Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 17, 1901, Image 7

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Happenings About Centre County
Briefly Told by
Our Alert Correspondents Note Many
Important Events in Different Lo-
calities—What is Transpiring—Is
Your Section Represented ?
The ice houses at this place are all
empty vet. While the ice was so very
thick other places, we did not have over
three inches.
Mr. Weber and wife left on Saturday
for Carlisle, where her sister is danger
ously ill.
Wm. Wells visited friends at Hublers.
burg the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Holter are rejoic-
ing over a little boy.
John Thompson, our prominent buteh
er, has purchased the C. T. VYearick
It is said that Samuel! Shay has pur.
chased the Wm. N. Neff property, of
Abe Weber.
Rents have advanced from §5 to $3
and §g per month.
Ray Allison was home the past two
weeks on a vacation, but returned to
college again on Monday.
Quite a stir around here for people to | h
| generally
| the community,
get houses. Every other man you meet
is on hunt of a house. The are
almost all rented now and men do not
have homes.
Geo. Williams, our expert pen artist,
has placed two business charts in the
friends the past week. She spent several
weeks at Jersey Shore
Eugene Kline returned to Irvova to
his work a few days ago, after two weeks
stay at home among friends
Walter Pletcher, the Bellefonte
tor, was home a few days the past week.
E. C. Dietz had the misfortune to have
the large glass broken in the door of his
bakery, bat it was soon replaced with a
new one
The Jenkins Iron & T Co., of this
place, ‘expects to erect a large addition
to the mill, or fifty more
furnaces are in the early
spring. Let the good work go on
J]. Norris Bogle has purchased several
hundred fruit trees which he expects to
plant down by the mill on a tract of land
that he has purchased which he expects
to improve and build on
New houses are going up every
here and twenty more lots were laid out
where houses are to be erected. Several
of these will be built by April 1st
Among the many is that of the prosper-
ous editor of the Hustler
Geo. Williams went away on Monday,
business, at
and some forty
to be built
to look up the penmanship
which he is an expert.
Thomas Man's smiling
among us again. Thomas
sissippi for some time
Miss Josie Holter has gone to Williams
port where she is employed in the pants
Among our ne
Messrs. Wm
Kinney spent a
friends here. Mr
to college again,
S. P. Hockman Hecla,
and Miss Rockey, Hublershurg
stopped a few mi E. C. Dietz's
on thelr way home from Blanchard
The Evangelicals are holding protract-
ed meeting at this place’and are having
a good turn
M. E. church
their meeting about Feb. 1,
J. T. Lucas, of
few days with his
Mr. Linsey unloaded a
piano on Saturday.
Beech Creek.
John T. Hunter and wife visited their
two daughters in Jersey Shore last week
face is seen
Was in
lays recently
Logan Me
as returned
Hensy! and
uupie of weeks
Hensy! bh
rife, of
people expect to hold
Moshannon, spent a
sons here the pasi
id son of
Harvey Waite, the 11
John Waite, has been ill
with pneumonia
A small child of Mr. and Mrs Huston
Hunter is suffering from pneumonia
R. O Barclay, tescher of the Sugar
Run school, in Beech Creek township,
has been ill for several days past and
the school closed
Charles Hunter left last Tharsday for
Boston, Mass., where he has accepted
employment on the construction of the
iron framework of a large building in
that city.
Peter C. Gould has disposed of his
house and lot, known as the Chas. Keyes
property, on Maio street, to Edward
Sykes et al. Mr. Sykes will move his
clothing store into it on April 1
Ambrose Brady has rented the new
store building being erected by KE. 8
Mobley and will pegin business April 1.
Ida said she wasn't afraid, for she had
the revolver ready on the table, but
there was no load in it. That Is pluck,
when a woman can say she wasn’t afraid
Come one, come all, to the concert on
Saturday evening, and hear good music,
given by three biind men, of Ohio
Communion services will be held In
the Lutheran church, Jan. 27th,
There was some talk of the forest
school being without a teacher, as Cyrus
had partly arranged to travel with n
show. They call it magi lantern, but
he thinks be will finish the term first
Beef stotles are scarce this year, They
have found a patent to kill them-one
man holds it with a rope and the other
man shoots it
Notice to Farmers,
On and after December 15th we will
not take any kind of grain on store at
our mill, We will, however, be ln the
market for cash grain constantly and
will pay the highest prices,
sof Prosxix Miri Co,
| pretty apt to remember the snub
| snub
Miss Catherine Confer is seen among |
| tell
| year
days |
James Gregg, the principal of the
borough schools, closed his school for
the present; he is laid up with grip.
