tenden paeun r SeTIOuSs of danger, used Mrs V ing her aunt a Burns Mrs. R The remains of of Pitts are Tucson Co., Hazen reside Sten, ved Ari burg, but who once here on Sunday zona, for buria 5. P. Bathurst, of Johusonburg, visited friends here last week 1 here from A number of our people drove to State Coliege on Saturday night, where they had a very enjoyable tvenmng at the home of Jos Shope Mrs. E home f S Haven A. C. Glenn who has been in a very critical condition for a week. we are glad to say, is much better at this writ ing Miss Alice Neff entertained a number | of our young folks at her boarding place, at Yarnell on Friday evening Mrs. G. Morrison, of Bellefonte, was in town over Sunday. Cartin spent Sunday at the M. McCormick's, at Lock Harris 1 wp. On account of the grip spread Condo's smith shop, at Boalsburg, was closed | some 10 days A musical convention will be held in the Evangelical church at Linden Hall beginning Monday evening, Feb. 1, closing with two concerts Thursday and Friday evenings. The convention will be conducted by Prof. E. W. Crawford, of Centre Hall, An engine of the Lumber Co, was wrecked a short time ago near Shingle. town Joseph BEvey, of Lemont, is seriously Hl with pneumonia, and Frank White. hill's family are down with grip, in that piace Mr.and Mrs. J J. Tressler, of Oak Hall, made a birthday party for their son, William, on 29 There were about fifty of his school mates and friends present, A 7rOV” in signature is on every box of the genuine y. No Cure, no Pay. ve Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day to | , she received i —- od o%) freshine sleep. and Out to rest ish distress. a Nothing adds more to vigor of body and cheerfulness of mind, or aids so well in chasing away the lines ofworry and care fiom the weary brow, as good, sound, re- jut when the gray matter of the brain has been robbed of its vitality constructive strength by weak, worn- and exhausted nerves, sleep gives way less tossing and long hours of fever- Do you want a good sleep? invalid, could weight. Dr. Miles’ assured.” You can get it if you go about it right. D: Miles’ minutes in each 24 hours and down that I had lost nearly 60 pound= in Five weeks after 1 well and had gained 85 From that time m Slee “After four months of intense suffering from nervous prostration I was a helpiess va not eat, did not sleep 350 Was BO run- began using Nervine I eould eat - pound i y complete rece J. C. BTEPHI Carlis Pa Nesvine Relaxes the strain on the excited nerves and gives the repair shops of the brain a chance to make good Sold by all druggists on a guarantee, the damage of the waking g hours. It is a great brain-food and nerve-builder. Dt. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Milesburg. Grant Dvke is again papa, presented to him a uncing recently He that fancies himself 1 because he sees the defi enjiguatened iencies’of others has are because Tale makers may be very Ignorant, not studied his own as bad asthe tale bearer On Tuesday night a sled load of four teen young folks left here for Howard unloaded at Mr. Kep's on the back road a short distance above Howard, had re- and a jolly time arriving day break, Wednesday morn. freshments home at ing Robt. H. Kreamer, 1 move back to the old burg with his fam. fly, in April, Miss lorena the Bellefonte of Nittany, will ] jones is now employed iu hirt factory—on pay-day over $2, her first earnings fifteen of young Friday i eve ight’s fun, the farm > western part ies, named ! Day is the father Mr. Sunday the father Four of LIAN yf sew the sons Mave mar another is engaged, so that it ©» pears every Day w ¢ Sunday Dy Mrs. John Harnish die Thursday n al Wingate ght of puean buria ny Harry TASER in 2 Miss Susie 2 few days , Of Pleasant Gat with her friends la pet I Wir to try hi Sammy Wasson be hie 5 fOIng 1 the plow pext sumn re | | wilh poneun this writing Joseph 18 own gFentlieman { of his He LM son mer a ness Was uried Saturd at ten 0 at the h cemetery on Bran James Scheck and Alpine Lucas made their usua even ng trip to Bellefonte on Saturday Dr. Gobble, of New Berlin, preached a won at the Evangelical church on morning Heplar is having his ng this week, all are cordially in to attend these services The use fine ser sunday Rev protracted vited young people are making good f the sleighing at present On last Wednesday evening Squire Meyer and Ed. Glenn took two sled loads young folks to the convention at Pleasant Gap; every one enjoyed them seives and we wish to thank the young men for kindness, We are very sorry to announce the aeath of one of our best business men in our town. J. Irvin Ross died on Satur day at eleven o'clock after a brief illness of a few weeks of Moshannon. Mrs. Jobn Confer made a trip to Jersey Shore the latter part of the week, to ac. company her mother-in-law, who