CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, NOVEMBER 1. 1900, —— CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT | scribe of this place will use the pencil The News Gathered From Various Sections. HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents | | post office at the above stated place, is See and Observe Worthy of Note-- The Local Happenings of Every Community. Port Matilda. G. W. Gill and son Thomas, of Locust Mills, passed Flat day this week returning from attending the funeral of the former's brother-in-law, William Williams, who died at Loch Loman, with typhoid fever. Rock one S. R. Pringle is operating an extensive job on the Allegheny mountain neat Flat Rock, cutting wood, railroad ties and mine props for the hard coal regions ; a rare ehance for men out of employment, William Knepp and family have moved from Mt. Pleasant to near Wallaceton, Clearfield county. The farmers are their cattle from mountain, all of which are dition. paper busy oll Our vicinity is infested with hunters from Philipsburg and elsewhere, some of whom have been quite lucky in killing both wild and tame turkeys. of Hunt few Harry Thompson and wife, ingdon, visited relatives in towu a days last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Woodring returned to their home in Blandburg, after a tw weeks’ visit to their parents, In this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Price are at home after spending part of last week with friends in Clearfield county. Rev. G. W. Downing, wife and daugh- ter, spent part of the past week with friends in Altoona. The Epworth League will tertainment in the M. E day evening, Mov. 31 invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mil ir home in Pitisbar n mn Schird has gone to Harrisburg to t among friends for a couple of weeks cas hall last Sat attended The social held in | urday evening was wel the cre Everybody fo bakery always has wm S. P. Hockman, daughter Emma, of E. Hockman guests at the Mr. and C. Dietz on The turned home on Sunday es Emma and Mrs. Hockman spend a couple of weeks in this section Hecla, and of Spring M former £: Miss k 4 ent eX peg ) Snow Shoe. H.F Election usua Shoe people sions D. B. Lu and Niagara recently ucas is working at Mill Hall lay is approaching with the characteristic such momentous calmness to Snow on occa as wife made Every state attraction, but Pennsyivania had a pecaliar a of its own for ils stern friend Coal trade snow storms The intermed teacher, corps of industrials, recent timber job out near Roger Grahams, said, but owing to the price set on chestnut timber, was abandoned raction here is like the first it comes in flurries. with her started a ile its high the scheme extremely A number of our attended the Centre County Fair and report it very jmteresting. Some the ladies were a little tardy in boarding the train Friday evening. This is very annoying, and should have been avoided col le of young Mr. Johnson gave us a very nice pic torial talk on Pligrims’ Progress The dancers of Snow Shoe and vicinity enjoyed a select dance given at the Haynes hall last Wednesday evening. FP. P. Geary, of Millheim, who is locat ed here at present, expects to return to his native town on Nov, 1st, for the pur. of voting and other purposes too pumerous to mention, 6 A yr OV Cw Naxative 5 on every box a" the remedy that enres & cold in one day Milesburg. After a silence of several months, vou again, Mrs. Josephine Green, of Altoona, is | visiting friends at this place. Henry Jones and wife, of Renova, are guests of his brother, J. C. I’. Jones, at | present writing, a prominent young man, in charge of the now home visiting his parents, Joseph | Baird and wife. On Saturday the 20th Samuel E. Mq Kinley picked up his gun, started for a turkey hunt and after a short walk on the mountain two large ones faced him $0 much surprised that he the turks used their wings P Sammy was left with hi gun in his bands and the turkeys le him goodby, He is better On Thursday last Hall, pass official trip John M ] ith | Sammy was forgot his gun until known as Dr. rough burg We had quite a chat Park, of C our after a short v returned to Cro t county, his place of bus ‘ssington, 118 mother, Wm of Berwick, of Scranton, lam Gingher, attend the funeral of Mrs. Harriet Gingher, denly. She was Saturday. Mrs Oct Andrew and Harry, of How their died and ard, came lo mother. who \ buried at Roland Martha Oswalt, of Clarence, die years, She leave children to Al. Beezer, Raymond brothers, a ‘ ve her mourn Mrs. John George, and May, sister and five dren. iatiy MM Altoona, are here. Smith and chil visiting friends and re his home sit with his brother-in McMullin, the n of the 49th Reg't at e on Thursday. f Kane, left for James and reunu law, attended lefont Be Two of our young selves « night, m, of Dents Run, suds at Julian, McCann, of Tyrone, home flter a pleasant visit to and M Chas. Murray phena Tallhelm, who 1s teach at Johnst home on a ' .y act own, 8 e, and is and Mrs. | 4 nag ayed They accompan Bell and Miss Swisher Mrs. James Halliwell, and Mrs. Bariey of Altoona, their sister Mrs. Murphy, last week. Ww Bu ft Cumberland, were ed home by Mrs f Pittshurg, visited am wk 4 Saturday for Md., where he expects to secure a position Yerce Henderson, who formerly the ay at Martha ter position at Hlling his place at Martha Edward Ballock, who operatoron the B. E. V hold a level was has secured a