Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 29, 1900, Image 4

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The Centre Democrat,
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Circulation Over 2700.
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PAID lation of Tums CENTRE
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Vv J
AD! BTISERS, WB vortisers ana the public,
whosoever may wish to
consult same
SOME pavements, are like the temper
of some folks, very uneven.
THE fellow that thinks he knows it all
in many instances is fouud to know noth-
EVEN most of the democrats have stop
ped seeing things since the election. So
squeaks a republican exchange and we
may add thousands of workingmen don't |
see’’ their dinner pails filled since
Furst and Hon. John G. love, of the
score of president judges who presided
over the Centre county courts since the |
organization of the county mn 1800, are
living —the rest have gone to that Higher
Court where justice is unerringly meeted
out to all,
I¥ Centre county keeps losing in popu
tion, at the rate the late census shows,
lation, at t} te th }
we may be relegated out of being a sin- |
gle judicial district and joined to another
county. Just think, if we had to go back
to having two associate
little we Centre county people would
feel, with nothing to brag of but having |
furnished a lot of governors ?
stumping tour through the far west, made
great ado about mavor Van Wyck and
ROOSEVELT, in his buffoon
his connection with the ice trust Just |
see how history repeats itself
Be BD. 1212, “Then said Pilot to the
chief priests, I find no fault in this man
A. D. 1900, Nov I, Governor Roose-
velt, find no fault in this man Van Wyck
-— — - -
THE only living governors of Pennsyl-
vania areyPattison, Bea
All the
constitution of 1873, then first authorized,
are living, namely : John Latta, Charles
W. Stone
T. Davis, Louis A. Waters, Walter A
Lyon and John P. 8. Gobins—all elected
ver and Hastings
lleutenant governors uuder the
in order as named
A —————— .
Now it's the salt trust. The National
Salt Company that controls gs per cent
of the
the beef trusts by more than doubling the
price of table salt, The price was $1.10
per 100 pounds before the election and
now it bas been advanced to $2 50
WHAT a fuss the McKinley organs |
made about VanWyck
from his monkeyish stumping tour
Teddy got back and announced he
found nothing wrong about VasWyck's |
connection with the ice trust and there
Was DO cause for his removal. The (oe
trust shouters can now spit their tobacco |
Juice at Roosevelt,
- .
To the democracy of Centre county it
may not be amiss to give the reminder
judges—how |
Chauncey F. Black, William |
salt output of the country and |
and the ice trust, |
and the prediction that Roosevelt would
remove the Mavorsoon as he returned |
Continued from page 1.
vici Col. Dunham, resigned his charge
of the grand jury,
J. Frank Condon, the official court
stenographer for this district, having
resigned on account of ill health, G. S,
Burrows of Sunbury is reporting this
term of court.
of Centre Hall, appeal, plea non assump-
sit. Continued generally,
Com. vs. Harry Stellar, indicted for
betrayal, prosecutrix Ada Oberheim : de-
usual sentence in like cases
Com. vs. George W. Barner, charge,
| first count, larceny ; second count, re.
| cetving stolen goods; prosecutor Samuel
Bruss. Bill ignored,
Com. ws. Chester A. Walker, charge,
first count, assault and battery ; second |
| count, aggravated assault and battery ; |
| prosecutrix Mary M
| nored
Walker. Biull 1g-
Com. vs. Martin Haves, charge, first
' count, assault and battery ; second count,
aggravated assault and battery ; prose.
cator William F. Pownell. Bill ignored |
and the prosecutor to pay the costs.
Com. vs. Mame Miller, charge, forni-
| cation ; prosecutor W. H. Runkle, Jr,
| Bill ignored and the county to pay the
Com. vs Oscar Viehdorfer, indicted,
first count, larceny of cattle; second
count, receiving stolen goods knowing
the same to have been stolen Five
! prosecutors were joined and tried as one
case, as follows: George Katchick,
George Pindock, John Salfko and William
| Hipple. This case grows out of the cat-
| tie thieving in Snow Shoe and Burnside
{townships in June and July 18¢g, at
| which time these prosecutors lost young
cattle as well as others who are pot
| prosecuting. These cattle were feeding
{ in the woods, as it is the custom of far- |
mers to allow their young cattle to run
in the woods, where they frequently
| grow fat and are ready for the butchers
| 1a the fall,
Some time after these cattle
| cattle had been sold to John Linder, ia
butcher, at Grass Flat, near Peale,
| and upon investigation four young men
in the vicinity of the German settlement ]
| in Burnside township were identified as
the parties who had sold these cattle to |
| the butcher and others from the nei gb
borhood of Peale, and at a trial at No-
vember sessions last, two of the young
| men were convicted and sentenced to
| the reformatory at Huntingdon and one
| discharged for want of “suffici ent evi
| dence, a full account of said trial appear-
ing in this paper at the time. This young
man had disappeared, but was recently
apprehended and was brought to trial at
this term. Verdict guilty and sentenced
to pay a fine of one dollar, costs of prose.
cution, and to the reformatory at Hunt.
