8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, MAY 24, 1900, The Racket. Howad | Madsooburg. | Tate. | The Standard Sewing Machine. Geo. Moore, of Kane, was in this town We are having cold weather at present. Frank Guisewite, our ‘up-to-date a few days the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Rorabach and son spent | blacksmith, is now prepared to shoe all — Elmer Walizer, of near this place, | several days with his wife's father, Mr, | kinds of vicious horses or mules. Last Hot Weather Fixions. who has been employed at Buffalo, N. Y., | Joseph Beirly, Zuesday be Yecelved cue of the "Martin ; . . we . s oa fe avs ’ A . orse Shoeing Racks Window Screens 15 cents—light wood for some time, came home a few days Mr. Reamer, P, E., of the United Ev- | B Ki from Sidney, y 4 : to visit his parents and friends ’ Ohio, which is far superior to the ordinary frame, fit any window 25 to 32 inches : a ‘ . angelical church, held communion ser- | tock i { ke " ( or 3. ah) tev. B. 8. Latsbaw f Port Matild ood y 4 stoc 8 Wel or like purpose, Ju Tues- wide. Screen Doors, all sizes, well | Rev, E. 8. Lalshaw, of Port Matilda, | vices on Sunday forenoon. day Mr, Guisewite shod a western hor ' 2 & a . a . ay ? Culse . Ja @ Sle orse made, light and dark, complete with WAS in His town the past adi k looking Miss Maggie Vonada, of Millheim, | owned by D. Musser, which could not be hinges, gsc and $1.15. well, His new fielc of labor seems to spent Sunday with her moiher, Mrs. ¥. shod anywhere, also two mules for Wm agree with him, His wife, who hud been | p vonada. Smitl hich was easily and quickly ICE CREAM FREEZKRS—all sues. | to the hospital at Philadelpnia, for some [Opt he pd WAS SUSY ARC Quickly Japanese Porch Screens—best kind |time, has improved enough 50 as to come oii loom Shaffer, who is attending the | done by this Jet 10d The rack cos » 114 P Mate Normal « & 13 fy . te & . made of the Bamboo Bark You can home on Saturday. Is AA MIE ate Norial school, spent 1 ut Mr ommindiog Hy : sunday of last week with his parents, | not be without it anymore if it thank the Japs, for this indi ensable ’ Bata crt thm te ly 0 Kk IS parents, hi | i hot weather sun protector yi A i less J. M. Parker, of Roland, went through y aud Mrs, | Shaffer. $100 00 Ibis is the only one A I bh v | yf our town one day the past week from Ir. and Mi nlf ' tal kind in this part of the state than city *‘hggers. | fishing expedition and had with him a | 0 2 Say 4 4 HG ' : ’ bea y ’ . | nice lot of the soe led beauties ! ut Sunday at Hublersbury Ross thinks girls are 1000 pounds assorted Granite Ware, Re. | WCE 10 OLR nahin gh Cy this vicinity, Con member I tol u two months ago of | ¢ in your orders and sizes for screen 2x ton, just in, This 10 pounds is | doors ) "nz an ) what [ was obliged t iy to fill in the | date scree ! p, and d we 3 has { " f 7,9 and 11 Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte. day at Rebers Fs g feel home-si Sold out" corners. Bellefonte never | formily low if you need | it = ! It wi pay Une Sewing Mach ne an J While Others Mak C. R. SPIGELMYER. | CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENTS CONTINUED FROM TH PAGE Millheim. Machine Co. SARA C. BRIC -KL EY, hig | x 5 iy ) ; i \ if | D GLOB he ‘4 ce § ne nai coun és 1 NEY AAAND TYII1.INY "hog t Ada FAY avd A Cornish Ch { Or nn ani] ! ! § Mitd , UVWUO dlllN Me VARS ELO. LOTTUSH 14 PC Fan Ww ' ’ . : it Wednesday 20000000 800000000 py —_— =~ THIS STORE cum -y | SN Sleclear I