8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 23, 000, The Racket. | 7,9 and Il Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte. CGrot Ad quaint d with the Dlack Cat Children and their Mothers who want Best Child. ren’s Stockings made-Black Cat Leather the name tells how good they He is welcoming the the i Stockings are It is a new Fall Fabri the We enuine : tation of French Flannels and takes place nicely at one-fourth the price have the G Goods; Worthless goods are already on be Flannelle exclusive sale of the market, purporting to -L.ook out for them. CG. R. SPIGELMYER. CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT PAGE Francaise CONTINUED FROM 5TH Runville. Hug James Smovyer, ) f Bee see (riends at A 0 iis plac James Kreps and son the threshing work fora fair prc cons ed DUsIness - 1 Friday e Edwards, a native in the U. B. chur nary work with him which are heathen tend he beuneht of the v bis education as here the 4 logo! they would li the same way be Beech Creek. George D team cn. gine and Mrs. Walter B. McCaskey ill at her ho with an attack of typhoid fever Mrs Llia Chamberlain and daughter, of DuBois, Pa., are Mr. and Mrs Packer Henry Riegel and Mrs have been visiting George D turned to their home in Easton, Friday. Torrence Hunter returned home yes. terday from Pittsburg, Pa, where he was emyloyed several months on bridge construction Miss Minnie Lamkin returned home Friday from a i®c months’ visit with friends at Mansfield and Covinglon, Pa She bas been elected teacher of one of the public schools in Sayre, Pa. botler | IS SeTiousy George Hess, who Hess, re Pa., for Miss Josephine Kunes gave a moon. light picnic last Tuesday evening in Herring's grove, near the Eagleville station, in honor of her guest, Miss Morris, of Philipsburg Sugar Valley. The following are taken from the lo gautou Journal It is quite probable will move to West Virg extensive lumber Mrs. Harry week from the effect is much improved, The yonng men in Carroll and vicinity are soliciting support to enable them to organize a cornet band; George A, Bierly and Oscar J. Harbach are leading the movement, Philip Karchaer and Howard Graham, who reside one mile northwest of Rose. crans, were annoyed much by mountain fires one day recently. They and their families bad to fight bard nearly half the day to drive it away and save their properties, 6 77rOV on every box of the gonuine "Laxative aio the remedy that cures & cold in one day that C. 8. Harter nia, where he has interests Boob was very ill last of the measles, She The Misses Blanche and Emma Croue miller, of Joliet, Hll., are being enter. tained at the hospitable home of D. H, Rote, on West Main street Mrs. Caroline Mayes Shafler property at the west end 0 Saturday. C Wolfe and ch 1th PLAC hh IAs week Squire bought { on last ounsideration, Mrs, Spring Mills, visite Mrs. Elias several days Sadie Stamba or ithiam Gibb, of a Pre pent Sunday last with Kline in ! day morning for his | to cover the entire Listance of about 60 TT. WW, Kre Bellefoute, arrived here expect to spend sometime brother, Prof. 1d street, James Etlinger, Chronicle, made visit to his family in returuing to his Oi alternoon byterian Sisters, our lady's North 21 ol his regular monthly this place over Sun Tuesday Gay x on a month here | Wyle and wife Akron, Ohio, one di The Misses Lottie ne LOiit M1 n tree of State ¥ ter g1ster Ma 101 bought two prope Fdmand search of rinting Howard Homan is visiting her sou, Geor Jeremiah Hoy sited his broth town of Willlamsport atthe Nationa Oh and friends Mad Le yl farmer from William nd/his sick father west of in isouburg $ have soaked th The late rain i sh the corn ently to in and sister, have retursed and are again employed Harry Shot from Danvi at the fa Rev. Buch was sick Sunday and unable to fulfil his appointment Mrs. H. K. Condo spent last week with her parents Hall Susan Auman, mother of the notorious Fietta Weave, died Tuesday atthe home f her sister, Mrs. Fred Aumaa, in Penn Township There seems to be too much discrimina tion iu putting down crossing, Penn street has four and another is betug put down when West Maio Street does not have a single public crossing Thomas Bu day . tory days Centre severa at 1 K Arrivea own yester +] Axemann. Misses returned an s. Lilly, of 14 One of out girl on ay evening next day he was so tired and sleepy that he couldn't go to work We wonder if Della knows who we mean ? Mary and Lizzie Grom to their home extended visit w Haver gKentiemen have lace aunt in ith this their after M » went 10 see lis best Sut and the Frank Beck, of Houserville at his home in this place Mrs. Chas Garbri k, of Bel ecfoute, spent Tuesday at the home of her moth er, Mrs. Kate Beck The time is nearly here for the young sters to be starting off 0 school. The teachers for our schools are as follows Grammar, H. G, Mease; Primary, Miss Rebie Jodon Sundayed Little cobwebs in drawn work are ap. pliqued on new lingerie and on French | waists, | Immense pearl buttons the size of a butter plate are seen ou the automobile, | driving and traveling coats. They are rather Eoglish and very “sporty.” Centre Hall. The census recently taken will larger percentage of increase tl other town of the county how a An any v SUNGAY mw from In some parts of the valle thi nity As w el ght the un Tain Lrees \ I n storm blew many apples A Philadelphia daily had that | 1 the wou.d the shocking ‘enn Cave | { wand d HEWS was J hundred dollars and 1at e Hall when one Lroi.ey I'his thinks cul perfe that the bought | wi max daream ¢ that cave Henry eltzer, of Manhatt Was 4 gue home of D Seltzer many Tuessyville, i and i t that place ain for ol Mersinger, pe 1s where sometime of M I week lorem Harry Coudo rt Of as and Mrs. Wm. RE Runkle, of Pittsburg augler and iss Ruth Bar week it the M Be Line uns ! 