Com. vs Robert Walker,
larceny, prosecutrix Lizzie Eminhizer
indicted for
{ This prosecution is brought for the ston-
ing to death of two turkeys the property
f the prosecutrix, and carrying the
same away. The turkeys were valued
at two dollars and the case is from How
ard township. Verdict guilty and sen.
| tenced to pay a fine of one dollar, costs
Ot prosecution and imprisonment in the
county jail for a period of thirty days
Com. vs. Charles W. Poorman, indicted
on three counts, first count, statutary
rape ; second count, betraval, and third
| count, fleeing the jurisdiction of the
| court, prosecutrix Eva Zimmerman. The
Commonwealth entered a nolle Phage as
to the first and second counts and the
defendant plead guilty to the Ny
count, and secured the usual sentence in
ike cases at the hands of the court
Com. vs Amanda Evert, indicted for
assauit and battery, prosecutor George
R. Stover, president of the Coburn Water
company This case grows out of the
laying of the pipes of the Coburn Water
{ company through a small strip of land
owned by Michael Evert, the husband of
the defendant; the defendant stoning
the employes of the campany off of the
property after the company had filed its
bond in court to make good any damage
it might do to pr perty The company
| having entered the premises under its
! right of eminent domain. Verdict guilty
The grand jury made its final report
on Wednesday evening and was dis
{ The homicide case from Moshaunon,
in which Johu Keenan 1s the defendant,
was taken up this morning
| |
dominates the whole salt
trade, has improved ou the advance of |
Now that patriotic citzens of Centre
| county have erected monuments to mark
the first fort in the county and the place
where the first white man was killed by
{the Indians, a move is on foot by the
| Daughters of the Revolution to erect a
marker in honor of the Jacob Stanford
| tamily, four members of which were
killed by Indians on May 8, 1778, it
being the only wholesale Indian massa.
cre within the history of the country
This massacre we referred 10 a num
ber of times and in last week's issue of
| the Centre Democrat we gave a full ac.
count of4t, and advised the commemo-
ration of the mcident by a monument,
| and now have the pleasure of commend.
| ing the Bellefonte Chapter Daughters of
the American Revolution for their patris
otic spirit is preparing to supply this
Lazzie Bible and Annie Bible vs Boro |
fendant plead guilty and ‘received the |
i were missed it was discovered that young |
peals at Richmond, on 8, decided that a
married woman, living with her hushand,
is the head of the house. The case upon
which the decision was made was that
of Mrs. Marion H
Richardson, wh
claims the homestead exemption allowed |
in the Virginia Constitution. This or-
| manic law permits the head of a house:
{ hold to set apart a homestead The
question the Court was called upon to
determine was whether a wife can as-
| sert this claim,
The State Board of Education of Vir.
ginia in a recent decision rendered gain
ed a national reputation by holding that
a woman might easily claim the right of
the house, and to day the United States
Court here affirms’that view
—— . -
Clerk and Carrier Bxamination,
The United States Civil Service Commis:
| sion announced that on Dec. 15. 1900,
an examination will be held in this city
for the positions of clerk and carrier in
the post-office service
This examination offers an excellent
| opportunity for entering the Federal ser.
vice to bright, energetic young persons
the Commission hopes that a sufficient
number of intelligent, active persons
The nature of the examination is a
test of practical general intelligence, and
of adaptability in post-office work. The
age limitations for this examination are
as follows:
Clerk, not less than 18 years,
Carrier, between 21 and 40 vears
For application blank (Form 101), full
instructions, specimen examination ques
| tion, and information relative ot the du.
| ties and salaries of the different positions,
|ap plication should be made to the under.
Applications must be on file with the
| secretary of the local board before the
| hour of closing business on Dee 7, 19%
W H Garmax
Secretary Postal Board
fl ——————
Fell Fifty Feet To Creek
H. 1 Gray, brakemazr
vison of the Pennse
was probably fatally in)
from a bridge to the dry
tance of fifty feet, at Lewishurg
After the fall be climbed a
te the roadbed, where he was found by
the night watchma
sigual tower,
river hed
The United States Circuit Court of Ap-
| anniversary of the venerable
who are pot afraid of hard work, and’
| will present themselves for this examina. |
Big Porkers.
Since the season for venison ig about to
close, we will usher in the campaign for
heavy porkers and if you do not
want to be missed and wish to have your
heavy grunters put on record in the Cen-
tre Democrat, you must report and don't
let your scales cheat you.
Mrs, John Frank, of Millheim, opens
the ball with two porkers killed a few
days ago, each weighing over 400 pounds,
Jasp Stover, of Millheim, has two slap-
ping big "uns in his pen that will weigh
| over 600 a piece.
Jacob Kerstetter, of Coburn, has sever.
al hogs that will go near soo each.
