» THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, NOVEMBER 29, 1900. HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN The Local News Compiled During the Week BRIEFLY TOLD IN AFEW LINES Movements of Our People—Personal Mention, Society Events—What Has Transpired Worthy of Men- tion—ShortParagraphs. —S8. H. Williams will do the painting for the remodeled Methodist church. — Selinsgrove has decided by a vote of 2 10 1 to erect an electric light plant. The Works moving along nicely, in full operation -Rev. a caller but too full of business for a log Bellefonte Glass are Houseman, of Tusseyville, was stay —The school convention 6th. district Sabbath at Pine Grove, Reformed meets Dec Andrew B. Young, foreman of this office, has been laid up the past few days with an attack of eczema —M. C. Gephart, of musical instruments at Millheim, gave the Democrat a business call. the popular dealer —This season the 500 pound porkers will not tip the scales in as great num | —In the last decade Clinton county made a gain ol 512 people while Centre's population decreased 375. —Dr, George A. Fairlamb and the ven- erable Robert Valentime, both of whom had been ill, are much improved, Some new machinery and necessary repairs are being placed in the shirt factory which will improve their equig- ment Mrs Hon. C. T. Alex Richmond, Va., yesterday, will make her home with her daughter, Mis Yarrington Scattered overoug town are piles of left for she ander where brick stone and other material for build. ing crossings. These place before the winter sets in, The s6th, incladed Richard J. Gibbs, of Miles burg, $14 a month, the minors of Philip Bradley, Mann, $14 month should be put in pension grants of November and Axe of a within the past few weeks shipped over 300 live hogs from that station, bring § and 6 cents dressed, down there cents live weight Services each night of this and next week in the Evangelical charch. Rev, B, on Sunday evening and part of the time during next week, | On page four of this issue will be | found a list of all the school teachers in bers, as the two previous seasous. 1 {8 Richard Lutz, who resides one mile | west of Zion, has concluded to quit farm. . '" \ { | ing and well have sale on March 26th » ' 1 [| Snyder county's loss in population | | since 18qo, is 347. That is proportionate- ly greater than our county's loss, which was 375 Ww. | of the law at this bar, Esq., once a limb of id, institutes Swope, now of Clearhe is hustling at teachers’ county a lecturer. | —Al and Will Harter, 180 pheasants this season, which as f Coburn, landed may be a warning to sportsman Sober 10 take | care of his laurels -The EB. 1. Holder: postponed this Dec. 1, at 1 Tho —The aged man sale was Saturday, coming p. m., at the corner of High mas streets and wid Mrs of sheriff Brungart, x mother now 31 years old, is seriously ill at the home of her son Newton, in Miles township large from the rural districts, an the Democrat oth vored with an an usual num! —The Kettle two and a half mi er of welcome callers » tram road is now finished les west Mts 10 comp f the pike at This le lete yet to Fousts on the Seven aves some eight miles the head of the Kettle tract Next Tuesday J, ( the have farm, ne Snook will a large sale on Gordon Hecla Park lements and consisting of horses, bousehold goods discription Jonathan Musser highly esteemed citizens of Haloes town ing for years or longer, is in a criti consult his bills one of the o id a ship, who has been ai some two ition at this writing and recos Since the election is over many In quiries have come to this office as to when Mr. R furnace near bert Valentine would start that as they are anxious should of the Republican town, to secure oyment; all such em m3 consult Editor Harris, Monday a freight train on the Snow Shoe branch was wrecked near Runville, le above the In by am tersection, About in a heap with the coal A Car wheel breaking a dozen cars The A single man were piled train