THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, NOVEMBER 1, 1900. b LOCAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In and About Belle fonte PERSONAL. SOCIAL EVENTS Items That are Worth Noting in a Few Lines—What Has Transpired in This Community During the Past Week—Movements of Our People. Weather has been more li} r than of late spring fall. John S. Shaffer, of Deliefonte, lowed a pension, of § IL. F. his store to Geo of has B. Mever, Coburn, Shaler, cases ofl hog ch Tate had There are Spring township, John die of it. A.J. well-known citize Graham, one leader, is quite Rishel, 4 Gregg township got 1310 bushels (30. tenant farmer, of corn from a 10 acre field. —Potatoes and apples are bought by at 45 for the choice article. dealers and so cents per bushel of Philadel. phia, are guests at the home of his sister John Borman and wife, Mrs. Harvey Lutz, on Valentime St. Hall county will a rousing vote in Cen. get tre next Tuesday-—the soldiers mean to remember their true friend. —Death has laid his hands upon some prominent victims recently, in this town and county—no respector of persons. If every democrat does his duty next Tuesday Bryan and the whole ticket will have a rousing majority in Centre coun- a ty. The Markle family up at Stormstown poll Tuesday forget it, -Cl signed his pe ac a px formatory, will seven (7) Bryan voles they'll all be there, don’t you f Centre Hil aton Stover, sity her t cept ne Hav ists have organized the We en and Belle -— Lock Coal Min- ing Comp and will operate acres of land n —Which cratic Any, ear Snow Shoe. township will be the banner yote polling the increased each district strive for the honor. — saa everal the Con township, will life, anc tenant hereafter years ( on farm, in the farm Although the weather has! like the past three a wes ot neanle gone ye | 4 peopit it more ok year is he ing ~(yeorge seven Ce were autre four of the At We efonte “Wom the arch, icken and wafile supper cht nionville, ch room of Nov. for benefit and. 25 cents of church. The ladies of the Lutheran riety of are prep hne for the work bazaar bold in the W.C.T. U afternoon and evening of November Sth They will $ in every style from 5 to aring a v needle they will rooms, on the and oth serve ice cream and cake and oysters 10 p.m. You are cordially invited, —Bellefonte nimrods are having fair success and bring a fair show of game to town. At Centre Hall Chas. Arney is up head again for bagging grey squirrels as we learn, and next he will have a head score on cotton tails ycleped rabbits, Send in your scores to the Democrat dur. ing the season (or the game, if you choose) and we will immortalize you as crack marksmen, ~The Ladies Aid Society, of the Pres. byterian Church of Boalsburg, will hold a social in their Hall, (formerly the Methodist Church) ou Saturday evening, Nov. 1rd. They will entertain their friends, with music, recitations, and a contest called, a Floral Masquerade, af ter which refreshments will be served. Come, bring all your friends, and spend a pleasant evening, Admission, 1octs. Bellefonte had quite a militaryish treat last week and this, On Thursday v last week the survivors of the 4gth P. held their annual re-union in this ey and bad a pleasant time lasting over the following day with Bellefoute’s accustomed hearty welcome thrown in, and it never does things by halves in that line. On Tuesday the surviving poysof the 110th P. V. held their re: union here, with about so in number, and also had a pleasant time. Upon both occasions old war incidents were recalled, addresses delivered and stere. opticon exhibitions given at their ses. sions. The old soldier boys can come again and again and will always be greeted with the warmest Bellefonte welcome, next | His 1 | politics for a spell —Maurie Otto left Tuesday for Niagara Falls. “Where is Cobb?"