Re \ Fe THE CENTRE DEMOCRAY, il PA., FEBRUARY 7, 1901. OUISINA PURCHASE. The Big Erposition at St. Louis Seems Now Assured. TO INVITE FOREIGN COUNTRIES. The President Will Make Proclamn- tion Calling Attention to the Expos sition and Asking Co-operntion—A 5,000,000 Appropriation Favored, Washington, Feb. § I'he committe: on the St. Louis expo yesterday afternoon Yolo separ fa- vorably the priating pecial ill ap £5,000, ~ 1 sition | 000 for the Lou slana P ur @ exposi- tion. The salient features of the bill as finally ag yn by the tee follow The exposition | the arts products of the sea. The presid make proclamation of the the department of stat etting forth the time at which is to be held and the Coples r sent of fore thei preside : to take part appoint per Provision ment of a non- nine person islana sion. to receive num. i8 provid« to be eral expenses troversies as to jurisdic mission and of t} pany, which were fre« massing during lumbian expositi provides for a be sisting of five n members are to memb p sion and two pany. These lect the fifth, upon some named by the Members of the now in the city delighted with excellent prospects which believe the bill agreed upon by t ommittee has for favorable action They are very much gratifi sult of their conference Henderson, who said RO opposition to the lleved that would D beiore the end of next week sens of St. Louis having p the raising of $10,000,000 as of the contract, the speaker good faith of congress is pled proposition The exposition tee say that, with the congress propriation, the expositi total of $15,250,000 t« BAY expenses the f the reed upt 8 to be manufactures il, mines, forests nt thorized eth and inaustrie i8 au ough n ere allowe © the 1 ne Lion « of from omm nn 1embers be name nat by the expositic four members ar and if they cannot person, then he retary of the expositi are ersh com- e 10 86- agree to be treasury is 8 6 n committee the Lie con i at [Tess the Speaker knew of He be- action The citi- led for their part the to the re- with that he neasure be ug f it I ior rov said geod t : in people sts | in Nove Rig Express Robberies PF Whe e | 4 = veal or court merely rested. ar matter at fo each be f Patent OMee Statisties the shows rece ents appilcat cations f M2 ap labels and 127 applications for tration of print here patents granted ding patents re-iss registered, and The number of was 21,106 designs, 52 2.098 appli ade marks n re-lgsues ir registration of tr cations for registrat regis FUR RE) xl marks ! prints expired Were in wed, 1,721 GeRigEns trade labels and 9 that rr patents Life Imprisonment For Youtsey Georgetown, Ky., Feb, 6.-—~Henry BE Youtsey, stenographer to Governor Taylor during his Incumbeney, and who was tried as a principal In the shoot. ing of Governor Willlam Goebel and found guilty, was arraigned before Judge Cantrill late yesterday after- noon and sentenced life imprison ment. When sentence was pronounced Youtsey exclaimed: “1 am innocent to I have been convieted by base and in- | No | famous subordinations of perjury.’ appeal will be taken, and the prisoner Was taken to state prison todal To Be Cardinal Martinelli), Paris, Feb, 6--The Rome corre. spondent of The Temps says a lotter from the Vatican has been posted to Archbishop Martinelll, the apostolic delegate In the United States, notifying him that he will be created a cardinal. The correspondent adds that other let ters will shortly be dispatched, as elght or ten new cardinals will be ereated at the coming cousistory. commits | an exhibit of | and | to | of. | of | ——- - A WEEK'S NEWS 0ONDENSED arn, who was a | is to join Thursday, Jan, Senator M. A. Hanna, lHleutenant in the civil war, the G. A. R. Fire following explosion In a New York box factory burned over nearly a block and gaused $1,500,000 damage. At a fire in the Hotel Jefferson, York, Elenora Downing, a nurse, and Katie Fay, waltress, lost their lives For selling their votes, 21 men Crawfordsvilleg Ind,, have heen franchised for periods ranging 12 to WwW Webb at dis from 20 vears H. Ainsley, # | ompany lent of the nort I uperipten *e ' of ( ntly k in the belt Ing Friday, Feb, Nevada 0 reg Snturday, Feb. 2 Monday, Feb, gS Platt ’ cdnesday nal MARKITS : ! v : ! ] : : he i turkey f poansitry at : i fore Wr and fancy near Inrge wesniery nearby spring to fancy wesis Wertern agoons 2 Ne fancy i 10 fancy small 4 ] and Per w Pennsyly whole large Jonubing Cheese 1 firm mark pten $5 0048 to Hogs aesorted mediums and best Yorkers 10 05.65; light Yorkers and pigs, $5. 