Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 30, 1900, Image 2

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LATEST FROM CONGER, [Essai TRAGEDY IN A OTH, |* vos smmcommsss. | pny BA TTENTS 400
{neces | population of Minneapolis Minn
Gen. Dorward, in his report of the m To 202.715 f 8 11 183 ¢
A 4 . y » ¥ ’ y 1 ¢ ‘
Members ‘of the Tsung li Yamen | engagement outside of Tien Te «. ' Torridity, Drink and Jealous; fm that $1 ),000 dam
3 19, when the Americans. British and ed a Double 6 been done by f fires in 000000000000 8000000000
May Act For China, Japanese signally defeat
Over 400 People Numbered Among Dr. Stites’ Patients
of Boxer killing ove { ny i ifteen thousand womer wwe. gigned
REPORTED RETREAT OF ALLIES. | el toe oo mmunication TRIED MURDER, THEN SUICIDED, a petition against the woman suffrage
of «
st rears dite, meters | £1 vim rain he | evsenen Contractor went to tettoom | 10 'ut li a sos ine vevers | +32AN Unparalleled Success<s
hey Were Defented in Pekin, Lose of His Friend, Where the Crimes
Were CommittedThe Wounded
Man May Survive as Sin ! g 000000000000 8 00000000000
ing 1.500 Men—Allies Capture the
District West of the Walled City
Obtained by Dr p Master of One
Three Killed, Four Wounded and
the Woman's Home Destroyed ing
ut y in May
rnorsanr wen Nose, Throat,
Ear & Lungs.
{ the
y hie
New Treatment
000000000000 8000000000000
If You Wish to Become
Assassinated Hauler fontempinted
Giving 1p Home tee Mierarehy ands . : nn "
awamanss st rears os vs | A wu | he Pennsylvania
State College
Offers Exceptional Advantages.
dispersed Still Another Charley Ross
YOUNG WOMEN are admitted 10 all courses 00 the same
trig The FALL SESSION opens September 12 >On
mat ‘ 8 Par - » % ha Q , . ] Toeaday, Ang. 2%
ment re ‘ military m Bent ‘ae o *y R ; | x letter t n pulation of Denver Wor SPECIMEN EXAMINATION PAPERS or |
as it " To, 1 py wr, 1 nia : ' rus , 4 -” Tis es ad Feuiat 123 # }. Against 1 rr ) LB respecting courses of steady, expenses. ot and SHO
ficia » : em - ‘ y y | ’ Tah m 1} \ nt he h ] : b . ATES. addres
vi reported y ment tend ’ } Yesterday's 11] games
BTInt han Gerlded mer to | stat sertion, and od | contests the rights of the Holy See | CARO—Chicago, 2. St Louis THE REGISTRAR,
send ADY More troons to China All } co 1) nat . ‘ the DOD ' vrs | Brookiyn-—Brookiyn, §; New York, 2
troops n " at v ’ An | hat | AD ng the last few 4d terrifl State
£000 together : . . rdara | I8 try ‘ ! oN ® hast note seals t BAWGrs a ve | lors! 1 h aed 0 h dam A——
for service
a : ’ 4 : es Dying Like Flies msl } ‘ : TA “ | ne v o1 oan,
and the troot retad Gan. 4 A ; uinst 434.429 in 18 !
foe la) 4 ; \ : : Regarding Political Assessments | AR ‘ \ r cen
wh A i " : . : y ' Wa gt \ ug « fat
ent pur : \ A hee | GENERAL MARKETS
College, Centre cous!
es at the 1 i : ; We pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint,
sisting ioe bb dng hi nik ¢ [8 : ei dy at § : Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation Ap
, : or Costiveness we cannot cure with
me EEE EEE verita, The Up-to-Date Lite Live Pil
a Tr Praca la: dima | They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction.
\ Mrs | : 1 | 25¢ boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5¢
boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations.
a A | m th | - | hich i Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Corner
LA pecial diay ' f the : ind J ¢ , Na" : : Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by
It : rie *4 : y : Mresel Aftempts Suicide For sale by c wv Parrish, Druggists Bellefonte, Pa.
ment has received ‘ e} . EF Hut ! ne ct | ber ‘ + i 4 f this
ing that aft ' ' | n : ] : nn ‘ ! i i ) i in two weeks
Pekin the mane heppiness can be complete with ron
v 'y 4 2 { ’ ] 3 y y »
fu ng Island 16601 b) :
men, mostly UT fu (LH) ! _ ‘ i So Indications of a Strike ersey swerts BBW Cabbages guile! : hg h Fe ta love and wa then he dread o!
: t 1 and 3 De § rem whith the expectant md her mu a however
id that the Ald ’ etl \ 4 rr m n : . . R . ong Ialag VATE pror Ji E i
pir : : \ ’ ) kes . Fa., Aug. 28. None of New York. Aug. IT Steers firm to I i wo Fraught with pais, salfering and danger, that the very
positions, fron ) 1 0 demned ' ov : i the coal operators of this section of | higher: roush stuff « pened stronger, but thought of # Alls her
barding the i i oro tion of intellect the anthracite fleld attended the con ciosed dull, with the advances lost, steers ath heres Dire 4
| * : 5 BO necessity Tow
manner ference at Hasletop yesterday Hey edn Re s B kJ . igen and aS GA 1s the ordeal of child
‘Russian journals agres.” says the Ready For the Advances eral operators who were Interviewed | Veals steady 10 a shade higher veals birth to be either
Moscow correspondent of The Stand. | Cape Town, Aug. 23 Lord Roberts | sald they did not look for a strike, | 90%, choice and extra, BBGLTT. grass painful or danger
and buttermiiks, 52750050 hoep ous. The use of
ard, “that it Is impossible to deal with | arrived Saturday at Heifast, a few miles | The miners are very reticent They dun lambs firm for top grades, others MOTHER'S FRignD durt
China In the spirit of revenge, as sug- | west of Machadodorp, where he met | say they will be governed by the ac steady. sheep, §.I504 10 A and ex pPregaancy so prepares the system for (he event that it is safely passe
gested by Emperor Willlam., They be | Bir Redvers Buller, Gen. French and | tion of thelr leaders. The general im. fam wethers Jha ‘ culis LR without any discom ort whstever This linlment has carried t howsa nds
' , . of women through (his great criste without safer and they dect
Weve that methods less drastic can bet. | Gen. Pole-Carew, Everything Is Dow | pression seems to be. however. that ADS at % : 0 helen Hat pthte or it 8 godéend to women send for free hook comaluin (formation
tar accomplish the ends of Russia in in readiness for the advance there will be no immediate trouble and pigs, priceless value. Address, Bradfield Regulater Co, Atlanta. Ga