T he Racket. SHOE SOAP DRESSING Washes a shoe, a sensible thing. Shoe Soap Dressing oils a shoe with a neutral oil, a good thing. This Dressing gives a beautiful polish, waterproof and clean. A grand thing for Laidies. The m'fg’rs, working through us, | Give Very Handsome DOLL | SLIPPERS to Little Girls who have induced some grown per- | son to try the Dressing. Price 10c at the Shoe Department. For a fine display of LAMPS, the product of the best factory in the U. S., see centre win- dow, main room. We can Save U Money on Lamps, too. —————————— G. R SPIGELMYER, CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM 7TH PAGE| Fiedler. Wm. Wolf's new residence presents a fine appearance; it is nearing completion and will soon be ready for the painters. Ben Jackson is also erecting a new house at Wolf's Stave mill, and is ready to plaster Theodore Hosterman has finished saw- | mg on the Wetzel tract, and is ready to move the mill. Rev. J pastor of friends a + jon set the ¥iX , Tomlinson. a former 1} Liis Lutheran is many nmut ached in Ihe mu pending ug with daughter Carroll, in Sugar townshi from Michae IS Dow compicle p road, gravel bank, ready f Hess to the and i David Stoyer, one’of ouro dest citizens, is afflicted with ( and is a gr ferer His daughter Margaret, maiden lady who bas for him, is Michael Stow had a runaway last - f > " " "ie : 5 week. After hitching up in his barnyard, before he could get into the buggy, his horse started on a and demolished it Ancer cal su! an aged been keeping house A150 Dediast run, upset the buggy It is reported that Michael E wey stil has lots of corn to husk. He raised an immense crop this year, and has kis cribs all full and lots out yet DIED Nora, wife of Clayton Bower, died of consumption, aged 31% cars, Inter ment at Woodward She was a daugh. er of Thos. Hosterman, of C burn, Lizzie Brown, from Juniata Co , is visit ng her brother low Winegardaer. Mrs. David Neece and daughter Ella, made a business trip to this place last week, Nittany, We had some very cold er the past week , blustery weath. Butchering, making sausage and eat ing turkey, has been the work of a great many the past week Don't supper, to be served the Evavgelica Thanksgiving forget the chi ) the church, waffle room of night of ken and in inttie the Mr. and Mrs. Sh up, of Curtins, spent several days with their daughters, Mr pd Mrs Prank Eo and M1 M1. Bob Cramer, at this place the past week Mrs. Frank Bartley and little daugh. ter, of Flemington, spent several days with her father, John Minick, the past week The great lament is for a good soak lug rain before it freezes up; the streams are very low and most of the wells are dry Miss Hertha lose has Willams port % Hospital to ed nurse goue to the become a train. W. E. Shaffer and wife spent Sunday at Spring Mills, visiting friends and help. ng cat a big McKinley dinner B. F. Shaffer and N.C. Shaffer started on Monday night to join Furst's men on a hunting expedition There is Sunday school in the Lutheran church "every Sanday morning at ¢ o'clock in the Evangelical church at 2 o'clock in the afternoon Every body gordially invited to attend both schools: but those young peovle who are fn the | Babli of coming to the afternoon school, had better be on their guard-—there is a limit to all things, Miss Orpha Pletcher has been in Belle. SLi sewing, Loc last few weeks, Fld Church Re-opening. There will be a reopening of the M. B. church at Unionville, on Sunday Dee. 1, It is hoped that there will be an un- usually large turn oft on that day. The church has been beautified with paint and paper, new seats, choir box, and a good time is anticipated. Every body cordially invited, and | Fillmore. I will take the responsibility of trying to give you the news of this little hamlet It is a large place but has few inhabi. tants, e town is built up principally of worm fences and stone piles, If I should get onto some one's personal property you must excuse me for I am no trespasser. Our former scribes have left the town, or gone to school—'‘so, los'r ga." Butchering has commenced and up to this time E. P, Roan carries the belt for the largest porker, On Wednesday Elige Kellerman moved he has been working for some time, shooting match at this place. All marks. { men who like the sport are invited to attend. Match will commence at 12 o'clock sharp. Dallas Marshall, of Buffalo Run, traus | acted business in our town on Monday. Our sick list at this writing are Wil liam Saxton, James Bodle and the youngest child of Foster Young We hope for their speedy recovery Mr. Bodle has been a sufferer for a long time, Earl Way passed through our town on his way to Pittsburg, on Monday, where he has secured a good job for the winter Our merchant, A.C. Kelley, transacted business in Bellefonte on Monday. Now Wilber, there are more than A C. Kelley who say that was John