6000 0 heavy hogs, B.00U80, Poughe n Wil Bheep steady. choles wethers, Pr common, 203; cholce lamba, ¥.006 0 prim TH Now | Gen. Grant, | the Grant common to good, HOULI; veal calves, 36.00 | vin | IARRISBURG LETTER Measures That Occupy the Atten= tion of the Lawmakers, NEW COURT FOR PHILADELPHIA, The Mensure Passed Finnlly nnd Now Goes to the Governor — Three of the States Favor Pop- Fourths ular Election of Senntors, pondence.) The first victory the exi Har in the repeal libel av | ith in | n rred In on Wed lay last, Grady vole of opi house ting and enact a more the senate when Senator peal bi W p to 16 here | to the new mea and the ultimate re problematic to examine tors of ferve Mar vill H. Jt Uniont phia The throug! bout foxe for Ser amended « bill } distr new congres Renntor Her chair an of the senate and house of appointed at the legislature to confer tures of ot} and cn Iphia of tha escntative of legisla irding the elec tion of United States senators by pop ular vi filed the report of that com mittee with the senate today. The re port declares that fully two-thirds of the states favor such a conntitutional amendment. The resolutions attached to the report were adopted without op position ’ A resolution presented by Senate Miller, of Comberland, which was adopted, authorizes tue superintenden of public bulldings and grounds to nell the senators the desks and chairs the used at the last session. A resolutlo was also adopted thmt the adjutiht general, upon the approval of the gOy- ernor, select from the flags now de posited in the flag room one flag of etch of the two regiments of Pennayl- vania volunteers that served wander and forward the Sime to Monument “hesbelation “ht | New York, to be placed Ih the cates 14 the tomb of Gen, U, B. Grant, n mn it toe ren Inst lon the the fog with eretaten reg me | SERVES THE PEOPLE. VALUE OF THE LOCAL PAPER TO A COMMUNITY. Fills a Demand That Cannot Be Sup. plied In Any Other Way—How the People Can Help It Along—~HBenefits of Advertising. editor of the Rich published an ed all coupled Some time ago the mond (Ind) Enterprise catalogu the il to ho vhich are of Jom inctions as the paper, w to help the raof In return for the paper's friend narried; your par od to the your en you wer rded the g of your were sid week Inf pees and and led your the war lost cow It told bh gtol« and led to thief recoy »W horse had arrest of the you nel he 1 igh the 1 been dull 74 and of your la- were gettin onotony paper urges a : n, d as one of a sult u just | willing to rwip ditar and he will prove his friendshi u “Subscribe for his paper and pay for regularly and get your ghbors to do the same. Send him the news, “Invite him to your plenics and fam. lly dinners, so that he can sat a square meal oceaslonally “Don't call the ticket you give him to the church concert a deadbead. He can't buy tickets from everybody to ev erything, but he will say Kind words of your performance and thus lead others to buy your tickets, “If you hare anything to hay or sell, let the paper assist you to God custom- ern. Advertising that really pays the printer benefits both advertisers and readers, “If you have any Job printing to do, doit take 1t to An outaide ofios, but | lve your gewspaper the first chapes, | U"Give the editor a pointer ocoasion. | Ally or, write him. seasible; kbort, artl- cles, and dont get mag Jf ot falls to see | everything Your way, When he does say a good thing, toll Bith #6 pro shart; rer he ule, and inSuthifngen the editor of youp bo eal paper, Pp to ¥ It nel in advance As a Food For the Skin. To Make “Smooth, Healthy and Beautiful, Dr. Chase's Ointment is Hailed by Thousands of Fair Women. It Every woman, no matter how beautiful her skin, finds need at times of some preparation to overcome the redness to cure pimples irritati and skin and roughness the blackheads and may ¢o Can never ver p the shguring but them, and are y injuriou Powis s of Dr. Ct isa skin 8 the e's tment food y al ithorou cach L s State A.W CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH or PILLS Druggist for Red ad ~ bive ribbon Tuke no other yd dangerous wo bhatd. tutions and tuitions, ¥ r Droggis, r ~ be, ps for Particulars, Testi moninls ur Rellef for Ladies,” in iolier by return Mall, 19.000 Ten als. Sold by all Drugeista CRICHESTER 2100 Madison Square, Mention this paper Safe, ’ Ladies, mk CECH ENT ERS ENGLISH Gola ola » er w CHEMICAL ©O PFHILA., FA, WITHOUT DOUBT he Best Family Paper Published NEW YORK WEEKLY WITNESS 16 Pages. Only $I a year. THE WITNI} Has a very it does the fo NEw \ The Goodwin Washer Invention WILL WASH : Thor IFS hand mm Oni 3 1.1 sili CICAN ne or b | = piece ag thoroughly as its full Capacity, lace Lace curtains, ‘ lothing or delicate fabrics without injury. With Jess. labor . than machine on the murket. Pb ———-— WILL NOT: Tear clothes, tone, any rub off but turn clothes yellow, or kill a womun to operate it. Cheapest and Best Washing Machine Ever invented. If you want to know more address —————————— PRAY RPT om i PHARMACY echler & Co. ~ Sechler & Co. | Bush House. - Bellefonte, Pa. AW News and Opinions oman'’s| OF National Importance Rl Rach | ¢ BHT g=3 SUI ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Dally, by mall, « + . Daily and Sunaday, by mail, $6 a year $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the. greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world, Price 56. a Copy. By mall, $2 a year, Address THE SUN, New York, S————— ———— a————— Garman's Emuoire House MAIN STREET, TYRONE, PA. AL. 8. GARMAN, Proprietor, Ever thieg pew, clean and inviting. Specia! pains wif be thket to entertain | Cemtre county people when traveling in that section, pr — Centre Con igh And Sor ity, Banking Co. d od Spring ‘Recxive DRIOSER, Diseouart Hom J. M. SHUGG ERT. Cashier,