THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.. SEPTEMBE] i, 1000, 3 oy im m ) ) WW! G Ll | nm OPINION. a i511 04 r ) 1 1 KEYSTONE HAPPENINGS. [sincere erem seco sence on {A NEW ALLY FOR BRYAN: | News Items of Interest From All | the founders of ihe tepublic an party, Senator Wellington, of Maryland, | : \ Parts of the State, 4 iy a ‘ta. ‘no : oT 0 He foo) Joins the mocrati Party. Hats @ ed work of the Repub : | TR RII RY feos {Hean varty in power could only be x ABBA SET we EL) : ’ TO ROBBER KILLED BY FARMERS. rade Knosn ad shown ap to th peo. | HI ITION TO MKINLEY. Nature Never Gures Ghronic Diseas He Refused to Surrender and Was on pir out There Is a ran} Declares His “Unalterable Antago- No Name nndor tement { fact In this Riddied With Buallets=Denth of | UHRGOTREG SE on | nism to the Polley of Imperinlism” Hats Banking Commisisoner Towers, and His "Opposition to the Repres are here Frohm's Exsecutioners Commended, y Yt A114 otter are » n sentative of That Vicious Principle” \a Ho aad Harrisburg, Sept homas Frohm eOpit . : tn be nd \ dept Thi lia Q y of nbury a fhe Are 4 : ’ , "Ra — pening ti emaocrat cnmj } S ’ whi iried @ { nactl any ! r tl state f } vlan ! Wie 'of robbers who | buried as they are an slection dey »: ryland nellenburg’s 10t and riously wounded Lafayette | : irginia‘at this place last night w ne 3 . 14 ere L wi i pe ' 5 ’ 1 ] ’ $ trayer and Frank Grim, farmers, last | | ‘ ’ “bl rita cRaered memorable by the appearance ( lothing 1S here ‘riday night near Elizabethville, wus | SOU yA i a hip unatead nm the me platform of th em b — hot and killed yesterday on Berry's | the DIRCK a ) wnee In carpet a tonundium which | THLE Rallonnl standste bearer, Hon Late : : Miraculous mountain by a posse of Dauphin coun- citizens Are ROW A : yal and i Sta IT y farmers Frohm was detected by ) hig R ab Yvell an he larry Stine, of Elizabethville, hiding | '7 HE 10 BO Badeibhia Roch ehind a log on the mountain side and | as : " A hen in " ; 1 | ed miler 3 J re in Widow Jones’ Discoveries \ \ Results. as ordered to surrender. He refused, I 1d fired eight shots from two revul- | jh y heen it) ned and 1 ! ol noe tom force Senato ing Cl hi a he > g Ss her an rs at Stine, none of which took ef- yrruntion | high places will f ) mn speech marked h formal 1 ot ng Js here t. A posse was quickly organized, ' 1 ( d the alleged robber was soon sur- will ron i iis ng its 1 wn v { ou | RTO Z ou { the ar w th Modern Methods, unded by a great crowd of armed and wot * x the bt \ ¢ ¢ Spain wil ’ bin ‘ n pre see termined men e@ again A people u tf all wealth is aggregated sared 1H with care and he 1 | Clothing Howell ! ' DR. J. K. STITES. Stein & Co's No. 21 North Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa, and Frohm's Execntionsrs Commended ol | : Cd ; 7d \ Louis Krause Auerbach’s Neckwear Fell From a Moving Train to Death MONTGOMERY & CO Bellefonte, Pa IONIALS GRAND Closing out sale OF OXFORDS Reeder May Sue } Hours ns Ti BEEREEEEEEEEREERE DON'T DO IT. 0000 # 0000 WALK -OVERS... 18 Be iMon A ¥ oeposcs Superintendent Reg Scrant \ w! f ma %» kawar : former the POWERS SHOE COMPANY. DON'T PEE N oral § DON'T 2 » “ resi : lush Arcade aced | i i : : Mr. * BELLEFONTE, PENN'A Mr ‘ re ) . , upor bad sr, i | is sl Am | mepsten ta tn vemsenee. | HARDWARE, INSLYVANIA SEWS (CONDENSED DON'T Graniteware, bbl 1 J) FPP rrD v ! ne - Tinware, wi J Ranges, Heaters, G DON'T uns, n Ammunition. Bellefonte, Pa. SECHLE R & CO’ S. 100; ome 900 EEREEEEEEREREERREREE ——- u u, Th, Fri, ¥ on »r re ; J AGENTS FOR TH) 50 YEARS i dS i rhetoriea but it has it awkwardness EXPERIENCE tnches In lar of O. MacQueen was fined DESIGNS 4 350 and ats at Btroudsbur What nd he failed to see was the I w— . " i ‘PATENTS A ets « rit , Calum! or ” . fart In : nto} tt's treacherous ’ : : y bl rehand incendiaries “whe | “eMciency.” Ri 4 6 Genuine Oliver Chilled Plows TAB lS FO ein | oe ee L ; eltiner the counts AT hing! at least one —— } Notice ia * Inventive Age ’ FREE ' of a W HH fo eandidate for whom they ean yell 11 13 | ¥ Book "How wwobiain Patents” 4 Hike arre Baturday night They dread n apathet dignified y Oharges moderate, No for 111] patent is secured ! >IT" = y Lottors stricdl yr oon Bidentin Add ress resulting from having al! ht hum-drum « AMpaign ceKinley, they PCO) 1 I E. Se MOY, Traoe Manxs FE 6 SGGERS Patent La Washi be i it off on the raliroad, caused the feel, In view of his verbal somer REL | i FONTE PA Desians A eT dan! Lauper HHodhing an. 4.5 \ . } al Bradley. « brakeman, of sanita and peneral ear-to-the ground SUNIL! 14 Ce Gonviuaute fs. pet YH # i Anvone sending 8 sketch ar encriphh ! . " Charged with stealing . samara at attitude, Is hot an inspiring figure 25 26 27 R RIF aSeertaln one opinion free whether nr i POR THEY LADIES Spring Cit Walter Gelssinger was ars head To link him with a plodding ~ ; neesdion 1s prohabiy patentable rman ” Bend ue BO sents Tor a Bag of ’ thos writ ndential, Handbook on Patents | DINTMEAT that MEALS {red att at plate while he was calling | business man like Mr Hlilss would ba ’ of sent free dost agency Lhocuring pater 3 i Bore dpm, ohape avd all skin Alsonsen . fA young lady make campaigning tame in the ex : A i motion, without Changs, in Lhe Sark i Tha haut aves Fit tompounded His horse running away, Warren Bow. |... apriial noties Money vefundsd if pet sai iefed man, driver of a mall delivery nagen HA Fire works and torchlighta and " : “e merican. BRLL OINTMENT OO between Marrisburg and Winsor © | inderous cheers for “Teddy” are the MOON'S uth Cette f vialog de Fioming, Centre Os, Pa was thrown out and seriously hyrt things wanted, and there Is now every . I hi PG NEW 4 1 1 A handsomely ilustrated waskis - Miz horses being frighie 4 y prospect that we shall have a con Rhied , ii U JRA A al EGE, entation of shy solentife fournal iy s ue om tof > 1 A by all Bewsdonier MOREY TO LOAK «In large and sie’ sume roaching trolley car tinuous performance of San Juan Hill ol * ah Wdsters | sunsrivania,’ | CM in Co, rey on rst class real estate security. Apply In i daniel Wahr was Thien under the oar . . wheels and his body was cut iA twe all summer. Now York Evening Post. Hohn ew. New York parson of address Wu. 3. RUNKLE A 701 Penn Avenue It eaburg, Pa.