THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA , OCTOBER 18, 1900, The Racket. k 7,9 and (1 Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte. 0000 We are now prepared té do «Accordion Plaiting...| at Lowest City Prices. The setting of the plaits is effected with- out the application of steam. The work perfected with lasting qualities and without damage tothe texture. .ohoe Department... Yes, we .can money for U on " We sell none reliable goods in is, as well as other departments. “ial save shoes 0202 rr IG hd rn LI ELMY RFUL. R. SP IS WONDE MINGLE'S Bellefont end was of Irame Bandies wa buil ling to ; mated | rat The est The The as large brewery it longing to Het Swope, was totally de. The and stroyed afternoon was disc bours The damage amoun fire about 2 o'clock in two ewery was a total is to $15,000 * SL ¢ } J . VOSS, $10,006 IC Mad yon an The 00 and the former for § latter for fire was discoyer- ed at the back o gin is unkown, r a Precipi Justice George B. Cooper, of Ho!lidays- burg, bad a miraculous escape from death Monday night. He attempted to drive home from Bedford county Tussey mountain ia a blinding rain. the darkness Mr, wandered off the road and fell over a precipice ¢oo feet to the mountain, The horses were killed, and when | Cooper recovered consciousness he fonud | himself lying on the dead horses, bruis- ed from head to foot but with no bones broken, ‘Squire Cooper will sue the township for heavy damages for keep. ing such a dangerous roadway unguard. ed ve ol 0} 1 over In Cooper's two horses 'SPONDENTS DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM 7TH PAGE. Coburn. Newton Braucht and family, of McElhattan, are here on their annual vacation, Newt is making use of his bird dog, and the game must keep out of his reach or he will surely claim it, as he i an old sportsman, Mrs. DM. R ( still circulating in town her many friend Jos Wagner days at C child, whic! Mr, CK i lyer, younger I Weeks, ha Sumner li bh typhoid { orted on a fair by woon ot th t the A purch Miss Weaver Charles recent. rom bere came last ent Sunday e¢ health George ( is home, after a pr ed abseuce | $4 county fair Mr, and SOON mo ard The sub.disty Epworth leag Oct JOUug- wanted to attend the s week Benjamin ir new b erybody th Mr into the will h. frown in Bland vi use of the Howard, SUCCess ) was which in and 10 cially and relig the district was » gates. They all gave good the work done during the past year Rev H. C. Pardoe, gave a lecture on Tuesday and R Ww ddle lee ] m Wednesday evening; the church crowded both nig and the audie was delighted the lectures convention will to Miles! ye WAS A Each chapter in ed by two dele reports tule was thts with go nee The JUrg next ar Beech Creek. Wilson Forcey is confined to his bed by a serious illness, J. S. Hall transacted business in Phila. delphia last week, Samuel Mortimer with typhoid fever, J. W. Beecher’s railroad up the Scootac creek, is graded as far as Mill run, and ready for the rails which will be laid next week, Ed. 8. Mgbley will replace the store building wiich was destroyed by fire last April with a two story structure, The first floor will be arranged for store rooms and the second floor will be fitted up as u hall, something this town neeas, Jr., is seriously ill | most singular forms of d The Pumpkin Contest. The third annual contest inaugurated by Montgomery & Co., in which prizes were awarded to the farmers in Centre | county raising the two largest pumpkins, was closed Saturday afternoon, There were 25 pumpking of all kinds | The judges were John r, Christ Decker and W. G | and size entered, C. Mille kle, The was found that AO ¢ had the Run- pumpking were weighed and it , Of Tussey- It tipped the 1" bs. On being Detweiler largest one questioned however stated that Sieis pn} | at the end Rain Makers Wants a Job of Carlisle, a che mist ymborg, 5 to understand how to make of key, of use chemicals writes to Chief Barge a Shippensburg, 1 whic adly in need of water foll town as ows : "I notice you need rain in your but wing put this down, peruse I make the foll propos to bring my rain-maki aps come your town, aratus and s square for the transpor t $200 iS an op iis abou . Now here learfield raftsmen to to bring the rafts to 1! i Talks Backwards. John Schuck has just been removed to licted with one of the 1 the county house afl ementia known to science, His condition is the result of { striking his temple against the top of a ladder six weeks ago at Oil City, Schuck, ! who is of powerful physique, has an hal. lucination that he is still at the top of the ladder on which he was injured, perform every afl, and make every movement backwards, also causing him to talk backwards, Outside of these strange actions Schuck is apparently rational, | County and state aforesaid His | mental condition also prompted him to | Activity at Poe Mills, The present lumbering contract of the Ashland Lumbering company, at Poe Mills, which has given that vicinity life | | for the past eight years, is nearly’ | hausted, Reichly Bros , of St, Clair, | have negotiatedfor the rolling stock and cx. | DOGTORS' MISTAKES ! Pa., | BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA OFTEN MIS- [tramway of that company, to be used in | hauling the lumber from the Beecher & Sober timber tract, Lewistown and Bel located west of the lefonte turnpike and aust hotel, the iber to the near the F It will require ten years to From the tin Mills it is get timber to marke about twenty at \ ICh urg had sburg fire , which entailed a lo ’ 1 - M A Gisast: on ight $ of usand dollars in the destruc * gener; Reish, by James ing occupied by Chrales Krick, and > large implement house of Ba Insured Increasing The capacity of the Harrison Hosiery tory at Millheim will be The contract fac once largest been closed by a factory of, the capacity { the Mill are increased at accepted the known management ever to have heim concern, As the opera. Lives becoming more expert their wages arc advancing. It is just such an enterprise that benefits a town. When the copper is a bad penny he isn't worth a cent, A girl who can’t sing and won't try lo “bird.” sing gisa frat or Omo, Cry or ToLepo, ), Luecas Couxty 5 FRANK J. COnesey makes oath that he is the | senior (Co. doing partner of the firm of F J. Cuesey & business in the Ciy of Toledo, , and that said firm will pay the sum of UNE HUNDRED DOL. LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL Ss CATARRN CUne FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this oth day of December, A. D, 188 A. W.GLEASON, a k Notary Public, Hall's Catareh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly om the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free, b F.J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0, Sold Druggists, 75, fall's ¥ wy \ —- SEAL { lis are the best, Girls’ Coats | | | ! ! TAKEN FOR CONSUMPTION. The Wonderful New Treatment SCIENCE HAS RIUMPHED. Catarrh A Bronchiti and DR, J. K. » 21 North Allegheny STITES Street, Bellefonte, Ear, Nose Throat & Lung Specialist Pa., I —————————— SAAR AAA AER d aaah init ed iditidthetsdtaitititinti dididididtasatdsathidthidibittdidtdsdsdtany BUM MU MMMM UMMUMMBLLLT ITI III II TITY AMAL AAA A A hd A hd hb A A MM A A A AAA MM nd Preliminar Fxaminag Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. No Incurable Diseases Talien. HE GLOBE DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & CARPETS. HELP Women's Tailor-made Suits $5.00 for Your Choice. od Ages 11 years assortment. Lot : 0 samp 5 a fin ng them > npal Regular price way above Yours at $5. 00. THE GLOBE 5 of red coats ame also Black Chinchillas—very stylish this fall. | what you get tnem here, They are KATZ & COMPANY. BELLEFONTE, PA.