A Noni
From a Somerset Standard, sent us,
‘we read of the celebration of the 88th,
of Berlin, Pa., who was one of |
the prominent wealthy and most public
| spirited citizens of that section of the |
state, and is known to many citizens of |
this county, His childien, grand and |
great-grand-children, were present, He
is the grandfather of Mrs. Wm. L.
Kurtz, formerly of Centre Hall,
000000000000 000CO0000000
Th at is bother Ng many who
whnt to send an pproprisie
gift t his BEAsON t
Clothing at
Tempting Prices
Complete Stock of $8, 000 Ready-
to-wear Clothing must be
disposed of within
30 days.
Almost one-half recently bought
at a saving of 30 Per Cent.
But regardless of this they are all to be sacri-
ficed on account of HAVIN Gt
both by over-buying 4 warm weather delay-
ing business.
Will pay you to buy even if you do not need it
until next season.
You will find that you can buy NEW goods
cheaper than others charge for their old goods.
Remember, every Suit
turned into ce
Reynolds’ Bank Bldg.
Teachers and Directors of Centre County Penna.
1 evhys
R B Shrem
a Woomer
Ion bw
and Overcoat must be
that the county is politically close—at | want, ' 4
least it has been turning up that way | - an fr . iy G1 i rl ‘ . Je a Cilens Moshannon
several times in the past ten year. We | ELECTION ECHOES. DM Wolf ) : Br W | ‘ bans
believe the county has a safe democratic i VRNAIHE TW NeW Ap ert y 0 by 1 A " 1 \ Ralary 333 to gs wide Ri Moa n ! : N
majority but that there must be good McKinley received 643.918 votes and i" : oo of di n : oR : McGowan Mostmanon © Aas aco vilk
and efficient management, good men on Bryan 474.582, making Mc Rigiey’ $ plus! RF Barer : on Hoyer Line 2 Rawn Julian 3 W Shean " Hii 8 W Butler Walker Teachers
of the democratic masses in making the vote of Bryan is precisely the same | G R Haak " dt abel Barkey Potters Mille OW anh ver eddaming Henry Snavely Salary $33 WOH Mr
somisations. When the majority fs ~=474.882-as it was was four years ago, tenet Pye : of end Pach | a dR William Martha E ( - : Penn Hall Director hy Josie Wilson
small and at times go a little the In the State of Ohio, A N Brungart Wolfs Btore LIRERTY TOWNSHIP HON Moyer hr Penn Hall John 8 Hofin an Phllipsbare LW Yocum Hublersburs
other way, it means that democrats will When all the newly elected governors
not abide by anything done by trade, of the states have been inaugurated there
swap, or other unfair methods. When will be one silverite, twenty.six republi.
we can go before the people with clean can and eighteen democratic executives, |
bands and candidates with unassailable The silverite is Reinbold Sadler, of
ion F Weaver Penn Cave Atma Ki ne Zion
yward Robt Hownrd karly achat Salary $48 to $30 I' A Hosterman Coburn Wm Cunningham . '
Howar ) Irvin W Zeigler Linden Hall EW Bracht ' David Datel " " A 3 Robb
characters, the people will be with us | Nevada.
and we will win, -
Bdw'd Morddneer Tuss yville
" - A Hey
HAINES TOWNSHIP ' A Miller Reborsbure John Albert
“: . Had Leg Broken,
Hares nates of Ad Salary $38 to $39 fh Raton Blanciard N PT taheivar Cigar Thomas Byron : WW hry TOWNKHIP
Salary #00 to 8% aH 4 Ristor Anronshurg 4 A Quigley PHILIPARURG Nettie Thomas Geo It Williams Port Matilda
Directors i M Orndort Woodward {
A rolling stone gathers no moss, but a | 1.40 Thursday afternoon last it was
rolling mill usually gathers the dust, learned that John From had just had a
Brevity may be the soul of wit, but | a leg broken by the kick of a horse near
there lsn’t much fun in always being Pine Grove, where he had gone to bring
short, | the State College hunting party home,
Tak Haven
bowen Salary $133.33 to $48 8 : Rocdring
lo ¢ gf hompwon
DA Boorer Centre Hall bd “- "AVOr Feidler Teachers Directors RING TOWNARIP !
NW Smith | Aaronshurg
Benner Turner
ve ¥ iw RK | y
HG Strohmeler “- Ba Alters Coburn F Milford Pletcher Blan hard *r Uy Dombi il ig : pY at to tn AA ny
0 : I 8 8 Williams " HR Ounan
J 8 Dauberman T achers yorotha Heohdel rank Weber
8M Weber Aaronsburg Bertha E Johnston * CW Atherton
A Willkame
Qotdelia Acker . “ TR ouland sir fra Grimm
da Williams
o tre a ey Wolf Store a
Cor ire over ™
: Wredior
Albert T | Beech Ores Teachers, " ‘mm Weston
fa’ hort 1 Yowet et LIT
Romola Jennie Morrison vale