-—at Honse on Monday evening. the Opera It is worth seeing. The first blowing for the season was made at the Bellefonte glass works on Saturday. Occasional contributions are coming in for the monument fund, This week £11 was received. Ex-Gov., Daniel Hastings returned home Monday from his campaign tour of states, the western The A number of Be deer hun\ing season opens to day. llefonte sports are in the mountains. Spring Mills of which ( HOW to have another ge Mowery, the 18 livery COT former. ill be Wm laid up agai ly of Centre Hall w proprietor, ~Our old friend Colyer, of Cen- tre Hall, He 1s er there, has been n lately. the most enterprising men ON friend S r, of East lame foot, Linn He timber idl 1 y ith ¢ id up witha an axe while hewing some time ago. —Centre county hunters are having fair success in bagging qua pheasants and rabbits—we know it, having dined on some of the game, Joseph V. Runkle, Steel P in the employ of the National lant at Youngstown, KE Ohto, was called here by the seriou y brother Charlie, Col. Wilt were Bellefonte ness of his —-C. M. nd W. E. neys who had business before the Phi —In the Lutheran church Dr, Bower, bur F. Reeder Gray attor- supe- rior court in ladelphia last week, last Sabbath | delivered | The Reformation. morning, Rev, Holldway an interesting discourse, subject, 150th Anniv ~Lyman H. for the benefit of Oregs Post and will ¢ ersary of the Howe will be here ag pear in the opera house Novembe are considered among the | best +B AS re- | } George Mi have « here mciuae and try abu ne son feeble of Madi ith, Shaffer hea and 1 of the ympany, very successful ch on the market that is a sure ligh Mr. Donachy, the foreman, thinks they have every department ‘moving along nicely and that the working force be will increased. After the election yver it is our in tention to is Tq ve our patrons a let.up om At the present time t is the proper thing for the people to read all that is pertinent to the cam. paign, so that they may be able to vote intelligently and for their best interests. Still to husk notwith- standing Providence gave every oppor- by favorable weather to some corn providing most up, caught napping may have trusted the Almighty beyond reason, for he does not mean to do the husking too. tunity, finish and such as are in provid- ing good weather, Last Saturday State College football team played the famous Duquesne team and met with another The score this time got nearer to 1s yards, Other teams have met about the same fate who play the Pittsburg lads, "Two of our churches had an agree able surprise last Sabbath evening-- Rev. Dr. Laurie occupied the pulpit of Rev. Bickle of the Reformed church, and the latter discoursed from the pulpit of the former in the Presbyterian church, peither congregation loosing in sound doctrine ably expounded, A willingness to exchange pulpits is evidence of a true Christian spirit, Manager Garman announces that the next two attracticus billed for the opera house are far above the average entertainments, and is willing to bank his reputation on them. He insists that the people of this community will have the opportunity of seeing rare productions on both occasions. Sipe’s animal show comes on Saturday, and “Where is of Pittsburg, crushing defeat, was 29 to 0. Stale never the visitor's line than Cobb,” on Nandy evening. | some i concern has LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank Sheets - . Eva Meyers James Martin - Susan May Estright Geo. W. Harpster M fie M., Williams Blanchard Chas. F. Clevenstine . Zion Ca - . . . '" Be Miles Philipsburg Mileshurg Snow Shoe Port Matilda Kline Smith Harry Burns. 4 Agnes T. Flory . llefonte burg Harry A mma B, AlTDTOOK {i tn Peter Park - t Mary Aun { Barnhart Stamm t Mary D. Peters REAL TRAN Maggic I'y cea Walker, + in Curtin township, §75 Snow Shoe Shaw - ; ‘“ “ Altoona Oak Hall ESTATE WWERS , 10 Rebe May 1 GUN sburg Coal and Land Com to Jacob Flu in Rush township, $r12.