THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 20, 1900, CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS | Friday { this month, Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- | What is Transpiring—Is calities Your Section Represented ? Colyer. I'he United I \ cal Sunday School is practicing for a Christmas cantata, | under the instruction of Prof, EE. W Crawford I'he entertainment will be one of the finest of the season Squire J. S. Housman preached a god sermon in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening, which resulted three penitents at the altar of prayer. The had been closed, but will pow be continued Prof. E. W has organized a some members, in the Tusseyvi which w no to our « able quite in meeting of Centre Hall, class of thirty e church, ent the Crawford, singing loubt prove a gre nity, espe t won of Prof ‘rawford and recently is abooming, er has recovery. aod LJAVIAQ condit age been who has as M:¢ there th oO! inspe Rache } aome Way mother WAS ASO A Lamar, sg iting friends langhters, were al ay Mrs. Zerby lock Haven, over Sun George Consau ster Mary wen ay, to t rend Ww port over mas eve Prof. S W utle of home for the | days WwW. Ww ness trip Moshannon, is made ast week lor! and wife efonte on the severa Miss Alta Yearick has heen list with rheumatism for weeks Invitations have heen issued for the marriage of Miss Eleanor [rwin, of this place, and r. Rossiter, of Mill Hall, which event will take place on Wednes day, Dec. 26th The Grangers Association have pur chased the property Sheasley, of Jacksonville of Len The wedding of Erve Bartley, of Jack. | sonville, and Mrs. Grassmire, of Curtin, will take place on Thursday at the home of Mr. Bartiey's father The Grange lecture was well attended on Saturday evening, W. F. Hill and and Miss Johnson were the speakers Tylersville. Rev. Gross is holding a protracted meeting in the lsher church, at this place. He is meeting with good success, having had nine penitents already Miss Susie Miller, who is working In’ the Normal laundry, at Lock Haven, is spending ber vacation with her parents, at this place, The Misses Maggie Myrtle, and Re. gina Miller, are spending their holidays with friends and relatives in Lock Haven, Mrs. Thos, Weayer, who has been ll for quite a long time, is slowly improv. ing. Mrs, Katie Shaffer is on the sick list at present, Linden Hall. The farmers, of this vicinity are busily | engaged hauling their surplus grain to market, visiting Centre Luther Royer and wife were some of their many friends at Hall, on Sunday. closed on the 26th of The schools of this place to reopen again on We hereby wish to prepare the public for the announcement of a wedding, on Main street, in the near future, Irwin Zeigler, who is teaching school at Penn Hall, paid his parents, east town, a visit over Sunday, prior to taking the county this week, A again —e Of institute him in were glad to see Miss Helen Mr. Zettle and friend, of Penn Hall, were visiting at the home of Luther Royer, on Wednesday and Friday of last week M1 Juniata county, is at present v. siting some of his many friends and relatives at this place. Miss Lizzie for specially Foulke, of this place, Tuesday of | 4 Spring on of week, where expe some time Lydia, at present staying wi Mr, and Mrs, Hen: Ralph Zeigler, | sister Centre Hall, are their grandparents, Zeigler east of town vang. denomination, treet, begau | ! I i Sunday evening every event therefore this wet Mrs. | Woodward on Milesburg Tyrone, and of Miles! urg evening vangelical church Charles Zimmerman, of Miss Arminta Johnson, were married on Thursday by Rev. Smith of the | William Donald | men, met with a mishap ing a car of water pipes, had two of his fingers abling him from work A few put to your scribe a few days ago, 10 be answered through the items ast one of the pipe line While unload for the burg spit open, d Gis juestions were | ist. London time is 4 hours, ss minutes, and g seconds later than Philadelphia | and. You have a right to impound the chickens or to sue the owner for damages day has come on Sun 1874~in 188, wd, Christmas day but four times since 1887, 1892, 15g8 The weather permiting, the water plant of this place will be completed this week As far as the water has been tested by the different families that