THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 20, 1900, 3 TI! rm NEY TE or rt "TVUTANT NIA "EGAL NOTICES. | m— BRYAN ON THR SOR, | geseavove ose KEYSTONE HAPPENINGS. pctv virice™ Permanen ures bi i Sites | ally speaking, will decline 16 8ymPL | Nowy Items of Interest From All | pr: > ago A : : i ‘ ® His Acoeptance of the Democratic | tinze with the Republicans of Philadel: ; phia in thelr present unenviable predic Parts of the State, Nomination For President. Aii Cures Are Made Permanent. ament Ag a rule unfortunate persons Led lo eit them daly authenticated ] R are entitled to such assistance as moral STRIKING PUDDLERS VICTORIOUS ‘nent Ei ae | NOW 18 THE TIN) ; Catarrh of the 4 For treatment of On pon *lfords, td nine Vanes ont tarrh. Deafness and y Head. N Oe and of ten Penndylvanians are ready and They Refused to Work Under Objee- | A the Alr Passages, such POLITIOS IN THE CORPORATIONS Denounces the Appalling Growth of 0 ’ : ow | YI Sf \ Wor The ma 0 TH e¢ of ' LOY g wn. Bronchitis ( Trusts and Declares a Corporation | W ling to extend sympathy wherever tionnhle Orders Issued by the Come ‘1 B terwt p . 18 Asthma, Bronehitl i Pp hy at he ta HHetreoas without stonping to | I #1 Hilo { by Ete Should Be Compelled to Attend there 1 a : L : Vi ¥ ! pany=The Split in the Junior Me- ra ef riba ST inquire ) | f it jut the tenth h ; FIL in L y , Strictly to Its Business, | fnqu J en cehanios. | ons filed to tl 0 f ‘ Stites’ New time !s where reason g in his fine : MME inh ! . : ! for Catarrh on re a., Sept. 19.—The antl v it the American Car at Berwick re- Chicago, Sept. 18.—In his letter ac- cepting the Democratic nomination for | work 1d n mpathy Is ex president William J. Bryan renews the ] ] pledges made in his acceptance of 1836, AVY OF Ni ory bod OW p . : approves the Kansas City platform, vA oa td ‘nt hal: be i wu 1ed ) Work yesterday after a and pre ceeds in substance as follows : Bi : pa Fo RAIA u lengthy interview with the company's tended ness The platform very properly gives prome- PAR eo] { Haaeipn re n officia 1 which they were granted Lo tior lhe ap- not ikely t nef Y B¥Yn thelr demand They absolutely re- tions In re . J present ad- | Ul fused to work unless a new order of conclusively that lacks either the d« deal with the ques- | philadelphia | p rd mavor of | for the men to produce a physician's be fairly in ’ Ag MAY ndu y } \ Qam' ve: art hi riifica very time they are absent t the company’s making it compulsory ve and to make their own 1. The The Split In the Junlor Mechanles, y ¢ y 1 el it ! } I IR. J. IK . ST 1 TE ES. HaCeiplila, Sept 1) he wal ‘ . ¥ \ No. 21 North Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. | ABLY SUCCESSFUL RECORD. PROOF UPON PROOF. Philndelphin's Hepublicean Nominees Strike Against Reduced Pay ary Exam Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. NO I1ric urable Diseris ~~ [. ADIES aa EEEEEEEEEEERERREREEREEERE DON'T DO IT. 00000000 Alleged fC onnterfelt Colners Canght » ) E "B E 2 = - ‘ HOW THE QUAY MACHINI Widener DON T VIOLATES THI CONSTITUTION, DON'T wwe w“ DON'T WEEE) Magistrates Favor Whipping Post I Fy Vi | ” DON'T yyw Fell Too Handred Feet to mw . w m DON'T lee th : Bellefonte, Pa. SECHLER & COS. BA (4 {4 Ladies’ ! ind 10 ih : , . = NRA HOSIERY... 1 PEPPER EEE EEE EEE » new styles; ladies’ Collars and Cuffs, new shapes; ladies’ HARDWARE, GRAND UMBRELLAS. (Closing out sale Graniteware, OF OXFORDS. Tinware, Be sure to look for the R LADIES anges, «HAT... Heaters, DISPLAY Guns, Ammunition. until the can 4 n ’ ' \ a! N : : p i : : the f or er 0 ‘ MW nti the campaign in orer. n inuli | needions to add thi con | i enon "tor MONTGOMERY & CO he attempted when re h wide A \ ) f Nine Yay! ‘ : : and L : ele amount fm e in the nd Grint wl Pot ont ’ ! The rehabilitation ¢ merchant ma 4 Jott 1 i irglars Mon Bellefonte, Pa. rine Inudnl in it a] vale he pre fine i } y tor ) nN \ ¢ } . and the cash text for « enditure put mney for aenin | 1 i winter ‘ 1 Irothers the benefit ! rage ship owners vd In tha » interests of Aansportation monopol ] on , i oneph Mane oe hargeman at ¢ \ i - ertence the ir me tax Aan . : " : ’ : . : ; . By inadvertence the income tax Liank | county Representative. | @henandon ery. ‘wis norribly | oo Genuine Olive Chilled Plows |er's and Workingman's heavy goods tee was omitted from the platform as | Adams ..... A4 16,742 bular boll nday 888 unter the | i | for fall and winter ever brought to ad and adopted. The subject, however, Remzk : na ! A > 1 . . a i J an by the reaffirmation of the Bradford .... grosses wh I'he annu rvest Home was held | x ! | Bellefont See them before buy- Chicago platform, and 1 take this occa Carbon ‘oe . } in the Memorial Lutheran chuch at Bhip- | oa Blu : 1 ’ glon 10 ‘reassert my belief in the prin Erie ’ ‘ pensburg Sunday I'he church was dee- | p : ciple which underlies the income (ax : adn o { orated with fruits, vegetables and grain BP Women simitisi, Write for estalogae In the hour of danger the government ean Luzerne : »h David Marna, one of three men arrested . - ne Lo draft the citizen; It ought ta be able 0 | Northumberland ................37,349 | for the fliegal sale of liquor at Shippens: PITTSBURG DENTAL COLLEGE, =FPOTTER'& HOY, POWERS SHOE COMPANY, arait the prev kathook as hy jaring the | Philadelphia " burg, has Ix found Fiat and pen Dept. of Western University of Penharivania, | Bush Arcade. r ryan conclu sy dex ; tenced to o ear in ial 00 d costs. Ay . = ; . question of imperialism the paramount wr ea .h Bhipp nsburg A " prohibition town. Tee Duss Avene, PUY: dr i BELLF Fy INTE, PA. BELLEFONTE, a. PENN'A. fsiue of the campaign, . ¢ AGENTS FOR THY ’ Ff 5 - i 1 Ne » : SUES 5 ing elsewhere,