Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 27, 1900, Image 7

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The News Gathered From Various
What Our Army of Alrt Corrspondnts-
See and Observe Worthy of Note--
The Local Happenings of Every
The statement in the Hustler that
some drunkard threw a beer bottle
through E. C. Dietz's bakery window, is
untrue, as the bottle was lymg on the
outside, which he no doubt used trying
to gam an entrance. The glass was
pounded all over the pane before it was
broken, as spalls were knocked off all
over the glass which indicates that it was
not done by drunkards.
W. H. Long and Mrs. W. L. Cook and
daughter returned from Niagara Falle
on Wednesday, where they had been
visiting the former's daughter.
Wm. Henderson, wife and daughter
are visiting friends at Windber, Pa.
Oscar Lucas, employed at Altoona, 1s
spending a few days with his mother
and family,
Miss Nannie Lucas 1s v
at Milton.
Logan McKinney has gone back to
Miss Mary and Ellen
Lewistown, are visiting at
Mrs. L. R. Hensyl.
Some one got very hungry on Satur.
day night and was going to help himself
by breaking in the bakery at 2 o'clock
A large pane of glass in the front win
dow was broken which awakened others
and they were frightened away. The
people have become somewhat alarmed
and bave determined that they will catch
the thief, dead or alive, if practiced any
further. The parties are suspected
The following are the names of the
parties who took advantage of the recent
excursion to Chicago: W. H. Neff and
wife, Frank Dietz and wife, Samuel
Bowers and wife, Mrs. Mary Allison,
Mrs. Hays Schenck, Mr. Wilson aud
wife and Miss Johnson. They returned
on Saturday.
We are
Wharton has
isiting friends
the home
to say that
been sick past
Miss Emma Hockman, of Hecla,
a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. C
Mrs. John Hanna, of this place,
gone to the hospital for treatment,
Elmer Hockman, of Hecla,
now of [11., accompanied by
his wife, have been visiting in this section
for some ti They returned to Illinois
on Thursday.
Frank Swyers, of this place, having
taken a trip through some of the western
states, returned home on Monday.
Henry Diets, son
Danville, brother of
the same and expects
section for several weeks
Freeport, |
of Cyrus Dietz, of
ur baker, is visiting
to visit in this
Charles Wells, of near this place, but
employed at Danville, is shaking hands
with friends here,
Frank Swyers, of Erie, Pa., who left
here some five years ago, visiting his
brother Grant.
Thomas IL. Rimert, who has been very
The schools at this place opened up on
last Monday with a full corps of teachers.
Nelson A Yarnell, was
married on last Wednesday evening to
Miss Anna B. Al of this place
Mrs, Haves Schenck, who has
siting her sister, Mrs. Jerry Smeltzer
Chicago, arrived home on Tuesday
etter at this writing
osed for the past week, is
Confer, f
land, tw
on Sanday
Leathers and
of our finest
evening for Bees
they report having had
The new iron fence which Wm. Weaver
has had erected in front of his property
bas added greatly to the appearance.
Jenkins Iron & Tool Co. have their
boarding house up and have given the
gontract for four more houses \
erected at once.
Thomas Mann, who has been em
loyed in the woods this summer, is
Jbome nursing a mashed finger,
We were very glad to know that our
friend, Wm. Robb, of Romola, received
the nomination for jury commissioner,
Wm. Solt's family arrived howe on
Sunday, after visiting friends for the
last two weeks.
Dt, O. McEntire's new house is fast
reaching completion. When finished it
will add greatly to the improvement of
that part of the town.
Joseph Diehl and D. L. Welch were
out speeding Joe's § 10 nag on last Mon.
Alfred Lucas, who Bag been employed
as clerk in C, C. Lucas’ gemeral store,
the past two months, left here last Fri
day for Pittsburg, where he hag accepted
a position with the P. R. R. a8 Pagsenger
brakeman from Pittsburg to Altona,
Port Matilda.
