Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 21, 1900, Image 2

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New York's Governor Tries to | | Fi declaration of evelt mane 1 China Opens Fire on the In.
Stems Popular Tide. during the day and supplemen ternational Fleet. SR The majority of persons upon reach gu ie age and |
at were
wi ee
HANSA FAVORS BAY STATE MAW, | imation woon iw. = © ATTACK ORDERED FROM PEKI \} |, Those predisposed to Scrofula, Cancer, Ri stim, Gout and other here
Convention May Ne Turved From Ha | ! ‘ i ‘ ! Several Warships Struck hy Shells
. . , ’ i { . ! i
First (holee For Yi President Hussinns Lose Hensily In the
Hig Demonstration of Repub 3 DattleeVour Hundred Li
. wet} r News { '
lean Clubs tha Bese Heported Rilled
\ i \ i . rr { {
B [ nl cent t
[| 4 f
No 21 North Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa.
nese are Home Testimonials From Reliable People.
Menry Walter Wehh Dead vy with Head Noises B
Ww 3 ' | \ BASEBALL 0 s AVIS, |} yh: Lh tT" AA) - MKS A N Deafoess Before Takiog
Results of Yesterday's Games In the { .. e's New Treatment
Sntional Lengue : v1 ove i ut 1a ¢ y A Bellefonte School Gir
elletonte, Ps Wo
¢t Results Obtained During Oo
GLEN Attorney fl ) bel le 14 One Month of Dr. Stites New Treatment
ee Meaty
WETZE What Ine. A. Waite, of Bellclonte, has to say i 1 A bad case o wrrh a
; . ‘El Alt i ths for ne Lime wae nl w «Ink §
General Wheeler's Sew ft aonmand rider's Kx ANKE ’ attention About the New Treatment and Dr. Stites | had to hawk and spit wei of the
WASHINGTON, J } ty on th surveving and ‘ pon paling In the chest wm at
) . | : ve tak the Sew Tan . . toh got Bat ¢
] W.C. HEINLE, Attorney at law f 1 wal hr. Ntites | Wo Inonts EL : I ted over many 1
per vd 0 9 ed n ‘ hewier NB ! udl L10 ! Tahle of Percentages, opposite court ¥ ww. Consy ' confess it 1s & great I mn, | - ! nothin good, in fast gt »
he freauet . hb ' : . Tr ' ! Ww { man and English | s thie i yv- . would try try [Stites
"nn ae pow. after oniy a few weeks ander his
o ) i n } } headguarts Hen "I 0 ' : ' ney at ' ' " " .
Frew) / J BY M KEI Hi INE, A they at-law and vi en Wy how es TaEaT™ENT, | am a QU rent perso
od. be said ntiems i wv rg ! ner Jn ) Justice of the Pesce «in opera house block T™ 71 Bh better ta ove , tow
: Pe weeks treatment did me more
him ‘ ) old t command te i s | 3 > opposite Court house reo nd Dr Suites and good than all things 1 had tried for the
h one erin from any ala?
MEYER, Attorney at law Bn Crider's wt For My ehagh 1 smaoh better LYN Fears together It seme this
y ' TREATHENT goes right to Lhe spot, It sea!
n : “ ’ thie
t of Dakota ] . 0 Exchange. Exdistriet attorney. German wi Joe HONE SHINY % Des riy ms J
‘ i : and English. Frompt attention to all bus ‘ TONS A WALT Out all the wore places and heals them
decline the «ifn " » ' Is a i ness i . Rerent Invention and | am sure the Dox
2 however with the ’ ~ ftnlmn Cabinet Nenluns, Wil make a great success of 1
' Yone tor Latnd N
nun, to def the plea to ROME, Jun beodn the char Recruits Far the Philippines, | What oe Rew Trasimane Han oa iy ay elie yn te
re '
| deputhe erday the § | loner WASHINGTON I une 10. Fifteot \| bas lige, of U4 R “a
rd iven te cnnferes Yall TT pi ' wt Cabinet ’ . _ ’ ’ . Car Hitle danghter Lena 0 Is no : te b Lali
‘ of Pelloux. 4 giv y ‘ 4 hd ia On first-class real estate security Conrs Oil. Bas suffered greatly sinos po Wonderful Care Mate by the New Specialis
situation ‘ resigned : ee des . hil Oeste ate I s  onlints | at limited amount in sums of from $500 a yung, with ostarch oy , i hg . » a Dr. Stites, alter other Doctors had Falled
: t ! Fens " mn ® Ope ME nen ot ising » ’ oy ‘ ’ . - ‘ eathe
athe y y r ol v Re "from th A 1 $1000 and any number of loans desired | * much stoppel apt entirely Toms she 1508 suffered for some time with & grow)
sseoraer RN t attended by nn titade oo T ‘ ' ] wl " nr | | « FANS > " " through 3 4 A gg 0 my Hight ene, whioh gave rise to tingling
1 in larger sums Airing deeds and ar PIY | haw kod and spit ail the thn " ’ ei nd busing noises, and | gradanlly bes
ve . ! dge and Mr, Oded woeed ng ) ad Jonrne ) " ) pats abou 4 . Bint i. wivi bye !
wor Flin . JARO . in person to W. GALER MORRISON | became very much en Ke i TR hard ot heating. | became disgusted wit
wh i ‘ tinued in the : tl format jos i firs Ye r ney . ke t) NT: > deal of trouble she woud » oy
“ ai hh bi : 214 KE. Bushop St Bellefonte, Pa, | a or and on taking wold sould hardly IDC treatment | got from other doctors | the
wl ter, whet | ' Jovi thoka PR ter hia k pty an Aidn’t do me any good. | concluded to 11
’ Ry i" NE TL RL yt i .
city wer Misninnipp! Aunin Flondea i Epire this G ’ E : H aalte dent We did not know D0 Stites and | am gind | 4d. The grow vr
‘ and she grew qalie © . . . . i ow
PN e It with the JACKRON, Mise, June 189. Pearl viv | arman S mpire ouse, what tn Ao for her, as nothing seemed to help re Bere a Ahr ng Ba Ry
w bead of Naw TanatHesy, " I Sh
ehaire ‘ nmi » or Is again out of its banks wl wpe Jimmy Michnel Renten, MAIN STREET. TYRONE, PA Jee Lhe Pr ourt of tha I we Ap ha pry noises. atid L BOW Bear As well as 1 ever
There were nate ! Roott, Car | ing over the surrounding country hn CAMBRIDGE Mass, June 10 Jim Pao say that our little wir oan now hear al MES. MARY KELLY r
wr, Lode Akins i" we and A nis i AL. 8. GARMAN, Proprietor. | most as good as she ever Aid. Se Is 80 much Bellvtoate, Ma
i ’ y
glhso Mi wides many represent done great damage to trees and growing | Plerce in a 20 mile motor paced race al Bverything new, clean and inviting
pointed on
r Roosevelt
of the heaviest windstorms in years hat | my Michael was easily beaten by Barns
corn The general crop conditions in the | Charles River park in the slow time = Special pains will ve taken lo entertam Consultation and Examination Free. No lncurable Cases Talten
fives of the wk leaders, wo 0h -
i : tem Pl ’ traveling in
davernor Rew snd Benator Platd tate are poor, the cotton Ix eithe {| 3m, 29 30a A strong wind made ree Centre county people when
fave " - | that section, Hours: 9a. M. to12. 1toBSp.m, 78 p.m.
ding represented. When the last mat under water or ch iked out by grass ord time lmpossible,