\ . - i \ ‘tems [hat are Worth Centre Hall, occasion October S00on THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 2 | G00), 5 BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In and About Belle- fonte | | PERSONAL, SOCIAL EVENTS Few d in | ast Noting Iranspire the in a Lines—What Has [his Community During Week=—Movements of Our People Dale, kEsq., pointed a notary public Clement Potatoes are bringing 45 cent so cents at Coburn and at Lewistown, 1 Assistant Postmaster W.S. Chambers is home from a vacation of several weeks spent in Williamsport Mrs is a guest of Miss Ellen Lacy Bryson, McCl home on Alleghney street, to rey birth of a son | Saturday. Bellefonte weddin be agl¢ wild Rat thousar Ss at gum Cob ire siaek whippe and these tion The next importian summer here wi ceptiona the track Isaad treasurer of the Galveston deposited with Drexel & Co. deiphia, the total sum of §7 fonte’s contribution Some tow: and many more should have d¢ There will jusicale at the Cole chapel! thi ening, for the benefit of the chape i both After consisting o here will be Iusi the and instraomenta tertainment refreshments, cake and ice cream will be served Admission the grounds, A to masicale cents ~Afler an extended suspension for the purpose of enlarging its capacity the Bellefonte company ready for business, Furnace in tip-top shape throughout and the fires | morning. They output so are to be started this have orders abead for their that a successful and ste ady run can be expected ~Stop sending communications to this office without attaching the game, as an evidence of good faith, We » mentioned this matter so often that [| t seems almost useless to take it up, yet every week some one violates these well established rules of every well.regulated paper. We want to know who sends communications, even if the name is not | desk, i vote for you when you run for congress, given, LOCAL NEWS | | of p permit gambling or ol now | It has been put in | writer's | Our sale register is quite large for this season of the year, Mrs. Edward Friday for Niagara Falls. —George McMahon is here from Pecks to his mother and Cowdrick left laste kill, N. Y., on a visit sisters in Bellefonte, Frank Miller, a student at the Acad. emy, owing to sickness, left Monday for hi N. J. Schofield is Mrs S Boonectown, N. | Hubler has been giving a home at Cape May, transacting hofield Hon. ] business in as. Pittsburg and is visiting friends in ]: BR ventriioguiss, the num oe Sharp, of Dury, easing entertainments in this sec tion, The Centre County Fair will not any sort of a game chance on the grounds during the air, of China a bus Samuel! Taylor, manager ft iness Monday night on 3 He will be gone | York City, two davs. ‘he annual re-union of of the White was this The tor in operation LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House. MARRIAGE LICENSES Joseph Flook Hawk Run t Hannah Jones . iy i } (veo Mitchell Katharine G Lemont Gillil Oak Hall IAL ESTATE TRA? | | an expert, While in consider: d tak RECENT DEATHS. THOMAS EADON:—passed away at his home in this place, Monday evening, of | He had] only about two weeks Up until pleurisy and heart trouble been il) Monday his illness had not He sheffield, England, December noon been | alarming was born in and came to this country 10 veyrs first locating in Pn years ago Col, Reynolds ke cia her his wifei, Marga: been Wednesd cemetery interment occurred Catholic intelligent and man and in prof on was Bellefonte | many warm Toot, $6 Martha J. Thomas Lowry, Aug. 25 i x) Pedro C. Casanova, ‘rosby, May 2 Mary ug Ww K h » Sarah, daughter of | of this place, the ms are that have a year sperous chael Kerstteter, of Pleasant Gap, 1 on Monday to have his paper sent arence, Pa., Shoe, where the BEAr Snow it in few months at next church, to be A wi the new Catholic that place umber of ant mechani be Gap em. yed on the buildis is that did not many Ihe general | YOAT success this There sTANGEY Wasom fe 2 were | vacant tents, the list of exhibits was not as large as on former occasions, there | were some decidedly crude and vile entertainments that disgusted decent peo