George W. Gill
daughter, Miss Sallie, passed Flat
Rock enroute for their home, after a
pleasant visit amoung friends in Clear.
Mr. and Mis. A. Adams, of Philips.
burg, are visiting friends in this section
The family of the late Philip Williams
to be
and his estimabn,
F | held a veunion a few darts since, on the
David Sfattern farm, in Half Moon,
J. M. Riley, of Shamokin, passed
through here this week enroute for Phil
ipsburg, where Lhe will take a vacation
from his duties as a clerk.
Postmaster Osman has returned from
a visiLamong friends in Carwensville,
J. B. Williams and his three sons
We passed here enroute for the lumber
woods in the western part of Clearfield
Wallace Frantz is failing rapidly from
kidney and lung troubles, with ho hope
of recovery,
Mrs, Lucy Cowher, who has been suf.
fering from a complication of diseases,
is growing worse and her recovery is For Ale at Green's
| foutq pg
regarded as very doubtful,
=~ Nittany.
Quite a number of our youug folks
| were to Lamar, on Sunday evening, to
listen to a Harvest Home sermon deliver-
| ed by a Mr. Johnson who is visiting at
| that place.
| We noticed Glen Meyers, of Lamar,
lin our town Sunday evening. There
| must be some attraction. You just ask
| Miss Jennie.
Miss Helen Beck went to Lock Haven
on Sunday.
Lawrence Ohl expects
Monday, for Blandsburg.
Everybody is wishing for rain
more potatoes, as both are scarce,
to leave on
We noticed the Misdes Weavers, Kes:
singer and Johnson, all charming young
ladies, of Hublersburg, in our town on
William Garbrick brought one of his
young cattle home from the mountain ; it
had its leg broken,
Since coal has advanced, some of our |
people talk of burning chips this winter,
We noticed Elery Krape and George |
Stephenson, of Lamar, passing through
our town one day last week on there
way to “Beautiful Zion,” to trade or sell
Mrs. E. J. Peck went to Jacksonville,
on Saturday, to see her father, who has
been sick for quite a while.
Henry McCaslin left last Thursday
for McKeesport where he expects to
make his home with his son George.
Mrs. G. Zitter and
Haven were the guests of Mr,
Zerby over Sunday.
Mrs, R. R. Alison and Mrs. Link
Swartz and the Misses Minnie and Mit
tie Winkleman expect to drive to Lewis:
burg to attend the fair this week
Mrs. W. R. Diehl and Mrs, 8, F
Guiser spent Wednesday in Lock
Haven the guests of Mr, and Mrs. S. E
children, of Lock
and Mrs,
The granger picnic was not very well
attended from here
spent several
Frank Bartley, of
days with her
Minich and daughters.
Miss Cora Minnick and
Tolbert visited friends in
one day last week,
father, Jno.
Mrs. George
who at-
nong those of our
T. Lucas
nan VYiehdorfer, o
ur town a few days recently
Jersey Shore,
1 Kate
YViehdorfer and
last Wee
la Rankin returned home Fri.
ng from a lengthy visit to her
Marion Centre.
1ds at Bost
to Philipsburg
iams has
1 during the past week.
Charley been visiting
Lamch Cole and wife, of near Bloom-
ington, Md., are visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hazzard.
Williamsport, was
as, on Tuesday, of
r. Olmstead
have been vis
this place.
Arthur Bowes and family are spend
ing a short time with friends at
Gertie Viehdorfer spent Sunday
aunt's, Mrs. Taylor, at Viaduct
J hn
home the latter part
Wesley Cartright
Mrs. Matley
guest of her daug
this week
The telephone reached here
and has proved to be quite ;
Confer entertained friends at his
of the
to the people of our town,
Death has again
George Watson, tak
bright and
years old,
We are sor
Edward Rupp, our
who ou Monday }
Potter Co., where he will work at his
trade. He will be greatly missed by his
many friends here
Ig away another
ing child, ut three
parture o
left Coudersport
Jack Frost made his appearance
the valley. Harry up Ira and get
rye in the ground
The strike in the coal
the prop business in
Uncle Abe is up and around as usual
H. C. Kulp bought a heavy timber
tract near Penn Hall last week. Give
me a Kulp to make things get there. |
i vin,
Frank says he likes a fast horse, but | John W. Beck, of Windber,
They are not afraid to mvest in timber,
the one he has is too fast.
