THE CENTKE DEMOURA «, BELLEFONTE, PA. FATHER OF 41 CHILDREN. IBA Cancer , | First Wife Bore Him 15, Second Wife : y Alin 12, Third Wife 14, | — Scrofula, np y ’ . Levi Bresson, an old Frenchman of y » F iy , o Solitary Ranchman'’s Life-long | North Foster, Rt. I, recently celebrated | Brings to Light a Horrible Cus. Old Sores, : . he birth of his forty first child-—a boy : a 'o Search for Treasure. yg FL OF a ye tom in the Northwest. As the blood cont of ten pounds It was horn to his ! HOOK ains all the elements necessary to sustain life, it is impor Rh {1 p —— tant that it be kept free of all in ritles. or it becomes a source of disease, euma sm, —— third wife, who Is the mother of foul y ' ' healt] poisoning instead of nourishing the hody, and loss of health is sure to follow F A M( )U S B ANDI IS B( ) ) | Y teen His first wife bore him Bfteen MAN-EA | ING I RA | ERNIT Y SOME DOISONS enter thie blood f rom wi th ] hut throug! i the skin by abr A rption or C f gi ; oO! inoculation ; others from within, as v waste products accum late in the on a ous B.Sc - system and ferment, allowing diseass germs levelop and be taken into the Bl d P i The Reynolds Brothers of Civil War | Hideous Rites Practised as a Spring | circulation. While all blood troubl have one comm origin, each has som 00 (4) son, Pe jarity to distinguish it from the othe Contagio Blood Poison Fame Headed the Outlaws, Who [ '- ' , hy Festival—In Ancient Times a Young Cancer Kheusing . Fire : it a " bio adeeda Ai ul 9th et i ; Chronic Ulcers. Rode Through the Southwest Leavy J Squaw Was Always Sacrificed for certain sore, | > r where it & 2 ( ing a Trail of Blood and Ruin, 0S / | the Occasion, . 11st ken he ) r vad "at g ir My ng 4 di HT aud timmy of permanent benefit der fy “BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES; the fied and cle Free Medical Troatmont. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca ‘ 5 YARMAN Hf Here is a List of GC i FIRE INSURANCE (0's £50 0 Fi Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger North German Fire Insurance Ce Manchester, of Manchester, Eng American Central, of St. Louis Prussian National, of Germany Palatine. of Manchester Eng United States, of New Yor Concordia, of Wisconsin National | Traders tmave Fres PATENT Orrict AAARARTARRAAAAAARAARAAR RAR LAN LTT a C. A.SNOW&CO. & « WAS ’ Eh a | Now is The Time! For The T Catarrh, Deafness + Air Passages, As thm 1a, Bronch:i LEGAL NOTICEN., Nose. Ear. Throat and Lune Scient} Nose, Ear, Throat and Lung Scientist, No 21 North Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS HOME TESTIMONIALS. Results Obtained Durning Os of Dr. Stites New Treatment ' A. Waite, of Bellefonte, bas to » " t the New Treatment and Dr. Stites Masculine Observatic i : Green Says Soflered Horribly with Head Nolses HB (hilis and Deafness Before Talking Pr. Sthe's Sew Treatment se New Treatment Has Doane lor aM ; . } been 11 ofl greatly with tak Lens Rice, of Belicfonte i. the Braonenitis and congh wet & danghter Lena, Ww ' ; worst of all, these horrible, shtiek " 1. Bas Mer Rrentily » ! i g andl whiting poles In the he i n ' ¢ | renin then | % aN 11 ‘ (Un BrslCinss Teal esate security ‘ with estar) He oe 1 worried me comstantly, and gradusily u J sh "1 afraid w other wo nn will eg y ue tare " imited amount in sams of from $500 #0 much stopped up that she had 16 Hhreathe came very hard of hearing. | hadn't Ire 1 80 * \ _— sambrero wil ¢ ‘ye hron ) ELA 1 oi vy ig ‘11 : through Ber mou entire h ope for mivyaeil as | am pow 77 Years 9 it Instead $1000 and any number of loans desired | aw hed ain pit the time on Having heard of the wonderful New Taga ng eye ! i 1 i ! in larger sums Bring deeds and ALpiy | Ja ate YOrY much enlarg vin ' Murty | went to Dr. Stites. anc though | have much attention me one led him Varnish Your Ollcloth on wightn ry un in person to W. GALER MORRISON, | great deal of trouble ’ : } been there only one month, | Lm ever » i t. Basl a Bellefonte a, | choked up, and on taking coid ' mach better | those horrinie polses In tw the office of a nota ’ publ } she's old enous y know what she's 714 KE IShOD | re. *1 hrvathe, After a while her + . gn ’ head ave left me entirely if tel. oh’ = f utting down v t i In Ly X nA pew oileloth, it 1 and she grew quite deat We A143 0 y much better all around that 1 46 not hesitate r nia HOPI spent $111) nt : neg + 4 g ) . dot a : will last twice as long If you give it a Garman 5 Empire House, [ what to do for het na nothing seemed to help to recommend highly Dr. Stites and his New sank into a chalr and began eageny | her. When we heard of the Sew TrRa™ENT, THREATHNENT thin cont of varnish and let It dry well AW > " iccahes " aco Tex. em. { 2 4 'RONE, PA. we went to Dr Stites, and now we ate apn Respectfal'y fry to pour out an Incoherent sto before using A little milk In tepid \ } & MAIN STREET, TVRONE, PA to say that our Hitle gir can now Mey 4 : DU WALTER There was a pause, a struggle, the gray water Is excellent to wipe ollecoths or If 8 man's in love, that's his busi AL. 8. GARMAN, Proprietor, most as ood us she ever Aid. Se 1s #0 mach Bellefonte. Pa head sank forward upon the tired painted floors Especiajly bad spots ness. If a girl's’ In love. that's her Hreryihing mew, clean and inviting A > 3 4 ¢ o ’ ¥ 1 breast, and the quest for treasure was may be removed by rubbing a little sa business I they get married they Special pains will be taken to entertain | Consultation and Kaamiiostion Free, No Incurable Cases Toalcten ended, Anton Glasmann was dead with want groceries that « our business — Centre county people when traveling »/ his seeret upon his lps W. K. Ploks & Co | that section. Hours: 9a. M, to 12, I1toBp.m, 708 p.m. * polio on a cloth and wiping off lime diately.