} A hen be ready to saw count of inclement weather THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 21, 1901, 7 CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- calitiecs—What is Transpiring Your Section Represented ? Is Boalsburg. Owing to the illness of the correspon dent there were no items in the last issue Mrs, L. W visiting friends and rela has home; well who ives 1m has been Altoona, everybody Kimport, returned reports Pres. the will have Feb 22, the members of an church, of this place, On byteri “Down t town hall entitled a play in the , have already begun in Dixie they 1 C Durst, has | h her NOY Summin Mrs been Ashier, of wi Q two weeks Mrs. W. A. Woods has Mar- shall, Mo., to visit her daughter, Mrs, | Place. Mr. Place is a professor in a | musical college Miss Woods accompanied her mother to station gone to of the above town, Rose the Rev. Crowe, of Hublersburg and Keschner of Centre Hall, assisted Black with his week of praver his communion on Sunday. members of the German church communed, and g new members Rev Rey and with About 150 | Reformed | joined the church. One of our young men took his lady friend to Centre Hall to Farmers Institute and on his return said he never liked to | drive so far because it always gave him $0 much rheumatism in his arms. Of course you can’t blame the young man | being unexperienced in that line of work. | Dr. L. E. Kidde: reports having about | 34 calls to make daily on account of the many cases of la grippe. lo give a list | of the people ill would require too muchof | our valuable time and paper The Blind T last week; thei should mis We are friend, Clyde C ill in Altoona w town one day grand, no one musical treat xey, who ¢ th tuber Jace | hat has been erian chur a Mayes, lady, also ine Grove erman and oi Newton lad Kre and John Zion. » that fu B : should We Are ) isher back aj f the | F he has ight about £ shoes fre once est selections of ym 10 work at we UCOTsSs Chariey Rockey Phoeby ¢ what m Suppose rakes an tell it ; how about it Charley Eby & Workman Brothers full time the to get through are running ast few weeks, they expect sawing this week: will shingles; any one wishing to have shingles sawed should | i in their logs at once hring Ting 1A yf odd fellows and families at the at the evening the report having a very nice the snow Some ent our wed themselves Hublersburg 24 in they time comming bome through Rev, Bickel give a mons commencing Thursday evening Rev. H. I. Crow will preach on Friday | evening; preparatory services on Satur. | day afternoon at the usual! hour; will celebrate the Holy communion on Sunday | morning, at 10 o'clock banquet on of st will series of Ser. i The caucus was held at the west pre. cinct on Saturday afternoon with a poor turnout; fellow citizens, you should have torned out at such an important time The candidates for office are as follows, | for school directors: John Beck and J. D Miller. For supervisors and Albert Shaffer, Dunkle. Reg. assessor sessor: Conard Lesh Hoy. Auditor Benj. Town Harvey As- Beck | C. | clerk Wolfs Store, The caucus meeting at this place, last Friday, was not so well attended on ac- The fol- lowing were nomicated judge of election, T. PF. Brungart ; inspector, D. B. Weaver; | registration assessor, O. H. Wolfe, | At this writing Mother Earth is covered with eleven inches of svow. Although the grain fields have suffered very much, if the ground now stays covered till Spring, we may expect an ordinarily good harvest, Ambrose Douty will move to Madison. burg, next spring. It is rumored that Harry Waite will Ko to Chicago, [If this is correct we wish him abundant success. The sawmills at this place have shut down for a few days on account of the deep snow in the woods Reuben Stover, from Livonia, is this week at the county seat serving as a juror, . J. 8. Harter and Reuben Sheatz came bowe from Sugarvalley where they had been working on a lumber job, A. B. Wolt was down with the gripp a few days last week. Some of our people were to Sugarval. ley last Friday to attend a public sale, ' | Hollow is very good | nights till | Yarnell. E. I. Walker's new sawmill has not | yet arrived, but he is expecting it every day. James Coakley has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks, grip being the cause. Some people think they can soon hear the wedding bells ringing in our commu- nity, The old store room owned by Michael Heaton, which W. E. Brown used for a ware room, is leased from Mr. Heaton, and to be turned into a club room which i$ to be known as the Mountain room. Club Quite a number of our folks attended local institute at Roland, on Friday evening, and all report having a good time young One of our hustling voung men left hi whiskers grow for Katie, but had to cut them off to get the marm; then she took