THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 24, 1001. CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- calities——What is Transpiring—Is Your Section Represented ? Unionville. George Calhoun and family, of Miles burg, are visiting at the home of his father, Irvin Calhoun. Superintendent C. L. Gramley visited the schools in this place ou last Friday and found them in a ‘high state of culti. vation.” The professor 18 a handsome man. Why the ladies exclaimed as he passed along the streets "Ain't he pret- ty ?"' The town council have put up a test lamp of one hundred candle power on Bathurst's corner and it is giving per: fect satisfaction. It makes a strong white light, almost equal to most of the arc lights in use in otner towns. Nothing slow avout Unionville. W. Harrison Walker, and his friend Mr. Holloway, came up from the county seat on last Saturday evening. No arrest was made, but the police were on the alert in case of trouble. Esq. The teachers local institute, held here on last Saturday, was a decided success, if we are allowed to draw one conclu sion from the short time it was oar pleasure to be present, The music ren. dered by the choir was exceptionally fine. We have not, at our command, ad- jectives strong enough to do them justice, Mrs. Sarah C. Brown manipulated the organ. Miss Rose Hoover, of Patton township, recited “Selling a feller’ in such an easy, graceful manner, as would have done justice to many a professional | elocutionist. Miss Maud Johnston re- | cited ''The Bridge Tender’s Story’’ ma | very impressive manner. Her graceful | gestures. ease of manoer and expression | of countenance, were pleasing features | in her address. Pretty little Rebie Cal. | houn surprised every one present by her | recitation of “Take Care.” Her voice was clear, and strong enough to be dis- tinctly heard in every part of the house ; | her pronunciation and articulation were | almost perfect. t was a fine treat Among the many teachers present were Professors Meyer and Fortney both of whom aided in entertaining the audience generally and a couple of our young ladies especially. Not having been pres- ent at other sessions we are unable to give future details, but, judging from pab- lic opinions, the institute was highly entertaining and we hope proaatabie to the teachers and scholars who were present We have a few machine-made rhymes | which will tell own story-—to the tune—''Yankey Doodle’ without chorus A 1 i its Here it goes :— Six pretty little maidsns fai: With cheeks so fresh and rudy, Mot at a neighbor's b Their use one night | Into the kit Then nau Save pans and d LF ng | | » underzo the coolir Then all went merry as a marriage bell With joy and song elated, But when they went to get thelr sweets, It had evaporated girls” cried Bess, “Our taffey’s gone | « taken by the cats ike another lot in Rough on Rats said Flora have that wen't do might some gone would hook™ It I'l] Just bet you what you dare T'was the nasty boys that took It Known MORAL Always bear in mind this rule, Don’t put your taffey out to cool. Then Mabel said, “Well, I don’t care, I don't like taffey any way. Say, girls ; let’s go and get a drink of ice cold water out of the mill race’ “No,” said Mag gle “come with me and let's eat raw onions.” “The nasty mean things" said Bess, “I wish the'd burn their mouths with it."" Just then a gentle tap at the door reminded them that it was time to adjourn, they did, but they had lots of fun over the joke that was played oun them by the nasty’ boys. Domino, Centre Hall, Rev. Rhoads is having an interesting protracted meeting. Prof. Crawford isteaching a large class in vocal music at Tusseyville. Rev. Rearick is about to open a series of meetings in the Lutheran church. Helen, daughter of John Breom, is ill with lung fever, Rev. Warden well known in our valley, is holding union meeting in the Reformed unl Lutheran union church at Tussey- ville. Ed. Foreman is happy over the ar. rival of a little son ; and Thos. Benuage is cheered in the same line, Tu new thing landlord James Run. e, Howard Homan has changed his place of employment from Altoona to Moutan. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails | continues it will to cure. FE. W. Grove's t «each box. ase, Sganwte "on Snow Shoe. The revival meetings being held at the M. E. church, are increasing in at. tendance. Rev. Durkee is assisting Rev, Faus with the meetings, All are invited to attend F. P, Geary the tounsorial artist was not feeling well Sunday. He has gone home for recuperation. We hope he will return soon, Miss Womelsdorf, the kindergarten worker at this place, visited her home in Bellefonte over Sunday. Nothing has been heard of Miss Shel. ley's book on Hoboism as yet, but that doesn’t say that she succeeds better as a hobo than as a writer, and has gone back to the profession. All things come to those who wait, if they don’t expire be. fore they have waited long enough ; even hoboism. Roll Shope was seen in town Saturday A. A. Roun, the engineer, has troubled with a pain in his side since last Sunday. He is better at this writing and expects to resume work Monday. heen The Snow Shoe engines were run on Sundav, Jan. 6th This is the first time Snow Shoe people were privileged to see car wheels turning in town on Sunday for some time, J. B. Yarnell has gone on the M. VY. railroad as brakeman, Hoyd B. Shank has left Snow Shoe to attend a business institute at Buffalo, N Y. Snow Shoe will be sorry to lose him, but