4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., FEBRUARY 17, 1901. The Centre Democrat, CHAS. R. —————— . KURTZ, - - - PROPRIETOR FRED KURTZ, SR., | CHAS. R. KURTZ.{ EDITORS. CIRCULATION OVER 2700. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Regular Price $1.50 per year It paid In ADVANCE . hh» " ADVERTISING RATES. Display Advertising 6 Mos, Or More (PER INCH EACH INSERTION) 100 3 to 6 mos . 150 1 “ to Less than one month mos YEARLY CONTRACTH One Column 2 , 10 32 “ 8 1 inch da No reduction for elec matter Circus and shows 300 per tion and 2¢ per fnch for each gertion of the same matter These prices are net Additional charges made for shanged oftener than ones a position is done In this oMee inches trotyped or stereotyped inch for first inser subsequent in advertisements onth, where com Legal Advertising the first insertion insertion 10 cents per line for 6 cents for eacl nent 1bseq Transient Advertising wants, Sales and like transient matter, set in solid nonpariel, without t displayea, cents per Four ns tisement less thar ein each line leaded or n adver insertio nsertic cents No r week Circulation Over 2700 5 arerage clireu lation of Tuer CENTER is over 7x DEM. COUNTY COMMITTEE, 1901. AIRMAN EDITORIAT a ¥ ad aud slate, aisira RES two quarter democtats of th Tue and Rep Gazette Organs, all, are recommen ling peace fusion between their Well, get then two factions » second the n and th the case honorable Thompson, of Philipsburg, dnd that "ie * some one ! begin w= see whether Tue democratic member from C Harrishary be cousining too freely with the machine of the an ” na at members on mwWany important the chagrin of his demceratic votes, fo brethren. ald Gufly ows the riot act, The democratic organ ir arion sh the fellow should read a Warm uo Chairman | such fe and have them Statid id with (hele/ party for which purpose they Clarion county democrats thot! résent such political Jove making, were elected QUAY and Stone lmye only recently lentned a trick they did not know at the close of the previous session of the legis lature, when the Governor witte the Boss a certificate of appointment as a senator, and bad the senate judge of the constitutionality of such an appointment, which the Sentite set’ aside. Had the two taken the case to some faraway court, as they Od recently will thie) Gov. ernor's unconstitutional veto of part of an item in the school appropriation, the certificate of Mr. Quay would have been endorsed by the back woods court OK no doubt. Such a progeeding would have been as proper as was the bringing of the veto belore the Centre coynty court for un endorgetnent whed the law distinctly says such cases must be heard the Dauphit county court, a 4 | Bullock, | plea non assum psit Eisenkuth Long, CONCLUSION OF COURT. Continued from 5th col. first page. which for some reason was not done and the supervisors had the road measured by a competent surveyor whereupon the supervisors after giving due notice took down the fence and laid it outside the legal width of the road. The plaintiff claims damages for the removal of his fence, the rebuilding thereof and for cat. tle {trespassing on his land by reason of Verdict Wed. nesday forenoon in favor of the defend. the removal of the fence. ants, }. 1 moned Settled. Cortland Wagon Jn Kunes vs in cjectment, plea not guilty, Company vs. L. C, summoned Settlement Ww. E. and John Eisenhuth, John Stoner vs sum moned in ejectment, plea not guilty, | Continued pending terms of settled of Conrad WwW. scire facias sur judgment, plea nil debit, Hannah Long, executrix deceased vs. John Young, Verdict in favor of the plaintiff for one hundred dollars with interest from April arst 1go0 f. O Young, Hannah Long, executrix mrad 0 Ww scire facias sur judgment, plea nil debit, long, deceased vs John Verdict m favor of the plaintiff for one ] fifty of and lars the first hundred and twenty dol cents with interest from day April At this point all 1 GOO not empaneled in the next case were discharged, R. J. Walker Ruse, B. F vs. Isaac Ruse, George Ruse, ling as Isaac Ruse & Sons and George Merrill, summoned it ' TY it and prop in replevin, plea non cej Coutivued at costs jury challenged on account of an imjy tant witness in Philadelphia who failed to get here All jurors journed on Wednesday afternoon scharged REWARD HENCHMEN. Juay machine reward hench ting an trough. WF “i puiiu