THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. SEPTEMBER 13, 1900, 5 LOCAI NEW Next week Grange Park will be the —Mrs. Daniel Eberhart, of Fast High) LEGAL INTELLIGENCE, MANY RECENT DEATHS PIANO BARGAINS bl FI th B attraction. Street, has been on the BRIE FLY TOLD Union county fair will be held Sep- week. : Gathered From the Various Offices About | RCH IBALL HINSO? A I. V. Gray, of Stormstown, | v the Court House. several years’ suffering from Bright | tember 25 to 28. Mrs. Robert Irwin has been quite scooping quite a number of se MARRIAGE X.1CH? e¢ Archibald Hutchinson d this season with his two hor his home one mile south Happenings In and About Belle- i Il the past week Young fonte Most of the farmers have finished | Doctor I, N. sh, the veterinary ak. I] chibald Hutchin cutting their corn | surgeon ha again in { 4 Ricl $ and 8 month He wpe ' . \ ‘UR me f place ub had Fina \ . { $1 ! . | . x C¢ tion PERSONAL SOCIAL EVENTS| ae pana Woodcock is visiting | Place: He had heen Pi rth wie pion in Bellefonte, | : A pant m ye 4 \ -. % : Be um\y na Items That are Worth Noting in a Few | Samuel Taylor has been Lines—What Has Transpired in : ; | y y ve Mave . ! . . the past week at (ape May , 1 arcuct "1 : ‘ : pics [his Community During the Past id : en or # Wend ; y, of Half Moon valle) MEYER Week==Movements of Out People | ' . } \iss Louise Harper is visit friend Miss Mary Butts at Windber, f1 ling good eddy and Tom Hamilton have the counter for Sim, the Clothier, turned togheir work in Hew York { The time for hunting squirt 1 s Mary Bu of Windber, si } 1 will be ren ) tive "wee | ; ! { late a * 3 3 nn siting her ma inher, 1g lad ‘ v Lovey > ‘ I aw, of 1) \ | Hutchinson issue there was a sprint which read Miss Mame Hamilton is visiting | Samuel! Lewin, left T y v] A tormstown |, ‘ et 3 yi | ot niu inch sed n 2 ¥ 1 ery IT Ost I'homas Hamilton, ili | Baltimore. Phi J ohi p 7% : y : | Balti re, hil ¥ nti | ' us . : ommunity He and New York in h : ' Howard | . rk. } in hs | 1 Anni : ; ot and has filled many j 10t open until October 15th In our September 15 —The Coleville band seems to be proving every time it pei mn | Wertz, of lexington, Ky ill altl 1d is ¢ hi im I ngton, Ky., health an king : ion Aav ; and trust, His vocation ha is father-in-law bram | . i ) } .w . f , : : Rip : ] ( his father-in-law, Abram i ) 1 V Blancl ly ’ a that of farmer and Jealer streets. Friday evening's concert heartily applauded. —George Dorsey Green, M. D., a som | I J of New York City, of Dorsey Green, of Buffalo Run, has | is visil} ! ther, Herman Holtz, hung out his shingle at Lock Haven, He is a graduate of » Universit) enn School Shoes Valenti guest Edmur Beaver travel ti valley Laxative Bromo-Quinine 1 ' that emires nn ood In on dny ed what turn trig dro Harg has been w summer, arris report that and ac among the terly oppase rassburg, Gern ism. t with frie in every city to swing the m has been very democrat yu were for M Messrs A He kins, of Howard nesday Mr. Be publican and was at Of course he tHBir primarie him from comi: newspaper man known as the versa pon deplume think the "Democrat read t regularly. Last Thursday Harry While making an ascension in ¢ | employ of W. T, Twit loon at Danville o Thursday James | to handle a box susta Bryan, connected with Welsh Bros the left side which resulted in dislocating circus, had a thrilling experience, When | ® short rib 2 ’ man 1 ils A the balloon had attained a height of | Miss Vers Snook his i | \ oa Mills; Mrs wheat wl Mrs. (GW seven hundred feet. It burst and began | has been teaching in the Philipsburg | by arbitration ’ ’ : y Blanche Smu to shoot downward Bryan climbed to | public schools for several years, has ac ess the wa remain Arm in their : Mi over i ein Ca A y per Bushs his parachute, but could not open it until cepted a position in the schools at Chath. | determination to grant no concessions heim . - : i th . i Win. per bushe : ! 1 : the balloon dropped to within jou feet of | am, N 1., at an advanced salary Members of the Nationa! Guard of i elfonte : She } } : | part i for the | -. diy Coburn Markets ’ ’ ! the earth, The acronaut landed on his Wednesday morning we had a de this state may not be surprised if they will | Rag the h da of Det ber J 1h 3 1 s y steel at Lure bests. Forine) ' n the Bot Ng ATE feet, and, throwing himself over on hi% | cided change of temperature. Before be compelled to spend the next month in A of Beliefonte, Pa, at ten o'clock in the fore |g A adh pte Lhe prices paid for grain by the : unique way poos of sald . ’ 1 ae Dt uv ay of catching rats is with a of sald day, when and where ali parties | Wheat (old) per bushel - back, was buried under the canvas, the anthracite coal regions. It seem ' a5. | that it was warm and saitry but it], crike is sure to oo that staal common fly paper. Ox t interested are required to make and prove | Wheat, new 5 Jal means } ice they get thelr | their claims or be lore vor hereafter debarred | Osta, nies white Bryauy was taken out, blackened beyond | ¢ N y ' changed to a cool breeze. Some think | much trouble. The outlook it not favor. | feet on it they commence to rol! and are | [Om coming in upon said fund ) SALINE WOODRING recognition it was the remains of t} las bi At ye Texasbllizzard, ' able for a settiement, soon safely fastened. x 5 Auditor