James Bryan and son are laid up.
James’ illness came from overwork, at
ditching for the water pipes of the bor.
ough ; the son's illness 1s due to nervous-
I. C. Bullock and Lew Wallace, with
their wives, left for New York and Can-
ada on Tuesday of last week,
Mrs. Wharton fell on Saturday and
broke one of her ribs. Miss May, her
daughter, attended to it by bandaging it
for her, Shes educated in that branch
of nursing the sick and afflicted
A. S. Smith spent Sunday at
with his son Alvan
Very many persons, composing the
rank and file of the several churches
which lately held special meetings, seem
to be conspicuous for their absence. [If
professed Christians are not willing to
make some little sacrifice to be present
on such occasions they need
why revivals do not follow and why those
in their own homes and others about
them are not reached by the church If
the several pastors were given the sup
port they should have, by many derelict
members, it goes without saying that
gracious resuits would follow. Its time
to awaken to a sense of duty A revival
is pow being held in the M. E. church
by the pastor, Rev, Wharton
a helping hand You
not wonder
stay. away ele
ments, come up to the help of the Lord, |
against the mighty
Came under our observation recently
a word in ume may nine a
of kindness, The would. -be-sox
girls of the
save word
Sweet sixteen’ variety,
consider themselves belles of
should how
they snub the awkward, uncouth boy of
the same age. When they twenty
eight and slightly shelf-worn, these boys
will be young men and they
be careful
will be
for the
wsible to
business is ri
world ‘'d
who will
, you
from turning
SKY anyway,
and it
ron top
) move’ 18 fm pe
next year Re
can’t p this old rid
It is believed by that the new
that ushers in + 20th centurs
will witness a greal
this country
The indications
ana it is
and throughout
hoped that the fondest ant
tions may be realized Never h
a time
How much better { be
young men to
home readin
and otherwise
spend their
good |
enlarging their
useful information, of
our idleness or spending the
time in dissipation visiting places
The carefu
men are the ones
will make the best history in the coming
years, in the achievements wrought oat
in their lives
woks, periodical
mstead roaming
streets In
or of
resort and
studious young
Last lent, No. 2
made a
Wagner & Co., ins
week s COrresg
ts Mothersbaugh
of ben
| g "Wood
Oar Amp w
very good
A800 DY
is right,
On ast
smoke house canght on fire, and a
went up in smoke
Bee went home from
me evening ast
cat and thought ft
threw his skates at it
Harry skating
week and saw a black
Was a and
and missed the cat
| and broke his skate
choked to
B's valuable shepherd
death on grissle. Claude,
handsome | should have fed him soup
Skating is poor on the lake
our boys, of
atte nd
Quite a number of young
this place, were to Hublershurg
ing catechism in the Reformed
on Saturday
ars were filled with
Ouite a number of
ice by the railroad Co week
The ice had to go on account of warm
farmers were busy fil)
Last week the
ing their ice houses, from
and Mear! Dunkle’s dam
There will be a great
in the spring
many mov
Soft weather stopped ice cutting
Ben Gramley came in from |
and is visiting his brother, James Gram
ley, near Hublersburg
Charley Miller and
McCaleb on Sunday
Charley, if at first you don't succeed, |
of furniture
try, try again, and don't give up at the
first attempt
Thos. Yearick’s teams are hauling
ties down to Hublersburyg station,
James Gramley his farm to
Yocams. William Harshbarger, from the
state of Illinois, bought the Yocum prop.
erty, and Mr, Best bought the property
of James Homan
Clord Johnson is hauling meat to How.
ard during the past week
J. C. Snook is busy hauling his imple
ments and other goods over to Millheim
where he expects to move in the spring
The water is scarce and our farmers
must drive their stock to the runs. Cis.
terns are low,
wy d
Pneumonia Prevented
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la grippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single
case has resulted in poeumonia Thos
Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue,
Chic Ago, one of the most prominent retatl
druggists in that city, inspeaking of this,
says: "We recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for la grippe in many
cases, as it not only gives prompt and
complete recovery, but also counteracts
any tendency of la grirppe 10 result in
poeumonia.” For sale at Greens Phar
| wild cat fright, Henry i
| fellow.
