THE CENTRE DEMOURA., CELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 7, 1900, ty CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections. HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO <" hat Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Not Ihe Local Happenings of Ever) | Community Stormstown. “1 wn Satu yf horses and wagons. Miss Har last week at | on to Ross's church. lay night childrens day exerci held in the Methodist chur The house was crowdes 1 number of visitors were them we noticed ira Kephart, of Miss Harris, ol sent visiting them, Bigelow, John A. Woodward loner have me this week «ttyshurg to attead the soldiers reun » held A very sad a« ast Friday. We know yy the way he talks » was up over the mountain nd saw so many beautiful s out in full bloom, also It 15 a pleasure to take a walk ov he mountain asd see the honey I hope you did not go on Sunday cation for assistant hn iva Meckley were married Somers, at Houserville. They it Dest wishes W.T.D ua, of Julian, spent hours at H Huey's of this pla last Saturday A birthday party was given at Elza w Kellerman's, on last Saturday ia behalf of his wife. Quite a number of friends and neighbors were there and all en oyed themselves very mach We all got our fortunes told since the Gypsies came to this place Some are glad, others are sorry DEATH On Monday, May death angel entered Kelley and carried away an affec 1 wife and loving mother. Full par the home in another portion of this pape: Sugar Valley. The friends of Mrs. Lot E. Breon will be pleased to learn that under the skill ful treatment and care of the lock Haven hospital she has recovered from her serious illness and was able to re. turn home Tuesday afternoon, The foundation wall of the new Luther. an church at Booneville is nearly com. plete. The laying of the corner stone took place Sunday, June 3, at 2 p. m, The family of John Augustine has just recovered from a severe affliction of scarlet fever. All the children were sick. Bark bauling has commenced and dozens of teams hooked to heavy loads pass over the mountains to Lock Haven daily. Nittany. Ed. Rossman, P. Neighart and Torens Ohl went up the river last Thursday on the hunt of work, Jolin Dorman returned home on Satar. day from a Philadelphia hospital, where he had a tumor taken out of the side of his face the Saturday previous. He is reported getting along all right, As we didn’t get to the primary meet. ing on Saturday we « an't tell mug hh about it, only that it was well attended and as we don't see any black eyes around we think it went all right, Preaching in the Lutheran chur ¢t Sunday morn Moshar Snow Shoe. LD EB May he festiva nesday eveuin re well allen e sum was raised which will ) improve the Askey cemetery r the zeal which some showed ng the festival, it seemed as etery might as improve A have we extended | As the season of festivals is Clarence rang in a double affair last week with the o t of building a new hurch in view It will be successful $ hoped the project and that a church w= be erected at Clarence Mrs. Breimer, of Wilkesbarre, is visit ng her son, George Breimer, at this place Miss Maud Watson, of Pine Glenn, is the guest of Miss Effie Lucas this week The "Little Willie" crew have here for Tyrone. Kyser was “left eral times while here N.B. This the Kyser who wants to buy a dog Miss Gilliland, of Karthaus, is v Gilliland, her aunt Miss Yothers left Snow Shoe for Mile rg on Saturday return Potters Mills not known when Rev. P. W. McDonald, the evangelist, held services in the school house last week The Bell Telephone men are putting their poles through this place. They are a happy crowd, Don’t forget to visit Carson's bargain store. Itis the cheapest and best store in the valley. Mrs. Cleonie Farner, of Colver, Pa. Was visiting ber many friends of thus place, Children's Day was a grand soccess The recitations and music were well rendered and every body seemed to enjoy themselves, Miss Sadie Condo, Miss McCoo! and Miss Heckman, of Spring Mills, visited Miss Laurine Faust on Sunday. S. Rossman, Herb Julian. The first hurdy-gurdy of the season passed through Julian Monday morming Louis Irvin contemplates going into the hardware business at Centre Hall, Judge and Mrs. Simonton, of Harris. burg, are guests of their son-in-law, Gil bert Beaver, near town Miss Amanda Myers departed Tues. day evening for Davis, W. Va., where she will spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Kline, There will be ch church § Any the k oss's 107 Miss Tan were to Centre Ha ration Miss Dolly | : Natrona next Monday spend most Master Harry Keller has been hav juite a time with the new horse wh a very good one and will On San afternoon M1 preach in 1 ie new church Highvalley. I. ¥. Eisenbuth, from Some: Te « was bere tov A festival was held at Coburn urday evening Sunday rth wind blew from Co ey had a smoky smel velerinary surge , was called to Highvalle week, on account of a 8 understands d adgise all who ick animals to give Mr. Barker a call as | never knew him to fail The Drom station man was at Cob on Saturday The major looks well and hearty John Kreamer, a resident of Aarons. burg, aged years, is in Highvalley putting up Ira Snvder’s barn, The oid gentleman looks well and hearty, George, our real estate agent, is can. vassing up and down the railroad at present, looking after a widow Excursion To Vhiladeiohia On account of the Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, June 19, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadelphia from all stations on its line af rale of one fare for the vound rip (minimum rate 50 cents, Tickets will be sold and good going June 15 to 19, inclusive, and re. turning to June 26, inclusive, Spring Mills. Fine rain Friday and Saturday. Prof. Wo!l's next All men are born equal, but some of them manage to get on the police force afterward chool will close on Friday Peter Auman & Son Joyd are away for a couple weeks painting for Ex. Sheriff Cronister, in Bald Eagle valley. the caucu was the ars, with a hot A large program was excelent ed to a large audience, and mu jue those who prepared | was beautifully decorated For the purpose of purchas gan, a festival will be he burch, at this place, Ju Stanley Watson ar rds here on Sur day Mrs. Wm. Brown, wh wily recovering John Packer certain to keep Bachelor's Hall The rumor of a wedding in the near future, is heard ; for injorn n ask Philip Walker the 1 a lie Wm. Fetzer has a Jerse little boy who never bed LO Don’t Stop taking Scott's Emulsion be- cause it's warm weather. Keep taking it until you are cured. It will heal your lungs and give you rich blood in sum- mer as in winter, It's cod liver oil made casy. SOc. and § 1. All draggists, It Was Only Seven Dollars and Fitty Cents $7.50 For Ten, Twelve and Filf- teen Dollar Men's Suits that made our store such a busy 1 place. very few Left Centre county people know that when we say we are sell- ing Ten, Twelve and Fifteen Dollar Suits for $7.50 That we are doing that very thing and they are not a bit slow at taking advantage of Only so big a reduction. A VERY FEW LEFT This week ends it. FAUBLES The Largest Clothing & Gents’ Furnishing Goods Fetablishment in Central Pennsylvania Brockerhoff House Block, Bellefonte, Pa.