THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 17, 1901, | ereditors and all others In BRYWIise 1 : . . >) 3 | 3d will be resented to the rphan st Prosecution Ends Its Case Against | CEDAR SPRINGS, MICH, EATON RAPIDS, MICH. | Eentre county tor confrmerion o BURNED AT THE STARR,» woes vows consexseo ios IRDER. | THE 25 ct. FAMILY DOCTOR. | hi sien, —————— A movement {8 on foot to abolish the Riotous Mob Executed a Negro at | Mra. Rose Chaffee. s business woman of Eaton sth day of February. A.D. 19 whipping post In Delaware. Thirty-one deaths have resulted Leavenworth, Kan. from the Rochester orphan asylum fire | Three of the Prisoners { Mrs. Isaac Dunham, a well-known lady of that | Rapids, writes : * For a long time my systern was | | The first and fit cunt of James W of last Tuesday morning | 4 way place, writes : “1 cannot praise Dr, A. W, Chase's | In 8 terribly weakened state, Billousness, severe Runkle. irises of Un i I ink le y inte of ‘ym Miss Elizabeth Shifler, a 90-year-old | Kidney-Liver Pills too much, They did for me | Indigestion and kidney troubles made me so | Greg township, decense D m Y Ip 0 « & . h A / 0 y n ’ DIED F RO I EST ING HIS INNOCENCE hermit, was burned to death in her KERR'S EVIDENOE NOT NEEDED what doctors and other medicines could not do. 1 turable. el ! ig “yi ly tle 0 work. A : The and and . ; nt of James 'W > Leedy : i ! abled 3 . , » kidneys | Trend tld me of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, ' Runkls Aton iy hut near Keedysville, Md was troubled with severe disorders of the kidneys | L™y £0004 them just ar ines i pul Tha. of regu t The Mob of 5,000 Who Witnessed the Fred Puterbaugh, aged 12 vears and enlargement of the liver. My family doctor | pastored my he Ith to 1 ' po i“ Years, he BP . . . a ’ slored m AiLh Wo me, and | think they are a The Foonrth Man Under Indictment, treated me the whole of last winter, but did not help | wonderful medicine os Many Runkle, late Terrible Lynching Rushed For Rel. | While skating yesterday near Wilke barre. Pa.. broke through the ice and Who Was Expected to Turn State's me very much, so I gave him up and began using The marked succes of Dr. AW. (Chase's Kidney. ies When the Flames Had Done | Loo drowned " Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, The result ' Liver Pills with Backache, Kidney Troubls, Con "Ha Wr “ Evidence, Not Called Upon—One of oe DAL Wii I Their Awful Work. ’ Frank G. Clarke, representative In was simply wonderful, 1 am " Ki ' endache and Stom- ng an, 16 Fred | congress from the Second New Hamp- the Prisoners Interrupts n Witness, ow strong and healthy again y - Weal make them a | . \ " “w : ' " ) thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney ' re te y on Saturday distri d in Peterboro, N. H Paterson, N. J Tan ) I'he trial : waged | i of Walt 1. M« ar Andrew Cam Liver Pill * % a" ¢ ault Miss Eva er rave amsated | mosttons eres vow fv. ani | tour men secu of ne movie of [CIDINEY=LIVER PILLS. Jenne Cire mence in the tern man Friday, Jan : lack of 7 a =e i ‘eral x iat 5 LEGAL NOTICES Monday Jan EXCLUSIVE AGENCY. Wednesday fam. 18 The Goodwin Washer A Woman's peka dispatch. Is jenant SY os lawy on of : . w ostracis y the 23 Democra 0 ou white oak marked In tie yon ar Kate ) : Invention do i ve ’ ‘ nde : . . : ] ey Le ’ . ‘ . : / 4 N do. Governor Staniey condemns Sher | * Gen, ‘McDowell, a wy wo 7, belleves that Del- | degrees ater iaate the ine diving the war: | 11: WILL WASH: Philadelphin's Murder Mystery Pi sdelphia mm : a > 4 DE A ‘ Re Pettigrew's Commercial Navy Plan yents Ay Ie red we | on plecs ind A ’ s Madison, 8. D Jan ¢ it Is ar of t} DOLL { : Ai ved h \ GENERAL MARKETS nounced by the Social Democrat contalne the 1 ! dm red to ) this city that Sen ir Pettinre Rey ther R ro ) th } Poa ‘ {| at the proper time, Introduce a Chur tl re ’ tute for the ham. ‘ i ' i provide Ww the same de ] nd . to be expended to be owned by be known an t be c} in MeMilian Recvleocted Mich fat 1, | The Tessas OM Viena f In af 1 troit, was legislature the unanim bil \ Ha : ! ' ‘ can major re od 85 votes | ot iy "" ' ; ' i n \ b { the h fe and 31 In the senat he “ale : H he I ’ . , ) ‘ " ' yiahing nor ia thers at Sa Ch d Be 3 rR ’ of - ‘ \ t t eharhets adh 3 | AN I Barkworth Inckson . TUESDAY FPERRUAD eM capes an S iven com ment ot ¢ : t | wil erty i GDOR Whose “ly " ‘ F , A i hpi ) " we f hy th H | 1 g d i y a dar tha § . . . . emocrat ie ninority e yole w iE Geriain plree or ! ' . : busy making preparation . 88 1 the boro of hi burg ! K rd a o : wie da Ao, WwW h 4 M hin y " ' ¢ CON iy eB . i ne ) 4 A ‘ " for an attempt 10 Stop Lhe imme | yerified In Joint onvention today of Pransylvanis b ded wh The bi ‘ , . MN t od «Oils Past t WoN Min as in : aC g paRcreed, a | fe oh " . . van i ¥ ' Ga flow The town continues to #11 up Naugle. on the east by an a Dek \ y : bo re . ) . Frank MeFarigns, rrod Kut HT . p ’ hoy ’ a 3 Large Neinforcoementa Var ' | by Charles Humphrey snd Hig "As Ever invented, { you want and the street suggest a great holiday v y tend di AM § fan ' . . 1 A ' 14 or Kitchener Natit h Becond str of, being 0 “Nn Haines Hi Campbell ao.4 J. BR Bun v event. City property without ofl pros- | § 3 common $3685 MH ae! : ATGOR, Jan. 16.--The government | south Seoond street and having & depth of art The beard organised by electing the fol to know more addross pects } increased fivefold in val a" AH: iu 4 has decided to send large reinforce | feet (and having thereun sreel d a two story | OWL K ofoery : } ‘ © A In Yorkets and mediums, Bas. ) i y President. Fred Kurtz ’ wo business conter which | DOES. 15.30. fine Yorkers 8.50590, roughs. | Monts to Lord Kitchener, and the war | frting Aweiling house in good 1epalr Mad aah on e nfirmation of sale i Viee Fresldent, BC. ¢ ampbell SUA. Bheep steady. choice wethers, | Office, In earrying out this decision : ! Treasurer. 8 MH. Arne » LA | ught last w ) | . : : ' NOTR< The executor Kas leave 10 bid on sald y so. “npurchasable at $30,060 | amin. Wvgt I sommes to esd, iiss | BAR determined to enlist $000 yao: | eperty ruses or Mie. Loins tasen | Wereiry. DF Lom win er Lo. 4 hp ’ C8. Veal chives. hogs © 00d WoW | manry volunteers POR. ARTrem Aly: LR. savh Kar, | Astest FRED KURTL, - ves, a" Bellefonte, Pa. eroer, Pa. DF. Loss, Secretary. President, 914 11th Avenue, ALTOONA, PA,