Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 26, 1900, Image 4

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— EE — t . i - - A ————————
The Centre democrat, | WHal Hore could we desired 's tag No " ‘ | - PUBLIC OPINION. Why We Walker.
Opinfons From Various Sources on
Questions of Public Interest, Celebrate | ! Daniel Lucas and son, of Comberland
If Webster Davis was “a lar and a ounty, vis ister ,
FRED KURTZ, SR. blatherskite, a crooked official and a near Jacksonville
/ Te
CHAS. R. KURTZ, , EDITORS. golicitous for the welfare of our many RR. “ : disreputable politician,” as Republi- Ww e israel Condo and mother are
guests and friends who join 1a our festivi. “5 ‘ cans now assert, his appointment to | Irs ante and ! { Bellefon
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ies We view the past with pride, and \ 4) one of the most Important positions ( elebrat | Pr J. ¢ r Hock
ie ‘ ride, and 3 ' Ly | e ! ; iockenberry
8 - +e’ A ] Py ] i
Regular Price $ per year , Nod + ‘ oA within President McKinley gift is ot
" oll ve abundant ¢ and hope for the 7 as
If pald In ADVANCE $1.08 ; : 4 A finally explained. —8alt Lake Herald, | obu Hi
CIRCULATION OVER 2600. KAAS |: 2oouratod an sc wan att If ¥e
- E LONG AGO \ . 4 1 ‘wat v ) ) iat n we ‘shall, ( y
FICKET [u memory of Gen. James Potter, wh A% £7. we i rely | being Ji
i F 4 Iraw ir poll-
" tructive
. ) ag di ad ; A / nav t} e al LAD HLT RE y
WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN tany mountain, where he discovered the = 4 Loo. YS NN TE ri ea ay | YW PORY 0]
For all of these blessings of Nature and
- PROPRIETOR. | fortunate surroundings we are more than
4 “ | thankful. While we rejoice, we are
= a
W, OF in
EDWARDS or to and fi uick te receive and prompt to
sport se he has
them so
Y E. GRIMM, :.. Torte lou. Jong eats a8 to MArenathen the cause Te Qusires
County Ticket n the lot ; ro. rat a ympalign fund than any is no good rea why a man
§ ¥ perhag p 1 Da
EDITORIAL. pat in th , ed that Quay would on None and the 5 Fon urn The Racket.
51 7.9 and 11 Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte
5000 PEOPLE.
own goverment. For this boy | WITH YOU WHEN YOU
Crs. R. K se thankful fo, because without the de. A “ae GO HOME AND “JUST
CENTENNIAL 50 reason to believe that the adminis. WAR pi TELL THEM THAT YOU
Mal and supply
and th
Lente oun
for the investment of le 1 0» hin t tis | ' m Pit r sits down of
the development of pun as {ton ind Although it is not so s he ties Vw . ’ : / he pre ( : ’ ells
tries Truly, with ia » hand, Nature | Withdrawing troops [1 Cub end ’ raat Tirit RW vin It Brigid Sing rho : ’ ’
bas endowed us with healthful climate, | China is proba of th 4 ntire y iritis) sinttam of " pol 1m e ot | r
picturesque mountain scenery, enchant iden determination npire re of i aA population orting i ’ ! he monopoly 4
“But,” 1 i inning we will
reap the same measure of glory, in the vt Of vid 1 he LOTS he
ing valleys with a soil that needs only to
“ . al dies todd i " a
be irritated anti] it laughs with bounte Mon didiers wanted,” is the cry
fre ani re Be ox Hier .
ous harvests, abundant mineral wealth, ym Manila, where Americans
have beens trying for neatly tw : igment of posterity, which we reap wih p his ner 4 14 unite
nave | 1 ng for nearly two years to the burning of Joan of Arc” . » wn to Washingthn and make
discharge the task for which Spalu never igh great hardships the Boers | their demar known in such a way
ants No single industrial enterprise employed more than 20,000. Are Ameri. graitivag 8 ha & Yan av nar Vie. fal out 3 no h Yoie hired nied wows
has almorbed and dwarfed the energies cans worse fighters than Spaniards, or Boer found a gold mine in hin own ter instrumental in making the atone
has the administration of things over ritory was it not his? Prof. Smith representing us at Washington, and
there been shamefully mismanaged just returning from travels through | some ( f them have been manufactured
—— . . ‘ Burope, says the heart of the people | Out of pretty poor material They
have prosperous homes and happy fire Tur only question in the campaign everywhers, no matter what govern. should be given to understand that
sides. No tyravical monopoly can rule | this fall is the broad one of Kepublic or MeNts may say or do, Is against the | they will be held accountable individ-
over the destinies of our people. Each | Bmpire, Beside it all other questions British usurpation and wrong. That is | vally and collectively for the passage
inhabitant is a sovereign, in the full en. i bepntid precisely the case in the United States. | Of & bill taking the duty off pulp and
[4 sink to insignificance. The Common. The British war craze he described as | paper; also the passage of an anti-trust
joywment of life, liberty and happiness. | weaith that our fathers founded shall merely a new Kind of gin.~~Cincinnati law with teeth in it-~Meadville Demo-
Truly our lot is cast in pleasant places | not be subverted, Enquirer, | erat,
eminent and patriotic citizens happily
blended for the enjoyment of its inhabit
of our citizens, The misery of tene
ment life is unknown and instead we