Meck- ley's tame turkey. What says, must be so. everybody Well, good by for this time, as [ am going to help Hen raise his potatoes tomorrow, FILLMORE No 2. Mud is plenty and news is scarce this week. Bill goes around with an eight by ten grin since that little girl arrived at his house on Willie and Harold young have been {ill for sometime past, we hope for their speedy recovery. It has been reported that the M. BE church is going to be repaired; we can not say for sure, but we hope it is a true report as it certainly needs it of Walter Tamer, sorry to hear of his but hope for his speedy recovery, iends The fi of are very iil We all 4 } st we NER IDE Now, an weighed so | GE) OCCl a yonug feather Aaronsburg. ¥d. Fehl, r Sunday Miss Carr last week with her une at Centre Hal Grandmothe Hal was b ic Weaver spent several days le, Jerry Mowery, of Lewisburg, is the guest of her » Rev, F. W. Brown, : Our ourg Frank Guisewite, of with his family, father-in-law, town Postmaster ler, in company Sunday with his Stover, in our A new boardwalk has been put down on North 2n tr gressive citizens and proves quite a con venience to ients of that section Etti the Lewisburg with his family eet, by some of our pro- resi James Chronicle, here Sol. Confer, of Snow Shoe, and his son John, of Milesburg, spent several days | last week on a visit 10 the former gentle man's sister, Mrs. Israel Weaver, who is seriously ill with cancer Rev. John Tomlinson, D.D..of D 1 Bois, Pa., will, it is said, preach in the Luth eran church of this place next Sunday evening Emanael Cronemiller has commenced butchering again our people, ana jadgiog from the number of porkers he kills, his services are in fispensable Mrs. FP. J. PB Maize, made a trip to day morning, returning evening for and daughter Bellefonte Satur again in the ser Miss Mollie Gettig, of Spring Bank, spent Sanday with friends in town Some of the personal property of the late Thos. Harper will offered at public sale next Saturday by his execn trix, Mrs Sarah Harper. Rev. Guinter, of New Berlin, preached A very able sermon in the United Evan gelical church of this place, last Satur day evening to a large concourse of prople Wm. Stover has gone to Altoona to visit his son Charley, who is an emplove of the Penna. R R. Co Merchant Rob. Mensch bas opened an oyster salovn in connection with his store on east Main street, where he is prepar ed to serve his customers with stews, raws or fried. Give him a call Mrs. Henry Miller and daughters Bertha and Mamie, of Millbheim, spent a day last week at the residence of H. H Weaver on west Main street — Axemann. be Mrs Chas. Garbrick and litte daugh. ter, of Bellefonte, spent last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Kate Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buck, of Connels. | ville, Pa, visited at the home of Elias | Breon last week Mrs. Daniel Rider, of Curwensville, visited among her many friends at Cen. tre Hall. Miss Daisy Heveily entertained her last Thursday. Mrs. Elias Breon and son Harry vis. ited about four miles below Bellefonte, at the home of Andrew Harter, who is seriously ll, Mrs. Harry Harter and Lizzie Toner also visited there, Party: «On Thursday evening a num. ber ol yous folks assem at the bome of J. H, Herman, of Rock View, On Thanksgiving day there will be a | friend, D. Ammerman, of Curwensville, The following persons were present : Misses Daisy Heverly, Mary Rote, Blanche Kaup, Della Swartz, Anna Kaup, Bertha Breon, Eva and Mabel Marshall, Pearl Waite, Julia Watson, Edith Herman, Messrs. Hd. Beck, Ed. Mease, Roland Mallory, Harry Breon, Morris Hazel, Harry Marshall, Chas. Hughes, Jno. Loneberger, Vernon Waite, Wallace and Miller Herman Alter playing for several hours, etc., they res turned home, All truly enjoyed them. selves very much Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stover and Mr. | and Mrs. Calvin Burris attended the funeral of the late Wm. Stover, of near Bellefonte from our neighborhood to Scotia, where | Millheim. Mrs. W. W, Boob and davghter, Grace of Centre Hall, were visilors in several days this week, Mr. and Mrs foute, are here town John Woomer, of | circulating among f Thomas Buck, of Lewisburg, was visitor in town over Sunday Mrs J. SS. McCargar Seibert, of Bellefonte, Mrs eve and peat last week as the guests of fri Mrs. Mary Walizer, of rived in town Monday She wi here, at State Colle ge and DuBoi Mrs Hartman visite sister, Mrs. Sallie Poorman, burg last week Clayton Catherine ler, at Williamsport, nds herve Sunbury Rebecca and visited E % several days Bressler Bressler, Remains of Grant Shaffer, son of Daivd Shaffer, of Madisonburg, e taker through town on Monday afternoon, wer Mrs. L. Guisewite, of Harrisbus to town Wednesday morning The Motz stone crusher went to Si town on Monday evening to do crushing the Aarousburg Fort Turapike Co. The