The Highvalliers were all at the Gran.
ger's Picnic on last Thursday, and two
of the Highvalley ladies got their pictare
taken, and when they got home every.
body said Highvalley can’t be beat for
good looking women; that is so, but
Rankletown 1s ahead,
A. J. Stover offers for sale near Penn |
: Mr. |
Stover is also dealing in cedar shingles, |
Hall, 17 pine trees at a low price.
he gets them by car loads from Michigan
The Highvalley stave mill is only run.
ning one day out of three weeks. That
looks as though a strike might soon take
place. Well, the valley can support
them, aud feed them on potatoes and
The Georgetown scribe made his ap
bearance last Friday at the afternoon
thin, as lively as ever. He said be was
Alilgyed all summer with the bull frogs
‘e pasture in the valley is getting
short und cows are going dry. Butter is
AS SCirce as the hair on a Georgetown
bullfrg, The only trouble in the valley
in dry leasons 1s stock raising. But it is
not 80 with Ingleby and Rankeltown,
they hav, freqh cows continually and all
the butte, and milk they can use
Chamber yin's Cough Remedy a Great
The Sothing and healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompting permanent cures have made
it & EM favorite with people every.
where. 1 iy especially prized by mothers
of Sug children for colds, croup and
whoophe cough, as it always affords
quick kiief, and as it contains no opium
or othl,
As COldently to a baby as to an adult,
armacy, Belle.
harmful drug, it may be given |
I with the investment,
Prof, T. 8. Delong, who has been |
keeping books at Gleasonton for some
Miss Isabel Taylor, of Bellefonte, at-
tended Harvest Home exerclses at Sum.
mit Hill church, The question arises,
has Frank forgotten Stella f
We are sorry to note the
Charles Wentzel, It is feared
typhoid fever is setting in,
tlloess of
W. I, Harvey, of Flemington, spent
| Monday in this place,
Miss Maude Confer was taken ill
Thursday with bleeding of the nose,
Kurtz was summoned and has managed |
to get the flow of blood stopped.
H. S. Delong, who has been spending
a month at his home here, left on Tues.
day for his work at Renovo
The Harvest Home services in the
Summit Hill church were well attended.
Miss Illa Brickley, who has been vis-
iting in Bellefunte for sometime, returned
home last week,
Charles Boone went to Emporium, on
Monday, to obtain employment,
John Robb made a trip to Blanchard
on Sunday evening. He says that she is
just the sweetest little girl he ever knew,
A certain young man in our town who
has a great deal of surplus nerve and
audacity, called on two of our
ladies on Sunday evening just
couple of minutes conversation,
vervy lad’s name was Sam,
called “Jaggers.’" His few minutes con-
versation lengthened into hours, when
some of his friends became alarmed
about his absence and went in search of
him. He was found seated between two
ladies but he looked so tender that his
friends were afraid he wouid mash, so
they carried him out bodily, and gave
him his thumps for giving his crowd the
slip. Now, Sam, tor
writing this ; it was that other fellow,
Two of our girls, Maude
took a short walk of about
Saturday evening to call on Ward, ex.
pecting him to bring them home on Sun
day at least that was the
expectation when they started
they were doomed to a bitter disappoint
ment, for Ward brought them back
Nit. And Sunday morning found two
weary, yet wiser wendi
way homeward I
that men have hearts
was broken by that one act of in
for a
font blame me
and Ella,
five miles on
morning .
Oak Hall.