¢ Harris, et to Centre k, Jur ux , UCL. 24, 19 , $5 Gardner land WwW. C in Soring Hein township W. H 1 n liberty town 0, June hip, el Dec. 17, 1892; § acres 10 loyer, Thomas Harper, perches in Haines township, x. William Foster, et ux to Henry nington, March 28, 1895; tract of loro, $250. to J. B. Iri acts of lax Pen- lam in State Col M. ( , several tr lege Jose OVID, Martin, hit aip, to John Rush towns harity in Boggs town - Margaret Grassmire's Admr, C Aikey, $271 2 Jas. I. Somerville, et Sept. 10, 1900; lot ship, al to Grassmire, July : BORES Mary township, A of the mals and Liliputian shows, wh w at Garmans Opera House, Belle Saturday Nov. 1, matinee and Of course the "horses dim inutive jes of which this the pon largest and loge! ligeut nost collection ever gotien her in this country, The intel with every command of the big ring obey marvelous understanding director, and enter into their work with such zest and spi they have a lively affection for their lit- tle trainer and school master, It is only one of a hundred big features with this attraction. novel Beech Creek Child Scalded Ethel Robbins, of Beech Creek, acci. dentally pulled a kettle of hot water over her person. She was severely scal. ded on the chest, arms and back. She was taken to the Williamsport hos pital. She is 6 years old. - - A vote for Allison or Thompson means that you will help to send Quay back to the U., 8. senate, The Bellefonte Euchre Club was en. tertained Tuesday evening by Mrs. J. L. Spangler,on North Allegheny street, Andrew Musser, son of Henry Mus. ser, of this place, who has been laid np with typhoid fever for over four weeks, we are pleased to learn is inproving. Charles youngest son of grocer Jac. Runkle, who has been suffering from a sore ankle, which affected his thigh quite seriously, had an operation performed on Tuesday, but there is no improvement yet in his serious condition, Mr. Harry BE. Fenlon and Mis Minnie Brew, of this place, who were married on the 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George T. Brew, Oakland, Md., are now enjoying a two weeks tour in the South, Upom their returp they will make their home at the Bush House, with which Mr, Fenlon has been con: nected for a number of years. Margaret | heen are hand. | costly | little animals | | a hospital it that one can well believe that i | of the late G. | Furst, | years ago in | is survived by two dan TRIAL LIST. For November Monday, Nov. two weeks. Term commencing on P ] 26th, and continuing for | FIRST WERK shut down his plant and they could Gotshall vs, T Hosterman, John A. Hunter vs. Geo, Lizzie Blank & Taylor, Centre and Annie Bible vs, Hall! boro. W. B. Musser vs. I. W McKinley vs. et al. Margaret Harrold’s Mingle, Admr. I. S. Frain vs. C Rebeg Confer Harry mont, Hi M. Bower, John Rite Admr ca Sparr vs r, Ex: WE . M SFA irah Musser vs. J nie McCool vs han OND non Bank e's Exrs. Meyer vs + T. Harlach Kinkead * Barnhart vs Potts vs. ry Wohlfort line Haugh. David Robb vs. J. | John R Peter He W ' Wagner, et al cese vs, Kelley nch & Drumgold v iam Kioski Nathan Haugh he High Sc 000 ag pointe 1 the High Schoo of $i Philadel ata salary sails from next Saturday Good Showing Haven r the The people of Lock recently held a fair in that place f i They 10 say leared that it fund $4 was That cess, and is « is sufficient a suc Wie fue chiefly to the labors of the good women of the town . - - Recent Deaths HL EXnAK) Wid Helenbake, died at the Mrs. Joseph B Saturday afternoon, Ww home of ber daughter Mas Flemington, after a short illness. She was born 52 Leicestershire, She Eng ghters Cuarcns Avousrus Woops pineteen, died at the home of his grand father in spinal trouble, Frank Wood, the passenger engineer who it will be remembered was killed in a wreck, near Howard, on the a2and of July, 18 15884. UNION COUNTY DATHS (At Redtop, Viola, daughter of Thomas Newman, age 20 years, Wm. H. Lenhart, Lewisburg, Age 51 years, AKC 