2 THE ) CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA SEPTEMBER 6, 1900, AD MASSACRE. the A RA Bxoarsion Train Wrecked on Reading Road at Hatfield THIRTEEN DEAD, Yhe Excursion Train, Running Thir- ty«five Miles an Hour, End of an fombination the Rear Frain MUN nud Passenger Yietimes of the field Wereek axCYy Bunday n 13 pe is reported to | man Albert Wagne is still In a erith here ware at least a dozen new cases of | jured persons reported yesterday most serious of these are Mabel Kluge who Is paralyzed ind Hes In a orit sondition, Mra. Howard Edelman, who is suffering from severe internal in Juries, and Miss Laura King, who has been unconscious for 48% hours Hon BONN Were 8 Raine rain 2! condition Minneapolis Flour Shipments, Minneapolis, Sept. 6.-The res compiled by the Northwestern ler show that the flour output of the Minneapolis mille the past year was 15,808,180 barrels. The output in 1888 wag 15.318,415 barrels. Forelgn ship ments Increased 344,460 barrels, al | official | Crashed Into : ARTHUR SEWALL DYING, Was Democratic Candidate For Viee President Four Years Ago, Bath, Me, Sept. 6.—-Arthur all Democratic candidate for vice pre dent in 1896, is critically {ll at his sum- mer home at Point He was seized with apoplexy at 10 o'clock | f= Small Manns and Depew In Ohio Campaign Y fame His Life Vo le hut A Memarkable Sinunghtering Vent Hep 4 At @& slaughtering and dressing exhibit yesterday Charles J. Gardner of Indianapolis, broke the world's record In 1508 he killed and dressed ten ahe op in 32 minutes and § seconds. This made him the world's champion Yonterday he killed and dressed ten sheep In 30 minutes and 12 seconds Fire Closes a Mine, Shamokin, Pa., Bept. 5. Fire broke out in No, 10 vein of the Nellson shaft yestoarday, and has become so serious that It is feared the operation will have to be flooded. The origin of the fire lo unknown. Twelve hundred men and boys are renderad idle. The shaft Is owned uy J. Langdon & Co, of E)- mira, N. Y, Indianapolis sheep on here on | Their VAC AION OF PEKIN | Seems Far Fiom the Intentions of | European Governments, KEEPING AN EYE ON RUSSIANS Proceedings In and Around the Chinese Capital Watched With Some Anslety~SWaation Threatens to Develop Many tomplientions, AN THER DISEAD MRO TON Me Ww “amu en ated fate a mm in far It text of the ( dispat not made publi tatively stated that the situation, and BOM what to expressions of opinion. It was authoritatively stated in this conn tion that Minister Conger will remain at his post until further orders The onger but It was it 41d not wan devoted Auth Trying to Save An Industry Paterson, N. J. Bept. 6. --Last night A number of prominent business men met to discuss ways and means to keep the Rogers locomotive works from being closed down In pursuance of Jacob B. Rogers’ desire to retire from business. A plan which will be presented to Mr. Rogers was agreed on at the meeting, but what this was will not be announced until after Mr Rogers has looked it over. It and Mr, Rogers’ anawer will be submitted to A publie meeting of citizens Ww be held tonight | A WEEK'S NEW Thursday, The population of 76.508 The populatic 10 171 Bresci | of It ly, { prisonment for life The can Anderson, Ind hu ng 950 men « in mm « is 1 the slayer wa «Nn Amer In Friday, Rr 1 re GENERAL MW sa al 203 Cheese steady arg do r argh ol do : Po firm Bo TE nit 1 840d $04¢ prcking, at mark off, 18%8 18 Potatoes @1Lmn Long Island sweets, RNGLW Island 200 per 10 East Liberty. Pa ket steady’ wre prinfy a sre, Bae common, od medi hek¥ Avy mediums, ye heavy MA owyLe Pr 0: row Ng 8 on n ‘wos. e mon, Frey 0 good, if Paterson ten rod do wed 108 16 Cabbages dull Rept, 4 extra Vf odie ole "ethers. m t 8 0ONDENSED, | Aug. BO, Wilmington, Del., N. J, of K ed 1 ng Humbert, 0 solitary im in at dny d nail mills I down Yester employ it of ment Now . Wa ni Aug ANKRETS ‘ennayivania prints wholesale white, 108, 100 © 104, New York and wesiorn, regular weasiern Joss quiet Jerseys LB neg Jersey Tong | small small Cattle prime Ho Man 13) go | | Tt and a. in plas alow SE a gE f HERE'S THE SIGN that for over a quarter of a century has stood for the | ISP 3 highest achievement in stove and range making p RGESTSIONE PLANT INTHE WERLL DANIEL IRVING SONS — oy — — — ~~, pw o— IE a a fewel Btaoves are — p— yo wr W — a" he ~ Ta every sil k and Call be appreciot a. J RL i Lieberman’ s Cath Clothing Tore: £ LIEBERMAN'S ets 3 | ssh Arcade, Hi BELLEFONTE | BOY'S SCHOOL SUITS Tom 2 minded wi J a) PA. If You Wish to Become — The Pennsylvania State College TUITION IMEN EXAMINAT N PAPERS or for ATA WG " ull inform 4 ) FLD BY GRA f vied expe THE REGISTRAR, State | respecting SHOWING | ATES ees see, of and addrens dlege, Centre county, Restore Vitality Lost Viger and Manhood... = NERVITA PILLS re Impotency, Nigh ag} ERE Memon : sting dis Cae ai oe enlist, : rf excess and iscretion A nerve tonic and blood builder. s the pink ) pale cheeks and re the Fre | yout) SOC. per box, 6 boxes for $2.50, with our bank- A oe guarantee to cure of olyad; the money paid. nd for circ iarantes bond NERVITA TABLETS XTRA STRENGTH OYRALOW LABEL) Immediate Resulls ely guaranteed cure for Lom of Power, Varicocele. Uadevelo ped or Shree Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration Hs storia, Fits, Insani Paralysis and the Reyults of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor By mal in plain package. $1.00 a box, 6 fer $5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY Clinton and Jackson Streets CHICACO, ILLINOIS For sale by C. M. Parrish, Druggists, Bellefonte, Pa. AE ar and « bat Positi Org ANS, ven RISING And other painful and serious ailments winch 80 many mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of “Morus's Paixxn Thing BREAST remedy is a Godsend to women, because it carries them through their most critical ordeal with perfect safety and no pain, No childbirth for it robs this ordeal of § horror and insures safety to mother and child, MOTHER'S its weight in fold tb every woman, and will FERESERT SS FRIEND woman who uses '' Morues's Frigxp * deed fear the suffering and danger of Our book, “Before Baby is Born," is pe Regulator Company, A