THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLE oT, Fa NOVEMBER 15, 1900, MKINLEY AGAIN| Four Years More of Republican Control at t Washington, THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE It Increases the Electoral Votes For Republican Candidates, DOUBTFUL STA New York, Ohlo, Maryland, New Jer. sey, Delaware, Went Virginia and Nebraska Help to Swell the Repub- lican Electoral Vote, While Kansas, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming Transfer Their Alle- glance~Pennsylvania Gives a Re publican Plurality of 206.247. to re- have in addition McKinley, INETressionil The Republicans, electing President swept the country in the cc elections, and will have next two years, a in both houses of the ture. The latest Kinley will have The figures give yYotes, McKinley did in 1896 except national returns carried PRESIDE} following the Demo ti Dakota, Nebr and Wyomir dent Mc gains, New tremer Kinley dous vote nominee ley and Ro publicans both bra: The roll follows FOR M'KINL Califor: Connect Delawnre Iinols Indiana OWA Lansas Maine Maryland Massachu Michiga Minnesota Nebraska New Hamj Now Jeraey New York North Ohlo Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Qauth Dakota tah : Yermont ‘ otal Washington 4 Requ The latest returns ing pluralities by states REPUBLICAN Vermont California . M058 Washington Connecticut 30.000 West Virginia Delaware show the 4.013 Wisconsin Jnots v0 06,00 Wyoming ndiana .... §2, M00 B02 DEMOCRATIC 35.000 Alabama L000 5,000 Arkansas 00, 006) 13.9% Colorado an. on 80,000 Florida . BIN Georgia ....... Ww 00 Idaho 75,000 Kentu« ky 20.000 Louisiana oo 53.000 Minsiasippl .... + M2.822 Missour! 12 577 Montana , 15.000 Nevada .. 11.304 North Carolina 30,000 200.267 South Carolina 30,000 PTI husetts fra: ' innesota Nebraska ... N. Hampshire New Jorsey Now York North Dakota Ohlo Oregon . Fonnsylv anin ode Inian Rhode Dakota 15.000 Texas | ol 75.000 | Rab oo. 2.500 Virginia ....... 33,000 | trict | ballot {| publicans, 28; ATES FOR M'KINLEY | vl » | The Repul ! | teenth 20.000 Tennessee ..... 10,000 | DELAWARE REPUBLICAN. The Leglslnture May Now Eleet Two Republican Senators, Wilmington, Nov. 8-~The Republi- | cans not only carried the state for Mc- | Kinley and Hunn for governor, but al- | go secured the legislature In both branches two Republican United States senators, and elght Democrats, and house will have 19 Democrats, with one tle trict. Red Lion hundred, which com- prises the Twelfth represer itative dis of New Cas tle county. On Joint the legislature will stand: Re Democrat 23 not in- Red Lion hundred member Inasmuch as the Republicans will be in control of the house of representa tives, practically certain that 1 heodd res | 0 Clark, tha Republie An enker of the he Republ zation of the $ upon the , Republic , Dem ns he uding t it I8 candidate, and last h two sens THE RESULT IN NEBRASKA. A Republican Elee MeKinley's Plurality ted Governor and In 7.0500, na, NN NON HS SAYS FRAT D fontesting the Vole Presidential Electors Ww ongre Repub samen Forte Rice in vote being MeKinley's Michigan Plarality, eturns » ity of ™ the Repub Yyernor 69 0L9 3 568 and ( Hiss, | Hean cand increased their on ont Mi is Repu! | majority in | ballot hy » ture The gation entire ilgan | congre { | Misgouri's MHepubliean Congressmen. Kansas C1 Mo., Nev, 8.-The Dem- ocrats have elected congressmen in 12 Missouri districts and the Republicans in two, with the Thirteenth and Four. to be heard from. These are | elalmed by the Democrats Bryan's Colorado Plurality, Denver, Nov, 8.-~Returns from the { election are slowly coming in, but suf- | ficient returns and careful estimates have been received to show that Bry. ns plurality will be from 30,000 to 36,000, and may reach 40,000, New Mexico Republionn, Banta Fe, N. M,, Nov, 8.-~In tions {are that B. 8. Redey, Republi has been elected delegate to congress, "The | wgislature is Republican, This means the election of | The senate will be composed of nine FIVE SENATORS TO BE ELECTED, . Republica | the | and 15 Republicans | dis- | | ted | Clark | Populist | and | will .CONGRE WIEN (HOSEN. Republicans Have a Good Majority | in Both Branches, Delaware and Nebraska Will Choose Two Members to the Ench Upper House, While Idaho Will Select One Member to That Body. Washington, Nov. 8.—The next sen- ate, assuming that the state legs! la- tures will fulfill their duty and choose senators to represent their will stand, on the basis of Tuesday's elec- tion, 49 Republicans, 27 Democrats and 9 Independents, with the legislatures in doubt in three states, with the priv- lege of electing five senators at this time, The legislatures in doubt are Delaware and Nebraska, in each of which states two are to be chosen, and Idaho, senatorial chair to be filled, those classed in the Independent column are Sena tors Stewart, Nevada, and Kyle, of South Dake who in the last gress a the Republicans on party m rs; , of Wa hi and Harrls, of Kansas. who a the Demi and Wellin Maryland repre states states, senators with one Among Ia, ected with con- all ngton, ted with gton, of ntation by urner Totals 151 b : Senator Clark's Recelection Assured, | ler re Helena, Mont.,, Nov. 8.