18) SOL Potters Mills yxanna Br Hall ce H Miss R Loaago Pear Lola nr town They entre and - St { Cents horseback riding ras a race and Centre H Lome again Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Are site rob. o were fay RIT 4 AY even CK he prize wou girls of A ting parents, Mr Evans, also Miss Maud, of Wi Mr. and Mrs. James spent Sunday with his heim The sale of egheny and Mrs iamsport Reish and mother at son Mill CC. Smetzler, was largely attended ; everything sold well, They left on Saturday for Wis cousin where he expects to make his future bome. He has purchased a hote at that place The infant daughter of Mr Ezra Coufer was buried on Rev. Brown, of Spring Mills Rev. Rearick, wife and som, of Centre Hall, were callers in our tows Friday evening Mrs Co Friday, on and Mrs Tuesday officiated . Alexander and son Mifflin spent a few days with her son. Dr H.S Alexander Miss Blanch T of Linden Ha has the guest Mr. and Mrs | James Stover for two weeks of ressier, been of If you have Argea ca ug for one SYIvVania any photos you want en on James Stover cit argest firg LB 4) of the Our merchant, Frank Mc ing his vacation at Atlantic Ci wish him a good time Mrs. Mary Johuoson daughter, Mrs. Arney Ciark ible wears a CSE BILE BAL 1a k siting of Centre Ha her broad smile and Romola. Ou Tuesday, August 1416, the many friends, relatives and acquaintances, by revious arrangement, assembled at the i e of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robb, of Romola | Robb was engaged at the bakin forenoon in the Others came so rapidly that | at first she was surprised and soon real. | had come w cele. | | ized that her frien | brate her birthday anniversary. At 11 a. | m, over a hundred were fate 4nd long | tables were soon erected in the yard an were heaped full of all the toothsome When the first arrived Mrs. | eatables that the best skill could provide Music, short addresses by Rev, lewis Robb, of and other pastimes made it pleasant afternoon [ those present from a distance were the followin Harry Waltes wife and d of Lock Haven; Harry Pa sous, Mrs. Thomas Thomas Weber, Mrs. Wim. Holter Holter, Henry Thompson Robb aud family, of How rman, Wilhamsport Nittany ; Mi adie Mi (Criosuer and fam and Altoona, 3 Aon} ¥ aughter, Ker, aodtiwo fohu Mrs. David and wife, | ard; Mrs Gunsa w Mrs A Suydert B. I ¢ Hoy, Hubler Mrs, Chri Mrs. Hayes Heaton an } Mags riser re, hael I wife, \ . Ko lay very miu and vileq Altoona h. Mrs. Robb req resents wh, of any n wa ue ' one 0 another day with this ww influ the Kansas Cit and vi back its proceed on in In this campalen not a q o mainta ands today would him active and ngs Sraely tes tial In lHtical Democr Guffey finance put rep const itut ole no thing ola lefined with hi { and states situa ad vi Ale mat RAYS 4 reservat SAR We n | under have Any- rats is eed Bryan Yolice Ary affairs or The duty of Demo we cannot and wit clearly if su atform nn day not | appeal and the listant and from ptampis and the me the hands - f and ¥ : fH0uL the brawling ME to the quiet chamber whe the fathers gathered in Phila delphia I appeal from the spirit trade the spirit of liberty peal from the empire to the republic wn AH to ': I ap- | THE STANTON SEAMLESS HEATER Open Section, Portable Cased. The Stanton is The M Ihe 4 - 1 iaciurers 1 ~ 1 - > a manu 1st the leakage x . 4 of gas, smoke a warm ai x into the : ~ Calli Note what a few of our citizens say who a Users 1 > Stant ” aliilViie. oF ne ic J. N. & S. KRUMRINE, “4 Stanton Heater C re ~~ 2 neem "~ ~ ~ AAT . g cae WW WALA - Ww, wvvide, TET EAT Te A A" esiddadt Livi 00000000 00000000 Just a few Specials From different departments and each one of your attention. coh ail Ladies plain white Underskirts, two rows of tucking and wide hem, only a few left Ladies Black Mercerized Satin Underskirts, plain or striped, with 12 inch flounce Golf Suiting, 29 inches wide, in 3 leading shades Black Mohair, 38 inches wide, good colors Red Table Linen Manchester Apron Checked Ging- hams Infants long or short Dresses, trimm- ed with embroidery and insertion Turkish Towels, heavy and large ood Lace er pair 50 pair more of those Curtains in this week. Mary Bell Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in a box 5c I appeal from the millionaire and the | boss and the wire puller and the man- Ager to the statesman of the older time, In whose ayes A guineas never glistened, who lived and died poor and who left to his children and his coun- | trymen a good name, far better than riches. 1 appeal from the present to the future and the past Senator | George F. Hoar, Rep. : THE GLOBE Katz & Company, Limited, Bellefonte, Penn'a. b J