THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELL EFONTE, 3 HARD WORK FOR IW hile Fishing Fy ( ni Glnss Warkers to Resume Next Manth FPMMENT KEYSTONE HAPPENINGS PESASSEYYANIA NW) Pit urg. Aug. » The members and | | Biicers of the Window Glass Workers jation ppnert that the factories heduled will be started Sept. 1, as wm even though the fatteners refuse to go to work at that time Fires have beens lighted in several factories west of Pittaburg. and the workers say fires will be lighted in every factory by Aug. 10, ¢ : their ty ed men whose er wan ¢ vice wa ght p gates from all seet of the country " f \ Va Be . it He has made a national reputation as | And Eighteenth one of the great leaders of the party, | Altoon itis ry d that i nin regim ts were arrested nd sent to thelr homes ne OO00 80000 DON'T FETE rE DON'T DON'T EE ol we hy A DON'T DON'T , Pa. SECHLER 8 CO’S. Wh Ue Be Be Ek 1 |: {1 pp TOO 3 0 BE Bll EE ll ALAMRAAR ARS Adda ddAdAaRa AMARA ARAMA sada ARAMA AMA ARM ARAMA ARRAS AS 2A 7 GOOD LINEN i 3 3 E 3 E 3 £ 3 3 3 E £ & | | NEGLIGEE SHIRTS REDUCED 3 3 E : i E 3 3 3 3 3 E 3 £ 3 £ ] ; 3 is is pn AAS ™~ nauguration MONTGOMERY & CO INGRAINS D WORKMEN \ COALS. Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging, House Decorating, w . Hay, Straw and Sand. SKILL] p | ™ ood, Grain Sign Writing. Lic. gt es — yg wierel A | 0000 TELEPHONE CALLS tral No. 1312 No. 65 FOR THE 2 ANNE Bend ue BO sent for a GINTMEAT ivy rT Ars Bore Lips, shape and a akin Aissnses The hast ever pot pompocnded od if net satinfed INTHENTY OO ing. Centre Oo, Picture and Room Moulding, Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Window Shades, Paints, Oils, Clan, Ex Etc. Ler Lommercia 3 8, H WILLIAMS ue ' High st. Bellefonte, Pa. | NENT BELL | Sinia BEAITLROAD po ¥ LY SCHEDULES CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH /PENNYROYAL PILLS Sa fe Ladies, soi tHICHET ERS ENGIN "ed . wa Tuke ne ther He Nawe annge reue soviet futinne and tamitintions, | be 4 Particular Tea Setbef for Ladies 10.008 [vn ain moninte and return Mal - er “e CRICRBETER CHEMICAL OO R100 Madison Square, FHILA, Fa, Maniter thie paper a] ob ARMAN ROUSE, High Street, opposite the Oourt House, Entirely new New Furniture, Steam Heat, Kieotrie Liglt, and all the modern improve. ments CMO BR GARMA® on Proprietors,