road bad shape, and should have work done to it, By for The streams, and gotten down very low here. mills must resort to stea we Son springs In power them going Jos. W. R pent Sunday ind Edward Brow: Haven 'ifsuyder in Lock 1 3 tore t nd hte roe Dan'l Hoy bought and shipped apple ) Re )i novo at Jersey Shore, was called 4 th ’ cath o ale 0 sudder arriv Mrs. C. E of Salona, parents F past week Miss Mary antz, former piace, but now of Ridgeway her many friends at this place i ber grandam ed too attend the fun 1 daughter Bia Barner an heen v Mil have K g the lad ers of this place thi is visiting Cr y of Orvis Caris wears a broa the of a little gir smile since arrival papa Mr. E. K. Miller, wh working Hyner, Pa. is at home on a brief visit bits parents is Butchering season has already opened nourcommunily, severa already persons having SMuUsage an ct made nel has arrived » the form of a ne visitor 8 In lie gir And » intends to make it ber future home MM: Wm. Harter, 4; gone on a short our dunting expediti Diego al noon, Mrs holas died at her home at this ¢ of dysentery with which she was afl for nlerment was mad on Friday afternoon in the old Evangel cal cemetery Funeral services cond Rev She was d 70 yrs Was a member of the Evangelical Association for at least 1S years She is survived by her aged husband, one son and eight grandchildren, three havin preceeded her to the grave store keeper, wm Nisa Now John ace ted » a SEVETral Y*ars uted by Gross age and 5 Sugarvalley. The Hess Hunting club report the kil ing of twenty. eight pheasants, ten rabbits and two wild turkeys last week. Their bill of fare was rich over Sunday Earnest Reighard gave good bye to his friends in Loganion, Monday aud de parted for Garrett postoffice, North Caro Hua, where be will join his brother, Ottis Reighard, in the lumber business L. M. Karstetter, of Green Barr, was one of a club of hunters who shot nearly ene hundred pheasants in the forest along White Deer last week That's a record breaker, surely, P. T. Karstetter has two wild turkeys to his credit. He shot them both on the jountalns south of Sugar Valley The infant child of Mr, and Mrs. Mat. thew Geiger died on Thursday last. The | burial took place in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery, [a residents of near Greeanburr, Sugar | Valley, was found dead mn bed. oe | years ago Mr. Smithy was partially par. | alyzed, but recovered apparently 4 the altack. [Upon retiring Monday night he made po complaint of not being a well as usual, but when his wife went to call him Tuesday morning for break fast she found him dead. [ed | school at Keating. Pa. Tuesday morning, 13, Daniel J. Smith, | Beech Creek. Mrs. Eliza DeHass, who was injured | by the cars a few weeks ago, is recover. ing. Claire Berry was, last Thursday, made assistant train dispatcher in the offices of the N. ¥.C. & H.R, K. at Jersy Shore G Harvey Mann and David Jones came home last week, the former from Sisterville, West Virginia, the latter from | Altoona, Pa. Miss Lillian Glossner has returned to ber home in Blanchard, having complet. her work as teacher of the pubite Word was received here last week of the death of William McGhee, son of | James McGhee, of this place, in Wiscon- sin, where he has resided for many years No particulars have been received, ruce Farewell has broken ground for lwo new houses, |. W. Merry for one new dwelling house, Dr. J. E. Tibbins for one new dwelling house for two fami lies and E. S. Mobley building lieutenant Grier P. Mobley ha ed from Washington, DD. ( the Government ubmitted to a de for Lis new store where hospital } ite abdon Ariny was in and perat recover weeks among h Rey church in Lions t L Lagley [| | ma ave for Canada in having resigned his caurcn nam ree Ler rat of Osborne C15 a son of ised 10 reside in Pine Sampie, i»TOVE \ » very is a'most Taylor over the seems to be much s¢ and connect presented his me . The free rural mail de route agent | B D. « and ure now, as the f Washington, route last pleased with its Mr. Tavior has m to the was week cour ns approba department for action Possibilities are that W, E. McWi f Rock Si secure the route contract at the salary of $500 per year, with extra fees lams, rings, will Roland. Curtin were Mr and W attend Haven y he Jas. B Ams who Stoner those d the repu! } tee at Lock Ast week $ Bathurst one ociock at we eased has been a long and fferer, aud wi missed greatly by his many friends ate Jam Sunday, at The dex funeral of the PIiACE DOK this on : ’ ’ patient su be Austin some time, We are glad to say that Mrs urtin for wach better at this writing Mr. and Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Flato of Texas, and Edwin MacMeen, of New Jersey, were visitors at the home of Mrs I. B. Curtin, Bulchering time has around and our friend in it once more who has been ASL werk Again Soup come seems to