THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., NOVEMBER 1, 1900, IP CLARK Republicans Keeping Up Slander of Bryan, SILLY LIES CIRCULATED. Change In the Tenor of Roose- velt's Speeches. VAIN Dwindling Prospects of Success Have Softened His Feroclousness, Bryan a Mental and Physical Mare vel Steveuson's Good Work<\No Cnmpalgn Doubt That the German Vote Is For Bryan—General son Refuses to Speak — New York Safe, nominat rid Ix gan, pear to deem it Is their credulity Ww yet son it their dut pleasure—t ith the about him, man 8 and Ananias 0 stags most mons astounding lies and Sapphira are not markers to th latter day prevaricators. Not long since a fellow in Illinois whose name I am happy to say I have forgot- ten declared that he could prove that Bryan was paid $150,000 by the barons to force silver into the City platform. Bryan pror nied the slander and dems proof, since which time been heard from ths particularly stupid lie and that extraordinarily ma- licious liar. Ni an being believed it, for even if Bryan Kknave enough ath not fool enough. That cally la h ng been squelel person of Chalrman Hernly of Indiana, that he ceived pay delivered In tale Is a silly because nob greedy en idiot enough. cepted mot Kansas Cit) be pro drel. idential C80 over Kansas nptly ded de- the it a single hu were to do such ng he is who says ryan re- in t platform which actually of day? If Quigg Is the best paid time, Why Is It that Repub! rogate to let an about Demo In 1808 Senator Thurston of Nebraska declar ed that Bryan had been In the pay of the sliver barons for years. and Ihurs- ton had to swallow his own words In a few days, The reputation of men should be the pride of all our people, and to the eredit of Democrats be It sald that In campalgn not charge has been made by any respons sible man calculated to Injure the good name of Mr. MeKinley We fight his policies, as we have a right to. but we do not d while 1 no more ant rized for Bryan than Demo erat 1 am sure that he w be the first to rebuke any of his followers who would slander Mr. MeKinle y. Roosevelt Getting Tame, As the campaign progresses and as Republican chances of success dwine dle, ColoneléRoosevelt's speeches lose somewhat of thelr feroclousness nnd increase In thelr pleading qualities, Whether the redoubtable colonel has been disciplined by Mark and the other leaders this deponent saith not, but at any rate a change has come o'er Teddy's style of oratory If not o'er his dream. At St. Paul not many months ago he “dealt damnation round the land” In great gobs and denounced all Democrats as rascals, fools, cowards and traitors, whereas at Covington, Ky. recently be piteously begged all » saw the lig! did get that fee, literary man ins who an can't lying themselves tue thout ratic eandldates? all ail w Ww election pass our publle thin one slander the man. ar fin Is any other 1 uld brave and patriotic Demoérats to save the country and the human race from going to the bowwows by voting for him, I congratulate the colonel on his change of tone, If not his change of heart, Thme is a great teacher as well as a great physician, When the campaign 18 ended, Colonel Roosevelt ovght to hunt up the who distuxbed his peace at Victor, Colo, and make each of them a present, for they did more to contribute to his fame than any other men in the They be sald to have resurrected Teddy after he burled hime self by his 8t. Paul I If they had been | have playe nice country. may Aang BULLY BEOOMES A PLEADER. | Harri | the wond a fave in New York cl ange « silver | ’ f arms TT 3 rat ps of any genera I Adial Holding Up His End. ) ri eA A sl ne laland naideo said Fever you sw the are our pent events ents In his } has ceased, but, | Mrangely = & - ment of United | States sn engaged f the Phillies iF War with t. They ube BR Ware war against the ne Islands, who were owe Spain, : Rombahell For Republicans, It has been per ’ I people pl Killen in ntly asserted over and over again by the Republican ora. tors and press that the Germans fire not breaking y from the McKinley gang f In but the : tier Iudge Ick E. Rombauer fell like a bomb shell Into thelr camp Judge Rom. bauer Is eve rywhere ree ognized an one of the ablest of all the able Germans, He Is a lifelong Republican, a Inwyer In full practice, was Judge of the court of appeals for 12 years and Is known a8 one of the ablest jurists who ever sat on the bench In Missourl, There Is Do question but that he has a large fol. lowing among American ecltizens of German extraction, espe ally among the Republicans, His letter Is univer sally recognized as one of the stron. gest campaign documents Issued this year, Henry Labouchere, the great editor of London Truth, was recently accused by Chamberlain of having written se ditious letters to people In South Afri. ea Labouchere quickly proved that nt! feos t . " ene ' ' ‘ " : } perianlism, Hodder of | fools | t | Cortes and "1 ro destroyed t t | | | | fea : 1 | More then this » " | he A ne K ' i | the great bulk of ne wis engaged In an honest and pa- triotie effort to keep the peace and pres vent England showing the cloven foot and at the same time losing thousands of English lives, That done Mr. La- bouchere says