the t the 1 xpavers several hundred thousan« court, the claring that the court that there is work enough tthey w CArrY nfamy farther | disfrancihse the indey as pun of the Qua th bal! ( Work Jw By Ouay to ma » Ke His viet t of Jue sia upon them A sent to Man Fach one of HALF dozen generals ha been a 1d sucterd yrevioud ones hese half doen sent Wade eed General the war’ and A eat is said to was over Wend the war. Now Geuera has been 10 Su McArthur “ended Wade is to end it again Wnt over whe have nine lives, but McKinley's war bas’ { twice is tiny ends od ha cat Bas lives. -- New Lumber Operation W.D Strunk and hig son Oliver Strunk RECENT DEATHS. Mus, EMMA YARNELL of Salona, was taken to the hospital, at Lock Haven, Monday 28, where an operation | was performed; but it did not give the | desired reliet, She expired Wednesday eve, following. and was Her killed 1a 1894 at Hecla, the Central railroad to take his first car ride, and as he stepped out from behind a widow, husband a box car he was struck by an engine. Mrs, Yarnell is survived by the follow: David R. Wagner, sum- | William, | He | George Whiting, Myrtle, in assumpsit, | Smith, James | children Buffalo of ing named George, of Zion ; of Mrs. Susan and Del of Run ; Oliver, la; Irvin, Hublersburg ; mont, Salona ; Mrs. Sallie Ogden, Clear- An Ida, WO Sur- field, and Ambrose, Johnsonburg other married daughter named resides at Jacksonville. She is al vived by two brothers— Frederick Man- tel, of Beech Creek, and Hope, of lowa Mrs. Yarnell was born in England and to this The greater portion of her married at He her came country when 12 years old life was spent la. For several mouths she made home with her daughter at Salona CHARLES Pa., S Brad Hi ale of brought to 1 NTON ‘nionville ' d to sta Lu dox K, was Tuesday Jan. 29 1, and convey in-law, Ar a son of Joseph Hin- olorado. His three the home of his father cas, Deceased was mother he ton of Leadville, ( dying when he wa months old was taken by his aunt AN ta Lucas. orn two childs rugged en young man 24, when he taken will phoid fever which the ti f his la been employed by Br was resulted in his « me addo ¥, * taken to Montrose and residence of ( 1 vr” 1 ! 10 Aheokuk, lowa . He owne the large h was recen *v. Robert Hamu wh pg around when He ng walter o the vat was a of S About ten mother ont aun moved his with Net plet years ago he to Pittsburg and in yhet 18q7 went to Arizon for his health, Death was due to consumption Winer Scorr WestTox died Mon. day January 28, at his home three miles porth on Bald Eagle, Taylor | shin, Centre gouuly yoars, 3 months asd 2¢y days. He suf fered from grip and feflamation of the in town He was aged s4 om Mooday moved trom Potfers Mills to ispwels, Suteiving are his wife, two sons | a point midway between Port Matilda and Philipsburg on the Black Moshannos. place it on a tract of timber land belong. fog 10 Samuel Matvh, of Lock Haves, composed of 1400 acres, The timbe will be cut into bill stuff, Music School, : Prof COB Z60glek, of Yess Ill, Fh, will open hig “Normal Music, School”, at Centre SIAL, oh Ihe 2d bff! Agni) | andl the prospects are for having a large number of students, pd ny 34 — A blind girl in Ohio got married and ray all 007 JA sumovh ditieple AY A Fhe Strunks bought § papas did will and three dug tery Mus D, Crary ~The body of Mrs. [Dawid Geary reached. Centre Hall on Monday. She died in the hospital at | Philadelphia, where she had been tented [for & tumor] having been in the hospital ! I some four weeks. She war A sister ‘of | | Jonh Dudieni of tear Sprucetown, husband aud several children survive, IACKSON Rama? «died at Madison. burg from d complication of diseases, He ts survived by his wife and six chil Otew at90 by four brothers nod two sisters, Panera! lan Sunday. Age 66 years, 5 mouths and 21 days, nl A She was 63 years old was | He had gone to Evy v~of Lemont, died Thurs- Ah Genghis te ot from preymonts. He st wr sah bo, a0, was 76 years of age and leaves a wife | and six children. A son and daughter | reside at home ; two sous live in Dubois | and two in Pittsburg. Jouxn DORMAN :~On Monday morning lin Snydertown after a long and intense suffering with a cancer in his face. terment Wednesday at Snydertown, WirLLiaM T. CRISPIN citizen of Mill Hall, died on 1st, aged 69 had for the past eighteen vars, ~-a respected vears., Deceased been an invalid He is sur- vived