ple, the general attendance was smaller we only No doubt are waiting for the re than usual, Not being there mention what others report, many people opening of the county fair, The other day our desk | was ornamented by a handsome pen rack, shoe, with editorial | made in the form of a horse It was nicely fin. Upon inquiry we learned that it was a present from Jacob Knuisley, the expert horse. shoer. The shoe is a duplicate of the kind he makes for the flyers on the race track, and as we strike an occasional swift newspaper pace he thought this would be ag appropriate addition to our Thank you, some day we will | the nails for the rests ished in gilt, and is useful too. » The i De cague tion of the after a violations that ar At the me 1 AY to them ub ot Ine olutions Wie were ad Alexand nt of the organi f Pleasant Gap the vacancy Several that were made evoked week a democrat Phi M1 move Lhe Hall to this occupy the va at pshurg and M1: Fre r household effects fr yiace on Mouday and ant house on Allegheny street, b of MM: Mrs. Herb Shaffer Hereater M1 will devote his attention principally to uriz « x pect to m Lientre will formerly the me and Kurtz the editorial department of this paper and will be found at this office where he will be glad to meet his many friends and ac- quaintances throughout the county. It will be the intention of the writer to which no doubt he will appreciate after a term of twelve years at the same hotel, the Garman House, which was satisfac. tory or would not have been there that long Bottle Broken Over His Face. A man living on Marsh Creek became involved in a quarrel at Snow Shoe Monday evening, during which a bottle was broken over his face, He was bad. ly cut, make his fature home with his parents, | Jou iD Blaine ( has had charge The twO years deceased Half Moon a son o was room in which to The er to dest: the Hessian farmers of this region to wheat pest, custom of many of wheat side the flies ' mi w t p an early strig at one A of the field ant and have com. vader in the safety menced to work order to destroy the brood. Then wheat crop can be planted with The authorities in charge of the College farm have asked Prof for the advent of the fly, and he and his | students yesterday made examinations which show that the pest is now very abundant. Itis yet in the larval stage, and | under before reaching the lor pupal stage is the | action, | “worm'’ be should plowed flaxseed” Now time for Arrested in Pittsburg. Albert Pardo was arrested on the steps { of the postoffice at Pittsburg on Monday, | of last week, on a charge of desertion | preferred by his wife, whom he had left | penniless at this place. He is now in jail here. | Surface to watch or | +(THE - GLOBE )« Millinery Opening MONDAY p= TUESDAY, OCTOBER Ist and 2nd. Bellefonte, Pa. KATZ & COMPAN ta. ¥, L ago to make his home in Calif has been | orma, letter Hu made that appear rom which el — of the | PIANO + School wo Shoes SATURDAY, OCT (rnd 1, Administrator pre res deceased M. Bower residency of i hi a eagding 8 WEDNESDAY, OCT, 10 At the THOS. KE GRIFFITH, Bogs Twp north west of Milesburg oh nad Marsh Creek horses Cows young oattie 19 hogs, wagons, plows, mowers and other farm implements, harness, chickens and turkeys, ons, corn, hay, potatoes, oi also household goods, Sale at loa. mJ Lo. Nell. auotioneer "w 'RIDAY., OCT. 19-0Un the south of Spring Mills Runkle homestead farm Runkle, Attorney. Jas Middleburg, Pa premise at ipm 125 nerves by N. Runkle trustee [TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23- Emery Heaton will sell 2 heavy draft hovses, I oows, 4 head Pung eattie, brood sow with pigs, Walter A ood binder, farm implements and household goods, on the Joseph Heaton farm 5 miles porth of Curtin Station. Saleat 1 p.m. Jas, 1. Neff, auctioneer, | peck Markets Hefont for gv Ked wheat per bushel Red Wheat per | Kye, per bushes LC'orn, ears par bushel Corn, she hel Barley per Oats, per bust she Coburn Markets Following are the prices padd for grain by the dealers at Coburn Wheat (old) per bushel ..... Wheat, new, . Oats, nice white... Qorn Fhovsavirsnnss os seen TBF currerrans on a a a