THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, OCTOBER 11, 1900, Voluble Beveridge Has His Comb Cut. SAD ENDOF A GREAT SPEECH Mr. Gage's Scheme to Scare the National Banks. MADE THEM BT! AND DELIVER. Transparent Trick to Raise Money With Which to Judge Brewer Corrupt on Government Force-=Mark Hanna's Recent State- | ‘ | ment About Trusts~Some Pertinent | Subject-~The | Questions Anent the Republican Doss Fully Answered, ial Washington Lett So the soulful and volubl had his ¢ DeOt » } lize the Then and Now, the present finan the man in t treasu ento is elected tive order, | y on a sil Lyman ! ew Is pres 1] nobody knows It bette Gage Limself Why, then, it? Simply to seare the national bankers Into coming down with the dust-—that is to Mark Hanna's eampalgn fund, If the national bankers are simple enough to be scared by such a silly cock and bull story as that, they are bigger fools than Thompson's addle pated which swam the Mississippl river to get a drink. The Republican campaign managers must be In a bad row of stumps when they resort to such trans parent tricks to raise money with which to corrupt the voters. A Great Jurist's Logle, I would not think of quoting the evi dence or opinions of a Democrat In or der to convince or convert a Republie an. 1 know too much of human pre} udice and human perversity for that; but certainly a Republican ought to be ver basis posterous, at than Mr did he issue to contribute colt, Voters, | by | Neve a Republican. Therefore, as this {s a campaign of education, I hereby got forth certain excerpts on lmperial- tsm from an address dellvered by Mr, David J. of the su- preme court of the United States, delly- ered before the Liberal club of Buffalo. In my judgment, it would be a good ex ercise In p ellectunl de- velopment for ry cltls of the re I 1 Drewer Justice itriotism a mblie, 1 rat, Republican or Pop- ry these pun- and patriotic They constl- d of rhet- lican read- go Brew one of th listinguishe For years he preme cour £2 time o1 ¢ world, and he Is univers: Parting of the Ways, Evils of Empire, ’ Great Economie Questions Confront entrated Wen th a of taking what we aw WY earned) La wot Our Present Form of Government, : i a ® » : a and by and “Duty” and “Destiny” Divided, This Is » ’ ‘ 1 joe is sot answered by any i y and 4 ¢ al this alk » { destiny I» wearisome We our own destiny We are oot f tate, and to alten make the victims bat the masters on the Alm ot ae fe i LB. plow od up ehty ty for that =» insult to him ordinary human inte "4 . Messings of Our Example, Weare t ort most nee i we have become = great and pow 1 that the world needs us, Dut wh A the touch of fr! or example. It needs the brig of & free people nol dist 1 sar wer, bu » MM ihe » |] blessings of t ’ t Ah i by any lin Hinry gain their ample NL sions of territorial soqguisl ", or military glory, but ¢ won ane ng through all the abilities, activi tien and Industries of their wisest and most ear pest leaders to make the life of each individual citizen happier, better and more content Two Courses « Which Win Choose? Two vislons rise before me One of & nation growing In population, riches and strength, reaching out the strong band to bring within its dominion weaker and distant of pee pient with A i #triy Yon Anre moes and lands, holding them rapid wealth they may bring, occasional glory, success an wondrously luxurious Ife int enter, by force for the an “ rm wil From the Mouth of an Ass, Pointed Questions An Abhsnrd Stnter rf rm at oe] : | of i es did for Hialne ©" lors of Id Mar * hie y Af Tobacco cor pang } | 4 out two-thirds of the t eco fact land od t) oven u's rod swallowed t) one the can ked rien nn nl in the awnllow ein e olor rn As A Du Takes Interest In It, Bhe- No; pa won't leave his bhveiness. He takes so much Interest In it He~What business Is your pa in? fue~Money lending.~Ally Sloper, the soldie is a on tion and vital energy tion and as salts, et bone, of each. system is disor iseased the nutritive elen goes a pal hi h A rere is the nourishing vg Golden M¢ ases of the ble t that it | nutrition nerve 1011 an overy the bowels In a healthy condition. fo the wsor, They are safe and sure. w hose “SOUP MAKES THE SOLDIER.” The great Emperor understood that is a stomach. dependent for health and life liness and completeness of te Processes w bi i go on in the stomach and allied nutrition, In the natural § similation, the ph are distributed In proper proportion to suppl? But where a there 3 from the food, an Nervousness is only a failure to e extras t OF nse elen 1] Discovery owes ol, cures di Dr. Plorco's ¢ Plaasant Pollofs promote tho general health by putting but with rostored_ boalth are af once (oo be discarde Primarily every man and brain are arc The whole body upon the ord 1 organs of diges- Food is he source of man’s rocesses of diges- osphates, lime, brain and r the needs to blood, IC : 1 the stomach digestive TS " rtial fa to i " } | " 4 i il OY unaer is pa extract fi od ents i a They do not become 8 necossit PROFESSIONAL CARDS BA ¢ KEELEY MST, MAK Cunts ALL Dam ang Do Newry f ’ BELLEFONTE REAL ESTATE & LOAN LOMPAN OCTOBE WHY + Pumpkin boniest caer © AONTGOMERY & C0. Mm them OFFICES, eo Con 1 EAST HIGH STRERT lone BEEZER'Sk ~~ 4 -_— “3 ’ : MEAT MARKET Allegheny St, Bellefonte, Pa. We keep none but the best quality | » Of en BEEF PORK and MUTTON All kinds of Smoked Meat, Sliced Ham, Pork Bansage, ete. If you want a nice Juicy Steak go to PHILIPBEEZER : MONLY TO LOAN On firstclass real estate security limited amount in sums of from $500 n $1000 and any number of loans desired in larger sums, Bring deeds and avply ER R MORRISON 21a BK, Bishov ~ y Bellefonte, Pa. PATENTS =. trae” FREE Book “iow to Ghiin Patent | : BAITLROAD SCHEDULES PrrASYLYANIA NO ROAD AND BHRAN( 4 in ' fleet on and alt td » ny s 1:%4 PY ION Boe WRRTS AAVE i Leave a rast ’ f Tr ‘ ‘ . ¢ : : ¢ $ rate. Marks obtsined and 2!l Pat ’ fir Mooeaare Free to " OrnIcE 8 OrromiTE VU, 8. PATENT Ornice patent Wa boss Lise han Laos Caveats, and 1 ent) an ‘ i ' W ’ Rood with descrip We & i t, free of tes. Our fee not patent is spcare A Pammcr, How 10 0 tain Patanis, Ww ’. . EE RA ACR, ei . vee e LU. 5 and foreign o mong ree, —— 4 SNOW&C Ors. Parent Ormer, Wassinaron, D.C ~ VeaNe a6 GA inn AN HOUSE,