1900, (1 A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED | Th mas 8, Crago George W, Johnson William Hardwick, Hurold H.¢ 3 Harry | Auditor General Edmut sentative at Lar LEGAL NOTICES. ELECTION PROCLAMATION, GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH I ( Brungart, High sheriff of the County of tre, Common aealth of Penusy s Ho by make known aud gle notice to the of the county wloresald that tion he sald County of Centre on the GEVSTONE HAPPEN Items of Interest From All Parts of the State. Thursday, Oot, 18, The defaJcation of Schreiber, fugitive bank teller of Elizabethport, N. J., is now placed at $109,716, Theunis Botha, brother of the Boer: ) commanding general, surrendered to the British at Volksrust Oct. 13. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 25 TRSTHD BANK TL : Disappears, and With Him $700, 000 of the Bank's Funds. News Social yrus Socialist. Cen inl f here LOLs wrdere esl Pre ht clefors / . ’ ! \ ' IYani un vie will HE SPENT MONEY LAVISHLY, ENGLISH STEEL WORKS] COMING, Rig Sheela Piem Contemplates Lo= eating Near Wheeling, W.Va, ~Hon, John Wanamaker in the State Com- palgn—=Murdered For Thirty Dollars Pittsburg, Oct, 22. Gazette says: Sheffield, The Commercial largest man- steel in Great England, the ufacturers of crucible Britain, contemplate moving thelr plant to the United States. A site proe viding excellent water and rail ship= ping facilities has been optioned near Wheeling, W. Va., and it {8 proposed to erect thereon a modern plant, costs ing upwards of $3,000,000, which, from the first, will employ about 3,600 men. The object of the move is to get into the American market. Constantly In- creasing cost of coal in England Is a prominent factor acting as an fmpetus to the move. John Wanamaker in the Campaign, Pottstown, Pa., Oct. Postmaster General John Wanamaker last night made his first appearance in two vears as a political orator, His mission here was in the interest of the candidates of the Republican party for | the legislature who are opposed to the | Quay wing of the Republican party, Mr. Wanamaker's appearance on the stage was the signal for great aj plause and his address was punctuated with much enthusiasm and cheering. Dur- ing a of his speech Mr. Wana- maker took occasion to that he was in no wise a candidate office of United States senator. the cour state Murdered For Thirty Dollars, Bedford, Pa., Oct. 24.—Mac McKenzie, le boss the contrace he new double track being bulit Baltimore and Hyndman, was killed onday night and the bod} It is expected ti be captured soor to know who the same town 4 1 rallro Ohio » other wie he highw ked away rv +) ’ fy the j§ Ly and a. Lovers End Woes by Salelde, Oct 23 Bly rry, Pa, Daisy ienbur Typlenl Connells eo Wild Man of the Woods Sam Adams’ Shot Proves Fatal, eriti cal ¢ PENSSYLVANIA NEWS CONDENSED, The ow tri and ro stabbed While gunning near Mercersb uel Hoove i lentally in the shoulder shi Spurious smaller inr tion In Ru George ( off the | ing near Un The Lan ‘ 1 , $£3.061.00, and ‘ 5 aut (te $500, the Galveston » “1 A Mra. Harne Oreencant ! \ sitle of la put a physician saved her life By the collapse of a brick floor Edison light buwliding, Shamokin jam Yeager was fatally injured Frank Kauffman, a Pennsylvania road flagman, was stricken with sis at Lancaster, while on his Struck by a train near Mifflinville, William Miller was badly injured, his horse killed and his wagon demolished Abner Lefener, of Lancaster. while on a tree kno king down chestnuts, fell to the ground 25 feet and was fatally hurt, Ellsworth Lucas nged § years, of near MeConnelisburg died of lock)aw, the re sult of Injuries caused by a fall from a wagon, Two farmer jonely road his pockets While cutting ties on the mountains near Satiilio Fulton county, Merri Keith split his foot from the great toe to heel with en ax Rev. Dr, Py by for little lanum, at the Will ralls paraly- train tramps attacked Levi Parson, a residing enr Bhade Gap, on a and after beating him rifled : Manhart, of Baltimore, and Rev. Dr. J. PF. Ohl, of Philadelphia, delivered addresses at the Luther Leagues convention, ut Lancaster, Monday. phy | winning Seybold & Dickstod, of | | Wilson 23. ~~Former | for the ted | of | Brooklyn won the $500 baseball tro- presented by a Pittsburg paper, three games to Plttsburg’s one, It is officially announced that Queen Wilhemina of Holland will marry Duke Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in the | | spring. Wilson, postmaster gen- 1, and author of the died Lexington, Willlam L eral under Clevelan« tariff bill, Va., aged 07 Friday, Oct, 1D, relief fund $1,095,202, lon of Arizona Is 122,212; at Galveston contributi to date The populat in 1890, 68,620 Gen. Joe Wheeler announces his loy- al support of the Democratic national ticket, Ex-Governor elected United Vermont Prince Hohenlohe has resigned chancellor of Germany and | ed by Count Von Buelow, 8. 