he summed! Urlobe. ym Philips H. Patton restaurant te lohn Beec | t Ani aking | « May tem H. F. Chaney w pen ud a general Fs ov : ¢ 1 pg their but o1 Woria mercantile business in the re room to SONN0N000000000s000000e be vacated by W Mis stella Reese in quite il with a0 | The Contre dlrmorrat, Diam y | nd at a add ‘ : f iy Meng 3 not : \ o ’ i } MK ure on Jd i had . | Lge hen 4 MAY 7th, am He Smith john Heese gid i 1 Reese Hollow 4 the mem with the + ting mewn ™ | has a noveity - t Of bee hives ! L%. of Lhe o f cord avited 10 be Hosiery : A y H on 1 - 1 x | which is con onside his dwelling present me one and a o help y This « ao ent . 1A ae re | KOOA cause a Meet at their ha ’ i 5¢ . crevice, near the west corns fr, into a room Vole : David Packer, aged | weeks 1neral \ 10 o'clock sha : mu om 5 ) May x K ‘ Funera upstairs where the palace is arranged Faney Stripe How ¢ } pire combs, » de combs services today at 2 o'clock, conducted by ' psy, and 1 lon ) . Rev. M. E. Frick, interment in the Dis A strike of the employes, at Sandy i N —— And pompadour combs in iple cemetery Ridge brick works is on, demanding a cip Pure Lisle, lac k, Plain 0] AD endicss variety, LE. two weeks pay day (Made by Cornish & Co. Washington Head. ache Stiteh or Net Work -50¢ value, " 10 to 3% Dies Miss Ar only daughter of The M f 10 be given to some Sunday Seb r Cl Is of : K {1 " F . wv Tr ie Memorial Day exercises will be | by the Cent HOCrat. fiellefons i. 8 often: & war w liver | " . Do Mr. and Mis. Willath James, residing | Sar Tallieg: Of aw ort 13) Ventre Demoarat, B hi gh Rh + Rey Pept 35¢ a pair or 3 pair for $1 ni Forge on Marsh Creek, died Sunday from the | © MET el as follows: Convene at Port This Your cast fof jorpid oe na ® Suton Our Oaraet sud \ mm D. elects of measles, aged fourteen years, | Matilda and start at 8 a. m. for Mt , : Hom fof nr Plaid Reed ary 1 ting The M N rum corps, com wed Pleasant ; exercises will next be held at ie Sind wb ot ta ipdashy gnit. 811 Childrens ey riped partment Bpec ial prices | Ie ( : Tis ae ie Monument drum ps, pe Blackoak at 2 p. m | from thence to Port Hose 3 5¢ a short time in this line of seven members, invaded our town last ’ i $n . y it ethtne Matilda where the concluding exercises Hood’ Ss Pills 1d day pied ich A whet will be held in the Presbyterian ceme. before out people cou gs ) tery. All interested are cordially invited While they rouse the liver, restore bad happened. The drum corps is young | J Pv gP Eis Tt thir” Darala Je presen n . « TOERIAFr Action . vet and should take advantage of the y . p t and bathe » ; [|] they do not gripe or pain, do not fact that they can improve with age, and H Hdd jones. who A at the ht ” ey ” [ § irritate or inflame the Internal organs, ome at Dayton, Ohio, is in ill health, this coupon (8 held longer than »f ks, | t have & positive tonite effect, 25 therefore nat become discouraged. We : ! i ofr six Na's hk will expire A CARD y + a ba ph on T™ 9 : i or h wall of admire the pr ressive spirit of the new. He " '00 feeble to attempt the trip home. od. end by mall or pereonal to this offles | at all oy ug aD A Coral Mass, ly-born town of Monument, The visitors The iste frost has done considerable | and have It deposited 1h the Ballot Bax i y , 8 eft on the midnight traln— freight. irjury (0 the frat crop in this section. | SEEEEIEEEEESS00000000008 | Katz & Company, Limited, Bellefonte, Penn'a " | Here a | house, the bes T 4 Bima, daughter of Mr. and Mrs house, wes entering by way of a