THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 14, 1600 CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections. HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Note Ihe Local Every Lommunity Happenings of Fairbrook. Crate was engaged i } and we w= Snow Shoe. hildren’s Day exer erian church, were w very entertaining Ch oentertain Miss Anna Lucas, who had heen at tending school at Spring Mills, Pa, re tuted to Snow Show Thursday for Teacher's examination, which was held hete Friday, Nearly all of a class of tenn received certificates Lost An umbrella, between Curtin and Suow Shoe The finder will please return to H. F. Lucas, who will piace it with the proper party. The invigorating, stimulating, resus tating qualities of beef tea are only partly know by most people. But any. one should know how to make it; any. one who asks questions on this subject doesa’t know any more than be ought to Stormstown. Rev. Runyan and J. H. Lever were sent as delegates to the Epworth League convention, which was held in Clearfield, during the past week, They returned Friday night and were highly pleased with their entertainment, Jacob Gates, formerly of Snow Shoe, but now with the railroad company near Pittsburg, spent one night last week with his uncle Wm. R. Way, on his way to Unionville to attend the funeral of Mrs. Stella Way. He says be is coming back on a visit soon. Willis Walker and cousin, Miss Bessie Walker, of near Pine Grove Mills, spent a short time here a week ago, the guest of Miss Lulu Way Mrs. Mattern Lydia Way, spent at William W t Tohn From here wed to the place mentioned, where fa roller Dour | Frequently two boys dare not ca from Miliheim drove very rig, and they DATrge them young men to this place with a will be looked after the very next lime they come. Last Saturday evening they drove against Mrs, Hdward Rah Such conduct should not and will not be olor ated They take two young damsels with them A buggy was buiit for two and not for four You had better come in a spring wagon the next time, and bring pap and mam along to take care if you, Take warning The reason why some men don't get married is because they know they couldn't be brutal enough to make suc cessful husbands Port Matilda. Quite a number of our people took in the Pawnee Bill Wild West Show at Tyrone, on the gth inst Mrs. Susie Moore, accompanied by Mrs. Eva Fink, paid a recent visit to Mr. and Mrs, A. I. Sharer, at Retort, Mr, and Mrs. Jerre Sharer visited Mr and Mrs. Con, Sullivan at East Tyrone, a few days since W.G. L. Crain & 00n Occupy their new store room which is near com. pletion and a masterpiece of workman. ship Henry Gault anc fishing a few evenir a bag full of f bushe went { aught | bag, t The stone under cons rt Han ) Moshannon. CHANEY » Tage? drove to Philly sturday Chilfiren's Day services in the M. 1} church next AY Alternoon and a the Preshivierian church in the evening Maude Rankh Hannay aller a few Mills A few of the people of this town took in the Children s services, in the Presbhy terian church, at Snow Shoe ast Sun day evening They say it was good Miss Bdith Lucas and brother, Albert made a trip to Clearfield last week to attend the Epworth League Convention and also visit friends there They bad A very pleasant time Minnie McGowan and eason have returned home HOC KS schooling at Spring Aaronsburg. Charles Stamm and family, of Logan. ton, spent a few hours at the residence ofl H. H. Weaver Prof, S. M. Weber and Miss Cordelia Acker will close their school on Friday and will have a picnic on Saturday, in the Spruce, west of town, y Thomas Weaver, who has been engag attendant, iy the State Hospital -Plaing, New Jersey, for the months, was howe for a few st and on Monday he went to indber to work at the plastering trade imother H | » hi arter } 1 ’ ] her children a Program Was amy CArT members of the Sunday Runyan made a very interest to the children but It was «1 older people also He spo portance of the collection and people 10 give a iberal ¢ tribu Excursion Te Philadeiohin On account of the Republican Nationa Convention at Philadelphia, June 1g, the Pennsylvania Rallroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadeiphia from all stations on its line af rale of one fave for the round [rip (minimum rate 50 cents Tickets will be sold and good going June 15 to 1g, inclusive, and re turning to June 26, inclasive Special June Clearing Sale... OF Mens, Boys and Childrens Clothing SPECIAL rhevaonmt : Li Money, leed the Room. cSmal THE LOWEST OF LOW PRICES he Big Do Not Forget That This Stock Must be Sold. Neither Cost or Profit taken into Con- sideration, FAUBLES The Largest Clothing & Gents" Furnishing G wis Fetablishment in Central Penney! Brockerhoff House Block, Bellefonte, Pa.