1. Morris Is ns are WwW. P. States Dillingham was Senator from as 5 succeed- under arrest in Chi- cn lleged attempt on the life of J. W, Gates, the steel magnate, hom he declare m $50,000, Snturday, Oct, & go for an a 3 owes hi wa Monday, Oct, at] Tuesday, Oct vention of the f Bridge and ra of Amer vement to { the eight y of GENERA MARKETS, res Pen "w i, $1.3 for eho , chickens, ¥ f poultry (fresh western fowls, Ll weslern spring gleams Lets 1x spring Direased 10¢ for { killed), eh roosters Llyy Te ens, Melle fancy spring turkeys utter firm; western creamery, 18832 factory. 134: 16 June creamery, By imitation eamery. MH%8 15% New dairy, 1502 fancy Pennsylvania Jobbing at DG do. wholesais Cheese steady large, white, 10% small do Me large and small colored | Eggs steady. New York and Pennaylva nia, 304% western, regular packing, at mark, 16815 wWastern, loss o 2h Pos tatoes quiet Jerseys, SIU1.2T% New York, SL542en Long Island, $1.5061.75; Jersey sweets 1.50012 Cabbages quiet, Long Island, $1L.00G2.25 per hundred East Liberty, Pa. Oct, 21 Cattle mare ket steady; extra, 85 5.65, prima, 2%) 6.36; common, 0B 3.75. Hogs steady; rime heavies, BGS, best rthediums, SUS, heavy Yorkers, MEG; pigs, M.0ue0; roughs 475. Bheep slow choice wethers, [§) 4, common, $1500 2.50; choice lambs, common to good, BUA; veal calves, M.0Q1. joe | plete surprise to everybody. | ish steamer Ethelred, Capt | arrived at Port Antonio Monday, hav- | William Langston, Noah F Speculated Heavily, Lost Thousands on Horse lHaoces and Freqguented Sarntoga Gambling House—A Model Citizen at His Home, New York, Oct. 24—-C. 1. Alvord, note teller of the First National bank, has decamped, and the bank is a loser by $700,000, The had been 20 years. missing man be held jot | | Alvord was capable and experienced, | and the discovery of his defalcations made after he was gone, was a come- of money is hardly disturbing the bank, which is one of the strongest in the city. The bank Issues a statement in which It says there {8 falr prospect of recovering a substantial sum, Alvord is about 50 years of age, has a wife and three children, His home was at Mount Vernon, and he was respected there as well as in the street, His habits were good, It lieved that he lost money In speculations, and hat some of money He di and BLOC Kk p= dark fact the neigh Ness WAS seri It t until noon th heard « WAS & rum the day were can steamer could not Late vord, wile « was seen at Lhe was weeping not talk about the consisted of Mr. and two girls and a boy or five servants Mm, Alvord is said to friends that owing to his ition In the bank Mr. Alvord was to ob tain tips which efiabled him to make $40,000 to $50,000 a year over his ary by operating in Wall street. She is said have boasted that her hu band’s tips were 80 stralght that he never lost a cent In the street, and al- od after. Hil was 1 yesterday t the residents of Chester a if } the t } L A yesterday a f the ml her Mount bitterly Vernon home and would The family Mrs. Alvord and They kept four Case have able told nal to | ways made a gain Nesconed Yachismen Landed, Kingston, Jam., Oct, 24 ~The Brit. Nickerson, Frederick and Mason, Jr. and Otto Begelke, of Brooklyn, N. Y., ing on board Mesars | who were taken on board the steamer | Det 17 from the sloop yacht Aliria, of New York, which was sighted In a dis abled condition about 30 miles from Scotland lightship The Aliris was struck by a horthwest gale Oct, 186, Her headsalls were carried away and her malnsall damaged, and the yacht drifted all night before the wind, At 10 o'clock the next morning the yachtsmen were picked up by the Ethelred. Frederick 8. Langston, the yacht's cAptain, says the party suller- od greatly. The loss | is be- | the in the employ of the bank over | | FIRST TU I also hie that ha eral within ! ‘ " a Pres A reby ESDAY OF NOVEMBE of November, A. D make knowi * ul holals oug hs iy Republican. ent ‘ MeKinley Flectors William HH. Sayen, Clarence Wolf and A Pre nd RB Frank MH. Pahl Algernon B. Roberts Fdwin 8. Siuart Wililam W George | I RK. Greenwood William M. Hayes Charles N. Cressmar Hobert H Sayre Nn HW. a port John Franklin Keil ames Molr Willlam J Harvey, Robert Allison, Jacob LL. Hauer, Richard BH. Kiy George Weymouth, Cortez Hioks Jonmwngs James 4G. 5 hom pson, J. Frank Small, Henry A. Gripp, Morris J Lowis, tober Pitealrn, David Edgar Park, I J Y Ui) for { n | Democratic 10N hit Prohibit Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale. : " = water vied Hee ) hood and / [the most home of A.C |} ¢ J.D Pyott Andrew Starry desirable 1 dohn Ruck ling Drofl table Fdeard M Thompson Pe yr Justus Watkins " J. A Welsh the pub . arms in nyesiment COMMUNICA ons property » be prompliy nsYh "a with relerenpe this Lh tor General And other pain! | set SO many mot ' the suse of Morner's | : remedy is a Godsend to women it carries them through t } BREAST a ordeal with perfect safety and po pain, No woman who uses ** MoTHER'S FRIEND ** need fear the suffering and danger of child birth — for it robs this ordeal of its horror and insures safety to mother and child, MOTHER Ss Our Look, '* Before Baby is Born,’ is worth fits weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Ga,