THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., NOVEMBER at , 1900, 3 NED Ta mp NH LR] I Hi REN J To Protect Gould Fortune From Castellane’s Improvidence. AN INJUNOTION ORDER GRANTED, Trustees of the Gould Estate Re- strained From Using Any Part of the Trust Funds Vor the Payment of the Countess’ Debtn, New York, Nov Samuel Unter- mever applied to and obtained yester day from Justice Fitzgerald, sitting in the supreme court, an injunction order returnable on Monday next, against the Count and Countess Castellane, and George Gould, Edwin Gould, Howard Gould and Helen M. Gould, as tru under the will of Jay Gould, restrain- ing them from paying to Anna Gould, Countess de Castellane, any part of the estate in the hands of the trustees, or from applying any part of the trust fund to the debts of Anna Gould or to her support or that of her children un- til the further direc I'he plaintiff in t} Dittmar, who sues as assl Wertheimer, a London bri er. The complaint contains draft and Counte to upwards of 000 anc It is alleged $18,000,0¢ eld rust b « come that cour support, ¢ rema 7 d tees jon of the court eo suit is Anton J ree of Asher t i a-bracdeal- coples of accepted in wri y the Cou amo which $285, due 3 de Cas! upwards are past that Anna t for her uld (BY rothers $25 al pile debts surplus ted ought t present i and, it is reported, is in*“Wertheimer “ Ge Sold Fraudulent Insnrance - . NOW : aA Wi ing nue 1 for then Denth of Commissioner Wilson WV WwW nue ant comi had ad Ay the t daughter of his As partment t fo Wed an German Haron Loulsvilie Arthnar ham, of the gagement May Lang! Yon BSlerniws tary of ington general nt pow living lang en '. ANnOouUnees plece, Miss Lilliam to Baron Herman Speck formerly first secre Wash consul ¢ embassy atl and appointed Caleutta. Miss Langham Is in England the German : : intely Count Sentenced For Forgery. Montreal, Nov. 28.-Count de Tow fonse Lautrec, who was extradited to Canada from Chicago, Was yoaterday sentenced to five years In the peni- tentiary on a charge of uttering bonds knowing them to be forged, | dent | 666 A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED IKE “wer - Thursday, Nov, The population of New York state is 7.268.012; in 1890, 6,907 853. Republican house lenders have cided to reduce war taxation $30,000,~ 000 annually. Governor Beckham, of was married last night at to Miss Jean Raphael Fuqua Sir Arthur Sullivan, composer of “Pinafore” and many other lHght died guddenliy In Lond aged HS vears A who de- Kentucky, Owenshoro operas n, ha report that Gen, S Ikburger succeeded Kruger a of the Transvaal rej is discredited in London Mrs. Nancy Hollifield been the oldest woman lina, died in Ellenboro age 18 give n asi Nov, 208. The population of M : 2,679,184 Friday, in 1880 saturday, Monday, Nov fuesday, Nov = Wednesday, Nov, 2 GENERAL MARKETS strong ‘ £1 0% 4 " to good, BM Bheep common common Wg veal onlves STONE HAPPENINGS. Interest From All Parts of the State. News of HUNTER ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Son of nf Wilkesharre Milllonnire, and a Yale Gradunte, Met Denth in North Carlolnn—Neuten to Death In mn Fight, Wilke was Noy 28 WwW night of the George FF. Nesbitt, at terday Mr Nog- LEO On hunting lina. The dispatch of his Jays attendant in a started off nas Pa ord herd of 4 A barre, received death N here week North Caro conveying the news he had left