THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 11, 1900, CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections. HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Note-- The Local Happenings of Every Community. Roland. Fred Rolfe one of Mill Hall's young men, visited his friend William Stoner, | He seemed to be very | our | on Saturday. much ‘appreciated’ by some of young ladies. A few of our society people were very pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. |. F. Leathers, at their home in Eagle. Elery Harvey and family, of Williams- port, are the guests of Mr. Harvey's brother, Irvin and family at this place. Things are becoming quite musical on (Broadway) of late. A new piano and guitar made their appearance there | We have also learned that a mandolin may have been Friends what is this all last week. violin and seen there also. about ? Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Morrison were Sunday visitors at the Parker home. A number of young people were en. tertained by Miss Sara Neff on Saturday evening, it being her sixteenth birthday. Clarence Bathurst who has been work. ing at Warriors Mark for time, returned to home last week fora short vacation. Juo Barger, who was ‘‘grubbing” all last week at Alilesburg is ‘‘gateing” i this week at Mt. Eagle. A number of our young men attended Hi Henry's ministrel show, at Bellefonte, last Friday. some his ROLAND NO. 2. illness we are much After a very serious glad to say Mrs. McMion § improved. § very Bathurst is very sick. ninent Epworth Lea- the sub-district couvene at How- Mrs. Emma Some of our guers expect to a convention, which will ard this week. Bruce Schrefiler is quite teacher, lessons guitar, Forest VanValin iting at the home Frank Smith. Linden Hall Up with Bryanism—down with Imper- ialism, a successful u the 1ionville, is vis- of his sister, Mrs. their cattle from the mountain on Satur. day last. The cattle were all in good condition. Luther Royer and wife entertained some of their many friends on Sunday. Franklin Floray, of Tusseyvilie, was poticed on our streets, ou Friday last. Robt McClellan and wife, friends and relatives at Tusseyville on Sunday. The water famine, in this community, has reached such an extent thatit can only be checked by abundant rain. Mrs. Felding and her accomplished daughter Sadie, are at present visiting | riends in George's Valley. Mr. and Mrs. David Frantz, of Cam- bria county, were visiting at the resi- dence of Frank McClintic, east of town, several days of last week. Amos Fehl and son Noah, of Rebers- burg, are staying at the residence of Henry Zeigler, east of town, at present. Miss Katie Fehl, of Rebersburg, who, while visiting with her uncie Henry Zeigler, was seized with typhoid fever, is not improved much. The sale last Saturday, of the personal property belonging to the Sparr estate, was well patronized, and many of the buyers were made happy by gaining possession of old relic's such as “grand. father’ clock, spinning wheel, home- spun linen etc. Don't forget the dedicatory services to be held in the U, E, church at this place, beginning on Oct. 12th, Several promi. pent ministers, from a distance will be present, Services commence on Friday evening and continue over Sunday. Come one and all and enjoy a feast of good things. Wolfs Store. A.B. Wolf's little boy, who was thrown | from a horse last week and had his arm broken, is getting along as well as can be expected. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs, Adam | We did not | It was about | Brungart died Jast Friday. learn when it was buried. three weeks old. ANNOUNCEMENT: —Rev, Leopold, P.E., will hold communion services in Esher Evangelical church at this place next | Sunday afternoon, Oct, 14th, at 2 o'clock. | Rev. N. J. Dubs will preach in the United | Evangelical church Sanday evening, Oct. 14th, at 7 o'clock. ance be good at these services, J. C. Auman was to Laurelton on busi. ness last Saturday. Mrs. Lena Royer left this week for State College where she will work this | winter, Jeremiah Brungart was the first in our midst to finish corn busking, He is so glad that he has volunteered to take his men to the county fair next week, Hannah. 4 Mrs. Florence Hoover spent a few days recently with relatives and friends in Tyrone. Mrs. J. W. Beckwith has been seriously {11 for some time past, but is slowly im. proving at this writing. “James Herdman who has been work. g at Hannah for some time, bas moved his household from Johustown, and located at this place. A little stranger came to the home of Thomes Beckwith last Saturday, Tom looks very much pleased, says its a boy, and thinks he will keep it. Sammy says he sleeps so much better out in the open air. This is probably Mt. | visited It the attend. | the reason the white horse continued his | tramp, tramp, tramp, up and down the road one night last week until a late hour. Now Sammy don’t get mad, we will not give you away, but advise Davie to see you safely home next time. Moshannon. Mrs. Lawhead, of Clearfield, visited friends here last week. Mrs. Jennie Viehdorfer made a trip to jellefoute on Thursday. Mrs. Miley Kidd left last Friday for her new home at Punxsutawney. Edw. Yeager and wife, of DuBois, visited at the home of his parents during | the past week. | Boston Viehdorfer and neice, Annie | Hess, left on Saturday evening for | Huntingdon where they