he Samuel! Bathurst, of Rolfe. came home on Saturday evening for a short visit William VanValin, the young Eran. geist of Brookville, made a short visit with hs Mrs. F. W. Smith and family, this week sister, Miss Katherine Curtin and her cousin Harry, were present at the Clay Me Cormick tea party, Saturday afternoon, at Lock Haven Mingoville. The weather was very cold last week. Mr Are visiting his parents Delemont Yarnell visited his brother “Doe,” over Sunday. Some hunters were out on the Alle. gheny mountain and came home with | some pheasants, Mr. Hockman is building a large cis. tem, Some of our boys got a large wild tar. key last week, J. C. Snook is hauling his apples to Howard for sale. Perry Maran had the misfortune of felting his thumb smashed while work. g on the railroad. The sudden cha in the weather is making ice for the The farmers are busy hauling water, and Miss William Johnsoubaug | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., NOVEMBER 22, 1900, Centre Hall. James Shires, of Johnstown, was a | visitor in Centre Hall last week, The Reformed and Methodist congre- | gations held communion Sunday morn. ing. Rev, Harvey Lundy, of Mill Hall, | filled the pulpit for Rev. Chilcote in the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening. Their service is still in prog. ress and will continue during the week. The entertainment in the Presbyterian church to-morrow, Friday, evening, prounses to be of an interesting charac- ter. The program consists of music and recitations, The grangers will give a chicken and waffle dinner and supper in Grange Ar cadia on Thanksgiving day. W. W. Boob left for Cincinnati Satur- day, where he will remain a week at. tending a carriagemakers’ convention in session at that place, Mrs. Yearick returned home last we ek, after spending a month with friends in Union county Mi Jennie Reifsnyder ur Mi saturday. daughter of heim fanny de nyder, of was a tow: M 1} Bower, of Bel fonte, was a . Meyer and le home of D. | Liast week. Rowelia VanPelt left Monday burg and will Wilson ( cRe Ion ww oe given lo vocal I tal music. Geiss for Chamber 11 at Miss Sunday at and Wagner the home M iss everal lefonte, spent K. Gei Derstine and Rebecca weeks, 15s not abhie 10 leave the house Mr greater part of last Howard Thomas J Wilson week with friends at nent spent f Bellefonte, was a of Capt, services will church next The sermon will of the be hner, Re. iradtord hunting party aturday. They faire h 3 them Thomas Motz, or geutiemen, eof our is nearly ti | the real Nes {called Millie | has been il] for! | some the | ¢isiti A. M. Boal | | weighed 351 be | 1 { over the result of the election. He says, four years more in paradise! Mr, Motz, is that a place of rest ? The real estate agent was sitting at his desk when the news of the republican landslide was beard, He jumped on his feet and struck over hills and mountain for Rankeltown, singing the old tune, “No place like home.” The Georgetown scribe says he was the heaviest looser ou election day. He claimed his rockaway is damaged and Nelly lost all her shoes which cost him fifty cents to replace. When the landslide reached George town the republicans had such a jollifica tion that nearly all the bu frogs lockjaw, and the major from Drum tion was ordered to be on hand with his posse aud demand order LOK Nt a Rumor has it that Sammy Suyder and the belle of High valley will be married in the near future. That don’t put it off too long. 18 rigotl, only ra Snyder says the valley sick people since the that he ed to pe republic " idle An is compel meal must H K ngleby scribe since he don’t Ker Mills Ranke that he wi wild an estate agent Frank tetter is shipping Poe rumored from to own Wild geese were p iay Frank Allen says } pap; but grandpap Kreamerville, Sunday a wonderful Monday brought in the weather, while change br ought rain, Mrs ng her m Waite was to Centre Hall (>r0. B nother, and Sun- at M Saturday \ | Gay Butchering is Amos Feh! kill the go at boss hogs so present, far, Rev. Chilcote will sermon, Sunday the 2¢ preach a temperance th, Our cigar factory is getting al) having received an aglow, rder a few days ago for 1500 cigars f one man. A man moking Mr. Bierly's cigars once, w have them always afterwards Harry i or pinmped uj rom Edwin has been nu At off til bedtime it § to-morrow THE GLOBE DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & CARPETS. WOMEN'S COATS. Samples of Women’s Coats Just Received, only 25 in the lot. Values are $8 and $10, Sale Price $5.00 MISSES’ , : GIRL'S COATS. Samples of Misses’ and Girl's Coats, ages 12, 14, 16, and 18 years---40 Coats in the lot. Values were $7 to 8.50, Sale Price $4.50 PLUSH CAPES. 24 inch length Plush Cape, guaranteed to be best waterproof Plush, Mercerized satin lined and padded, $7.50 value, Now at $4.98 Allegheny Street. KATZ& COMPANY BELLEFONTE, PA