THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, NOVEMBER 29, 1900, CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- calitiecs—What is Transpiring Your Section Represented ? Is Colyer. Miss Lydia Housman, from Altoona, and Miss Carrie Houseman and Verna Lytel, from Centre Hill, were guests at J. S. Housmans last Sunday. H. C. Robison, from Spring Mills, was transacting business through our vicinity and visiting at Wm. C. Forman's, last Wednesday Mrs. Adam Grenoble, from Mills, is spending a week over butcher- ing with her daughter, Mrs. J H. Mover. Korman Spicher returned last wed- nesday to Philadelphia, where he holds a position as conductor for the Union Traction Co. He spent his ten-day va- cation at P. B. Jordans, and joined the Colyer hunting party. Miss Maud Wolf, the handsome and accomplished daughter of John Wolf, from State College, is spending several weeks with her frieads, 15s Mary and Blanche Moyer, also calling on her newly met friends and attending the protracted meetings and butcherings and is having an enjoyable time, Miss Cora Houtz returned home after spending a week with her mother, Mrs, Frank Treaster, at Bellefonte. Constable Philip Frank, from Centre Hill, seems to be very busy throughout our community of late; also down the valley as far as Green Grove. Beware Philip that you don't get it in thg neck again, Constable Philip Leitzell, from heim, was seen at the squire's last urday with a prisoner. Wm. Colyer, from Centre Hall, acted business throughout our munity on Friday afternoon and ed several law suits Our surveyor, J yer and P. S. Boal were surveyl mountain | ] Mill- Sat trans- com attend S. Houseman, W. Col. g some , which gle on wee Mu home land one day last Wm. Colyer to Wm, B G. R. Miess offers his Hill for sale—a very ni home Henry Shado home sale Mrs. Henry feeble health 1A SOG for Maves, very slowly impr George lee hurt some time at work on Hayett lu improving. A. J. Weaver is great the arrival of a young home. over y rejoicing daughter in his Squire J. S Housman purchased Robson farm, of a hundred and some acres, the same as yet being for rent A.J]. Weaver will leave this week for Kulp's lumber camp, where he will take up blacksmithing this coming year and close his shop at home, where he held an excellent trade. the during Wm. Boal is alnght now, he has a dandy horse and buggy, and Billy is as spry as a youth of 21 years now is your time to set your cap—Billy needs a housekeeper, and has a nice big house, two fat hogs, and lots to eat, only he needs some one to prepare it (niris, Wm. Stump was surprised last Tues. day forenoon while plowing in a field along the road opposite the saw mill, at Slack’s lane Suddenly a deer ap proached him within six yards of his team. Will was shocked and if he had bad his gun it would have been his meat. It escaped in the direction of the mill dam J. I. Jordan, our handsome and lucky sportsman, has the high honors of shoot. ing a fine large wild turkey the other week. His mother, Mrs. P. B. Jordan, generously opened her house and invited a number of her many friends and rela- tives and them with a delicious roast, to did ample justice Among Emma Swartz Mrs seryed which a guests present were Miss Bl Horper, M1: ()rvis the anche Housman, aud Mrs john and daughters Saile nd G son quite alle A ree while ment at i bewiide ] eacited, three shots; but, Oh | dear, he never touched them A I Dire 1 an he sighed alr Un Satur shot a he lay our Colyer hunting party Frank Lmgle shot it the first, J. | the second which sid him Successto the boys, but poor Arthur mourns the loss, that he wasn't with them deet Jordan Ow time, Sheriff had quite a serious experience several ago, from the effects of which he in a critical condition, but is improving Sheriff was out bant. ing turkeys, when all of a sudden he spied a flock of the feathery tribe, which frightened him so that he took heart disease, the upper part of his head be- came loose, his upper eyelids did flop. Swartz's sale last Saturday was largely attended, though the weather was very unfavorable, which prevented many from attending. Everything brought good prices, Protracted meeting has been in prog ress during last and this week, in the Zon Evavgelical church, In the absence of Rev, Fenstermacher, Squire Housman conducted the services, The United Christians have been hold. fog a revival in the New Michigan chapel, during the past few weeks, with ood success. Rev, Wincen, from Hunt. gdon county, has been conducting the meeting. How about the two old women and the two kids? : Wm. Stump took a trip to Bellefoute last Thursday. John H. Balr, who took typhoid fever a few weeks ago, is not yet able to be about, but is recovering. weeks is st Elmer, from Centre Hall, can you account for Miss Katie's absence at the VY. P. A. the other Sunday evening ? John H. Bair, of near Colyer, lost 65 of his early turkeys, iu one week, of the cholera, last summer, and