by two daughters, MICHARL S of Greenburr, died on Sunday at hi NYDER heart disease, He and son and three home of He was 71 years and 6 months old is survived by his wife daughters, all married, “BIBLE” WATER. One of the Interesting Cases Tried in Court Last week. TRe case of the Bible si the boro of Centre Hall ters against closed last week's session of court, Thursday at noon The casewas brought by the Misses Annie and Lizzie Bible against the boro for breach of contract council entered written 10 } fs for gg yi into a agreement per year for a water pr after the $7: to run ars, and year the rental was to be of 1h Hog of Ance 1] * t ns get ) nelle « hav empha she 1hoimew » 5 about IL De TAY over Judge Love charged the ry, t box, to find for the Bible ters in the sum of $149 25 I'he cost $185 4 ale docket and witness fees Kocher-Everhart A very preity wedding was celebrated § o'clock at the Kocher Rock The contracting parties were Thursday evening at home of Edward near Springs Miss Kisie Everhart, a daughter of john Everhart, of near Pine Grove Mills, and N. M. Kocher, of Huntingdon county The ceremony was performed by Rev, | H. C. love, ! Coming Wedding. Invitations have been lssoed for the wedding of Miss Mary Leisher, of Reno. vo, 10 Samuel 8. Kaup, of Boalshurg | Centre county. The happy event will | take place at the home of the bride's par. [ents, Mr, and Mis, B. A. Leisher, in | Renovo Wednesday evening, February | twenty seventh at eight o'clock + Yo CAre 4 Cold 18 One Day. Take Lasative Bromo Quinine Tablets All refund the money if It falls Grove's signature ls oo Yo daot of i H } 16 Ameen the 4th, John Dorman died at his home | In- | { | | | (THE GLOBE SSNS DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & CARPETS. Will you be in town this week ? See our Show Windows ol Ladies. .c:i20000 CLOAKS & SKIRTS PRICES JUST ONE-HALF. KATZ 2COMPANY BELLEFONTE, PA HAS MADE THE DEAF HEAR .. Late Allegheny Street Miraculous Discoverie Results and Modern Methods. S arc Obtained DR. I. K. STITES. ces, No. 21 N. Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa Deafness No Longer Incurable CONSULTATION FREE. Dr, Stites, the Eminent Specialist, is Now Demonstrating in Success of The New Treatment for Deafness and Catarrh, ty Offi Jill Bellefonte the Private and Chronic Diseases Easily Cured ™ to bins re of ast NEW ‘WEAF tested dis oe ¢ ad : an ey per iis bo rd ne vet ihe res He as of his 5 ady effected many ™ shed the genni rihe NEW TREATMENT Would Almost Ordinary Conversation Without Trouble g worse and worse from eatarrh and deafness, oatarrh hy lass of hearing. then rinen AR buzzing volsss a SO tery fying with their whistling and shrieking that | was sometimes (canght ¢ Wd eo mtinually and fell wretehed general y fhe New eh | have been taking "ut a short tiae, from our speeialist, Dr Stites, Is di) Lg than anything | have ever heard of. The resail bas been wore than | enn faily for] feel a mest markablie change The head noises have gradually ceased, my hear much improved that | ean now hear ordinar conversation In A room. sod fan thos more hear the evureh hells rising and five alarm whistles, whieh | oounld nn do for a long time on account of the noises In my ears, To day | am on A fair road to health, after one physician pronounced me incurable Respectiinlly, . . JOHN HH. ANDREWS, Belisfonts Set Him Crazy at Times, Now He Ml years | have } r dually inti they gr } grow yore dl ble re Ing Can Now Hear the Traing Passing, Something She was Unable to Hear for Eight Years. Deafness and eatarrh have made me a g oat sufferer for years, Hawking, spitting, drop ping on the throat besides all Kinds of head noses, » & Whistling, burning and ld dy which simost seg me wild at times, and various other Miserable symptoms almost despair of ever being relieved, | grew very deaf could not hear th - trains Which pacndd J for. for to day After = yours deafness | can now hear the fralos ones more, which was the first great Indioation | had of what the Naw TREATMENT Is doing for me, ‘Hours, from 9am. to 12. Jto5 pm and 7 to 8 pm. HN NO INCURABLE CASES TAKEN. | spent a wreat deal ff money for various remedies an cures bul noticed 1illle benedt New TREATHET gave me some hope. and sinee 1ak ing 11 the result is more than | ever | am rapidly recovering | and Bigh!y recommend the NEW TREATMENT to all sufferers, Mas Looy Auman, Mingoville,