Misses Mary
Williamsport, visite
last week
Miss Effie of the Braz
Wednesday night with [1
ohn Fry, of Pine Grove Mill
town on Saturday evening
Daniel Korman, one of our oldest
zens, is qui il
te ill at present
Geo, Bailey and
. Klin
Miss Alice Rut and
Raymond Dale, of the Brancl
day visitors at Mrs. H. Dale's
Miss Keicl
Springs, was 2
ast week
unday afternoon
Sunday night about 12 «
Peter's smoke house cau
: ground
red but an apple
buildings were
10 the
tres alth
in danger of the
rge Musser, of Wilkesbarre
is town on Thursday n
little town was quite
Ad »
Juile a number of peog
train at OQ
John Delaney is ill with typhoid fever
Mrs. Ed. Peck, Nittany,
her father, Henry Yearick.
John Smith, Jr.
Grant Fetron,
of 18 visiting
visited his sister, Mrs
of near Mechanicsburg
Communion services will be held in
the United Evangelical church, on San.
day evening next, by Revs. Reamer and
Mrs. James Beck, of this place, and
her danghter, Mrs. Joe Strunk, of Pur
are visiting her son and family,
James Heverly, of Johnsomburg, visit«
| ed his father<in-law, James Beck
Miss, Emma Smith departed on Mon.
dav for Lock Haven
M. S. Betz has ordered a line of pew
goods which yon are eordially invited to
call and see.
Pine Creek.
Mr. Hosterman and Mr. Meyer, of
Coburn, were seen on our street on Sat
Mrs. Adam Stover spent Sunday with
her daughter, Mrs. Fryer.
C. C. Fryer made a business trip along
the mountain on Saturday.
The farmers are done cutting off corn,
and some are husking, and report a good
Uncle Mike says the watermelons are
a fair crop and good
High valley scribe says dry weather
and poor water causes his whiskers to
fall out,
On Tuesday evening of this week, J. H.
Sharp, the ventriloquist, of Hublersburg,
gave an entertainment in the church at
this place. He also explained the life of
a drunkard, We enjoyed his entertain:
ment very much ang hope he will be
with us Again in the future,
Cheapest and Rest
Cures Catarrh in from 310 10 days
Cures Cold nu the Head, 5 to 15 minutes
Cures Headache, 1 to Hs minutes
Securely packed with full instructions, by |
mall, postage paid, Me |
Try It and you wHl be more than pleased |
Your money Sack if you |
are dissatisfied. “Stamps taken.’
xo MOHAWK REMEDY CO., Rome, N.Y. |
| a week among friends in Centre Hall,
time, arrived bome on Friday of last |
| C. C. Christine,
| Presbyterian charge at this place, but
| now of Elysburg, Pa., is a guest at the
was given Charley Arney, by his wife,
that | last Wednesday evening, about twenty
| Invited guests were present to celebrate
Brickley, of Bellefonte, is |
visiting here at the home of her mother, |
| went to Bellefonte,
Centre Hall.
Mrs, W. P. Shoop, of Scranton, spent
© 000000000000
Miss Lillie Christine, daughter of Rev,
former pastor of the
home of Mrs. Mary Odenkirk.
A pleasant birthday surprise party
the occasion,
Mrs, J. Fred Kuntz and Miss Grace
Smith spent several days last week with
Miss Ellizabeth Stuart, at State College.
You should by all means See Us
before you make your Fall Clothing purchases.
Isaac Smith, of Altoona, and his son
James, of Williamsport, spent last week
at their home, at this place,
You will hear all sorts of claims coming from
One will
claim cheap goods, the other largest assortment
Charles Meyer, of Millersburg,
Pa., is visiting at the home of her par
ents, Capt. and Mrs, G. M. Boal.
P. O. Stiver, editor and proprietor of
the “Freeport Bulletin,” of Freeport, |
[ll., accompanied by his wife, spent
week with his aged mother, Mrs, Mary
Stiver, in this place, from here they
where they will re.
main some time with his sister, Mrs. E.
J. Ward. |
Postmaster G
to his bed all
all kinds of stores and merchants.
and best goods, etc., etc.