red carriage in ods with his two soon started Mr tance away fell and his load of shot tragic Mebane, bitt left trip to Vi | eo death col Wi a the and dog Not returning expected, the colored man to search for him He found Nesbitt's dead body short dis The suppo gu was ( us a tion 1s } Arg he the Heaten to Death inn Fight, Serious Flood at Dabois, Pa, » hildren Burned to Shipping Two Killed PESASYLYANIA NEWS CONDENS) D An ¢ oh per * : pers Fear | Yoner pear ¥ tal inju The ne mped tishure from and rion holds the for the Richards COTOner's Jury company responsit James Campbell, at near Mount Carmel An operation for Uni Coal de h of ce . the sry, the removal of cata acts snabled Nre. Elizabeth Hess, of Mountain Grove, at the age of KE, 10 see for the first tims in 25 years PROFESSIONAL ’ ’ : TR, MATHEMATH MECHANI AD " th stu MENTAL ana PRHEFARATO) YORI all term open HY YOR» mation. addres . Al ras 1 GIVES A BREADWINNING D0 CATION, ¥ an A MORAN Y ar ( Al ! ' AB § oe : CHT A\TUR Jato NO ompin Ni ¥ Fie MY {'IENUE MILITARY SUTENCE theoretion AR Ante IMEXT Enabling yourg men and women to meet the 44 commer 8. ala than Foy tw r are ah ve Tass tRDS ¥ Leave Bellefonte Leave P.DUFF & SONS, Ma ond Liberty an, Pberg, Pa RAILROAD SCHEDULES JENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BRANCHES In effect on and after May AN VIA TYRONE WERBTWAND am, arrive at Tyron H 10am, at Altoona, 1.00 pm; at Pittsburg rpm Leave Bellefonte 11 If at A mm. arrive ut Tyrons p mat Pittsburg p Lloona nied 44 p Altoona at 7 VIA TYRONE § Bellefonte o " arrive at Tyrone at Pittsburg at 11 BIW ARD n Arrive Harn n 240 pm Leave ut Tyron a 1 Wl Ph lade phiab 4 Leave Be ra y m de Helfonte | of y 1 Arriy aL Harrisburg 6 4 iphia P ) Leave wef / 600; a1 Harrisburg at VIA LOUK HAVEN Leave Bellefonte Haven lo 0 am Bellefonte Haven 24pm Leave Bellefonte Haven at "np Via OC K Leave He Haven. |} cave Wil Arrive al Harrisburg Zip. m mn dit pm, arrive at Tyrone NORTHWARD nr #0 ain rive | 42 at Ww m HAVEN EASTWARD 1“ 2 a 3 ef m ol ih ate Tx Via Leave Bellefonte at burg at a.m Fi Leave CREEK B® | Valuable R:al Estate at Private SEYVILLE} ng PERCHES a high stat tive re L 4 nk mt yw ni ' i din Ghonnd weil NE Watley situated from postofMoe nly = th of a 8 ome of the most or I Bary Abe SArY UO rehard al bo the farm is within f miles | stores and eo) : } ¢ fon | mile 1a the pat atid “" ai MAYERS TN a me profi tat e inyrsimen All rommMmuUnicsa ne sroperty will be promptly I ¥ I V with reference to this answered by N.B. SPANGLER x40 Belietonte, Pa Centre County Banking Co. Corner High and Spring Streeis, REcRiIvE DRrosiTs | Discount NOTES. J. M. SHUGUERT, Cashier, DMINISTHATOR A ¥ i Hh FIR K Hp. de NOTICES. NOTIC} LEGAL state of JOHN N PAYD Lkertonn Conn of ads elie tr beet E INSURANCE 00'S } n ge ere ’ > a Mamburg Bremen North German Fir Manchester of Mar American Central Prussian Nat Palatine United S! Concord Nationa Traders Washingt of Hamburg, Ger, Insurance f Nie a. of Wise of Allegher of Chicago n i: GIR A BEEZERS M B r 4 ’ ’ ’ EEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLI b ) MOHAWK REMEDY ASK YOUR GROCER FOR al RT 4 » » v —— wl tRaision” a — - ia - » fhe 5 Minute Breakfast Food. I Purina | ith » - BRAIN a i SS i WR PATENTS 0:0 RADE WARK Ae 10 PATENTABILITY AND COPY RIGH OUTMNED inventive Age" Book “How to obtain Patents” Charges modsrais, Noa fee 11 in secured. w. an. LSdrem.