2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, JANUARY 24, 1901. Ap —————— ———— VICTORIA DEAD. Sad Scenes at the Deathbed of England's Monarch, GREAT BAIT AIN'S NEW RULER He Will Assume the Title of King | Edward VIL QUEEN TO REST AT FROGMORE. Her Majesty Will Be Inte rred by the Side of the Prince Consort, the Loved Husband end Father~The { Body to He Removed to Windsor Castle on Saturday—All Places of Amusement in London Closed and Suspended, of Business Genernlly President McKinley's Message Sympathy. he was } bowed he now King has s prince less LT} Six tinued young EDT i as the | The bell I only | minute and affected when ‘the doctors at last in- formed him that his mother had breathed her last. Emperor Willtam, himself deeply affected, did his best to minister comfort to his sorrow stricken uncle, whose new dignity he was the first to acknowledge From all parts of the world thi are still pouring into m \ of condolence, They come from crowned heads, millionaires, tradesmen and paupers, and are variously addressed to the Prince of Wales and the king of England The record of the reign of Victoria is not ea there being but ne spondent admitted to O re [S50 Cowe of to dave one BODY TO REST AT FROGMORE Will Be Interred the Prince Consort's Side Dead Monarch by to rest Frogmore slon House were messi WAS 1 1 to! Wales was the gift « on oe PErSONARes, Al lord mayors of 1x London, The to two hours yesterds heard could be | in the direction of the wind | press Frederick Iate last evening KING EDWARD VII kitchen they were « king a huge din- ner for an assemblage the like of which | bas seldom known in England and the dinner preparations proceeded Just as If nothing had happened The body of Queen Victoria balmed and will probable be taken to Windsor ( on ny Ihe coffin arrived evening from Lon don It was feared that the Ing about ® o'clock yesterday morn been WAS om inti Satur last queen was dy- ing, and carriages were On- borne cottage and the to bring all the princes and princesses and the bishop of Winchester her bedside It seemed _hen very near the end, but, when things looked the worst, the queen had one of the rallies due to her wonderful constitution opened her eyes and recognized the Prince of Whales, the gs and Emperor Will fam She asked to see one of her faith ful servants, a member of the house hold. He hastened to the room, but before he got there the queen had passed into a fitful sleep Four o'clock marked the beginning of the end. summoned, and this time the relapse was not followed by recovery. The Prince of Wales was very much sent to rectory to rinece ! anxiety | Bo It Again the family were | “The news was tenderly of her mother's death broken to Dowager Em says a dispatch from Frankfurt It was a terrible shock, but the empress ia bearing up bravely. The trials of the last few days, however, have exer eised a most painful effect upon her health, which causes serious anxiety Shortly before midnight an official announcement was Issued calling par lament to assemble at 4 o'clock this afternoon to enable members of the house of lords and house of commons to take the oath of allegiance to King Edward VII The privy council will meet In Lon don today and the proclamation of the king will occur thereafter at all places required by custom. The king will «ome to London to preside over the eouncil OUR NATION'S SYMPATHY, President MeKinley's Mesanme of Condolence to King Edward YI Washington, Jan. 23-Four days of had In a Biri measures pre pared official Washington for the news of the death of ah queen of England happened that all things that could be decently done In anticipation of the sad end had heen disposed of and all was in readiness for the execu- tion of the formalities which are indis- pensable to such events. When the » | of her per | Gre it Bn | of its | erelgn | Influence | won end came It found appropriate mes- | sages ot condolence framed. and even orders ready for execution looking to the half masting of the flags over the executive departments and the carry- Ing out of the usual formalities, The half masting of the national ensign was an unusual tribute Mo the memory of the deceased sovereign, It is sald this has been done rarely op the oc- casion of the funeral of some great world's ruler, but never before in the case of the death of a monarch President McKinley's me condolence, addressed to King Vii, Ww follow “1 have row the lament majesty to offer my of the American onal bereavement ape of Edward ns Osx I ceived able the incere with ind sor- tidings of the death queen Allow me, sympathy and your loss death BQV- neficent d the peace and world profou sir, that people and itain has suffered venerable in in the in the and jllustrious whose noble life and be have promots affection of the the LIFE OF QUEEN VICTORIA, | Womanily Simplicity Combined With GQueenly Dignity, 18 mp ie to say that The * Merry Disposition Queen par w wit men in the wm seiyes mm stead of v from their fe re Q 1s her _ on i Prin Al hert Saxe irg-G to share his life wit The nup tials took place on the 10th of Febru Ary 1540, at the Chapel Roya Mt James’ palace. The wedding breakfast was given at Buckingham palace and the honeymoon, which only lasted three days, was spent at Windsor castle Ha namely fler ale y the tha, Mer Majesty's Happy Marriage The marriage proved an exceptional ly