DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, P 19040), BOERS WILL FIGHT 0 Botha Rejects Lord Roberts’ Proposal of Surrender COMMANDOES RETIRETO MIDDLEBURG General Baden-Powell Reaches Pre. torin—Secret Documents Seat to « Eanrope—President Kruger Hee ported In Feeble Condition, LONDON, June 10 CUBAN ELECTIONS. Aantionalist Party Trimvmphed—Peopls Seemed Indifferdnt HAVANA, June 18. Little Tt henge In India dit . vement rks unt oll be ral rainfs 3 relief | pow reaches 5X) (06) Gutenbherg's Birth Celebrated, BERLIN, June 18.-The five hun iredth anniversary of the birth of Gutenbers the inventor of out was eelebrated in ht hein Berlin yesterday Ly an immense gathering of printers as type founders in the ¢ Kehuman At Frankfort it celebrated by » meeting of the civil and military authori ties, together with a street parade culm nating In the decoration of the Guten berg monument. At Leipsic a prominent ghlishing house marked the anniversary & opening a subseription to the loca utenberg fund with 100.000 marks, type, ireus wine Nig Shipment of Tobaces, PADUCAH, Ky, June I5-Twelve hundred hogsheads of tobaces, valued af $114,632 and Alling two trains, has left here for continental Europe ‘via New York, This I» the largest single ship ment ever made from bere, A WELCOME TO OTIS, Rochester Celebrates In Fitting Manner, ROCHESTER June 13, Ot ROUNDING UP FILIPINOS Generals Funston and Grant In Two Important Hattles N \ Mra, Gindatane end York Marke tw. RK June New WHI morni buying news fro RY} York afloat CORN sympathy HBeptember OATR. Firm track L TIPS track white western PORK Steady, mess, Fi fy, Dlmit 2 LARD Pull € BUTTER Firm creamery, extras, 18alh CHEESE «Unsettied | large small white, $e POOR Firm. state and Pennsylvania Malle. western, loss off, 13%al4 SUGAR Raw firm fair $y centrifugal, WM test, ye firm, crushed, 6100 ; powdered, 5 Mx RICE «Steady; domestic, gafiye. ; Ja pan, alee TALLOW ane, HAY Fteady, shipping, Ga'te., good sholce, Madi, A Dal} with % nd prime state Vie refining refined Steady, oity, We country Homecoming Tents o the nud Tersels i Mendny, June In Saturday June It Friday, June 15 Thursday June The Spots on the San PARIS, June INA Mare early 40 kilometers visibl Appearag tf and heat d great Shiseley Sot a Candidate, INDMANAPOLIN June 19 1 he News Bes Khiveley of Routh Bend stated pos statement 1 that he =» a the Iw recently refused to accept tie nolination, and John W Mr Bhiveles CY presses Danforth of New ticket with W, J candidate ticket president ! Khiveley gubernats Kern was the opinion that Eliot York will be on the Bryan. norte uv rial chosen PTT TTT TTT TTT TrTTrT Try » ’ » » » ’ » 4 Letters strict » . Exhibits well worth Inspection Seasonable For M Cotton Dress (Goods Bevond tl ont Clothing Brass and Metal Beds * ¢ 2 . r,t od fre 4 Household Linens t JO f goods tha fo sample, w prompt attention When in the city bo sure fo stop af the booths in West Store, Main Aisle, for lustrated & J souvanir and woklets—freeto our visrtors. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIE Eighth and Market Ste, (3) 1 Be MARKET Prepared... Hats, Cl othing, Etc.. OU R PRICES MONTGOMERY & CO. PIANOS $1 55 sieet ¥ INGR AINS Our I of he © 3 f this > Ano selling We Warrant our Mapes and reams for 25 dears. Fark ut WB arraety f 8 business wort r a or Fed delinr voulyr Un f the » DE SIGNS TRADE - MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICE AS, T0 PATENTABILITY Notice ‘Inventive Age ok How to obtain Patents” (harper moderate No fee 11] patent is secured w dentia Add ress £0. SIGOERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. © 6. S1GGERS. Patent Lawrer, Washington, 0. . CARA rs J ower bes 4 * pi a Ra Fhe, I te FOR THE LADIES nd I a J Pa ve Cornish Patent Nosica Mtachment ” or Panos Tonttat AY 28 path hay MEALS Asis 0 mr RATELY Harp, be i. Guitar The hast ever yet som . uh 3 ther, Ban ne while Money refunded if ¢ Ww o BELL QINTMENT CO \ Fieming, Centre Co | » them ble to do To) YEARS’ k ny bus We do EXPERIENCE Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging, House Decorating, Sign Writing, Etc. US & BE CONVINCED he tamons patent Cor Wu tions Reed Action make the ANIKI Organs unnguniing in reproduee Le power of & on DINT- Re —- “MENT and in the Ale A Nese ad Contin LC on the CONN IAN rave" ] ny Sond Tor partiouinm of the Lf rnieh Cooperative Plan wing how you man make § working Tor os or a #h Piano or Organ Fre eforemeeny Your hank, bank, any hank, ORGANS $25 Oush or Bary Paymenin ’ Thaoe Manns Desians Corymiaurs Ae Aneans sending a shot ch and Aeseription may quickly Asenrtaln oar opinion free whet hey wt invention 1» probably patentable Communic tw strietly ~~ idential Handbook om Patents sont free gen agane} for securing patents Patents Eran Ws Munn on b Un, reowive opecial netier, THRO ¢ inthe bis Fimerican, A hae “r ete weekly, Largest oor wren rms § roy " A by all newsdenlers 24 ie New ew York mye Washingion, b Also dealer in | Picture and Room Moulding, | Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Window Shades, Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc. SH WILLIAMS High St Bellefonte, Pa. 3