yet he has & large flock left. His eutire stock num: bered over two hundred, Milesburg. James Krebs, of Boggs twp, shreading corn fodder, had a mishap when oiling ashreader : his foot slipped, tarowing his right hand out to save his face, caught his two middle fingers in the wheel, cut. ting the ends off. He is now carring the haud in a sling Swan hotel Spring | | cut h-l | WOrk, Miss | father moved into brick house in Dr. 8S. M. Huff's John Wagner's large Central City. Andrew Hugg has charge of his moth | er's stare of this piace, since his parents left for Philipsburg to take charge of the | of that place, George Derr of Central City three porkers weighing 349, 3624 1bs. killed 490 }2 A gentleman, on Bond Holder's Row, wished to have a cheap barrel of cider, asked a farmer of Central City to furnish him with the cider; “‘certatuly 1 will fur nish you with it;" the bondholder loaded his barrel on a wheelbarrow, took it to the farmer in faith to have it filled with good sweet cider. A few days later on, Mr. farmer approached the gentleman telling him his barrel was ready for him, Mr gentleman in full glee started for his apple juice, with some difficulty arrived home with it. Tapoed the cider to give his family a delightful drink of the liquid, lo! and behold! it to proved to be the liquid drawn from the pump; we did not learn the result from his spelling bee afterwards, as he is known to be a rough speller, when his temper is raised. Jeanetta Heverly, a daughter of Mrs Kate Heverly, and grandchild of James Heverly, was stauding near the outside cellar door on Wednesday, when a heavy gale blew her nto the cellar breaking Jer right arm at the elbow joint, Dr Huff was called and set the broken arm She is getting along splendidly Ed. Kinne left on Monday for Kart. haus to take charge of @ gang of men on he new railroad, between Karthaus and Clearfield Miss McKee returned to Pittsburg after of four weeks with a pleasant visit May Wharton Miss May Wharton left the Lock Hav trained nurse, thi [8431 § week where en hospital employed a Kev ara around t any one had noticed takmg the tumble, after which she began a blue streak of cuss words, Oa Monday morning picked up the double axe. “I'll m see if out of the d old porch made kindling wood of it numbered with the past Un summer thunder shower, thunder and sharp heavy rain Spring Mills. Saturday will help oud peals of Sunday all Ow streams and the Rain which wells Sheriff Cyrus Brungart was in last week one day to look up prosperity. Ripka, employed hy ( J as farm hand, the thought he would try to drive a team ou a lumber job but one week was enough for him, farming is good enough. day and town Frank Finkel fellow, Jerry Zettle, of Georges Valley, has bis new house pearly completed to move into Jacob Hazel, the shoe agent, who has a large trade in this valley, had a very successful fall trade John Graden, who has been housed up for the past five weeks with fever, is on the mend started Shook has orchard of which he expects benefit next year He Ist it as be thinks it will ach Emanuel 1 ! OMe LY orchard amley shout again to attend to her house Nellie Gr WOrs of our wild rkey b h ex ! in EA niers, who ne, : h med out t had they the t tasted half so wel last Monday | Known Moshannon. Mrs. Gulliver, of Kane, has heen visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Quick, near this place John A Lucas, of Altoona, who is work ivg at Jersey Shore, was in town one day Ast week. Austin Kerin and wife entertained a number of friends and relatives during the past week Herman Viehderfer, of Jersey Shore, WAS A visitor in our town recently. Charley William's mother is visiting at his home at present, The protracted meeting closed last Thursday evening, after a series of suc cessful meetings, . Mrs. Bickets is slowly recovering from a serious fall which she received a few weeks ago. The copious rainfall during the past week will surely replenish the wells and should be a great eause for thanksgiving amoung the people. Since getting a telephone in the office, at this place, the post office clerk has been so busy answering calls that she has hrdly time to attend to the mails; think she should have an assistant, Care Your Cold While You Can Is it not better to cure your cold while you can lo its inciplency, rather than take the chance of its resulting in pneumonia, eatarrh or consumption; all of which dis Aaronsburg. Herb Condo, who with his family had been living in Bellefonte for some tine, moved back to this place last week and are now domiciled at the residence of his grand father, John Kieamer, Miss Hettie Smull left for Rebersburg to spend the winter with her grand. mother, Mrs. Gramley. Mrs. Fred Kurtz Harter, both of guests of Mr, and Mrs week and on their return home they were accompanied by grandmother Harter, who is 10 her 86th year, The Reformed Sanday school, of this place, have decided to give a cantata in their chiurch here