THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 23, 1900, ’ Georgina as a bait, That he is one of | Hotspur of North Carolina; Josep # ) p ’ Hall Bol Hens Ion tall } | tl eet attract spenkers in the ni bal country everybody knows, consequent. | Pe Grafenreld, Judy. nham, Robi Or encouragement to Republicans Desert the [,..aiy work, for it be finds out that the ke the p tome ho d no | Physician riends could give little relief or encouragement ip = " a “4 ne t . a cata N fx lea i ne atic tht | Le hie a} ue Vel Joy Loclon kp OW or Ho 3 ees for th 1 mu iy whl ami iting i it to be Sinking Old Hulk. |!" ee bi a a cats | Bs (Mo) News prints ane | 8 ood disease, they still insist that there is no hope outside of a surgical operation, and advise you to have the Cancer eat ou ne time cann will ' in u r draw out 1 BOT ita will come in deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon's knife : ’ must be purified CAN'T STAND IMPERIALISM, un Niork. It will sccm that be ie usin any matter before the Cancerscre willbeal. CL Jus, clicle lifes i“ Ominous Facts Confront the | Another trious Republican wh | RE OO AEE A ad : vous IE iil maw be free 52 G. O. P. File beaters vc ius, the only woman who in | Impure Blood Invites Disease. r re ast TRUST VOTE OATOHING METHODS, [shal iler father w ou of he most ral ome 1 . OF Wout, 4 aial] lutop ou the Jak or brew They Hesltate at Nothing to Fool rust and | t, dying int a f Unit ! y ne eft wide ny ’ fr me no if bie, 1 did 1 wars wing Gudgeons — Making a Desperate . . u Tuctins, aay A rn d Lael oy y : Re ed every " i the t Lega wire 4 Fight For the Next House—A Sug. 4 . . . sy Shs y . 4 : a oy 4 ¢ ‘ ' A k ‘ les . r ) ied gestion to the National Democratic : . : it . he ‘ : ' The Trouble With Connelly ’ Fon IT Speci . . Tg ofr ion that w Committee —- Work For Southern 4), $ : ¢ 4 ; ob 5 . It ; : t [ : : rend Congressmen-=A Walf In Sheep's | § | b ' i g . . § Nas a ‘ . { Ne . a " make Clothing~Germans For Bryan, eH | hy \ ‘ wuld Bs, ‘ b a for this Addr THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA GA, TTT. STSTATTRAYTYN%y The Move dab Wail NOTICES. PROV ISSTON -""TETTTSsRTWTTRTTTSTTWSTRTT WY" S98 hE I Th TE TR UE a A ST YB LS. SS BS SS WN WN faa eTTeaTtTeTSsaeaasea y' TAELETS INAF FIRE INSURANCE 00'S MONEY TO LOAN ~gorrrs isms Manchester ar hester, Eng = AR American Central, of St. Lot $1000 At number ' Palatine, of Manchester, Eng ATK i United States, of New York w GALER MORRISON Concordia. of Wisconsin Bellefonte, Pa National, of Allegheny Traders, of Chicago Washington re | EES AR Fe A] | NERVIT A PILLS: Restore Vitality | =~ dic A on a. yo dows: } by (amy OS am ->BEEZER Sis 76 A nerve tonic and Wood builder. Brings the pin} PILLS | a ROC, 6! for $2.80, with our bank + SOO A Alte guarantee to cure or re rund the money paid, CTS. | BEEF PORK apd MUTTON ked Meat, 8 Friendly Snxgestion fan | NERVITA TABLETS EXTRA STRENGTH , Pork Sausage, ete. SREAOW LANKL Immediate Results iv Rustanised eure for Lass of Power. Varicotsl : ries PHILIP BER ZE R ree hatasla, | tor . ot 8 Prostration i x i i holy who \sben any taivrest 25 J 20. dwe | ofthat 4 ® | Pasalysintind the Reeults of Bxoenive Use of 1 Lor By mail | Garman’s Empire House the workings of the lower house of } wt h h ‘ : : in plain package, $1.00 a} 6 for $8.00 with our bankable guarantee bond to MAIN ST a ’ ‘ " ‘ : i REET, TYRONE. PA gross Will be | Cure in 20 days or refund money pald. Address AL. 8. “GARMAN, Proprietor Hon, Heary D. Clayton of Navas f ery ‘at reiaby Dee, | And 8 Aout on ve | NERVITA MEDICAL COMPANY Brent SARA, Propricer. i ha ‘ ¢ A JOURRE | erntic shot ‘ nto the i and ans | Clinton and Jackson Streets CHICAQO, ILLINOIS Special pains will be taken to entertain man of i rdinary force of " ‘4 > \ ‘ ‘ . a " Reter. } Hin rs | Of the ¢ west to make ¥ Yo For sale by C. M. Parrish, Druggists, Bellefonte, Pa, Centre county people when traveling in , " ¢, conrageon capabie S11 ) ] atl and : : p » nat section I a and hone i the day Is long. He has heen In cor PRS SOE Yeurs Is a mem her of the tf ! tmmittee, and as This \ i * ta i eye f. Whi or , to > : ”t h ) N Is the Jou of the house he for withe he seems to hing ong lease on his it worl i . a ’ ' . ' A out 11 no hapy MICS « ‘ oh. . seat In the wp ’ ] fair to to turn loos ' eo Nel fn ! : nt ty ) nt poche \Ruat a Ah - Rtnbogne rome a consplenovs figure In the pol | Sharp Williams, John Allen and Pat. | John Peter did the Job well goes with of danger and suffering 4 PITTS BRS DENTAL COLLEGE, ny Anger 5 ftics of the country ’ ‘ ving atumer al - ' { tick Her : Tir ont log she looks forward to it with indescribable rear of WOrnan shoud ; ( ! ridbiy WY rane Trusts After Gudgrons, ton, Willis Bi : h : i thie anger pain and horror of ehildd arth can be entirely hb yr Penn | Avenue ply | a The trust magnates seem to be 41 derwood of lahat ms Ae riggs. | a N MOTHER'S FRIEND. a scientific liniment. By its aid thousands of women have AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Arh 4 this great crisis in perfect safety and without oF Our book of priceless - GARMAL HOUSE posed to stop at nothing In thelr effort | William Charles A neon. Charles ! A ! ‘ ’ 1" to rope In the unwary and to eatel Bartiett and William M. Howard of | oy A . { 7/Y vaiue to ali Women whi be High Stree! opposite the Court House, udgeons, They have start Georg! . ala " ALY sent free 10 any address} ntirely new New Furniture, Steam Heat, guia 50 Rev. Sethey arted out now | Georgin and the whole Arkansas dele. f Bradfield Regulator Co., big Tiers, and ail the prove. to use the Rev. Bamuel P. Jones of | gation, William Walton Kitchen, the Atlanta. Ga ments [4 av BG REMAN, u ’ ‘ FE Fooprieiorn.