crew escaped without being injured There idav is every indication of a brisk he! for evidence of which see the advertisin season for our business men, x from now until ling Needu't go tothe city spend your money at home for Christmas presents Miss Montana the past six weeks, of the Democrat, Christmas, up in every columns and note how they are fl line of Missoula, who was here visiting friends | zzie Harpster, and intended to re. | spring, | wn Thars. | Mis Harpster, had taken seriously ill, in con Miss Lizzie took her departure for Montana on main, as she informed us, until received the unwelcome news last, that her mother, dav, aco b sequence of which last Friday evening's train. The family some eight years Centre Hall to Montana ' Ma) place, who for a ago moved from Harry Foster, formerly of this | number of years held | an important clerkship tn the Affairs Department Internal at Harrishurg, is seriously 1, as his many friends here and | throughout the state will regret to learn The Major served through the Mexican and the Civil wars, and for a number of years was editor of the Centre Democrat, singe then he occupied the position above named He was an able and vigorous writer, back over sixteen YEAS Ago, To read the Democrat's correspond. ents’ it would appear that butchering and making sausage is all the go. If all the sausage and liver worst made from Nov. 1, to Jan. 1, next, could be measured the stretch would be miles io length, and the hams and shoulders, if piled up, wonld be moun. tain high Good living always follows a country butchering, and butchering day is always a day for frolic, big turkey disper and fresh sausage and worst for supper; an lovitation to such is & high honor and never goes unaccepted. account, | Same concern | tering majority atiracted | from West High street, | passenger station | Thanksgiving with | the | has been the county this year with the location of each. All | at the coming session of Teachers Insti. tute | Enoch Hugg, who for the past thir- the this county, has been NM teen years in mercantile business at Milesburg, has | | purchased the well known Swan Hotel at Philips and once burg The Centre county grain fields, with look said of out exception, fine and promising may be elds With the need , & good crop the pasture fi ed snow covering this win of wheat be looked may nex’! year the Arges 1s¢ on Wedaesday evenin paintings of wh upon a reen in was a rare treat, an arge house and oe eased le band and the ra troup bands t this season, we have had a so far as music 1s about every ternoon ar vening The state, loan and Title Company pew firm that has wen his place for a line of business formed at ! that will interest many of our readers and is composed of men with whom any be intrusied Mootelius, Esq., of Pj was business can be john A ° Cit on th th os rcled Reg pres nt atives, at years ago he was a clerk Hall issue re of the Illinois Legislature by a very fl mm Wolf's store at Centre Our comment in ast the cing of a marker at where the Sanford family was killed has if jon, NH 1 attention Now some one wil ve subscript pt erected ra a can » secured and sud to postpone a game of foot ball ls the Willi the Bellefonte resulted in a cle was urday afternoon between school and The the port High Aca victory for demy game an Academy by a score of 161 g The Bellefonte lock works are a thing of the past. The machinery has been moved out of the building which is now occupied by the Bellefonte Boiler Works This pl there pear the P ant week R.R was moved last The lack Haven eleven have canceled their date for the Academy foot There will interest- State Normal foot ball ball eleven be an ing game however on the Fair grounds the the State between Academy and { College Scrub team Next | hold their Sunday the B. P.O annual Elks will memorial exercies at Renovo. Several lodges in this part ot will attendance. The lock Haven lodge has selected W. Har. rison Walker, Eaq , of this place, as their state