THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 20, 1900, KEYSTONE ITAPPENINGS News of Interest From All Parts of the State, A BIG COAL CONSOLIDATION, The IK Hill Company Will Now Op- erate leven Collieries « Killed Wife and Self—Fifteen Hundred Miners on Strike, Dec. 18 All tha col- lleries which have been recently se cured as feed to the Ontario and Western Rallroad company's coal de- partment have been consolidated one company under the Hill Coal and Iron company Seven companies are by this consol- {dation merged into the Elk Hill com- pany, These companies, with their lo cation and are given below Johnson Coal company, Dickson CIty $2,100,000 Mt Pleasant Coal com- pany, Scranton, $665,000; New York Seranton Coal company, Peckville, $485,000: West Ridge Coal company, Scranton, $410,000 Blue RI Coal company, Peckvill W Forest Mining company, Raymond Coal m pat Archbald, $400,000. T The compat Scranton, Pa, of one of the Elk the title consolidated companies, price, TIRTIUE anton The others hi comj ny Killed Wife and Sell, ted the woman's | Bedford count) i at Hopewe yesterday n ng, and then shot uments show alt! well now at Fifteen Hundred Wilkes D strained for & ton f pl Ves Birike were prir enf the Miners on Strike. distr Workers dered a settler A Dencendant of President ven, Pa Wagg Adams IT ) Cra Tana yester- fcan war Fatally Stabbed In Election Quarrel rantor | De 17 Patr K Wl Shamokin Con! Strike Ends D strike 10 1 Ine men ferer PENASYLVANIA NEWS CONDENSED Men's Christian asso el ted at Shame ki ng w a are A 4 oY at Str k broke n by the « field » In Accident Augumt pight of (ne AN np Kittant Thieves | hundred do & George, at Falling from t at West Pittston Var man WAR seriously Inluresd Governor Btones lssusd Roosevelt a requisition fe wanted at Tewanda for murder At » Pitiston mine William J. Moffat's foot became antangled A TOPs Alla 10 SOME CAS and his 8g War Lorn off Dari Mi the hur about 0 wild and about 100 county Friends of Stanislaus Harsochevick, whe was arrested at Plymouth, charged with a murder In Hussia, will oppose his ax wraditon Samuel Dawe lay enld at Bummer HI w' ih his skull fra ahd Inter John and Boyd Bhone, two } Centre county, while hut any and killed huge wildest Otte Borchers an amateur detective whe shot and killed Frederick Ziegler, whotn he was arresting, was acquittad of murder at Labanon At Altoons the ivernor arson, ting season Just turkeys, naariy | ox deer were killed ir Queil Cantre threes hours In th Cambria ounty tured by & train He ye of Caton Natur three bears and a» ting on shot police authorites have discovered that there are still spurious coins being put In circulation there, pre- sumably by a gang of Cambria county pdunierfeiters, into | { killing Apt hed | wed | A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Thursday, Dee, 13, In a prize fight at Chicago Terry Me- Govern knocked out Joe Gans in two minutes, The American refused to adopt political action An amendment to the canal bill which passed the mits this government to canal with troops If necessary pouring in Manley, of Maine, d¢ clined post of internal commissie and It was John W erkes, didate for governor of Kentucky. 14. Federation of Labor resolutions favoring Nicaragua per the ennte protect objections are Hon, Joseph H 1 1 the revenue accepted by inte Repub can dun Friday, Dee, has been appointed at In Order of ( Friends, a life benefit goclety At Poughkeepsie, N, Y., Peter tin was convicted of manslaughter Brower 14 years Apt and ris Apt trading Brothers, iladelphia, failed i A receiver dianapolis for the nosen ago Max with liabilities of 13,020.13 ahd $100 ASSels ff citizens of scaped On i" ecie from a Saturday, Dee Monday, Dee ha Inesdny, Dee. Is ’ Wednesday, Dev GENERAL MARKETS, hams BN 165% lard mess can | pe ptr i for old ro une a hy fUrkEsYs » try at » fo old rosters nearb ! dry pleke to fancy to fancy western creamery Creamery 14500 19 Penny do. who lnree fa 1 IN f'attie m r ‘ prime, MOQ $10 came ) | VR 4 Hogs steady rime honvies, mediums and best Yorkers ANE, ples, E0510. common to fair Yorkers Mn roughs SRC TER Bheep slow, choles wethers 10040 common, WEI. choles lambs, § 20 £80. choles lambs, SL.2500 00, veal calves, #5007. | NEWZEALAND DELEGATE Vigorously Assails Gompers in the Conciliation Conference, THE RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. They Oppose Compulsory Arhitention nnd Urge nn Committee of Six Eme~ ployers nnd Six Employes to Forme uinte a Plan For Industrinl Pence, Chicago, Dec, 19 arbitration passed into adjournment during the day by a debate Bamuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and