4 T HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, JULY 18, 1900, | | | | The Centre Democrat, CHAS. R. KURTZ, - - EDITOR & PROP TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Regular Price If pald in Apvasce “CIRCULATION OVER 2600. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKE] #1 $l per y CAr NT 8 BRYAN, WILLIAM JENNI INTN “ FOR VI PRESIDENT ADLAI E STEVENSON, of 1 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKETS RGENERA GRAY MEE Be " FOR A HON. P K, County Ticket MMISRIOND FREDERICK ROBB, EDITORIAL. GERMAN VOTERS | that l, the KR a party Ret winning this fa pub a most extraordinary amount As 10 the result So oug as the administration ouhnes nse the When vengeance or to rescuing Amer China ountry wi uphoi warn it turns from ths fA war onques Me of the President, the country will express its disapproval - 1 Ls aa GERMANY has shipped 200, the y sent the Now Emporer Wi wo rifles into China within ast two years, and has certain lozens of fficers there 10 teach Chinese how the 8 grieved because tO use Brearms his pupils have liam proved themselves so apt Tue esteemed Henry Walterson of the Courier Journal, who bolted 1a 18h, has come back into the party fold and is supporting Bryan this year. He is only one of many gold Democrats to realize that the Democratic party, at its worst, is still better than the Republican party at its best ——— Cor. BRYAN says that the Republican party stands the dollar, and the Democratic for the man. Mr for Far from denying it or feeling ashamed of it, the Republican boss glories in this very fact as the chiefest jewel in the Republican party crown, Hanna | must have smiled when he read this, | ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN. Continued trom page | among the Republicans 1s that outlined in the Spooner Bill, which provides that “When all and insurrection against the sov. the ereignty authority of United States in the Philippine Islands, acquired from Spain by the treaty concluded at Paris on the tenth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety.cight, shall have been completely supressed by the military and naval forces of the nited iundical the all itary, civil and States, powers necessary to govern said islands shall, until otherwise provided by Congress, be vested in such persons, a: d shall be exercised in such manner as the President of the United States shall di t f the rect | protecting or maintaining and j§ phabitants of said islands in the free en- wment of their liberty, property and re gion,’ this is far from definite It means that when the war is over * KDOwWS , the KDOws when that will be President is to do something (no one what), and is 10 keep at it (no one knows how long 10 take some h aod that then 18 the Why this F TEAsoOn Congress action pature of wih no one can guess evasion There can for it, that the Repub decided upon a policy w hich they are not ing to outline If the Filipino is he must muniation upon leave the of the islands ! Had the Repu! duced, and th this res a ¢ I od Host toy ad Ww 0 ’ Man al ARDY momer tration, not a wei shed at a terminated 1 ou ‘ first Nn 8 Purpose Hrs government tion of this nats sh a stable second the | 0 g interference tab give 113 their independen third, ie ir nos ve them protection from 5 while they work oul their destiny The dministration Jates treaty, negotiated the les ast summer, that the United States » the + rotect Ball § aitan of Sulu from foreign interference tought to be as easy 0 tare Bronte » ic as to stand sponser for a dess Instead of regarding the reces upon coustittuional goverument-the at tempted overthrow of American . \ of d pring ples—as a matter estiny, we may as the the D rather consider it ast plague, slaying of the first-born, which =» end v the bondage of the American people, and bring deliverance from the Pharaohs who are enthroping Mammon and debasing mankind - Accormng to the Empressof China has come to life again She couldn" afford to stay dead while things were so exciting - WE want to wars Mr. Root in all friendliness that the country will not be disposed to condone an embalmed beef intest reports the and transport scandal in China like that | | is Caba. GOLD DEMOCRAT VIEW, Good Action. Alter rees an old barrel, the the frunt which m 1" i sunset place amopy Ihe following communication recently | | { { inside of red At the the barrel place a lighted lamp appeared in the Philadelphia Record. ‘4 has been well tas bottom of In Ins the cir ; eCls ted for Palmer and that had 16 10 Four vears ago I ve Buckner, and now gold Democrats done so the her esy would have beea killed forever but gold Democrats were persuaded by many Democratic McKinley, t is quite good | believe 1) of many kinds, attracted by Hight, make for the lamp, and while ing the thet ged that 2 i" around it strike against the [ barrel, where meeting with tar, for | KHNow, was pitiful respect ournals to vote directly with what result we The wold Democratic vote small, and gained no straightont Je moct Le publi ’ ow " Democrats or Republicans. | will, without any further ts I'he Republicans took all the ea ing the victory, and went abead with rad iestroying measures 1s ceived wings and legs become 50 Clogg ly | they fall helpless to the bottom A few way the iam | from | cents” worth of tar employe uble 1edit of | | means of « moun al if they never had re a Democratic they throw the blame for of their lust as bers of these inse vote ven the 1863 pani own creation on Cleveland, and take all the credit for the I the late war accomplished by the new Amer ican navy. That pavy had its rth under Cleveland, who stopped the half soling and heeling policy which filled our navy vards with incompetent Repub old n now Uncle Sam as a Printer One thing that is mounting up rapidly viclorie of the govern official literature Most President's message hi the 18 the ment citizens complain if the more than one oer but aper, at 1 that page of AVETAKE News) they fail to remember that Lehi age of wan workers who wasted time over The in the platform mittee at Kansas City hat is nothing to fear from Iver Democratic Record" thinks that the people sh hulks vole me thousand ton arc 4 Q shows 1 there ocuments Indeed free § u the The ald t a congress of one party and a pres The Congress be a gold congress, whether Demo but even if it we event of SUCCE average man were 0 attempt everything the government pu ele one year he would have ident of the other will next hall a century to the task, hours a day for the work of 1 cratic or Republican let us elect a president with a ba who 1 preference re not, When wild always give a * Tomigh bone f Wrong on one questio to one who is a hgurehe and who is right on only one que and not of staying right night on that unless Hanna says s nig LEVELANI EMO is sure i ] ! it of order He KA FERN 1 " Hoods Pills ‘ LE aT - a 1d I dp the capital t« 2 _ A \ Men's Suits. | go at $4.98. $6.48 and R FU Underwear. Straw Hats, 45¢ and 90¢ a Suit. Shirts. o ahd Re al at 19¢c and 39 ’ i > W ‘ Felt Hats M n Oi eo X11. Ce 9, 69% and 79% 39% a Q 20. 98 cents. 39, 69 and 7% NISHING GOODS DEP ~arcietim Consisim K TMEN Youths’ Suits. . Fan vy Worsteds, Serges and Basket Weaves Children’s Suits. : # A RTME Ties } i - 39 and 19 ce W NT. nts. Hosiery, lic, 19¢c and 3%. Space and ink is very precious and will have to end in quoting prices, but everything will be sold in the same proportion as above. Remember everything must be sold regardless of cost or profit. the same old way of “Fairness and Squareness.” sale is now going on and where it is held. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, SIM, THI You certainly can profit by giving us a chance. Reynold's Bank Building, Allegheny street. . CLOTHUI During this sale everything will be conducted in Do not forget that this pe po R x a » : BELLEFONTE, PENN'A.