will visit friends | before going to their new home in West Virginia. There was preachnig in the Presby- terian church on Sunday evening by their new minister, Rey, Carson, Edward Rupp spent a few days here | | this week, Several of Bellefonte's lawyers trans- acted business here last Wednesday. Mrs. Keeliker who has been ailing for several years died at her home near this place on Saturday evening. Mrs. Bierly past two weeks. has been very sick the Quite a number of the young men, of Snow Shoe, attended the festival at this place last Saturday evening. The girls i were delighted to see you, Come again b VS. Port Matilda. On Saturday evening last quite a dele. gation of the I. O O. F. of Philipsburg, visited the Port Matilda lodge. Rev .G. A. Sparks, the newly appointed pastor of the U1. B. church at this place, will preach his introductory sermon at Black Oak chapel, on next Sabbath, Oct. 14th at 10 o'clock. - Everybody invited. all has Tommy Patton, the huckster, is smiles a twelve pound boy ’lat Rock, Wednesday,Octo- kidney di Wallace 2g years, g months and 6 » deceased was ailing for over adually growing weaker under and able medical treatment, endured his suffering without complaint until the end. He is sease, one | survived by a wife and 3 small children, ther and a fath r and four preceded him three brothers his mother hav grave some years since. 1 nade in Black Oak cemetery | was large, Rev, G, W pastor of the Baptist church, ve manner, impre sisters in a ver Potters Mills. sna and Catharyne Shires, of Spt lis, called on their friend, Miss May Smith. Miss Blan returned to about again. Emi of goods : Smith has received give him a call. a new supply Corn husking and cider making are the principal occupations at present Mrs. Catharyne Alexander and Mrs. Lena Smith are visiting M. IL. Smith, of Johnstown, and also are taking in the centennial celebration at that place. The rural free delivery scheme is bit. terly opposed on this side of the valley. The parties who visited John Auman’s chicken house, the other night, had bet- ter ‘look a little out.” J. W. Kepler, democratic nominee for assembly, was shaking hands with his many friends here last week. Mr, Kepler is a man of ability and abund- antly able to fill the office of assembly. man. Vote for Kepler, Spring Mills. Rain is greatly needed ; the streams are still getting less. The last, but not the least, Centre Co. fair. This end of the valley will be well represented if the weather will permit J. W. Kepler, of Ferguson twp., can didate for assembly, passed through bere on his way to Penn twp. Mr, Kepler is worthy of every democratic vote in the county. Tune Shaffer & Homan saw mill on the Krape tract, is running full time. They are turning out the finest kind of pine | and oak lumber. The man who can deliberately pass a dog fight on the street without glancing | at it, possesses true dignity. The farmers are busy husking corn, The yield is a good one ; quality the best J. B. Mayes & Sons made their fall | delivery of tombstones and monuments, They are up to date in style and work: manship. J. I. Condo has been on the grunt list not able to work, but not sick enough to be housed up. Some houses have wings, but they don't fly. Julian. Edward Williams, the third son of [Elijah Williams, died on Monday at half past twelve o'icock at his home | near Julian, He had been ill some time with that dreaded typhoid fever, It is | sad indeed to see men cut down in the very prime of manbood, he being in his | 27th year, and we verily believe that during his entire life he never did or | | said a thing to wound ome of God's creatures, Gentle in his manner, noble | in his character, his life passes and | leaves but the memory of a true son and | brother, He was buried from his home at hall-past ten o'clock og Wednesday. | Surviving bim are his father and the | following brothers and sisters : Elmer, Orlando and Bird ; Mary, wife of Wm, Davis, of Youngstown, O; Deborah, | wife of J. C. Andrews; and Nora and | Stella at home, MOHAWK CATARRH CURE. Cheapest and Bost, Cures Catarrh in from 3 ¢ . Cures Gold 1 the Head, § to 18 minutes. Cures Headache, 1 10 5 minutes, al pi packed Rie full instructions, by ¥ It and jou wil be more than leased with ® Investment, Y money are dissatisned "Stamps taken: bi you x0 MOHAWK REMEDY CO., Rome, N.Y. [ing | potatoes and nubbins, | thrashing and hunting their cattle which | | they put in the mountain in the spring. | | horse and | mountains and Yarnell. Geo, Brown, who has been seriously ill, is getting better, Miss Elsie Poorman left for Clearfield last Tuesday. The handsome brick house of Wm. Shawley’s is almost completed. Mrs. Ira Confer, who has been ill for the past week, is much improved at this writing, One of our young ladies, who spent the summer in town, returned home | recently, and seeing some red berries on a rose bush said, "Why papa are those { cherries on that tree?" Mr, Sparr, of Williamsburg, was look. after his lumber interests in this place on Monday. On the account of the intended partner {of W. D. Walker, in the tailoring busi | ness, being under age, he was forced to | abandon it and go to teaching school. W. E. Brown, our hustling merchant, is putting up a large end to ls store | that will almost double his floor capacity. One of our young men, who escorted his lady home after church, was ejected from the house by