on Christmas evening, Particulars will be given later, Mrs. Mary Moyer and brother, Rob ert, of Rebershurg, were the guests of Prof. Stewart Weber and family on Sun- day. Miss Jennie Steans, the guest of Mrs, F. J. eral weeks, Mrs. J. A. Miller, accompanied by her two daughters, Mrs. Dr. Franks and Mrs, Chance Frankenberger, all of Millbheim, were visiting friends in our town on Sat: urday last and Mrs. T. H Bellefonte, were the Mench here last of Miflinburg, is Forster, for sev Miss Womelsdorf, of Bellefonte, spent a few days in town last week canvassing for a book entitled **Galveston Horrors,” While here she made her headquarters at the Bower House, The sale of the personal property of the late Thos Harper was not very well attended on Saturday, owing to the in. clemency of the weather David Krape, who has been an inval- id for a long while, had an attack of paralvsis last week and is lymmg in a critical condition, Rev, Tomlinson, D. D., preached two very able sermons in the Lutheran church here, Sunday morning and even ing. Bruce Rossman, of Penn Hall and Miss Lizzie Koch, of Fairbrook, were married Sunday a week ago at the resid- ence of Nelson Wert on North and street by Rev. F. M. Brown, of the Reformed church, Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Albright, at the is residence of Miss | | bands are all her | , fell to | it is now | | riday morning the 23rd, between | the hours of 12 and 2, had a regular mid | lightning with a | | for the | guests assembled jolly good | {to | handsome | They a plum | | der and Hall, were visite Weaver's on Thursday week James day of (ast ' joann Rossn panied by Rossman, Jesse Werl's armer has The stave m is idle 3 helping t road h their ti I. M went with hunt his retu {0 rea mer the Shr The Murray school had an tion on Fridav, and each pupli pioma fxamina is wish I wonder where the "honeymoon’ We had a fine rain over Sunday H. B. Hough is thrashing corn | for his neighbors John loug moved in with GCG H Showers last Thursday. 1. C. Rossman's had a birthday party 1 daughter, Carrie, on Saturday evening But on account of the ramny weather only about half of the invited They all the Johu - and, course, he took the prizf at the table and that accounts for it. IL was arraoged that her grand-father took her Aaronsburg on Friday and delayed tii] Saturday evening. Asthev were late in coming back, she to'd the folks then when they were ready to start home, he would have to have a jolly show before they started, that was the reason they were but he knew her received some presents, to table but a SO secretly s0 late : of course She but never go away again if he had a lly time and about eleven 0¢ how to detain saves she will detains her eit for home lock, so good 3 Fairbrook. at the Pennsvivania State on while shred College barn was feeding the ma | chine and a binder twine caught hs arm, it pulled his left forearm into the cylin tore it off. Mr. Garner's was taken off above the elbow gelting along as well as expected. Jno From, of near State College, while bring ing the "Regulars home from hunting last week was so unfortunate as to get one of his legs broken. While coming down Tussey mountain a trace became unfastened and Mr. From stopped and while he was fastening the trace the horse kicked him on the leg and broke the femur entirely off, Miss Mary Lutz, who has been with her brother Charley, of this place for some time, returned to her home in Buffalo Run valley, the beginning of the week, A. C. Kepler, of Lancaster, is visiting at the residence of |. M. Kepler, lowell Smith still remains about the same without any change. Lowell's case is most critical, The needy rain has come-—most all have been without water, and the empty cisterns are being filled up, There was no services in the M. KE. church at this place last Sunday, on ac count of the inclemency of the weather, 6 Horn Native on every box of the genuine the remedy that cures » cold in one day of Penn | | you cou | is an exce lent | two months, Mt. Eagle. Teddy and Caddy have become fast | friends. Ibia Bathurst ‘‘sot’’ up one night re cently. I dare you to ask Uney From why his dog eats horse hoofs. James Heverly, who has been absent about one year, 1s bome looking his best, Mr, and Mrs Hicklen were the guests of Mrs. Winters, of Wilhlamsport, last Sunday. Wm. Yeager Saturday that shot a wild turkey last dressed twelve pounds, The sand bank is booming at present under the management of Bruce Gates W. T. Leathers is attending court this week and his son Irie 1s the head push at the handle factory during his absence Albert Aikey, whose leg was hurt bad. ly in the sand bank a couple of weeks ago, has about recovered and expects be present at the over nedy, Thursday evening Harry Fravel and Wm. Butler will wrestle for the championship of Howard township next Saturday afternoon, [If Butler Fravel dance his famous can can dance; and if Fravel is winper, walk on his ears Lo