are using it, pronounce it excellent for washing and cooking purposes-—also an excellent drink, The answer to the Letter Italy. Enigma is To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it falls to care. KE. W. Grove's signature is on each box. asc. Georgetown. A good many of the patrons of the Centre Democrat would like lo know what became of the Georgetown scribe he is not dead but is among the living, and Georgetown is the same as it was when it first got its name 10 years ago. At one time the prospects were that the town would spring night up, when the cry was that McKinley's prosperity was coming. Some of our McKinley men are waiting for it with folded hands and say, ‘Mc! send us a blessing." I'be butchering is nearly and 1s happy except who have no sausage, but Georgetown 18 | right in that line, the hogs killed in all 1 our town weighed from 17 to 374 § r than H gh valley « that 15 be their's run and were on acorns here, those over evervhody wand tie an do; fed from 13 to 17 this High valley on the Georgetown low that the that hi red, but that qming that that pork the bull iting the ¢ ne NOW Weribe banging away scribe, he put him down so is lowed him whisker turning me when he as said 1, that frogs i 5 | te a iter wa bullfrogs Swi Kray was the ti the up, are dre Georgetown on the fend ection aARIng the ce and could not see any h sCrine { town and looking for Stops the Cough and Works off the Le hey : Winters is a Democrat and keeps it, therefore Year Mr few Weaver week Daniel ast (Coburn visiting Mr. Benjaman Brian is at present ing at the upper end of Brush yalley Mr Daniel blacksmith, in our midst Mr. W. Brungart was shredding corn fodder tor some of our farmers last week days former Was Men ast week a few days DeiCamp, our from Union county Elta Overdorf and wife spent last Sun day in Sugarvalley Miss Chester Zeigler is this week spend ing a few days with her Mrs Sadie Wolfe, at Cemfirevilie, Clinton Co sister, How's This! We offer One Hundred eo any case of Catarrh that canna Hal's Celt rh Cure F.A.UHENEY & CO, Props, Toledo, O We the undersigned have known FJ Che pey for the Iast 15 yours, and bell ve him por fectly honorable in all business transactions and Anancially able to carry any obliga tions made by their Arm WeatT& TRUAX. Wholesale draggista Toledo O Wariiwo, Kinnanx & Manvin, Wholesale druggi+ia, foledo, Ohio Hall's Cotarrh Cure is taken internally, set ing divectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system Price, 5a. por bottle Sold by all druggists Testimonials free Hall's Family Pills are the best tor by Reward be cured AN out Aaronsburg. Aaron Bower and wife, of Renovo, are the guests of the gemtleman's father, John Bower, on North 2nd street, this week M1, and Mrs. Irvin Showers, of Lock Haven, spent a day last week with Mis Rebecca Charles, on North 20d street Miss Elsie Philips ed the Allentown College young Monday Vit Ww home from wonen Arr for on mon , tospend her Christ Mi th her parent and Philips, on Main Mrs e, were ma Mrs ation w H and { ACO : ) Mingoville. ff has gone to mes. to stay lor the winler own ing Workman's skaters were the Juite a few Beliefonte, on I be ie Compe ie Alters spring Mills The death ange again our midst and taken from us Mrs. Zong, who had for a short time with consumption She died Monday night, at 1oo'clock | interment al Huhlers bury Friday momning. She was a loving mother and kind neighbor, and leaves 10 mourn her loss a husband and six children epl slore Je WAS vis his parents ry ting ays Afew dd As week at has entered heen on on In Good Standing used Chamber Remedy speaks well of Bdward PF. Miller, of People who once use this preparadon are seldom satisfied with any other. There is nothing like it to allay a cough or break acold. It is pleasant to take, two, For sale by, Green's Pharmacy, Everyone who has lnin's Cough iI," says Mr, Abbotstown, Pa with the closing of the year The Greatest Sale of Cloth- Or » ever held in Centre county. We will continue this great 1-2 Price Sa until January lst, her | from | No Longer We cannot promise to please you as well as we could a week ago. But we will Do The Best we Can, and no matter what you buy we Guarantee to Save You Just One-Half The Origi- nal Price. M. FAUBLE & SON Brockerhoff House Block. Bellefonte, Penna.