her father, aud he took it in the best of humor, wards, when his stepmother door on nim he bursted the door in and blacked both of her eyes. He should receive the full penalty of the law, Moral: — Never strike a woman with your fist, always get a pole ax locked the YARNELL RO. 2 N.A.C home from their wedding trig nfer at Dull at Dubois But, after. | Garbrick have returned home from Ill., where they were visiting with friends for seven weeks, Last Sunday morning a pleasant little lady registered at the Gentzel home in Zion; the proprietor said she could stay | as long as she paid in advance, Linden Hall. Mrs. Ned Sellers, of Oak Hall, made a call in our town last week, Mrs. Cunningham and her two child. ren, of } are visiting at Mrs Natrona, Loneberger's, Philip Bradford caught a week, which caused great among the boys. On last Wednesday Mrs, Ripka had a quilting party, where quite a few werc | invited, A certain person of this place nses a | J. I. C. bit on a horse that does not need | it, and has for its master a kid that i very cruel to the animal, must be stopped. Corn husking time is now there will be a large crop. Clyde Bradford and wile visite brother, Philip, over Sunday. Protracted meeting will day the yf Green Grove coon last | attraction | This cruelty | : | here, and bei church. churg h, evening in | Brown new there to preach on that nig Walker. DD). H. Martin and wife are visit. shit and wife have returned |; i some Choice | The Was well ioned hus attended, corn hop in the ts having a go » people of this they can! together the other ast of the pu soon be able to enter knocked out in the sec black eye for ; other a tri; The is not a very he dry weather, Some of onr young men re ister’s wed. texpects to g soon Shawley made his usual trig ikiey's Saturday evening Nittany. Some of our sp tomorrow ris expect go t evening, to a which is being beld at that place, every week. iiterary society William McKibben and wife of Mack lle, were the { William Emericks, Mrs. J. H. Beck left on Monday Lock Haven to vi 1s. From th she will go to Williamsport to see daughter Grace, who is learning become a trained nurse at the William port hospital guests on Sunday. sit friend On Saturday evening there will democratic meeting at Hublersburg iet all our staunch rats t and take it in The speakers wil C. Meyerand H. S. Tavlor not fail to hear them, and for Bryan We noticed N. H. Yearick and of Walker, passed through our town on Monday. Frank Butler, of town on Sunday. are all right, J. C. Bartley lersburg, on Sunday. Our new landlord, R. F. Emerick, bas been entertaining quite a lot of peo ple of late. He knows how to do it all demo 1 wife Walker, was in our Frank says our girls visited friends at Hub vioced Mrs, Charles Robb and Bellefonte, are visiting friends through here. Miss Carrie Sheats has returned home from near Lamar where she had been working for some time, Some of our farmers are hunting children, of while others are | 1 “l am getting mighty tired picking up pieces of The get a soap that are thrown out around this house. . ney Hs very first time I go to town I am g to box of Ivory Soap that floats on the water so you an see it.” can see I IVORY SOAP—IT FLOATS. “E PROCTIR & GAMOLE CO CamCiNnaTY SPECIAL CLOTHING VALUES Are... FOR __ nmi ~ Centre County’s Big Fair Twenty-Five Styles of Men's Suits at . .. $5.00 Every one would be considered cheap in other stores at Three Dollars More Money. Forty-Five Styles Men's Strictly all-wool Cas- |simere and Cheviot Suits at . . . ...... $8.50 Regular Twelve Dollar Val Over One Hundred Men's Fine Suits Every Kind that you can think of---Blacks, Blues, Fancy Plain Ones. All the Weaves. you will find in other stores. All the Patterns. All the Qualities that Fifteen and Eighte een Dollar Suits will be sold here DURING THE FAIR AT . . . . .. $10.00 A saving you will more than appreciate ONCE .. YOU .. SEE .. THEM right, so while passing through Nittany | you should stop with him and be con | find in abundance with us. NO PREMIUMS! value we give to sell our goods. liking. Charles Beck's sale was largely at. | ‘That You Get a Dollar's Worth of Merchandise tended on Saturday, and articles that were sold brought fairly good prices, considering the McKinley times, This place was favored with a good refreshing rain, on Sunday aight and Monday. Most of our people are talking of going to the fair, while some of our sports will go hunting, instead, Zion. Pawnee, hereafller tie yout don't let him old blind run off on the then have poor Miller searching for him day and night, Miss Amanda Yearick is at present lying with KEpley Gentzels, Miss Lizzie Haines, of Lock Haven, is visiting with her uncle, Mr Ed Gep- hart, of premiums. Everything in the Clothing and Furnishing Goods line you will Assortment and prices will be to your NO BONUS! We want the You can rest assured when you spend a dollar with us Not sixty cents worth of merchandise and twenty-five cents worth We give you what you want, what you pay for Always Better Goods ‘o, Your Money Conrad Lesh lost a valuable horse last ~M. FAUBLE & SON, week. Miss Mary Stover, of Pleasant Gap, is paying her grandma, Mrs, James Hall, a visit, Thomas Hazel has gone to Philipsburg, where he bas secured employment in the brick yards, Misses Mary C. Strubble and Grace Brockerhoff House Block, with us than elsewhere, BUT NEVER PREMIUMS. BELLEFONTE, PA.