will wish him success. The dance seemed to be very enjoyable I, A. Gripp was there and grabbed a few victims for forms otherwise everything was lovely. Old mother earth little bit out of her usual the plane of her orbit tainly not getting what in comparison with other winters be the land slide, after the Nov. election, had something to do with it. It seems as if there has been a great displacement somewhere SAKC, must have tilted a inclination to We are 1S coming to us May- cel are glad to meet you. Hope you will stay. A reinforce ment is alwdys encouraging, and the way some scribes have been abusing the Snow Shoe itemizer is fierce, to put it mildly. Now, perhaps there will | little consideration on the part of wou be critics of the Snow Shoe news pounders. The next insinuation the good purposes of said compounders will t in the matter being from a combative standpoint A certain young man in hereby instructed to stop and think remember, “It is not all of life to live To reflect seriously on who furnishes the coal he burns away into the wee small hours. He may be thus making it com fortably warm for himself and but there mav be chances of his making it hot for himself if this is Snow Shoe No. 2, we agains resul waked ur this town is To herself, kept | beyond a reasonable period of time night of the entertainment at the byterian church an unusually amount of coal was consamed. I resait in exposure Milesburg. Wm. Br ned to Burnham on of visit with his family Robert Broom is at present confined his bed with com pit The blind tric and entertainm to vocal a hay wagon, 1's residence m what njoyed to | we could the them carn of {selves hugely Harrison Ammerms: sick list for several days been on the Tomer Hugg has returned home Philipsburg where he 1s employed clerk in one of the stores pur poses ing his family there as mow Andrew Hugg and wife spent Sunday in Philipsburg with his parents, Miss Mary Bavarr arrived home from Philipsburg, recently, where she was em ployed at the Swan House Mrs. Harris Hugg returned bome to Philipsburg after a brief visit with her parents here, Irvin Kline has opened a cobbler shop in the old postoffice room, owned by the Green estate on Mill street, he your patronage, give him your work solicits It is rumored that James Gregg will leave the burg in the near future with his family-—busivess calls him else. where. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay Price 25 cents Tylersville. Mrs. Mary Wolf, of Potters Mills, was visiting her many friends and acquaint ances in this vicinity several days last week, Thomas Weaver lost a valuable cow last week. They found the animal dead in the stable one morning, but do not know the cause. H. B. Hough and family, of Penn Cave, were seen in our town on Saturday. Some of our voung boys had a fight one night last week. They had better go slow and be on good behavior hereafter. Miss Cora Weaver, of Peun Cave; ac- companied by Miss Emma Weaver, of Hublersburg, were visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Boyd Miller, west of town, several days last week Oscar Herlather is going to quit farm ing this spring and have public sale, but we have not yet heard what he contem. plates doing. Deafness Cannot be Cured by loeal applications, as they cannot reach the diseased prtion of the ear. There is only one way too Deafness, and that 1s by constity- tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous Hinlug of the Eustachian Tube When this tube gets inflam od you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed Deal ness is the result, and unless the inflammation oan be taken out and this tube restored to its hormal eondition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by entarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the musous sys faces We will five One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by eatarrh) that ean. not be cured by Hall send for circulars, free, | CHENEY & 00 T oC h 0, Toledo, O, Druggisia, 750. "" amily Pills are the best, - - Catarrh Cure, So Sola Hall's All bashful lovers have heart failure. ¥ Julian. Miss Ella Davis is learning the dress | | ster, making trade at Bellefonte, Arthur Irwin is home from college on a week's visit, Mrs, Catharine Williams has returned home after an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs, Hall, Some of our young meu are so devot. edly attached to Unionville that they can't get away without taking part of it along with them, The revival at this placa being con ducted by Rev. E. S. Latshaw and wife is still in there quite a nuinber sons. the good work continue, bemg Let progress, of conver home from We under. probably the Howard Turner came Walls last week on a visit stand there is an attraction, lady from Bufialo Perry Parsons transacted business at Osceola last week, Mrs. Ed. Irvin, 0 few days with Ed's Mrs dropsy. her Miss Be » Fleck Saturday her sister Daniel Straw Little hope recovery home on time with returned after spending at Johnstown SOne Ope night recently T, A there were thieves only girl home It is a he tri walk n his barn, Gordie after the hor waking enough out runt drive iy cone cousin, 11 der 1 Bae rst at! that they inhabitant ing the may i in their CASE On 1eCornr« and St ne of our around Pp, one Walter an exce store O11 De hustlers and you want to eal Mrs 1ssa visi ast week LyroOr EC'S man, the is seen got At week visilin in our burg James I. Ettinger, ir the past few weeks has been we Milton, returned home on Saturday