came home with her Mrs. William Lomison bas returned home, after visiting friends and relatives in Mackeyville and elsewhere, for sev. eral weeks Mrs. J. T. Lucas and son, John, drove to Howard on Saturday to spend a few days at C. C. Luca's Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ridell recent vistors to our town. were Mrs Minnie Bowes was the guest of friends in Peale a few days during the week, J. T. Lucas transacted business at Panther Run on Saturday. Rosa Yandes has been quite {11 the past week Mrs. Sarah Viendorfer has gone to Viaduct, to remain for sometime, Mr. Hobbins has returned home on ac. count of the {liness of his son. The Quickest Way to Break up a Cold. “I have used many makes of patent medicines and most always with some good results,” says Mr, Henry Hoover, of hamokin, Pa., “but the most satisfac. tory and most wonderful in results for colds and coughs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It will break up a cold in less time than any other remedy I ever used,”’ For sale by Greens’ Pharmacy. | time, Blanchard. Hannah is ¢ immunity fo wot | hi e Aa at yt 0 10 court iquor li he good cit have the oppor uniting and blasting his hopes whiskey set of names now have has been done when these 1 had a more respons e on their paper, than the Tommy Smith is al presest undergoing a severe spell of old msg skuess. Being a very ' supposed beart failure i the 2nd y party o Qa the eveniug Chri tend e a0 { Robb co eq : his sled and they spent a at the Tan vA - “a ngme of Jac ob Mr. and Creck, were ome of Mr. and M: ' the 1 Wc 1 iy yw, who was br week ago § st of they ks fool you marned ust M. Weavers A party composed of fifteen d were royally intertained at bomeof A. M. Martin Retreshments they farewe members of our ban the afternoon after which and bid It might have been well bad Mrs tion, of Arkansas visited our town on Tuesday evening Mrs. I. H. Stover has been a Erip vi tim for the last Rev. A.W of the United Evan gelical charge, began his meeting at this place last evening ma: bh» mee] with suc LUSss on Sunday were rendered se served ect musi Na Aas) two weeks Buck Among the many ‘Blind Trio Concert that attended the the other Saturday evening we noticed one couple from near | Fiedler with the maiden other from near P. C locks |. W. Meyer and Andrew chased a steam saw mill pear Laurelt n fair, and the Hollow with sil ver and are busy bringing the same to this | | Make n piace. They will erect it Meyers® plaining mill eration till spring While William Harkens was skating on the Beaver dam, on last Saturday, he happened to skate over a soft spot and went down receiving a cool reception Prof. C. L. Gramley, county Supt., vis. ited our schools on Monday, Der “dox" hut si shotte gasana em Somsdag. Sell maned noch sex wocha mae fum sellum “cold weather” wo mere lasa kenna im booch Mosa wo se de bled. der rum drae mit de knee. Fiedler. This part of our valley received about one foot of snow, Quite a misfortune befell Theodore Hosterman last Friday afternoon. The roof of his saw mill became too heavily loaded with snow and suddenly gave away. Luther Musser and Ed. Ketner were badly bruised, The fields are benefitted by a covering of snow, Roads had been badly drifted. Miles Township. N Rass badly drifted but all are glad or the snow, for the 1 it does wheat fields, your ap ous Two of our most esteemed citizens Samuel Gramley and Thomas 1. er have beth Sout ued 4 the house ojo severe a . Royer hereabout Ww op near J it will be in women in very pieasant " | Boggs towns) Vonada pur. | jai | Fortney & Walker | I XQ Pity and Beauly IKE LEGAL NOTICE! DAVID LAUCK. Altoona Pa W. 0. DAUGHERTY, State ( xf Exe A VMINISTRATOR 5 NOTICH fGEO W Estate BROWN. dm ate of Letters « nistration n said having nt+q tot persons indebted theret are ested to mediate § ment, a having claims or der | Rinst the pre sent them withe the andersigned e*late beet [ra ' ndersigned all ay Tor sett i : W.E. BROWN, Yarns ra Admr Atl vs Cat TION NUTICE the following personal Nitrany, horses and all Parties Are Al A constabhle's sale property of Henry Bartholomew, of was purchased by the undersigned Cow, wagon, baggy. household goods other personal property and all hereby cautioned not to meddle with same Sy WM. ALLEN, Nittany. "a NUH ¥ The undersigned Overseers of the Por Dis triet of the Borough of Bellefonte, hereby give notice that they have sufficient funds on hand 10 pay all Just claims against sald Poor hs trict, and that they will pay all proper 4 bis of sald Distr let presented to them for pay ment on or before the end of this sonal year, viz Mareh th, 1m) JOHN TRAFFORD R 8 BROUSK Overseers of Poor c— We have GOOD INK, GOOD PAPER, GOOD WORKMEN, therefore we can do Good Printing. Come to ue when you need any- thing? Our prices will be found reasonable.