Lend him |
| | public
| app
Guiser is hauling wood to his
| new farm
Barner |
were down to the junction visiting Perry
Our hotel man is leaving town.
B. IL. Nollisa firm believer in expan.
Benjamin Roush, our venerable citizen,
is on the sick list.
The Union week of prayer closed on
Sunday evening.
Mike Stover is again doing some fine
water paintings or the mill dam. He
was formerly a student at Dutch Bill's
art academy,
It i$ rumored that the toughs will hold
another exhibition this year. Who will
manage ? The corpulent kid or the cor
pulent Boer
A sporty man from Millheim, known
as ' Alby," spent Sunday and Monday
at the residence of the venerable Geo.
Shaffer and was the guest of Miss Annie
M. Miller Come again
Miss Artie the accomplished daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Keller, who had
been seriously siek, is improving. 8S. R
{ Grimm is the attending physician.
The latest is to be among the missing
when the machine agent
Mrs. John Brown and son Roy, of Mill
Hall, are the guests af the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shaffer.
sewing comes
ligony 18 recovering from the
a pretty plucky
Miss Vesta Brungart, the ace omplished
daughter of Frederick Br
' ungart, of Union
Always g
county, aud brother, were ts of their
sister, Mrs. Sam’l Yearick
lO see you come
“Patty'' Miller weg
and says it 15s a boy
that his name is Walter
It would be a ¢
| would do their
than around
word the
you don’t quit we will te
Mr. Wise d Mr. Hockmg
attacked violent hea i
a cert
to ws
es bad
The apt
Crebs Lookout ¢
Hello, |
C8 Wt
Ay, ri
the coun
Never in onburg,
has there
the present winter
the Rev, Mr
and the Rev
* history of Mad
been such a relig Cra. as
gelical charch
ey, began a reviy
most every even
Among the peo;
it of town are
S. B. Shafi
Chas. H. Shafler
Kidder, to
vacated by
by a Mr
by Herbe and
Jerse ¢
Mr. Year
ner mansion
fights about
man of his age om
to git a politica
after the and
such rotter un
McKinlevism ut
the entire town with
the present
20 high unti
he hia
is elected, now please shut ug
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
| All druggist
to cure |
each box
The ‘
church are hold
their church ¢
Specs eTrvices In
ng during the
have communion
Sabbath, ducted by
YTery Loh
and =
SErYiCes on
Rev, Scott
A local teacher's |
mthe M E next
An interestin ¢ lecture is arranged for on
Friday evening. A varied and attrac
tive programme is provided for the
casion and all friends
invited to attend
stitute will be
church on
of education are
Big-hearted, good-natured Curt John
son passed through town on last Satur
day in his horseless wagon, with a load
Daniel Buck and Will Peters butchered
A pig inst week, Well, that isn't fapny.
but if you had seen them scald it in a
wooden bucket and then hung it on a
clothes line to divest it of its interval ar.
| rangements you would have thought it
very funny | indeed
been like macaron|
Our Tewtonic friend, Anthony Wise, of
pear Fillmore, came over the mountain
last week for the express purpose to
subscribe for the Centre Democrat, and
to purchase a supply of groceries. An
thony knows a good thing when he sees
The Blind Trio Grand Concert Co. will
give an entertainment in the Hvangell
cal church on Wednesday evening. They
come highly recommended
I may possibly play Act aud, last
Scene, in Rip Yan Wrinkle, next week
am again
Sausage must have
Popular Song, Words And Music Com
plete, Free
To introduce our family dollar maga
pine to new readers we will mall over
100 of the best secular and ragtime
songs, words and music, in book form
absolutely free to all pending 10 cents to
pay for a trial subscription to our paper
or the whole family, Address Yankee
Blade Co., Waterville, Maive,
Miss Alice Neff spent Sunday with ber
parents at this place. Miss N, is now
among the inhabitants of the town whom
we do not expect to keep very much
longer, 50 we value her presence very
Representatives of the Nittany Rod
and Gun Club were in our village last
week trying to lease hunting grounds
Miss Velta Williams is visiting friepds
at Port Matilda.