for an indefi nite period Wyle Bros people with fresh ally bave a fine stock ble to dispose of them Beni Gramleys, of Aurora were the guests of the gentleman's si Mrs Wert, for severa week rking in are again sh and they supplying as they have no our usu trou- amin days Jesse of this pl sonburg witl Limbert and son, spent Sunday in Madi gentleman's brother Rev, Gearhart, Fred of the Lutheran church, organized a catechetical class on last Friday evening, and has fair sized class under instruction Thos, C. Weaver last week at Coburn running the grain house for his brother, Calvin, who was confined to his home by iliness William Houser has ured a clerk ship in a store in Brisbin, Clearfield Co., and left for said place one day last week Prof. I. KE: Boob's singing class is a decided success and is attended by a large number of our young people, The projectoscope entertainment, made mention of in our last communication failed to materialize, but we understand it will be held here before long spent SY Miss Mazie Forster was a Bellefonte visitor Monday. Gregg Township. The cold harmfully om fields. Harry Confer, of the Spring Mills Planing Mill Co., made a fine pulpnt and presented it to the United Hvangelical church, Wm. Alexander, the miller, is housed up with quinsy. Mrs. Michael Tibbens has been ill for some time, old age bearing down upon the estimable lady. of late have told unprotected wheat blasts the Popular Song, Words And Music Com- plete, Free. To introduce our family dollar maga. zine to new readers we will mail over 100 of the best secular and rag-tithe songs, words and music, in book form absolutely free to all sending 10 cents to pay for a trial subscription to our paper or the whole family, Address Vober Blade Co., Waterville, Maine. By the time we get horseless sleighs we'll probably have snowless winters, Louis Irwin, at Centre | | Sunday, near the Robert Cooke farm, in Howard. Joseph Diehl, our enterprising huck- received a car load of hay and a car load of corn, and is looking for a car of potatoes this week, Mrs. Rachel Lucas i relatives in Williamsport, visiting Rev. Burgen immersed five persons on the Bald Kagle, Mrs. James Lucas, wife and child, ar rived on the Friday might train. John Long, of Tyrone, visited friends here on Sunday John A Anna Sunday Thompson and daughter visited relatives at Snow Shoe Nannie Lucas Thursday of her brother Oscar J DeHaas is n Philade Lora few wees wa calied to on account of the reported ill with phia, where she has avi atharyn Beech Creek Confer | siting irned HOw 1ecov and on the | ne the house i week Haine where he returned » Milton : past week has been em ved for some time Moshannon. sited at the home of at this place ' has been the past few weeks Miss Kate B fer were to and F Viehder- 2 ] 1 piicfonte, Tuesday a week Mrs ick list of late Henry and Roll Borger and cas have been employed in papering it here recently. ) Yeager has on the is better at present Daniel wen James 1's school house, near icertamnly be an improvement Mrs. Matley, of Philipsburg, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Williams, A few of the schoo the bome of Milford Yandes one evening last week and had a taffy pulling. Riris were not in it, but it was no fault of the boys for they would have liked to had them there. Charley Williams wears a very pleasant smile since the arrival of a boy at his place last week. A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shangraw for their young niece, lola French, it being her ninth birthday. The invited guests were Alma and Mmnie Beightol, Eva and Helen McGowan, Nora Davis, Lucy Fleming, Martha Kerin, Malvina Mar. tin, Virgie Confer, Rita Lucas and Mag- gie Bierly, They passed the time very pleasantly, eating taffy and playing games until about 8:30 when refreshments were served consisting of cake and ice cream, which was considered quite a treat at this time of the year The young folks say they bad a very nice time. Sober. Miss Katie Breon has returned home from John Heckman's where she had been working Miss Minnie Zerby from Bellefonte has been visiting her parents, Andrew erly, John Tigen's son is improving Mrs. Dunlap aod her cousin were visit. tors at Paul Lingle's, Daniel Shook is hauling paper wood for U. G, Herman, Wolf brother's and W. W. Jamison | made a business trip to Millheim. Call, what made yon so late on Sunday morning, her | boys gathered at | The ! LA Wd) ttt dest He or Houserville. We had DAS past Some vey coid the werk har Sara et a fall, which was no Sealth Rheumatism. mach WOrk. 10 do vou will cure do no harm, The wav, to cure Is to stop its cause, the body get back to its habit | of | wealth, When Scott's Emulsion of d Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine ha this picture on it, take no other, If vou have not tried it, send for fre sample, its agreeable taste will surprise You. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. and $1.00 ; all druggists. 5 to stop We have GOOD INK, GOOD PAPER, GOOD WORKMEN, Sechler & Co. Table-Oi Pickles Ketchups, Nances. Mushrooms. Salmon. Lobsters, Sardines and New Mackerel. MINCE MEAT ---We are now making our genuine home made mince meat. All our friends who have used it know just what it is. The best that can be made and the price only 12 1-2 cents per pound. We can name only a few of the Come and shop You will find goods to supply all your wants, r & Co. Recive Derosms; Discount Nores JM. SHUGGERT, Cashier, leading items, through our stock. Sechl