be In | spokesman on that occasion A who is > Kerlin, of Centre Hall, an invalid some two years, | none the better of late, although he may rally again which is the case with him frequently; he bears up manfully with Christian his sons giving faithful attention to business aflairs, un der the guidance of a father’s unimpair. ed mental vigor resignation, Oue day last week Bruce Garman, of | the Garman House, was out hunting and was fortunate in shooting a poor little cotton tall and since then has had the sportsman’s fever, The result is that he has purchased a complete outfit, from cartridge belt to a high grade gun, so that he will be well equipped when the hunting season opens next year, J. R lee, of near Colyer, while put- ting in a band at huichering a short time Ago, as be was in the act of cutting the head off a porker, accidentally cut a small gash at the jomt of one of his fin gers, which caused an alarming swelling of the hand and arm, and became very painful, rendering the hand too sore for any use, There is an improvement now and Mr. Lee thioks that the hand will heal. Kreamer & Hosterman, at Coburn, | Macone, ot | | Hengst, from Lewisburg, Pa., will preach i } @ Sept | are expected be in attendance It took charge of it at | hat have been | lative 10} the point | LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Gathered from the Various Offices About he the Court House, MARRIAGE LICENSES, {Jeremiah Suavely - - Spring Mills Sarah C. Heckman - - “ " { Mannasses Stover « - . . Maggie KE. Wohlfort - " { Aaron Grieb Snook Millbeim Lt Mary SevillaSholl ~ . . . « * R. Newman Port Matilda lena EK. Decker - « - Or! Lo Walk - » Fink DD. Walker Raehet Woomer . . = Geo lly b rank D. Wagner Geiss Ada |. Goodhart - - Livonia Henry Taylor Hl Yarnell Vaux Philipsburg Bellefonte Center Hall ESTATE TRANSFERS {5a { Ri REAL Antonio Macone to BE June 1, 1900; 3 $120. Joseph izabeth Macone, acres in Snow Shoe. Macone, May 10, Shoe. $100. Sarah J. Eisenhuth et, A. Kerstetter, May o, perches in Penn. $40 H. E. Smith, et ux, to Thos. E Mav 12, acres Haines N. M to Antonio 3 acres in Snow et 1900 | ux, to Martha 10 Acres 122 al, 19 0 | YVonada, 1600 | $275 Kunes admr., to Jno. W. Bitue: 189g ; tract of wood-land in Liberty. 13 $27 Jacob Evert, et ux, to Jacob Kerstetter, | Ma ch 1891; 11 perches in Penn. $716 62 M. Kepler et, Oct. 26 30, acres 4 Jacob Brown, $1000 Jas Sept Ww Hpsburg ux, to 1600 ; lot in Phi E land Elmer of Resides, in Boggs. I.. Resides to , 2 4, 1593; tract Edward C. Fram, 3, 1900; Marion. $294 25 Philipsburg Coal Barker, Sept. 20, Rush. $6q. May Nevel y Davis Z. al, 11.75 Perkins et, Nov. 1 acres & Land Co 46 to John S acres in G00 | “3 : SHEVES, in Jacob KE perches 's heirs to , 1880 fico B. Hendrick Nov, 15% 17 a 57 Assy DE, \ berty Marg raret : house and A 1 A In O18 In to Geiss-Goodhart weiss, son of David ( Centre Miss Ad missioner HillWednesd diate fami wedd Ha a Goodharnt Was 1 MATrNage ighter of ex Geo. LL. Goodhart, of Centre ly the imme- Af ay evening jes were present wer ashort Mr welonte ing tour Geiss will make Bel ture home and will occupy the corner Thomas and Rhodes ent Geiss 1s bookkeeper » coal dealer and is 3 m pet Young of sterling and we wel. | come him and his estim ride to our community - NAILWORKS PROPERTY SOLD The mmo alth | | and Deposit compau Trust MOurg on e the de Guarantee f Harn Assignees oO | Tuesday sold at sal Iron and ner &( ecfonte Hi od plant of the Be 0 Joseph G ngs and equipment V ite ir was built in company ! Philadelphia, for which in. the build | Thep | $185 [| i to fin ancis | Owing tO Binancia | of the ©» i cluded ant 1578 at a cost of but was closed down in 1590, troubles Ibe failure ail company greafly involved General Beaver, them governor, who wade & general General Beaver's | was also sold on Tuesday for $3,128 assignment interest in borough property The land belonging “10 the Nail Works property was not solid. The machinery | was knc xked off at $6100 and