Ken- supper at 18 victorious, will Jutler will when Boney opens his keg of nails on Christmas The Calithumpian band of this place and Kennedy will meet on the corner of Main St. and Bald Eagle Avenue next Friday at 7 p. m, sharp. All good citizens are requested to be present and join iu the parade up Main St. Mayor Riley will lead the procession followed by J. K. Boney with his tramed horse Mag, which frequently make buck jumps. J. I. Dunkel will drag a dead rooster which was found in his yard the morving alter election. Butler will ride in the rear with his new horse, The Star of Holts Hollow. A bot time in the old town is looked for. evening wii There will be an oyster supper, and bazar at the Kennedy School House, Thanksgiving evening, for the benefit of the M. E. Church. All are invited Fillmore. A welcome rain came Saturday Sunday and started up our streams On Monday we saw a fellow hauling in the top buggy We think better time by usit and cornu fodder I make Agere wag a f Wagon m, Hal a DUgRY w be laker a fur The only way to over come the si st to get rid of them Rev. R. W. Runyan, the pastor is at the bead of the committee and he is a hustler, and the work = ves 18 be done ast Thursday Thos, Tressier was one of the happy hunters, be brung in a wild a rabbit and pheasant His when | saw him on turkey ees OOK: d mg DEATH home of } Milliord avd 4 days Al Interment on Friday The death angel entered the oster Young and claimed little aged months ment was catarth fever at Gray s cemetery Ross 7 weeks As an extergpal apy ation to heal cuts wounds, bruises and juries there is pothing so good as Chamberlain's Balm. It causes the parts to hea out maturation avd in one third the required by the old fashioned treatment sale by Green's Pharmacy. ike it Pain with time 1 For Sugarvalley. greatest i ay in of The need of to this vicinity 1s a good, heavy fa The brooks and many of the springs and ran is have run dry In several sections of the valley be found we walter at all can LEO A mile from bh worge M : 7 e ] ast IAY I he Fhe folling ren, | the arcticie the same favot Name ter reer! sn "1 em clipped m 1 Australia joned is meeting = he Cit shows that ment th n that far off country as at IWOOm ha | home Cough Remedy I have bwen suffering from a severe cough for the last and it has eflected a cure I have great pleasure in recommending it. W. C. Wockner. This is the opinion of one of our oldest and most respected residents, and has been voluntarily given in good faith that others may try the remedy and be benefited, as was Mr Wockner.” This remedy is for sale by Green's Pharmacy -— The Youth's Companion in 190i. The ends of the earth will be laid under trib ute for the 191 volume of Tur Yourn's Oow on, Statesmen, Diplomats, Travellers, Trap ors Indian Fighters, Cow Punchers and sell ade Men and Women of Many Vooations will contribute to the entertainment of young and old in Companion homes, Theodore Rooseveit will write upon “The Essence of Heroism“ The Secretar} of the Treasury will answer the A t “1 find Chamberlain's medicine uestion. “What is Money?" Frank T. Bullen e old sallor who spins fascinating [ite at will contribute a stor LD How ells will desoribe the relations bet ween “ Young Contributors and Bditors © Paul Ford will write about “The Man of the Die tionary Noah Webster There is not space here to begin to tell of the good things already provided for readers of the new volume of Tuk Yourn's Compranjon—interasting, instructive inspiring —from the pens of famous men and n. i astrated Announcement of the 1001 volume aid sasnple copies of the paper sent free to any ress, All new subseribers who send In thelr su seri now will receive not only the Er YoeTi puoN, ' yarns of | : Lalo ster | : i h mt dius fon fi FAUBLE’S NNN ANN We Made a Mistake AND We Frankly Admit It “Seat teSTavTan We Bought More Than We Could Ordinar- ily Sell. That's the Story in a Nutshell, Now We have Decided that They Shall Not Grow Old on Our Hands, "TTT tTeaesaTan Price, Cost, Profit Nothing Shall Stand in the Way. They Sim- ply Must be Sold. That's All There is to It, and that is why We are Now in the very Heart of the Season Offering a Stock of Clothing and Furnishing Goods, the Best in Centre County, at Prices Never Equaled Even in January Re- duction Sales. There never was an Opportun- ity, such as this, for Centre County People to get the Kind of Clothing They Want at Such LOW PRICES. Tete" tfTeTNTNTS THINK OF IT While Our Stock is Largest, While the Assort- ment is At its Best, We Price Them to You at even Less than the Usual January Reduction Sale Prices. A Call is All We Ask. Don't Buy if You Can't See the Saving. We will gladly show you through and quote you Prices whether you buy or not. Don’t Forget that we Guarantee to Save You from $3.00 to $4.00 on Every Suit You Buy. Tet cass enS ALL TO BE SOLD NOTHING RESERVED -aeSea% teas as ‘M. FAUBLE & SON Brockerhoff House Block. Bellefonte, Penn'a.