THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JULY 19, RARRRRER NPE IIT 1000 7 - . . 3 Fillmore. Runville. CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT | Abt wave pased over 5 and The farmers are about through hauling v sod IL in grain and making hay Fillmore themometer pae al t | | un the shade at 5 0 Clock From all appearances of the i joi 3 a . v. a p. m this vicinity there will be a good crop thi bs [he News Gathered From Various |. coeetiny \ighbot ie fa ® Sections ay this week, as ) Taylor, Jr., anti Miss Mame Luc i Altoona, spent . , pales mos » into the Tressier . two day last wee) ix it thi HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE Co You are Coming to the Centennial, Lommunit s the [94 J sw mrortom % t | to cXpeCica om resident of Centre county is portion of the 25th and 26th in Bellefonte. have a Rip Roaring Old Fashioned Time and A while team, « You should am come, taken care ol. PE PR VE WE WR PR SURO T A WE VE VU VE VE A VE WA Ke OOOOOOOC 988800000000 i he entennial On CANN SNA 54 5 \Q \, \ + LU EE VU VU UR VU SR SE VE VE YU YU UU SE UE US ~ DOO00000 88 8800000000 ur Object Q QQ Q Q Q Q Q A a La . a » CAT OOOO0O00O0 #8 000C0000 - emember ol 00000000 #888 00000000 an you Afford to Miss This? and that ~ sheals bands The Luthéran place, picnice« day, the 17th 8. 8. Peck and son are beautifying their residence by giving it a new coat of paint They are doing the painting themselves The new barn on W. E. Knecht's farm is under roof, ready for Mr. Baker to put his grain in Haymaking and harvest are over ; hay crop was poor ; grain just middling. Mr. and Mrs, Zerby were to Pesnsval. ley, over Sunday, Juo. Miomich and daughter, were to Pennsvalley, on Sunday. Annie, MONEY TO LOAN