Hugh H., Lusk, ex-member of parlia ment, of New Zealand, The venerable New Zealander during the forenoon turned aside from his prepared address to express displeasure at a declaration made by Mr. Gompers in his address Monday night I'he labor the ocasicon mentioned t The conference on and conciliation, which industrial history with its last night, was enlivened between leader on suoerted that he wanted to see lab izatl the pi pleased, why Organ retain lege of strik they merely be they Dit committee auxiliar halirmar members Year tuted the same gentle the resolutions Hartlett cor Bartlet ry W. Hort Na Ars a Herman ner | r ) font Just! Alors association; OG vice president Repu! company. E. D Kenna, vice president Atchison, Topeka and Banta Fe way system: Chauncey H. ( dent Stove Founders association Samus] dent American John Mitchell Workers; Martin Fox, pres Iron Molders union Frank P. Sargent, grand master Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen, Henry White, general secretary United Garment Workers James M. Lynch, president of the In ternational Typographical union comminni Oper rail presi Defense ARtle National Gompers Federation of pres! Labor president United Mine Bank Mobhers Make a Good Mand. Hope, Ind, Dec. 18. The safe in the Citizens’ bank here was blown open by roobers and looted of its contents early In the morning ecaped with thelr booty tively known the exact amount of money secured, but war at least $18,000 taken. Three or four men were connected with the robbery A party of 20 men are scouring the country The robbers sa It Is not posi there Kiriking Marine Engineers Win, Pittsburg. Dec. 19.--The strike of the parine engineers, inaugurated four weeks Ago, was compromised yester- day and officially declared off. The coal combine conceded the advance In wages demanded and agreed to take back all of the old employes, but re fused to sign the scale presented by the union, Sechler x Co. We are now receiving daily in of Now rod uct And are well prepared to for Mid- Winter seo J VOle ern {ine ind New M ap MINCE MEAT ---We are now making our genuine home made mince meat. All our friends who have used it know just what it is. The best that made and the price only cents per pound. Sechler & Co. Bush House. FLOWERS A Bulb Offer--Fresh Importe Now is the time to Plant. 12 Kinds of Hyacinths best name a $1.25 12 Kind £1 th r 5 75 25 Mixed Tulips, d nd 50 100 Crocu ' 50 10 Nar 18 25 159 Bulbs $3.25 The whole Collection, by Express, Prepaid $3 00 every ore ‘ : eC MXMIYERS BROS, Florists. Year Mere is a List of FIRE INSURANCE 00'S Repre oe bpd ented it Are MS agency —a at Wk Companies YOu Can get a rating upon any of these Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger. North German Fire Insurance Co Manchester, of Manchester, Eng. American Central, of St. Louis. Prussian National, of Germany, Palatine, of Manchester, Eng. United States, of New York, Concordia, of Wisconsin, National, of Allegheny. Traders, of Chicago. Washington Assets in Fire, Life nd Acerdent, com? of over SEDAN iN Surplus nearly [SOREL SRAITT FXTOOVER, Crider's Stone Bullding BELLEFONTE. PA CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH | PENNYROYAL PILLS Res Sug “yy iy a — me a — Safe. Alwars reliable. Ladies, sak Dire .t for CMICHENTER'S ENGLISN © and Sald metallic bores, sealed with blue Hbbon Take no other, Mefuse dangerons subatl. tutions and imitations, Hoy of your Droges w send de, for Partieninrs, Test) moanials and © f for Ladies, ™ in isis by return Mall, Hold by all rage iva CHIOHEATER OHNEMIOAL OO R100 Madison Square, PHILA, FA Mention this paper a Hel 10,000 [est imoninin Garman's Fmpire House, MAIN STREET, TYRONE, PA, AL. 8. GARMAN, Proprietor, Rverything new, clean and inviting Special pains will be taken to entertan in one line, | fire You Econo 2 You Tho Si Centre county people when traveling in | that section, At the present time we can make you economical, save you less for new, well hing than others charge commonly made, out-of-date goods. There is now in progress one of the feales! bales of Gl Ever Known in Genire Goun Fev11 url] Y ou wii "it, from others. 18 talking about WE NEED THE GASH AND MUST HAVE IT. Our entire stock is marked in plain at such prices that it will only be time unt OA ds. There are no exceptions Military-cut Sui even our will have and tell you of duced to more than tempting If Goods Are Not AS Represented We Will Always Trade Back. Last week's rush made us increase our list of salesmen and all will be served with best accommodation. SIM. THE OLOTHIER, Reynolds Bank Bldg. Allegheny Street.