» THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELL EVONTE: p oi JANUARY 10, 1901, n—— ' which he made upon Republican €Or | is not amended by its friends, it will eventus RE y en: and maladmintatration. 16 | oe sins Ww th dvionds. it Al eventus lly Findin ] Rortun d value, When the stomach and the al. RAILROAD SCHEDULES there was any one candidate more than | enemics. A great many things have happened 6 mn lied organs of digestion and nutrition ENNSYLVANI RATLROAT ih . since the Dingley schedules were wdopted, The are diseased the nutrition contained in FP ¥ RAN HES ) AND all others whom they were desirious | Post, while giving that measure credit for its food © imperfect: y extracted and the | | In effect on and after May 146 of Actouting. It wun Mr. Tonts. THE | go Nid ro amy Crell (0 Founding d Fortune body falls of nutrition adequate to its | d y 2, probabilities are that every method for. | nizes that it needs revision in some of its sched . needs. The shipwrecked sailor living | : B Via TYRONE WESTWARD : bidden in polities or morals was resort les in order that it may not neediemly hamper upon scraps in which there is no nutri- “a Dn Altoons eat Pitas Republicans Claim Purity ed to to accomplish his downfall, but uiutrisn nor promote wxievtion tion is on a level with the man who eats | 2pm op» Hannan to Crack His Whip, r »y abundant nutrition food but hose | 1#ave Bellefonte } 6p m: arrive at Tyrons In Politics. A IR AMI L U C K AND AN EN. RP fei whose | ¢ If i at Altoo at Pittsburg . p 3 14 L m; i wpm Congress met on the 3d to resume its stomach with its allied organs is dis. | 6b A 4 Pe labors, chief among which Is the con ERGETIC MAN'S PURPOSE. eased and therefore fails to extract from | Leave Beliefonte § 44 pm: arrive at Tyrone the food eaten the nutrition which is 600; at Altoona at at Pittsburg at 11 30 EARTW ARI Lentz is one of those whose motto Is “Never say dle,” and he will assault - the overwhelming Republican majority if ; ideration of the Payvone-Hanna ship in the Fifty-seventh congress with as i ’ ad w——— the body's t 1 A) “om \ A hie iil As will oracl a wrists he body's need Leave Belletont . ‘ . "Pe » ABOUT T0 ESTABLISH IT. much courage and gallantry as were hy a, p JAFE wil a | It i perio true as told that a tr 1 QT RTCA A . y t Ha ! ¥ 220 Irons ; nastorful i stot lone » ey | ) ol amp, y ND STOMA SOUND MAN. di AU E la i p. ma lade exhibited by the Light Brigade at Bal 'n a Ing rful and m 4 nine ! Bb} the backs of his | yrone }' r OH klava or the Old Guard at Waterloo, | V" | refuse food. found ort in 1 s : : : akinva or | erioo 4 Lo refu i 1 id iF in good with a sound stomach | good d / ! : 6 4 n: at Phils . N Aol seamed Tay a threatens that if} IR | { RT THe Sr . : 2 de Will Elect Matt Quay and “Gas” | He Is not very Tikely ceure a Bes Youtod in 4 I. aiid 18 de | United States currency. Such a thing on will in ordinary be a sound man, | peat Phia 10% § : < in ut he vill COE in ihgashas 4 h ' OF ay Rappen catiee 1) nutriment of foc is the ] i fyrone Addicks to the Senate, making & tt vad of dry bones. tri whi i 1 ut the wor n who gives up at rength of he ngs, liver, ] Monument to Jefferson, phis | searching a § rrel for scraps of That is almost sn axiom. Th 114 save Bellefonts arrive at 1 I TWO ANGELS WITHOUT WINGS Strong Argument In Favor of Elee- tion of Senators by Popular Vote Bill Chandler In a Tight Place John J. Lentz Seeks the Unattain. LN IN able—~Suggestion to Honor Name of § | §) NN RY Jefferson=Boston Wants Free rade Hanna to Force His Subsidy Bil Pettigrew Stands In the Way. Pettigrew's Trinmph at Hand, om Noston, Bill t handler In Dan 9300 REWAR We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita, The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. 25¢ boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5¢ boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Corner Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by For sale by C. M. Parrish, Druggists, Bellefonte, Pa re late Anti Hig passing B abaidy ] 4 : Demand For Tariff Reform a ’ i ‘ n . Sh w » He multitude for the benoit, of the 1 UY bie, Were abpurel lo ime | "the free and ur New Rival,” “Leader,” “Repeater. gelves Lett EELS mene ER WINCHESTER Once upon time an gentle ing Posto mmon, d mal eded on steel 1 tariff vk = ' . ’ ole A Sin diester ts rl horts, led by ul more a 4 ; . N YNG DIS uietiin digging in the groud sud ak. Py the Hon. John Dalsell you1h soon become thoroughly Ame Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. A LONG DISTANCE It seems to me tI Is precisely | C00 haker "amines Gf Ie pad i» ostiual Sima Daina pari “New Rival” loaded with Black powders. * Leader” wal ser capital a biti hg y do whe ln Alnerican, 1 the Boston ers VOTH FO a Tut 1 —- and “Repeater” loaded with Smokeless powders. Insist H ntag " stituting a contest for a seat In the Kathon i Ag - Paw or to ot hy wh \ upon having them, take no others, and you will get the Fifty-seventh congress, Ie has under hides, no or hh MIT Of e ul . -. 4 taken a Job compared with which the | mate ove w of tl fT barons Ang WSs gH AY best shells that money can buy. invention of perpetual motion would The Bost \ \ asserts that fn overies of i : ) oint the elephone be a holiday performance. If he sue even in Philadelphia ere Is a strong ’ afin shoe ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM, } y : it yields on wtill Hh In memory | Inrger pr fits on the Invest. ceeds, It w {11 be the elghth wonder of sentiment ngnh the present tar ify sys the world, That he ought to succeed 1 tem. %, mmenting on that suggestion ernments have no doubt of The Advertiser, the Washington the world » i soonile : Consequently the glowing words of | = — ———— On the fuce of the returns he was Post,, Independent, but with decided OATENTQ alii | the exuberant Hoosler senntor are cal ’ Em ire use eteated by onl 2 vote . . protection leanings, says editorially: Garman def { by only 18 votes. He alleges "ha Polk 2a cand culated to give rational men pause 5 D Ho ’ 'PATEN ! 3 TRADE ARK all sorts of frauds and a vast amount | (ln LT SE ny MAIN STREET, TYRONE, PA, nS" + id AL. S. GARMAN, Proprietor, ADVICE AL Jo SL : of bribery. The chances are that he 18 1 that “the true friends of protection to Amerioan entirely correct in all of his allegations, Industries will not disregard this movement. NN Notioe in * — Lentz has made himself particularly | MU be far wiser to amend the present tariff than, Rverything new, clean and mii Rook * i Patents” CENTRAL BENNA EAREHONE & delay, to ed ¢ “tar! obnoxious to Hanna, Dick & Co. by | mim ‘Tres v whet Tot Pout as bs ween Corre County Doopie When Sraveting Ih || Timed No fittest Miteaut vs the relentless and brilliant warfare | on congress for the last 10 months I the tariff that section, E 6 11161 al stand eann \ or Any ore lmyonet gov ment than anything else in As a household equipment its value cannot be estimated. The rates are moderate,