14 years, ISAAC Brox ,—died at the home of his daughter, at Booneville, Tuesday night of bright disease, He was 86 years old. aged Tyrone, Saturday evening, of He was the son of EB locomotive gt. The funeral will take place Friday morn. | ing, at Booneville, WILLIAM Drway iA highly esteem. ed citizen of South Philipsburg, died at his home in that place Tuesday evening about 6 o'clock of heart trouble brought on by an attack of typhoid fever. The deceased was aged 41 years. He was born near State College, where most of | his life was spent. { boot and shoe dealer, | men that candi s | wnehit of His mother died in | Minnie Pease, Glen hrm, wAGES TO GO UP. A recent dispatch dated Des Moines Ia., says: Judge Olmstead, told hi win wholesale 8 rave he ling should Bryan would look for jobs elsewhere, J. R. L perienced "i in iycock, a cay and sh boot have engage the bu the by Bentley & today : Org nt whole boot and Siness, same as is now conducted Olmstead of Bryan's election | Olmstead men per cent, over the new hower, company of Ix Den and who the 1 box cont went to fee he blood. the eeps h ) ps h Eugene late for the WOrk Whom w= yi le for yi RUPTURE or HERNIA CURED se with { part ch we w mall 3 Address MOHAWK REMEDY CO, fon SALY In & good state of Cultivat land. good belldings, never fa orchard, an abundant showing mized with large lump ore I he share of the grain will be sold w The tenants leasd expires on Lhe 19. The farm Is located about west of Pine Grove Mills, known as the Peter | Kelehiine farm. This farm is offered for sale at $3000, which 1s one half less than cost For further information inquire at the office of JM KEICHLINE Bellefonte, I's Executor of Peter Ketehline, dee'd glars, wh Rome, N. V. A VALUABLE FARM Nn. limestone ng we good of hematite ore andliords the farm EL ‘Points of Superiority in the “Standard Rotary.” The first stiteh is perfect, without holding ends of thread, The dest goods are not drawn or puckered, Owing to rotary motion It makes joss noise than other machines Tension re leased by pressure of a button. Thread can be out off within quarter of an inch of the needle if work 1s taken out at right time, The aoe Inte can be taken off by merely loosening & humb nut, enabling the operator to oll and clean the parts without displacing them, Feasd i motions All positive—no springs used -henee . maching will Teed over all thick nesses of goods without chewing the cloth no matter what the length of stiteh, Sara C. | Cor. Spring & Bishop. efonte, Pa. | ——————————————— Change at the M. C. Welliver management of the Trvis Haven, Mr. Welliver busine M Irvin House, the in Lock been in the to day assumes . nouse has hote in ton ASK YOUR GROCER FOR fhe 5 Minute we wkfast Food. Purina | th Flour ar WILLIAM MEYER, Your Feet _o HOW ABOUT THEM? {avg rv KN 1 & WINTER SHOES Men’s Shoes Our Showing of MINGLE’S SHOE STORE, Bell 4 CLIC] Food and Drink Not Medicine “W E LCH’'S GRAPE JUICE” SPHARMACY, Street. GREE! - gh " Bellefonte, Lock Haven Markets t the Lock Haven ows Prices of produce a curb market Wedne Butter, per pe : dozen 2210 23% 20¢ ; radishes toes, per peck pair so t 18¢ ; cele barrel cabbage, bushbe say were as fo , CERN, pet peck 15 to pota- per 0 , per 1¢ ul n &“ 3 chicker os, per peck for ne ry pet head to 10 per CX Belle! Markets oni The t : Co. for produce Kegs per Jos Lard, per pou Tallow, per p Butter, per po Side, per pound Shoulder, per pound Wing prices are ii T ad » : The following prices are paid by PRoENEX MirLise Co. for gra Red wheat per bushel, od Ked Wheat per bushel, new Kye. per bushe Corn, ears per hushe old ore. shelled per bushel Barley per bushel. Oats. per bushel Corn, ears pe bushel Coburn a Markets. Following are the priced paid for grain by the dealers at Coburn Wheat (old) per bushel Wheat, new o—— Oats, niece WhitBusssssnns Ty —— 3 23 23 EE ody new ob —— A SE AS RETR EE — I coven ammmnseramsam——— soe—————————_