THE OENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 24, 1901. ' A Bull In the Republican China Shop. PINGREE ON THE RAMPAGE. Tells of the Woeful Plight of the Common People. stupendous scheme to loot the treasury a scheme of public plunder utterly | unjustifiable as either a business or a moral proposition — which will take $£180,000,000 of the people's money and | give it to a few greedy speculators. | Further along The Petroleum Gazette | sounds this clear and unmistakable warning to Republicans: Some of the Washington dispatches have indi. | th re and purpose of a few Republicans cated 1 IHariy 1 nl 0 pecu terested att®upt to give it ¢ for { nd thus 1 h it t " ship sul A part Reg ney \ } tion » it ' MAKES A STARTLING PREDIOTION. | A Says the Present System of Inequnii- ty Will Precipitate a Senator Chandler Gets His tus—Ship Subsidy Steal Lambasted, Hanna's Scheme For an Extra Ses. slon=A Question That Might Arise Presidential Succession — A Man ns Bright Carolina~The Election of Quay. fo Youug From North >t al Wa A bull in a « garded by the lican as an a1 compared witl late Republ Whatever el he cannot be lack farew shot expel tendir cony the full conside the g must great « ple. If been bro publican 1 Then nake the in charg: tion | ent quart bloody of our start! William E, Chandler, and Os and di; { He ar a 1 1 and last, W to extract a his 14 Nevert) dence polit noon, Ma perhaps ¢ from the "Ww ark tl appearance In that body of Be Willlam A. Clark of Montana and stor Joe Blackburn of Kentucky If Kamuel J. Tilden knows what Is hap pening here, he will be happy at that hour, Warning to the 6G, 0, PF, The Petroleum Gazette, “an Inde pendent oll and gas journal,” as it de peribes itself, and really with a decid ed blas for Republican principles and schemes, can't stomach the Hanna Payne ship subsidy job and prints these great headlines, which must cause the junior senator from Ohlo td wince: “The Delusive Ship Subsidy Bill; Overfed Snake Is Colled Within Its Complicated Folds; How the gcheme Would Work; Ol Men Are Particularly Interested In the Defeat of This Iniquitous Measure” Then through column after column it pours a broadside into this latest and most likely his final IH also 1 nator Sen Revolution, QQuie- | Presidential Succession ’ Roosey a legal tithe But, t« suppose that a were now in nam r. MeKinl president elect, were no and a Democrat of state. If Mr. McKinley dent elect and the Democratic dent should both die and the of state who succeeded should deem It his duty to hold on as long as he could, | or suppose, Instead of the amiable ( olo nel John Hay, some Republican were secretary of state who was avarlk of power of who didn't deem Colonel Roosevelt fit for the presidency and should succeed to the presidency by reason of the death of his chief, then what would happen on March 4 and who would be president after the ith of March? I submit this question to those who are fond of solving such problems and have the lelstire for In. dulging In such luxuries, which I have t president now serving pecretary the n= presi presi secretary | | | fous not. Really, In the events referred to the presidential succession would be as | puzzling as the relationship of children born to a father and the marriage of the son to a widow and of the father to the widow's daughter, a mathematical for which one has ever been able to give a satis. his son by problem no | factory solution. revolution have fire muddles much ke war and hinged important than this quest and it seen | duty af the ney COnEgre tol Civil quently on im of HCeCes slon y me the lmperat to clear up that may Congressman Kitehin, 4 ' {tO COngrs } New Senator From Colorado f H to i THE KICKER A Theory of His Rise and Progress. The word “kicker” is no more slang, but an honorable term admitted by the lexicographer to the round table of English This acceptande of the word proves that there w for it ; that pet i h need e had sh lar ge to y real A certain cla of peo these A i WOT 1 ef. of dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach apd organs of digestion and nutrition by the use of Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery It always It almost always cures, : 8. ( openhaver, Feq., of Mount Union, Huntingdon Co., Pa. (Box 222), writes: "About twelve VEATS ARO I was suddenly taken in the pit of the stomach violent | could not walk It would grow more until 1% caused and ting of a iin | uted a cons with a wh sr pan ch was so vere waterbrash vom phy e told m ! ’ " of « ( a and trea but m He treated and 1 fel " four 1% 11 jp fOr 11 In Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, $900 REWARD eR Er Matt Gunny |Liverita, The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. | boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5¢ Senator Will w Hamm on privileg i nd the few 4 ch remain to him patriotic inner investioation to elections, could I of senanto in a more than into the compnns the ele and into the condition of Pennsylvania polities and me no doubt that would cheerfully k Adler to the gu useful and hy pustitating in ways and means used ce rls In general. 1 have frother Wanamaker 1d Brother Chane with a superabun- dance of evidence that it would of a soap factory to hold their noses to keep from fainting Du 1riln go odoriferous the compel employees tion of Senator Quay, | | We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, | P p Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness wé cannot cure with 4 » Ld boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Clinton and Jackson Sts., "Chicago, Illinois. M. Parrish, For sale by C Nervita Medical Co., Corner | Sold by Druggists, Bellefonte, Pa, Factory Loaded " New Ri al ” and “Repeater” RE ALL DEALI ————————————— ‘New Rival,’ “Leader,” “Repeater.” WINCHESTER loaded with Black powders. loaded with Smokeless powders. Insist upon having them, take no others, best shells that money can buy. Shotgun Shells. “Leader” and you will get the KEEP THEM, — S$ PILES! PILES! PILES! HY MTOM Mulstare] Intense Hehing worse by serntehing. If allowed to son. Hume tumors fein and Re TNT whieh SWAYNIE'S BINTMEATY and bleeding, absorbs the = hy mall for 00 AdAroms S OLDEST. SUREST SAFEST CURE fi ddiiih ih A A At ww DE SIGNS TRADE MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS 4 OBTAINED, 4 i ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in * Inventive Age ” 1 Book “How to obtain Patents” 4 1 in secured. | Letters strictly confidential abet £. O, SIGGERS, P font Lawyer t, Washington, on, , 8. rN PE. Oharges moderate. No fee till a wwy RAILROAD SCHEDULES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BRANCHES In effect on and after Nov. 24, 1400, AKRD VIA. TYROS BR WEBTWARD Leave Bellefonte sam, arrive at Tyrone 11 10 am, at Altoona, 100 pm; at Pittsburg LBEUpPpm feave Bellefonte 1 5p m 21pm; atl Altoona 666 pm Leave Bellefonte § 44 600; at Altoona at 7 VIA TYRONE EASTWARD sliefonte am, arrive at Tyrone at Harrisburg 2 40 pm; at Philadel phia di pn ave Bellefonte 106 pn arrive at Tyrone Hp m st Harrisburg 6 45 pm; at Phila } :) 21 pu arrive at Tyrone s 10p mo: at Pitsburg pm; arrive at Tyrone at Pittsburg at 11 30 0 LL ACE A eT tT TELL 1a ‘ L 4 L 42 LB | 4 A BEECH CREEK RR Jersey Shore 22 8 Arr = tI2 Mt Lve { Wmsp An Phila. & Reading ry PHILAD NEW YORK Vial » tf Week Days bia at m GEPHART General Bupt ep Arp ENTERAL RAILROAD ) 1 ‘ 1 AD take ofeg Al wo | WESTWA) o Bioomsdo : Pine Grove Trains from Mortandon Hamsport, Lock Haven and with train Nos. 3 ar for State Culiege Tiains from State CO ege connect with Penna Railroad at Bellefonte for § ts eastand west Fi Mas sap Lewisburg wi 1 yrone, connect A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Combines perfect local ser vice with the advantages of ing from Long Distance Subscribers, all From a commercial stand wint the tele phone yields wd ofits on the invest ment dan anything else in the world. As a household equipment ite value cannot be estimated, The rates are moderate, Smm——— CENTRAL PENNA TELEPHONE & SUPPLY COMPANY, POOR