A few of gur young men took a journey
on Sunday evening, long to be remem-
bered by the hour in which they return-
Mrs, G
visitor in
town ov Sunday.
ago Charles
We nol
Do ye
shultz was hunt
late he has
think he
No doubt it will remembered
some time
ing a sack.’
stopped the search
bas gotten if
We have noticed that
blondes of Charcoal Alley
hé doe
ed ol
the chocolate
considerably since if not
much time
pend so
ingiog the
Harry Bathurst
are \ ne M [1
ar v IgM Hs
¢, of Bellwood
1 0
parents at thus place
« Stoner par-
Liheir tome at
variety of
navin a
week-—-rain and
’ he
0 ¢
t his gener;
WAS 80
real estate
} ) of Mackeyville
eration fis
Mrs. Myra Ke
1 lot of Mrs
tin the
Mary Goodbart
rd Rhule and Jacob M Cool are
Ousiy i
the house
and w=
excitement at Spring Mills; ex
tement high; company is being organ.
ped ook out for a drop in prices, let
the coal trust tremble !
Wolfs Store,
One hundred and fifty loads of ice
were taken from DD. B Weaver's dam
last week, It was 10 inches thick.
Minigs sawmill is now ready for opera.
Patties desiring strong poultry netting
will do well by ordering same from W
W. Zeigler, at this place, His prices are
right. Try him
Many flittings will occur in our vicinity
this coming soring. We will mention
them in order later on,
Mrs. Catharine Confer, from Logan.
ton, is at present visiting her daughters
at this place
A Violent Attack of Croup Quickly Cured,
“last winter an infant child of mine
had croup in a violent form," says Eider
john W. Rogers, a Christian Evangelist
of Fillev, Mo. "I tried several different
remedies without benefit, | then gave
her a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and in a short time all danger
was past and the child soon recovered,
I now keep a bottle of it in the house at
all times and would not think home com.
plete without it." The remedy not only
cures croup, but when given as soon as
the Hirst symptons appear will prevent
the attack. It contains no oplum or other
harmful substance and may be given as
confidently to a baby as an adult. For
sale at Greens Pharmacy,
of Bellefonte, was a
has bleached |
| work and
Nerve Influence
Is the subtle force which controls the d
It makes them strong or weak, healthy
ifferent organ
| 1
according as the brain and nerves are str
weak and diseased. Weak
neuralgia, indigesticn, heart tr
chronic weakness. the
active and the body wil
with a n«
neuralgia «
temporarily, but physiclat
give permanent re  # A |
together with Jr, Miles’ Ne
of neuralgia and sh
(6 2
nis e
cause !
les’ Nerv
nd rests the tired bhralr
up health of body and vi
1¢8 the nerve
druggists on guarantee.
| |
ence tha
ir of
De. Mires MepicaL Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Spring Mills
off tbe Cold
ine Tablets cure
Stops the Cough and Works
laxative | y Quit
1a wed at this
High Street. Bellefonte, Pa.
Sechler & Co.
is all night, if vou are
| wrong, 11 TOO thin
no great harm.
a doctor; too
matter what cause
thin, no
itt's Emulsion of
[here are many causes b
two heads:
Stop over-work, if
but, whether
Scott's Emulsion
Oil, to balance vourself
with vour work.
nm it—=true--but, by it, you
There's a limit, however
you'll pay for it
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the cure for
“can't eat,” unless it comes of
your doing no work--you can't
long be well and strong, without
some sort of activity,
The gonuine has
this picture on It,
take no other,
If you have not
tried It, send for
froo sample, ita a-
greeable taste will
surprise you,
400 Pear! Stroet,
New York, ” \
608. and $1.00; all d
can |
can or not, |
of Cod |
You can't live |
Sardines and New Mackerel.
MINCE MEAT ---We are
now making our genuine home
made mince meat. All our
friends who have used it know
The best that
| can be made and the price only
12 1-2 cents per pound.
We can name only a few of the
leading items. Come and shop
You will find
goods to supply all your wants,
through our stock
echler & Co.
Bush House. - Bellefonte, Pa.
Ce or: Deking Co.
RECRIvE Derosrrs | Discount Norss.
J. M. SHUGGERT, Cashier,