happy one. Prince Albert turned out to be an ideal husband, being a man of singularly stainiess and irre- proachrble character, Queen Victoria's domestic bliss was absolutely uncloud- od an long as her husband lived, and she was gulity of no exaggeration when she declared that the only sorrow which he had ever caused her was when he died. His death occurred Dec 14, 1861 On June 1887, the queen made a state progress through her great capi- tal to attend a special service at West. minster abbey in honor of the semi centennial anniversary of her accession to the throne Every reigning house in the world sent either members of thelr families or great dignitaries to represent them at the ceremony, and while kings and queens chatted gayly together in the chancel of the abbey while awaiting the coming of Queen Victoria, her majesty-—no longer the bonnie, fresh and healthy checked En gliah girl of 1837, but a venerable look- | ing, white haired old lady was driv- ing up Pleeadilly, her earringe nd | by the most brilliant treops of princes, archdukes and grand dukes that have 20 fis Terrible Cough. Few things are so depressing and weakening as a constant cough, Few things are as discouraging as a cough thi it will not yield to treat ment, It breaks in on the night's rest, It interferes alike with busi. ness and with pleasure, Above all, the persistent cough constantly sug gests the thought of that dread dis ease consumption with its lingering agony. Dr, den Meds cal Discovery s when all other medicines than cough 1s but ery” and give cane It Peop le have with obstinate, They have tried « have been induced vith the yg erful Pierce's Gol cures cough fall, Decause more a cough medicine A BY makes new ys the cares stubborn tors and medicine covery this won speedy cure 1, heals the lace strength to ring the bronchial affections Dr. Plerce’'s Common Sense Medical Ad- visor, containing 1008 large pages, Is sent FREE on receipt of stamps fo pay ex of malling ONLY. for the paper - bound book, or 31 stamps for strong cloth binding. Plerce, Buffalo, N.Y. CANN ( nse Sond amps 21 one -cent Address Dr. R. Vv. Married Women vf Mother’ S| Frien a ee... LIEBERMAN'S _ am Remova Sa This week we put on sale the following: CALL EARLY FOR FIRST CHOICE. Lieberman's Cash Clothing House, Bush Arcade, High St. BELLEFONTE, PA. Tal is ab A | } ‘ Hui hi and Der Dl US| COALS. Also all kinds of Wood, Grain, Hay, | Straw and Sand. | Superior screenings for lime burning. Builder's and Plasterers’ sand, TIM IN | UMIINU TELEPHONE Central - - Commercial - . : + a BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET ALLEGHENY ST. BELLEFONTE, FA No. 1312 No. 682 We keep none but the best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED HAM, All kinds of Smoked Meal, Pork Sausage, ste If you want a nice Juley Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The 5 Minste Breakfast Food | Purina Health Flour akes I» “BRAIN BREAD.” SURINA MILLS, St. Louis. Mo. $ SION FOI Cv oo] hal Cy { Education, 3 . - 1 y fo : : resis to : Souval ot ate Normal School LOOK HAVEN, CHaton Co. P nes Bs —-— JE FLICKINCER, Prin Central State Normal School LOCK HAVEN, PA cipal, ata, and Trade. Marks obesined and all Pat new conducted [or MODERATE Fees POBIY 8. PATEAY Ormco Suh Orcs . “ A Rg A time than those fem ts fr ton, Send model, dr aw ng or photo, with descrip thon, We advise, if pares wide of ao, free of charge, Our fee nt due till patent is se cared, » PampuiLr, * How to Obtain Patents,” with comt Of same in the U, 5, and foreign countries sent fren, Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. aswinaton, D.C, Rd PATENT Ormice, W. 1 | FORTNEY & WALKER | KLINE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorney at Law —Office Block, Allegheny houses (ofr rent and and ali other legal and prompt atten THOS. J. BEXTON on second floor of Eagle street, Money to loan for sale Collections business given careful tion (D. F. Fortuey a W. Harrison Walker) Attorneys at aw Office in the Furst ding wits court house, FProwopt attention legal busi news opp to all MILLER Attorney at li 1 A the Couris A. B WOODKRING SURF | E SF KEELEY Ty | AS Cunes AL Ni ’ \L ESTATE LOAN & TITLE COMPANY, of CENTRE CO OFFICE —Room 3, Bush Areade, Bellefonte Here is a List of FIRE INSURANCE C0'S Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger, North German Fire Insurance Co. Manchester, of Manchester, Eng. American Central, of St. Louis. Prussian National, of Germany, Palatine, of Manchester, Eng. United States, of New York, Concordia, of Wisconsin. National, of Allegheny Traders, of Chicago. Washington. Assets > Fire. Lite and A ® ‘ GR Crider “THE STANDARD” WELL NAMED. FLOO gd BEI 8 Nilo AQANess Sara C. Brickley, Cor. Spring & Bishop Bellefonte, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN In large on Rpprovel security. Farms for sale. Real estate bought and sold W. 6. RUNKLE, Att'y, Crider Exchange. Bellefonte, MONEY TO LOAN On first-class real estate sgourity limited amount in sums of from $500 : $1000 and any number of loans desired in lafger sums, Bring deeds and avply inperson to W, BALER HORRISON 14 EB. Bshoo St, Bellefonte, MONEY TO LOAN. to Ten , on approved Nothing be- and small quantities In amounts from One Thousands Dell real estate security. low $1000 accepted. W. F. COMICK, Att'y, 14 Crider» Buchange BELLEFONTR PA.