him along home and kept him Sundg school over Harry Schartz, of Howard, spent Sun day in our community with his best girl $ the debate at Holt and in Yarnell say Keeps ome y'elock, Martin Fetzer and Mi spent Sunday at the home A. Daley TW deep over § Gertie C of Hon mn fer John Croft reg at Fairview the yorts now Toner Fetzer has been laid up for the ast week with a bealed jaw, 3 but is ting vet beter, Quite a number of young folks n John K Rockeys the bad a taffy and all rej a good time P. L. Croft was home for a fe bat returned to where employed by Wm. Jacobs other night party ort Clarence Mingoville. had better take care to the ridge or you eight-inch shoes after Harry B., you when you go out might get them you I wonder what was wrong with our No 2 correspondent last week [ gues gu { skunks got away with him It seems to me those Zion peog able in killing their they had better ca 01s of tr Mr i On . three of Ming and then | ham't goville, wi that s we kick [ wonder why Hecla school , of Hublershuryg ce the pict day I wonder why F i from the burial of his mother Ever's up on the old intend to d of moved near Hablersburg Markle piace where ) the farming they Our professor at Mingov been asleep thing of him have * must last week have to ied n Samuel, you wil feed your birds now they cannot get on the gr LA ommence to 8 snow lays, as 1 idy Dunkle went tot she was home to visit her Miss Minnie Rockh at Hecla. Now, Hurrah for tue sleighs ! The last week's correspondent was not dead but sleeping Last week we were favored with atx ith about | ten inches of snow |. J. Johustonbaugh was to Bellefoute on a business trip, on Saturday The youngest son of Henry Deitrich was very sick with croup, but is better . | at this writing. Joseph Emerick | The people of this place are nearly all taking advantage of the fine sleighing. Grandmother Neff, who had a slight attack of the grip, is now enjoying the best of health, at the age of So. The writer has been informed that Betz and Graden have bought the Bush tract on the ridge, consisting of 110 acres. Jerry Snook is still busy hauling im. plements to Millheim Wagner & Co. are busy drilling for water at Frogtown, but haven't had suc cess; about the time the frogs begin yelping the water will be plenty, Mrs. James Neff and Grandmother Neff were the guests of Claud Johnson on Sunday. Mr. Auman and family have moved to Scotia, where he and his oldest son will be employed at the ore banks, Unionville scribe, that song was all right ; give us another one, The sales and movings will be numer. ous ; we will name thew later, We wonder whether Stanley sent us this suow from Harrisburg The Quickest Way to Break up a Cold, “I bave used many makes of patent medicines and most always with some Joos results,’ says Mr. Henry Hoover, of hamokin, Pa., ‘but the most satisfac. tory and most wonderful io results for colds and coughs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It will break up a cold in less time than any other remedy I ever used,” For sale by Greens’ Pharmacy, Milesburg. It was whispered, from one to another, that Wm, Newman and Miss Elsie Sheckler, were married on Sunday the 27th, The new century will have 24 leap years, the greatest number possible. This opportunity afforded women will certain. give them numerous leap year privileges Now girls the first leap year leap and make good your claim on your best fellow : The first question a man asks when he whether she is FRi1ses sees a girl flirting | re It No honest, virtuous gir! in such pas brushed Spe table or not once, ford t the down is beauty is 1, and when a le that weet ning aud whic and re her gro at charm y ind time from the It can ney g girl ulge marred Sloe your lightly a erve 80 becot her to the command she loses Some per 5, two themselve ery famil evening, 19th, and Linn Mt when the Fulton a wer mport that hou there at perpetrator good h unfortunat en from his hic 5, the other a 1 ima McCle SChoo!, not § wi Alvin Smith, Of 11s parents Saturday Clayton Packer Haven, were summon day to attend the funeral of her Mrs. Laury Bathurst, at Roland rialon Monday Baird, of Philipsburg, spent a days with his parents, ph Baird and wife, ed home on Satur mother, Bur Frank few y§4 Smith is Frank Howard now emploved Young lady have the courage to cut the most agreeable acquaintance vou have when vou are convinced | “A friend mities” but not that he lacks " ne bear with a friend in with h he use o some mason work dropped her hush they anvalza, They Bruce Gramley, Aus were highly pleased wit The blind trio ompany, were hereon Friday e on account bad weather and poor turn-out, did give a concert [quite a number went Millhetm on Monday eve to hear them Centre Hall. Sam Runkle, who sports the fine grays, itis said, will accompany landlord Will Runkle