Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 21, 1900, Image 6

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DISCIPL ESHI » AND LIFE won thelr Iiberty. C Christ does better 1 viv ug mth ee falth and knowl! : ’ ’ : ' A "LE
4 4 ~ - | 6 | won that for us, He not only shows | . meat alten " : They are Here Oliver Chilled Plows! Prn RCHEDULES
AT OLD PRICES. | In olive on ai Har ED
how we may be free, but He makes us
SERMON BY REV. A. C. DIXCN, OF | fro. He breaks the shackles. He Is
BROOKLYN, N.Y. IT . the Emancipation Proclamation, ? . QUTLERN | on the For Spring
[ and stands ready wifh the arm of His
“ | h B an Ever | omnipotence to enforce the decree that 11) if } / Me ol ni “i
y Believe ie Bible Dun Wana o | SE , one who Ix " ves in Him shan be moun of bitten Taam THE FAMOUS "4 ALK- |
hy — i free, ken and women are tesritie
Take Care of Itself, It Needs No De- | Rad from what? From sin. of {U i {rer 'r arse stk uh OVERS for E33. 50!
fenders. course, Past sins often hound us; sing | Yonder dheatdd rou) covered wi A X5.00 va
never get ont of date, Hut Jesus t ‘ 0) ! | 01 ) ‘ '
| Hundreds who have been w
fext: “The ’ ; 1 y those | Christ frees us from the gullt and pen ; \
Text: hen sald ¥ | ; them are pleased: they have the
ry past sin
Jews who belleved on Him, IT ye con: | alty of ever] ‘ add : \ yh er) yle; come in any leather; just
tinue In My word, ye al ¥ thine | I'hree prisoner l sconsin pend id of penta ") wearing old sho ; 1
indeed; and ye shal now | ! o | tentiary escaped ligging a tunnel 9° ° Fh awa ut the ! 1 200 pairs of them
and the truth shall make you free after the fi on of the Libby Prison | aE ine ak 4 \ Pu Don't be misle
John viii, 31, 32 tunnel. They worked on It two years, el] I bra tnd erped | tising they have
The heart-thought of 1 text Is « and finally, at an opportune time, mad ! of dend 1 thie good for they
- I { 1 I hoes that are near
{ fresh,
pleship and around : 1 ntl BB | I { a r' 48 §
I i ates Rd babu as ” her a A Ne li tare prevalent: ona i ue For the Ladie’s the SAR. |
ory. | tel ny t oMcers { we 1 $ | leq One § 14
I THE BASIS OF DISCIPLESHIP. | po behind the walls again sin by external mea the } ACEN and the famous
It Is faith in Christ. “Jesus said to | stopped up the tunuel, Their temporary | Vl from us; and the other i» by uk | HERRICK shoes from
those Jews who believed on t | freedom did not 1 jut the wan Into our hearts the life which de- |  ¢5 50 to $3.50 are the
Nod in leaders.
in a church, thougl Li | euilt 1 n al nba ( erty v f we 00000000
founded by Christ I f. Its n tands re as if he ) cont ‘ iy w } | POWERS SHOE COMPANY,
faith in an ordinance, t esa v sinne ples inde I ‘ | Bush Arcade
lished by the rd : ‘Oh, for such grace rocks and 33, And the rm ! BELLEFONTE,
even In book, tl 4 \ f heir 1 THY hare ‘ |
TN Ces let a) [Ant al buruivnlots Ryman tongue vie oLoeer newsearer.  \CURRANT WORMS,
the Lord Je
about Hh wat In ! I \ 4 : tl tr \ , re e | CABBAGE WORMS,
Centennial of the Scioto Gazet'e
DI Ther OF DISOIVLESHIP, |W. Lasarus is Noerated from | a Yh Beigts Razere 91 CATERPILLARS.