the build. | ings at $275. making the total of $6175. | The plant started in 1883, and will not be started The machinery metal will be broken up and sold up again and all for old ron One house near the Nall works was to Wm. Hampton for $400. The balance of the Nail sold ing of two double houses, a store build. ing, 22 acres of ground, railroad sidings, etc, was bid ap to $3,500 but the trust officer refused to let it go at that price and it was withdrawn. Gen. Beavers interest in the Beaver & Hoy row was sold to the Hoy estate for $3,125 Other | property was put up, but the trust ofhcer | refused to let it go at the prices bid. The nail trust evidently was the death of the costly Bellefonte Nail works CREMATED ALIVE. An Italian Workman Meets a Frightful Death, | Several carson the New York Central | branch road at Carroltown, ran away at noon Friday, crashing into a cabin car in in which allan track repairers were eating dinner. Antonio Godor, of Jersey ately took fire and was cremated alive, His cries for help were piteous amd he laborers fled when several discharges oc. curred, - Rain at Last. The rain Sunday and Monday was general over the county and bas caused some of the streams be bank fall. Elk and Penn creeks were high and next to an overflow of the banks; Spring and Bald Eagle creeks were high, bank full, and the other streams in the county about the same, The rain was heavy in other parts of the state and the rivers much swollen. At this writing, Monday morn- ing, we have learned of no damage done, but ms the heavens are portentions of more rain, flood damages may result, ¥ 113 perches in | | the Catholic cemetery. B. | | the Advent cemetery, ni | works estate consist. | destroyed. | stroved, and two irom stacks at I, Shore, was caught in the wreck immedi. | Francisco { in Company G, might have been rescued, but the Italian | RECENT DEATHS. LiINDEY JOounson :—The three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton R, John. son, of Bush Addition,{died! Wednesday morning of diphtheria, GEORGE W. and merchant, Krers (Ex postmaster of Lewistown, died Mon- day 19th from injures received last Thurs. day by falling from a heavily loaded wagon, the wheels passing over hig body, His suffering was ribs intense, several having penetrated the flesh, JEREMIAH Hoy :~—An Miles residing three | miles west of Madisonburg, died Sunday aftenoon 17th. SAMURL GRANT SHAFFER: —Aged 13 years, son of David and Sarah Shaffer, of Madisonburg, died of typhoid | fever in the November 17 aged cittzen of | township, about only Memorial hospital, Johns. th. at town, on Interment in the Lutheran cemetery Madisonburg | 218L, MRS. CATHERINE MCQUILLEN (—Aged | 82 years, died at ber home in Pittsburg, Sunday of old age. She leaves one son, Thomas McQuillen, of that city. The here Tuesday afternoon, remains were brought | Interment in evening JAMES W. HEATON : | in Boggs township, Sunday morning at | | 5:30 | been ill He has He is aged | He | children o'clock from paralysis about three weeks. 63 years and two months is surviv- ed by his wife and three Mrs. Mary Brickley, and Wilson of Pittsburg to wit, of Romola; How ard | Interments in | last Tuesday ABRAM SNYDER (Died at his home Norwood, on Friday. He was aged go He at the years and 3 months. was a puddler and followed his trade Valentine Bel atl Iron works at lefonte ; also the Later spencing several years Howsrd and Hall iron Hunting lorm works he lived lon, then OMe YEATS own May JEREMI an wood in ast A wellk cy, alle Ant Hov'! dent of Brush val l away on Sut He pRsse 18 was aged ; Ww « Their Arnica was union : three of them pd always interest in the He took a great of the new chnrch the Rew the Dubs oficiat it ed in pew ctmetery K AXDREW HARTER 4 miles cast of Belielo noon He id. His Gir ceding him - ve fe M1 gr M , Pa be had was MM owi ) Lhe Av Arn ives him chi His second wife agast, i By of Snyder county his first wife dren by his secon ife ten all of whom are are Susan, of