Boal, was confined
suffermg from a |
of dysenlery, but is now
able to attend to his duties again,
iast week
Spangler and wife, of Hastings, |
Pa., Saturday it to his |
father, ex-sheniff John Spangler.
arrived on a visit
opened Monday with
The corps of teachers
! the
Strohm, graus
1 grade; |
The schools al
good attendance,
the term
are of
school; James
F. A. Foreman,
See if they can Substantiate their
claims, make comparisons, visit one and then
$s Auna lomew, Mary
the station,
Uwin gy
off the
The evaporator plant, at
n on Monday
arge amount of apples blown
by the storm a few weeks ago
Il notbe a large one,
1 VanPelt, of Hastings, Pa., came
+ last week to take in the picnic, and
nd a few days with his grand.parent
heriff and Mrs. John Spangler.
Krumbine Tuesd
Creek, Pa. has loca
began operati to
the other, and then spend your money where
good judgment tells you it is to your advantage.
e Want
our Business
where he
practice medicine
Krumbine passed a cre
tion before the State
ago, and 1s
s he deserve
Jt (reo ge
- a
d, and
sure t
8 #1 QuoCe
we Merit it...
and Mrs. D. J. Wolf
f Walkersville, Md., are
of Mrs. Wolf's
Alfred Durst
*» home
1 Mrs
3 We know that Our Stock is Many
Times Larger than any you will find shown in
of this
We know that every dollars worth
Hub Shoen
aunt, Mrs
Main street, severa
Enormous Stock
last week
Mrs. Edna Herman was down from
State College several davs last week Was Bought for Cash and at the
panied by Miss Car Knarr,
pects to spend the win
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
linburg, were the
Lowest Prices possible. We know that we are
better of Ready-to-Wear
Clothing than you will see in any other store in
guests showing a grade
our own (ast
Messrs Cal. and Ge
companied by their families,
day last among friends and
Miss Dillie Mertz, of Northumberland,
is back at her uncles again assisting hin
in the She is an iging
woman and Mr. Philips did not make a |
mistake in securing her valuable services
B. F. Edmunds, who had been visit.
ing his family here for several days, left
for Windber, Pa, last week, accom-
panied by his danghter Annie, and Miss
Adaline Wilkins, who expect to make
their home there.
Harvest Home services beld in the |
Reformea church on last Sunday morn. |
ing were largely attended, and the ser.
vices throughout were very impressive; |
the church was beautifully decorated |
with potted plants and all manner of
fruit and presented a very nice appear. |
ance. Another pleasing feature of the |
service was the music rendered by the
choir, and last but by no means least the |
excellent contribution, which amounted
to nearly foo. |
Some of our boys will accompany the |
Millbheim: Band to the Lewisburg fair
to-day (Thursday.)
Spring Mills.
R. W of Auburm, N. Y.,
Home visiting his mother and sisters
D. H. Ruhl will have public sale of his
livery stock,
W. H. Smith has purchased the home
of John Heckman's estate |
spring. R
Drew Shires was seriously ill a
days last week
M. L. Smith and Major Huss, of Johns. |
town, spent last week here with their |
many friends and attending the picnic
Mrs, Samuel
typhoid fever,
For foot.wear C. A. Krape has all the |
latest styles of shoes
fer, in week
tge Weaver, ac-
spent San-
relatives in
Bellefonte. We realize that to get your business
We can and will
We ask you to Give us a Call and
we must Save You Money.
store ob sales-
do it.
or Yourself
Compare our goods. Compare our prices with
what you will find in other stores, an honest
comparison we are certain will not only give us
your business but will undoubtedly
Neese, is
Save you Money.
will quit farming next
Musser will move on the
A call is all we ask, our goods and our prices
few |
will do the rest.
Condo is down with
Another new case, Bob !
000000000000 8000000000000
M. Fauble & Son
Brockerhoff House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA.
Bend us BO oenis for a Box of
fore Lips, chaps and all akin diseases,
The best over yet compounded,
Money refunded if not satisfied,