bet éarfeld. Mr. Marks is gent 15 assistant 18 juite A young such a responsible position bead. He is the proud possesssor of his first pair of long trous ers Miss Maggie Smay, who couple years ago make her home at Bellefonte, has returned to lalian. She thinks Julian is the best place yet Last Saturday young ladies was on the on the look-out for canght him-—woe escaped Mrs. William Parsons and children Unionville, spent sunday with mother at this place, but has left Julian a to evening one of war path and John, and had she unto him, but he our of het The Same Everywhere, The folling item clipped from The Citi. ren, Toowoomba, Australia, shows that the arcticle mentioned is meeting with the same favor in that far off country as at home “I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is an excellent medicine. | have been suffering from a severe cough for the last two months, and it has effected a cure. I bave great pleasure in recommending iL WW. CC. Wockner, of one of our oldest and most respected | residents, and has been voluntarily given | {in good faith that others may try the | remedy and be benefited, as was Mr. | | Wockner,” This remedy is for sale by Green's Pharmacy, | few | tle | 48 Wm. Baird, of Windber, Somerset Co, | | spent several days last week with This is the opinion | Nittany. Miss Clara Weaver, one of Hublers. { burg's charming young ladies, is living {at Frank Minick’s of this place. Miss Minnie Winkleman was home a days last week trying to have a lit vacation and see her many friends , but it was of short duration, she got a call to go to the hospital in Lock Haven a nurse. George Fisher came home from the last week on account of ill health; we hope he will soon be all right again, Mrs. Will McKibben, of Mackeyville, het woods parents, at this place, obliging post. ter Mrs. Harry one day last lie Tate, our ited her s Hublersburg, of Salona, were the pu nother and sister on sunday, uncle J. day soci one iterary the school drove to see the day last week, h aw ful wreck that occurred * the day Sut previous, n't asn't 1 a ng Mi church and husband for some as shippe an who ¢ | nily were the (s Irvin, on Sunday states that Shawiey's bet astered ng 10 entertain his On are gett ie and les since her father urchased a fine " Her organ Johnny boy wi when be returns with at a seri arence, ous a while nes pon on run ng fo | sunday going Johns. ited employment spart, was ho Heaton “ he has s« winter over to flowy w here for the Edward H vacated aton is moving on the farm his brother Jacob, who in tends to go tothe woods and keep shanty for Mr. Herwit Protracted meeting will soon « mence again in the Baptist church will be « 1 Houck Jont Shawiey says it is a good place to go 10 watch for wild turkeys up at Craft's tields, but he seems to go Saturday even. ing and watch all night, Blaine Rockey is going to the woods for the winter Some of our people dread their having to attend court, for some of the com. manity seem to be deeply interested in it, while some of them stoned their neigh. bor's tame turkeys to death. Quite a number of our farmers think it will be good to attend November court, as there will be some great suits, by m and mducted by Rev MOHAWK CATARRH CURE. Cheapest and Best Cures Catarrh in from 3 10 10 days Cures Cold in the Head, 5 to 14 minutes Cures Headache, 1 to 5 minutes Securely packed with full instructions, by | mail, postage paid, te Try it and you will be more than with the investment. Your money bac are dissatisfied. “Stamps taken.’ x10 MOHAWK REMEDY CO., Rome, N.Y, Died if you house | CW reed) Wael HELL SL A via ™, Ea CR e 0 a vr 47 ey adel) AV 4 Second: =D PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN M. KEICHLINY Justice of the Peace | | EL NST ENE SULIT A HARRISBURG) Deve ABC HONS] Cuntes ALL Damix AnD fw 1} J Mere Is a List of FIRE INSURANCE C0’S all Standard u Can get A of these Represented in this agency Stock Companies, rating upon any Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger, North German Fire insurance Co, Manchester, of Manchester, Eng. American Central, of St. Louis, Prussian National, of Germany, Palatine, of Manchester, Eng. United States, of New York, Concordia, of Wisconsin, National, of Allegheny, Traders, of Chicago. Washington, Assets tn Fire, Life and Accident, combined of over $N00000- Surplus nearly $90,000.00 RAITT IXOOV ER, Orider's Stone Bullding BELLEFONTE. FA FOR THE LADIES Send us BO sents for a Box of OINTMENT that MEALS Pore lips, chaps and all skin discases, The best ever yet compounded, Money refanded if not satisfied, PELL Lk bey ARR a ositive Advantages to Clothing Purchases as we do at present. bl Advantage that means dollars saved to you. The best clothing made you ¢ ; ' [ ry tha Wo y ior I€ss mone than others ask 1 Cr [ 3 ¢ sweat sho p thie mae iS many respects ¢x- You will fe rom others. They have been you best know find goods different in every mm iii fit better, they wear better, they keep their shape better, and they certainly beyond doubt cost less. We Spend a few minutes in the biggest, call and see for yourself the best central Penna., and let what ask you to clothing store in your experience has been, You You will be satisfied that yo be your prompter. will profit by what $ nt wn you see. dollars will go further with us than elsewhere. us is all we as A= ZS 'M. Fauble & Son, Brockerhoff House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA.