4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 27, 1900, The @ entre Democrat, | ONL) FORTY-EIGHT VOTES. CHAS. R, KURTZ, - - - PROPRIETOR. ————— FRED KURTZ, 8R.,} . CHAS. R. KURTZ, (EDITORS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 0 per year (x Regular Price - . $l It pald in Apvaxce $l "CIRCULATION OVER 2600. Democratic National Ticket PRESIDENT WILLIAM JENNINGS BEYAN..... Nu ICE PRESIDENT STEVENSON 11 raska ADLAI E Democratic State Ticket. FOR AUDITOR GENERAI P. GRAY MEEK FOR CONGRESSMANAT LARGE N.M. EDWARDS HARRY E. GRIMM FOR CONGRESS JAMES K. FP. HALI County Ticket FOR ASS] J. H, WETZEL J. W. KEPLER FOR JURY FREDERICK ROBE. EDITORIAL. that the of robber for ga Cx can tecting t consumer aem from North \ Re pubic: Mr. Hann: speech of his must have made Pr McKinley's b a shiv body. on he ol run er through Mr can yet the whole Hanna 1s the or heard from that i though the Democrats are delighted with it— Mr. Bryan especially The « that there are no trusts Otss’ mpiacent Senators’s assertion parallels on eral declaration that there is no war in the Philippines. Fighting goes islands notwithstanding, and the trusts continue to do business at the old the thieving gains of monopoly with both hands on in the stand, gathering in . “ - - - THE result of the republican congres sional conference, held at DuBois last Dale did week, was that Brother Clem. not get the plum he was after and A. A Clearwater, of Elk county, was chosen We of the that Dale did not want the nomination instead Clem very badly this trip, for the simple rea- son that there is very little show for a republican getting there in this district. J. K. P. Hall has the pull on the voters in this section and they will go to the polis almost to a man to give him a vote of confidence. In this section he will more than poll his full party vote as his course in congress has been very satis. factory Vo the interests of the are opinion and that is why Mr, Dale did not want the nomination, contest to be in line for future promotion and will be a candidate for the place from this county later ou, when there | may be a better chance of election if some others don’t crowd him off the track. | Virg would more than supply this defi district. | ’ : ] Hall's re-election goes as a certainty, | He simply entered the | Four years ago Mr. jority in the electoral college was gs. If | Mr. Bryan can keep the 176 votes cast | for him then, only 48 more are necessary to secure his election. Maryland 8, 12-2 West of Delaware has 13, inia 6, Kentucky total votes fromjold democratic states which prior to 18¢6 had never in twenty years gone republican and which should return to the democratic column this year, This would leave only 19 more votes necessary Indiana, which has 15, was a compara state in 1806, It 1 ly cCiose has regu- arly seesawed from democratic to repub. and back for twenty.cight the yCArs, aud is due to return to democratic column this year ; so that the democrats are hopeful of carrying it for Mr. Bryan, they did Cleveland. as for Tilden and twice for This would leave only four votes neq essary, in Ohio, Ill Wisconsin 1k A democratic plurality any one the Miadle st Michigan, Minnesota or hive ates iency votes would A change of less than 4.00 Tilden in 187¢ have carried Ohio for In 18g2 the state was so close that Cleve 1 actually r d one of its elector land MR. HANNA AS A SPEAKER nator Hanna with the npaign nator Hanna i who has had i! Iv elected wou J. K. Thompson vote for or against Quay's re-election? That paramount "‘issue,' in peop « knock out Quay for United States ser and elect a decent, creditable successor, no matter if he be a republic an ANIA will for PENNSYLY McKinley, should elect a certainly go but that does not say that it legis! re that w Quay back to the United States senate - NE on Monday appoint. Wi of udge of the the Chief Henry Green, of Easton GOVERNOR ST ed his law partner, iam P. Potter, Pittsburg, as a Court to succeed inte Gov. SToxg did not come county for the selection of a man for the supreme court. Judge Love was strongly endorsed but the location was unfavora ble and a western man was selected - HASTINGS- HARMONY i3 8 new kind of a dish for the people in this county, and a good many republicans crawl up to it in a rather suspicious manner, They don't just exactly like it fordessert, and they don't want to have it jammed down their throats. p———————— Presbytery at Beech Creek The Northamblerland Presbytery is in session in Beech Creek. About fifty are in attendance. — - When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Green's drug store, McKinley's ma- | 'SCHURZ ANSWERS GAGE. The Ex-Cabinet Official Invokes the Dendly Parallel in an Effective Way, Carl Schurz has witten, under date of Bept. 10, a letter to retary of the Treasury Gage in rejoln- der to the second open Seo- latter's reply to Mr, Bchurz's first letter, In it Mr, Bchurz remarks that the Gage letter “only shows to what lengths parti zeal will go {n the attempt to frighten the people into the b McKinley's re- election general an ellef that only Mr can save them from ruin.” To Mr remark that the publican congress and administration would “probably” find it difficult, owing to of the minority, to use its power before the inauguration of Bryan to make it im- possible for him to put the finances on a silver basis, Mr. Schurz answers: Gage's Ho possible obstructive tactics “There will be no trouble about this if the Republican majority is willing todoit. * ** The Republican major- ity but, if only for will sity, and of os to ly in congress not only can, its own moral salvation, relieved b, Will, Alnited Nemoeraey and Democratic against the it Insidious eannot with only arty rt that ratie holding uj hand i Its bearer in t!} npalgn It party Is standard is not one section ne or ones section than an other t} cratia avery even the there increasing abhor which go to make up McKinlayiam, which will draw thousands of Republican votes to the party which pledges itself to halt the government of the United States and drag It back from the perilous course on which the present administration has launched it is A and ever rence of he evils In view of the expose which even the Republican newspapers have made of the starvation wages pald the coal miners of this state the campaign ery of “full dinner pall” seems something worse than a hollow mockery and a sham, With all the'r sneering at the phrase, “the consent of the governed.” the Republican party managers will find that it Is as firmly embedded in the lssues of this campaign as It Is In the constitution of the United States. TEDDY'S CURIOUS NOTION. He Thinks We Have mn Right to Slaughter the Filipinos, From the Pittsburg Post. to justify Filipinos in his the ground they d merit no consideration tifies our them on was not Then to conquer m* Not Admiral give testimony that the Fil savages, but fixed habit settled Industries interrupted by “superior” a seeking thelr subjugation. Con- the testimony of Gen, Otis his reports to the war department Sen- Governor Roosevelt the slaughte: wostern speeches on are bandits, an or humanity imperialist] the ground intended seeks our for ron why POC K 10 mention other witness Dewey and Gen. Otis which establl i the fact ipinos civilized tions and not are no when peopl cerning in ator Hoar says it establishes beyond reasonable d “ware fit for The Destiny of the Conntry. The President's False Pretense., tor the Miongated and r, he declares that "five we were selling government Yoars age bearing gh as 6 per intended cen to five Y he that within I wed money cent, whereas if & knows that is government had any bonds other and uid bor though President Cleve 1 Ly ‘ nd gtontiy aaked congress to ee of a lower » and quest 4 on owever rie Wise re- } and when the ' borrow the sold at such § intere money Aaross issued. but remiuvm as to reduce the per cont bonds were rate to a fraction below 3 per ont. President McKinley was cortaln- ly aware of that fact, and yet In his letter ! an implied falsehood In another part of the letter he al legen that administration $44.000000 of Pacific railway redeemed. The purpose of that statement was clearly to make the public believe that that suount of money had been collected from the people and used for the re- demption of the bonds, The truth is, he utters bonds were | gince the beginning of his ! and the president knew It well, that the | railroads were sold by the government | on mortgage foreclosures and the pro- | coods of the sale redeemed the bonds. There are two plain cases of false pre- tense In the letter, 100 WATCHES GIVEN AWAY, 000000000000 WATCH NO. 1:- d NEW YEARLY CASH NAMES: WATCH No. 3: For 6 NEW YEARLY CASH NAMES: a smal ver watch Siem movements CsCap red you w refund Y our ur address, free, immedi. ately upon receipt of your order, if accompanied by the cash. If vou want one of these watches yon must first make ap lication to %i: office, giving your NAME, parents name, your age and post office address. We will then send yon a blank order whieh you 1 : A sample copy of the Centre Democrat will be mailed to any address, Call on your friends at once; show them the paper, ask them tosubseribe and you will be surprised to see how easily and quickly you ean earn one of these fine watches, Yours sincerely, CENTRE DEMOCRAT, Bellefonte, Pa. + Use