It Is two-fold, mad up of law hi rued by rules is | On Apri 25, 1800, ther | POTATO BUGS
ye Sa  jovt wohe si privon, 4 school: Whete ug | the Siul Bymber of a Hitcle | and ROSE SLUGS
that | & {
seed] tl
Pann Moms
Y¥ vii, Wa Gddd,
hale CanA
Bach Whiaw,
sechler & Company,
ton and aller
N\todadadeniataaadosssabiabindods cdo bi it ti tote R atts dE ci that AA
A Great Opportunity
(sazette exer: ¢ \ . ol . : : F | v “wr MM ontandor Lewin
The Gazette y ay gy ‘ 10 : mej : hock Haven a Tyre
paper to name Will ! " 3 3 ' pf » m Stat
late Grens « ! : i : 3 BN |" Railroad at Bellefonte fot p : ! as
. 2 Da . . » FH. Toowas »
the suggestion ] § wil
Sc | J eed ILL X. Li
on go ‘ Ww Hi - who was then
Nn Af A cand)
f | i y ae Sg nn The first log un \ have made, whicl ude : 5 OCATED In one of the most beautiful ane
t was 1x) fot : " t lon Nn the \ ¥ femous Wests ™m CAm i : ’ . CH i u 11 heatthiul spotsin the A llegheny Regt ©
swiftness o most vi P tr " aa ' 3 | CArIY for nirst « Ne ndenominationsl ;: Open 10 Both sexes
y ; 8 y Ry bu vere bullt at the Gazette's ; Tuition free ; Board and hn expenses very
an arrow. At this place men think | lev ' nue In His Word tion, and Chillicothe was the 0O0OOOOVO000 low
ullding factories; there is the place | and | : y we shall reed brat ple : rest where Wo — ’ ’ ’ N Q
of power. And the man who would be | from life principle | | Wait Where Wore Lieberman's Cash Clothing House, LBADING DP ARTARNIS of STUDY
ple | po al meetin also at
broader than what he believes to In v . wi And that brings ’ y the same :
) gestion \ ame paper. It i Hi h St. £ BIOLOGY
true ves power in proportiofl to his | | O Aa . . ' ll this free dom also \ paper in the West Bush Arcade, 4 BELLEFONTE, PA. ‘ STAY and HORTICULTUKR
™ ‘ Oo | Hin 1" come In Aithin VO ' : 8
bread He who Is willing to be as ! within not from d ot th ret In the country. to civil RAY NEERING
broad as all truth, and not a whit hou Me re to be saved by the name hary Taylor for the TRICAL ENGINEERING
broader, will have the power that goos Gospel rath an by law The sher " p t recognized by him AN CAL KIX ERRING
with truth blessed by the Gog of | If and the penitentiary ean never re ) e offer of a diplomatic appoint Rvery WOMAN Joa & Shapety, Dretty figure and HISTORY ang POTTICAL SCIRNCR
Trut! deem the sot elleve | R Ate ' many of them deplore the Joss of their girlie forms Ms A SDD GN
ruth leem the soul, Now | believe In pun ment to the editor, Beneca W. Ely after marriage. The bearing of children i very | LANGUAGE and ATERATURE Latin
' ! GLOR Oy "ge ishing criminals, men that break the who, however. declined It destructive to the mother's shapeliness This can Spanish and [alian, (options
I FH LORY F DISCIPLE RN 401 be avoided, however, by the wee of Mormsns German and Eng Tish, (jee 0) Frases
SHIP law ought to be put behind fron bars The Beloto Gazette now (ssues an » Friaxn be MATHEMATICS and AM NOY
> . Christian sentiment should demand eight page dal and a sixteen page am omen fore baby MECHANICAL ARTS; combining shop
“I'he truth shall make you free” It it: but the old warden of the Ohlo pen weekly, On stil 28 the be : " comen as this work with » ody
does not help us to free ourselves. It : at sara he paper Taaua( scientific lin (3 S . MENT A MAL SCIENCE
tentiary was right when he called his § its centennial edition, volume 101. No ment prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves MILI AY et ENC K theoretion! and prae
makes us free. Rome prisoners in Malta the symmetry of form. Mormer's FRigxp also obviates
institution the Impenitentiary., for he 1, containing a complete history of
gue were re : all the danger of childbirth, and carries the expectant n. «ya DAFARTMENT: two
during a plague were offered thelr Ub said he rarely ever turned out any ite existence, a history of the town lo mother nl through this critienl period without goin It is woman's
erty on condition that they leave thelr ie ie freedom of the sown! ‘ " a , reatest blessing, and thousands gratefully tel great good i Pail ton Term opens ember I, 1800. Regular
isolated cells and nurse the afMicted. penit A he Nel m / he soul we whi le At hag been ished and much fre done them. Sold by all droge aL 4 on pet butte 1h rees four are. For entalogue or ber In
They accepted tie condition, and th seek must come rough an Inward | Important and some Mile known his w Our Jette biotic, effing 811 & hoa bien Ig I Re Aye x. Li. D
y . _ US | Luow ug of the truth, It must be as tory of the Northwest Territory. Atlante bo oy 4 an + Aire Roars. anys Toate. Pa