Collin lale . E Wm ie. inton len, of Chicago A Emma, of Houservi Harry, Axe Mann ; Belle, Elizabeth, Bell Ind. ; George, at ton | of Eagleville m m Laura, Cle and mel, E Jacob easant Gag clonte khart, Albert, ( Interment San Edna | ra and home at Jacksonvil Wednesday forenoon MIFFLIN CO. DEATHS Mrs. Reuben Axe, of Bel Mrs. W. Scott Caldwell, alley, 55, leville, aged 68 of Ferguson Thomas Gerard, Mrs ohn Jordan, aged | aged 0 Yeagertown, brick, aged 76, 58, both of Lewistown aged 59 leah Han and J The Storm at Lock Haven | mo | By the violent storm om 21, the build. ing now under construction for the Penn- sylvania Fire Brick Company at Beech | Creek was blown down, and Thomas | Stanl.an employe, had a leg severely in jured Robert McCormick ! torn to pieces, and the crop of 1,200 acres Two tobacco sheds belong the ing 0 below Cily were of tobacco leaf stored in the sheds was | The tobacco shed of Thomas | McKeague, at McElbattan, was also de | NM : were & down Patterson Co.'s blown pipe works Death of a Young Soldier. and Mrs. H. H. Stuck, of Mifflin | received the sad and startling in. Mr. burg, telligence of the death of their son Arthur A. Stuck, in the miltary hospital, at San Arthur Stuck had enlisted Forty first United States Infantry, in September, 1899, and sailed for the Philippine Islands on the Logan last November, Rain to Snow, The rain on Monday, by evening, and during the night chaoged to swow in many portions of the county, and Toes. day morning the atmosphere was quite winterish, In Burnside township on Mouday night there were three {aches of snow reported. The mountains within sight of Bellefonte bad a light cast of snow, «In regard to supplies for the table during the midwinter and boliday season it will be well to consult Sechler & Co. MINGLE'S SHOE STORE, Av advertisement in another portion of this issue may interest you, | Beaver Falls train was immediate] | there at |} and ;° Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, , NEw YOIK Plunged Into the River. The Pittsburg and Cleveland plunged into the Ohio river, of Ihe y submerged in ten 1st - just we t « Weduesday morning of water. A ier of passcoagers feet are reported dead and injured. Weather Report. Bellefonte Stat TEMPERATU RE Max! mun Mir kly Report ion, died at his home | More rs XMAS IS AL And before MOST HERE n can full) are others whom 100 alty of this vers Stock patter? | Slightly Used Pianos. s. WILLIAM T. MEYER, sof ar St. ¥ vdelphia Points of Superiority in the “Standard Rotary.” The first stiteh Is pe f hread Kered WPI Sara C. Brickley { Cor. Spring & Bishop Bellefonte, Pa LOOK! -TeaTTTTTTNYn NINgs « Don't n your Look he ide, areiudly MTOW the not obliged believe evervthing vou hear and read, am but in the mits « Our own exper ence, and imag e the world and shoes Are the same as they were when vou were a boy Shoes—andthe world too, we now than denbt weanrnng believe —are het ter ever before It yo this, you've probably been a wrong kind of shoes and had your souls cram ped, This is intended tor the few who have not been buying Min. gle's Shove, TE ——— Bellefonte, Pa. | PUBLIC SALI flyer REGISTER Parties having sailed will have free, Other BATURDAY E. L. Had Belietonte, Va tarness, Farr menes at lot TUESDAY, DE( farn, ar M oelork, | pi ments d.k ne hart Book WANTED Ger FOR BALE { ruck shersburg DD. Weay ™ Clothing : Dry Goods The 83 DRESS GOO! DS for LADIES (ame iia { " “ LYON & CO, edb Bellefonte, Pa MARKLT QUOTATIO All market each TY closed tor the press Lock Haven Prices of Wedpesdas butter 4 chickens 25¢C | 10 5 y 10 Mn peck 1 ery 1 salks 10 10¢, Con peck 13¢; Ta weight 10x Bellefonte Produce The following Oo. for prod Eggs per dor Lard per pes Tallow, per)» Butter, per p Ride, por poo Shoulder, pe “" Bellefonte The follown MiLLise Co Red wheat | Red Wheat Kye, per bush Corn, ears Lorn, shee Barley por b Oats, per bu Corn, ears p Leburn Pollow! ra Biv white Ben we eres a Grain, anid by Frogs Lirain, a for grain by the hed