-Fu turns of ’ iay‘s voting in this confirm 1 ! out Bryan's 15.000 to 18,000, and Govern leads the Demox e ticket with from 6. spare. The legis two Uni by and Senator at giate imates sent Ht ¥ iy wi ( ratic stat Wi) to 5.000 voles to h will elect Democratic from 15 to 20 votes on joint ballot, undoubtedly re-elect and some other Democrat to succeed Thomas C, ( fill the vacancy resignation of sion lature, whi States sens re, Is Or arter the ROK caused by Senator Clark last Vermont's Republican Plurality, White River Junction, Vi, Nov, 8 Returns from 1756 towns with 71 more to hear from give McKinley 33.640, Bryan 10,502. This lsanetgainof 29 4-10 per cent, for Bryan and a net loss of 17 per cent, for McKinley. Returns are coming very slowly, The missing towns are mainly in small agricultural towns, which are likely to Increase the Re- publican plurality to about 30,000, South Dakota's Legisinture, Slorx Falls, 8. D., Nov. §,-Republi- eans will elect from 106 to 116 mem- bers of the legislature out of a total of 132, giving them a majority in both branches. Republicans elect their two nominees for congress and full state ticket, JOHN M D.. ature Babies and children need per food, rarely ever medi- cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. uk SCE SION col WIT HYPOPHOS ih TES or LIME & SODA =. Pro 4 m— — ry Sm—) — — CE 4%. orrect this - ~ from one- teaspoonful baby's boltle three or four times a day you will soon sce a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish- ing power. If the mother’s milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul- sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. ham |) om——— wm 3 — — — 1 o— 4 e— ow} cm — * PROFESSIONAL ¢ ! SHA E. Att man Vand Eng KEICHLIN] x of the Peace Cuses ALL Damn ang Deve Aot [NEY } NEw Mana Here is a List of FIRE INSURANCE C0’S Represented in this agency all Standard Stock Companies, You can get a rating upon any of these : Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger, North German Fire Insurance Co, Manchester, of Manchester, Eng. American Central, of St. Louis. Prussian National, of Germany, Palatine, of Manchester, Eng. United States, of New York, Concordia, of Wisconsin, National, of Allegheny. Traders, of Chicago. Washington, Assets tn Fire, Life and Aecident, combined of over XO, 0000--Burplus nearly $0,000 ex SGRAITT MOOV IER, Orider's Stone Bullding. BELLEFONTE. PA FOR THE LADIES Bend us BO sents for a Box of GINTMENT that HEALS Bore lips, chaps and all skin diseases, The best ever yet compounded, Money refunded if not satinfied, WHEL Glemine. Cotes Oo., Pa. soe Wat DF. S1I16S Has Been Doing | The Work of Bellefonte # (sreat Marvelons Bucee Over Amor we Continues Numbered g His Patients NOW 15 TH} For treatment of Ca tarrh, Deafness nnd the Alr Passnges ns Asthma, Bronchitis Fie One month of Stites’ New for Catarrh and HERE In riM} sureh Dr Treatment Peat Dr. J. RB, No. 21 North Allegheny of the ¢ and {(‘atarrh Hea l. N¢ STITES, Street, Bellefonte, Pa. PEOPLE Well Known and Reliable Vv individuals Tell OU KNOW What Dr. Stites Has Done For Them. HOME Ve I end worse and Ir. Stites but | ar has beer A Running Ear Cu A bad ease of Uata my great trout 1 with roaring my ears, my head ses had such dresdind All this was onnsed | my ear began to a wl bad that | wascompeliod 10 try relief DR, STITES PROVED THE HOUR TOY my pour no discharge hondachos, notses ceasing and my genes Beulth 1s very good, Thanks to Ih eared restment Bellefonte, 'a " nove has now Jennie KHowens A Mothers own Words in Praise of Di Treatment for Latareh J] would recommend Dr. Stites’ New Treat ment for Catarrh to all so aMicted, as It eer tainly curad my son Far! whose symptoms in dicated analarming stage of that disease, Respeefully, me, CLAUDIA STONERODE Milesburg, Pa Site's Stites TESTIMONIALS. ¥ Well known Vocalist, Gratefolly adds Her sme in Recoommending Dr. Stites re shin ty 1 was very 1 throat and bhoarser dihat 1 was oe Had an annoying i ed considerable paie i have almost entirely disappeared | Main sie to oe mp vo gindiy end Dr. Stites to all suffering as | was MES. E BE ARDERY, Bellefonte Ore & 80 ire LF) | | A Bad Case of Gastric Catarrh and what In Stites has Done for Her 1 have been a suflerer for sight vears from | Gastrie Oatarrh and stomach rouble, Could 1 no reltef anti] | went to Dr. Stites, and he Kas done me so much good that | take pleasure ' in recommending him to all, | ry "RIE KAMMERER Nefonte, Pa Hours: ® a. m,, to 12. Oonsultation and Preliminary Examination Free. ltoBSp.m, 708 p.m