8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 30, 1900 The Racket | THE CHESTER DE VONDE COMPANY | AUGUST COURT IN SESSION | Cairi amie ive Opliuntons Yrom Various Sources ide aud com Questions of Public Interest 7,9 and Ul Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte. wher of ex | to 8th, Black Racket. of thes: Triple- Knee Stockings for Boys’ and Girls’ Schoolwear. Price A souvenir but P ir Alls Black Velvet Ribbons Genuine Satin back and Pearl edge. Velvet ribbons are very scarce, but we have been meeting the demand fairly Look out for the inferior cut edge, pasted back article. It can | f the GC. R. SPIGELMYER CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM ;TH PAGE HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver lis, BI). ouvesness, Indigestion Meadache, Easy to take, easy to operate, 25c¢ THE GLOBE eT ddd dhe hd \ Mh cra adant ave OOOOO000 #0000000 What we Want Look, Read and Investigate Bargai pplication. *% BLACK MOHAIR, 3° te g ana « New Lines Just in Complete line of Sofa Pillows, entirely " - . new designs, priced from J 50¢. Cords for binding to match 4 French Flannellette, cannot be told from wool flannels, and perfectly fast color The work of the a 5 e Pres Ket the $. Sarah E. Heansyl, of Howard ut liscussion open®d by Miss Kath up for the Announces the approaching wedding of rr. General Discussion, Mus at 4 her daughter, Anna [rene 10 Dr. Walter } : IARI Music 3 att'a tH : ” "AER Yau Kurtz, which happy ever WAUEE | by Sprucetown | Juliet Hour » . A Fall showing of tacestrys for upholstering, . sich happ vent will occur ' . : : ; sion opened { p i ™ " at . ‘ - —. when he gets a fq a week job, | 98 Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1990, at ¢ pm, ~r Many ’ y ORR also bagdad stripes for cushions at the bride's home The groom was ; " AOU your Hig ’ ‘ wee wer vy ) veled sou! when } apatheti V p : ThA ¥ 11 ; Mrs. W. A, Sandoe. Music by Centre “ ampaign. MceKin eading physician of Howard, while the H RB 1 i ol. In view of his ver! AE. LL. Sermon by a visiting pastor wu! and general ear-to-the.ground 648 p.m. Soug Service conducted by for : f Will STAT i > released fro ) grasping body, pmeriyof W Amsport, hut is now a ! i marriage it ide the charming daughter of th e wil ide Is : ug daugh of the ’ h : re . i Consecration Service ide, In not an Inspiring fAgure ate Dr. L. R. Hensyl, of that place . “" . i \ All are cordially invited to attend head To lnk him with a plodding aut 8 wh " " oul but somel Come and spend the day: and bring business man like Mr. Bliss would . 00000000 *00000000 TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY : _ i ! th ; - AY your lusches with you “Songs of the | Moone, “AmIMENINE time In the ex h Fux Cuban, Philippine, Boer and | Take Laxative Bromo-Quini blet y ’ a pas ) i Ps y Boe AD : romo-Quinine Tablets. | Soul" 10 be used in congregation sing | thunderofis cheers for “Teddy” are the Chinese disturbances have given the | All druggists refund the money if it fails ing things wanted. and there Is ROW every 9 pewspaper liar such an opportunity as to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on M. Herux BARTHOLOMEW, | prospect that we shall have a cone will not occur again in a hundred years. | each box, Price 25 cents, oF} Sec’'y Com, | Unuous performance of San Juan Hill Katz & Company, Limited, Bellefonte, Penn’a. all summer. New York Evening Post, ' slong Lord on ows how ¥ ho -