to his pew home in York. and have some say about the stables. concert ¢ ve of not to 5. A. Kerstetter advertises he will pay no debts contracted by his wife, Yesterday, Jan. 30, the viewers, S. D. Ray, W. C Patterson and George Keller, met to determine the expediency of erecting another election precinct in Pot- ter township, to be known as the Western Precinct. This would make the third election division for that towuship. Captain George Boal, our postmaster, has not bought the Dinges property, as was reported, owing to a difference about the purchase Deafness Cannot be Cured by local app!icatio diseased portion o WAY to cure Deafness tional remedies flamed oc ondithm Huntachian Tube y hen this ed you have a rumbling hearing, and when ness is the resnit, and unle can be taken out and this tube restored to its pormal condition. hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are oalised by entarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mu~ous sir faces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Dealuess (caused by eatarrh) that ean not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for oireulars, free . OHRNE 4.0 Y & OG, Toledo, 0, AF Sold by Druggisie, Too, ha ’ Hall's Family Pills are the best, As they cannot reach the fA here js only one And that is by aonstity. ontised by an in the mu Hntug of the tirely closed Deaf t the Infamation Ara the warning cries from overworked, hungry and exhausted s that have been abused and til could in no longer without a pro- worried, we ontraged nature tearing, dreadful heed our reach? : and the best of i not Dr. M cured me.” AY RY fom ¥ ill Dr - y fr a [ I'¢ Sold by all druggists on a guarantee. 12 ~ 21d4nNcC | «11 , Fi imore. highly w ho th a ped two from these molaer, There ur wounds, ac Aged Mrs. Becl very cnt » | 3 Mer enn nip. owns Roland. ocal institute, held here , proved a success in every Large audiences witnessed both Friday evening and Saturday The program on Friday evening was of a literary character, all the nearby schools participating Prof, George Park Singer, of the Lock Haven Normal, was present all day on Saturday and gave many highly interesting and instructive | experiments showing air pressure. Prof, Singer has a pleasing manner of present- ing his subject. The experiments were all so simple, so practical and so easily arranged that we hope the teachrs will carry them to their schools. We antici. | pate the time when we will have another | opportunity of baving Prof, Singer with X . ae a ; | us. A number of teachers were present | [Al [Or Weeks; 1s living on what with us from nearby districts. Their : | presence was highly appreciated. The 2Hinst wn 25 and | way Sessions wrong; itis either her 5 ~ : food mill. She has she had stored in that pl ump 3 ‘He La Grippe Quickly Cured. itt “In the winter of 1898 and 18g I was | taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe" says F. I. Hewett, a prominent druggist of Winfield, 1, | “The only medicine I used was two bot. ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It! broke up the cold and stopped the cough. ing like magic, and | have never since been troubled with Grippe.” Chamber. | lain’s Cough Remedy can always be de. pended upon to break up a severe cold | and ward off any threatened attack of | poeumonia, [tis pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and | one of the most popular preparations in | use for these ailments. For sale by Greens’ Pharmacy. $ilamnd Lil le body Of he rs. and Cod take; it will save her. The genuine has this oie ire it, take n If vou have not for free sample. 1s taste will surprise vou SCO ‘A & BOWNE, Li ae 400 Pearl 8t., = N.Y. « and $1.00 druggists, other aggreealle 5 al tried many different remedies wit) ting any relief and at iles’ Nervine, y " : y $ ] a 4 > re) . Miles Newuralgia’s Pangs “I run a flouring mill and sometime ago I thought I should have to give it up on account of the neuralgia from which I suffered. I endured was something awful, and the jar of the machinery seemed unbearable, 1 terrible headaches and The pain ont rot bottle of ive bottles , er JOHN W, BACK » 3 Honeoye, NY. ervine. nich v AACA ourishes, Pe) Elkhart, Ind, 1 cal Co, ] y 201 We have GOOD INK, GOOD PAPER, GOOD WORKMEN, Good Printing. Sechler & Co. Mushrooms Salmon. Lobsters. Sard nes and Ni w Mackerel. MINCE MEAT ---We are now making our genuine home made mince meat. All our friends who have used it know just what it is. The best that can be made and the price only 12 1-2 cents per pound. We can name only a few of the leading items. Come and shop You will find goods to supply all your wants, through our stock. Sechler Bush House. - Bellefonte, Pa. | Centre County Banking Co. Corner High and Spring Rucrive Drosrrs; Discount Norse hori J. M. SHUGGERT, Cashier.