editorially: vered in Mexleo ar On the When gold was disc t wan all up with the 1 Peru, plea that ountries to natives, he pope 1 i 8 J the Spain, the governments at had eminted ROB, § @ bitants, riure i of 1 { es and, having Ahove thie Man, (Calling Vor Harrison, New York For Rryan, Washington Post, independent n newspaper and from well Informed on us this refresh nistrat lon naturally Kives in a rk correspondent, who newspaper men in toplos, paragraph special dispatch m Its New ¥Y 41) of the | r east west roker gmatioanlly asserts that Crest. w giv om the assert Bryan K.000 majority, ania day after aE his Enoere determing MARAGETS Are go "ers filled His organ wie party fn with empl dav tion In ' : riv gr that the tor They ¢ prophe ‘ three fourths § ¢ Neg an Fy » Heeiy § y expect Oy be perfect and his met fle of the blican managers recog that irresistible by the rank and the Rey privately ding the abor vote In the city ©» th Brym Bo Hike Is the American Hanna's coofficiale that 1» mm of the nize and not pte the fact wine Irish te Theretore Chairman a the s A y majority 's | ! over 50.000 ir rh and Brookiye in 1800 The correspondent then throws big gobs of encourngement to us Io the fol lowing: In the east Connecticut fs the only state that Row troubles the Republican managers Oodle tons there are mid to be tar trom reamvuring Maryland, which has been practically conceded to the Democrats, Is now mid to look more hope fal for the Republicans West Virginia is confidently elalmed by the Rs hileans, but wiih the admission that the legis ture Is by ne means sure There Is 00 other thought tn either Republioan o Democratie circles than that the Bert house will be Democratio, lupo New A laugh is often a | monthly periods which wbuld sometimes last ten or twelve days,” writes Mrs, Alice I. Holmes, of Coolspring Street, Union town, Pa. "Had also indigestion so bad that I could not eat anything hardly, Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ' Golden Medical Discovery’ cured me.” HAD LOST HOPE. "The night bummed up, Tells its own story. lie on a woman's fips, It belies the pain which is tearing at the nerves, But the eyes have no part in the laugh, Their purple rings speak of suff ring. There are lines too about the mouth which only pain can give, Muny women look for- ward to a week of such misery each | month, Three months of each year are | given up to suffering, It weakens them. It ages them robs them of pleasures and family JO} Any excumsm house and contents ars ago, I was taken ] A : pitation ty reath and val social ' Can there be | of Sulphur Mine 8, Lo for such $4 CFM VA PA Tans fail to § TAR, HAD TO GO TO BED. "1 Yad ¢ Dr. Pierce’s Faverito Prescription males Weal Women Strong and Sick Women Well. EEE EREERE FREREERREREREREER EB SECHLER’S POPULAR GROCERY Will Save You Money. y I rw os LR NCL (LEATALE 000d att Call mw p and get our prices and them with what paying elsewhere and we think you will agree J. you are 0 00 0 J JO J J 0 J 0 10 OO 0° OO IO 0 0 » with us that we can - save 3 you money. 3 COA aS PPE EFDD - SECHLER & CO., Bellefonte, Pa. EEEREEEEEEEE EERE REE ALAA a (anid tuskin ~ SCHOOL SUITS mm his = B = = = B® = RB = E 1. | hy Lieberman's Cash Clothing House, Bush Arcade, High St. BELLEFONTE, PA. ———TTITVTVFFITRITRIVRS NERVITA PILLS == Lost Vigor and Manhood... Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Memory. all « asting dis. py eases, all effects of sell-abuse or excess and indiscretion SO A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth, By mail 0c. per box, 6 boses for $2.50, with our bank y able guarantee to cure or refund the money paid. CTS Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond, : NERVITA TABLETS EXTRA STRENGTH (YELLOW LABEL) Immediate Results Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Uadeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Lin Hystusia, Fits, Bhsnity Paralysis and the Reyults of Excessive Use of Tobacco. ium or Liquor y in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY ob "by Cr M. Parrish, Druggists, Bellefonte: Feo Lut Clinton and or GRAND Closing out sale OF OXFORDS. In order to ms room in ous | AKC ww overcrowded out t store we must close he balance of our Oxfords Prices to suit everyl f to $3 pe rpair. Come YOUr BIZC a8 they { brow t to Ci ..WALK -OVERS.. POWERS SHOE Bush Arcac BELLEFONTE, HARDWARE, COM ANY, io PENN'A Graniteware, Tinware, Ranges, Heaters, Guns, Ammunition, Genuine Oliver Chilled Plows POTTER & MOY, BELLEFONTE REAL ESTATE LOAN COMPANY » PITY IAT AAT OY ALILUVMINUVUUD ALS. } ] t 1 CO Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw and Sand. ir screenings for lime KINGS « Builder's and Plasterers’ sand, 0000 TELEPHONE CALLS: Central "rv aw Commercial « « " ->BEEZER Sie- MEAT MARKET llegheay St. Bellefonte, Pa. No No i312 6h Wo keep none but the best quality EL — BEEF PORK and MUTTON All kinds of Smoked Meat, Sliced Ham, Pork Sausage, ote. If you want a nice Juicy Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER Garman's Empire House, MAIN STREET, TYRONE, PA. AL. S. GARMAN, Proprietor. Everything new, clean and Inviting, Special pains will be taken to entertain Jeatte county people when traveling in a HERG am