THE CENTRE DEMOURA .:, GELLEFONTE, PA, MAY 24, 1900, LOCAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In and About Belle- | fonte PERSONAL, SOCIAL EVENTS Items That Are Worth Noting in a Few Lines---What Has Transpired in d Al his Community During the Past Week---Movements of Our People William T. Hillibish, who kas been working for some time at Pittsburg, is home for a few days. the Ralph Spigelmyer, of Racket store, will make extensive repairs to his | residence on Howard street, Work will soon be commenced ~The ten Samuel Robinson, of Tyrone, died Satur: brought to this piace mouths aid infant sou Of day and was Monday morning for interment. The Bellefonte play a game High School base all 1" f ball it all nine will { ball with the Snow Shoe nine on the Glass Works | meadow, Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Austin Brew, assistant postmaster sllefonte, received a leave of absence for several months funny South fort Harry Martin ieiton J and is now in the rd we benefit of his health and Winfield L this piace, ittsburg whe make the the Ata meeting of Middle States. Manufacturing Williamsp Association rt it was decid innes, who for 16 years loy of Montgomery te on Monday, lefon eio Lastie.on-iyne, men were § for the new 12 inch water main from the diamond to Linn street The § all be here this week and wi pe nn | be put in place in short order. This new service is being put in 80 that the people in the Northern section of the town will have po room to kick hereafler on account of a shortage of water. The larger service pipe is supposed to overcome the trouble. «Bellefonte will be well represented at the Philadelphia horse show this week, Col. Reynolds will have some of bis finest steppers there on exhibition, Thos. Eadon leaves this Thursday with a car load of twenty that will be enter. ed in the various classes and he Is bank. ing on bringing home some of the best awards. He has the finest lot of horses in the stables at present that have been in the town for years. Quite a number of our horsey men expect to go down 0 attend this horse show and rub up against the sports of the city and swap ideas with them, the opera house to- night, The Democratic Primaries will take place Saturday of next week, Remember that the Organ Contest will close next week. Last count aext | Wednesday evening Wallace circus passed through Miles. their way from burg Tuesday night on Altoona to Willlamsport. The liable to tempting offers from other points, Works leave Bellefoute, as they are Bellefonte Scale have Work on the new fair grounds be. gan Tuesday. A under M. M, large force of men are at work Conley's super. [| | | vision. The State College Preps won a game of ball from the Academy team on Sat- urday of 19 played on the Glass Works Meadow, Miss Lucy a schoolmate of Miss Helen Hastings at by a score to 20. It was Curtis, of Clinton, Iowa, the Ogontz School, in Montgomery county, Pa., is a guest at the Hastings home, Miss Maggie of Philadel st at the home of Mrs West spent s¢ Suowden, A, 1S & gud John Harris wden on Linn ide Ge [ on the hut Caure G. W. Mar rt h wi d o 1 » ion all important Ostied n that communit + J “4 = Th ome of our leading citizens ing done Will it be town that she 1s 100 slow and sleepy to have this plant remein ’ We hope not, Sunday Funerals The Ministerial Association of this place, at a recent meeting, passed a set of resolutions to the effect that they dis. approve uf the custom of bolding Sunday funerals, except when necessary, as it interferes with the regular appointments for the day, and in many instances it is an occasion for feasting and irreverence and Sabbath desecration. C—O A 5515 i information is almoinlely corre are think very seriously as to what can said 10 the discredit of our “Vermont” To-night Seals are now on sale for "Vermont" that will be presented at Garman’s this Thursday and Friday nights, May 24th and 25th, Over one hundred and twenty. five people in the caste, a full orchestra, fine staging and costumes, 'w | and treasurer. All the rep be LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House, MARRIAGE LICENSES, £2 S.A. Krape . . . St liunie Amanda Zeig! ward Walker . Jizabeth Wentzel Mar dward Burns Snow Shoe largaret C, Nugent - w 4. ring Mills " Cato h Creek mm ~ =F Luthurst Port Royal ‘hilipsburg pp pr p—— > red i Tee et Mch : 1 G00; £6 2¢ wuis. ux to I. E. Kidder acre in Boalsburg. R. D. Showalter Showalter Oct in Philipsburg. $30 The Alexander Huston, §: Charles FF. Showalter Showalter Sept 2 in Philipsburg, }. RB. Apt Gregg. $00, Mary Adams Jan 1, to Maggie V. 10, 1899; lot of ground Mills acres in Jacob Tome to Apt 24, Maggie V 1, 18q9 ts of ground } ¥ Yo) Conrad Immel perches in Fisher's 20, 1G 1 Ie 2 susan Burkholder erches in Potter, $225 Campbell to S. M. Campbell lot in Millheim, 12 § Lie ame num arnbhart, of West and Rev stated O60, WAS it ent W. Hause was erk rts received of work were encouraging and in that all tle classis’ territory is progressing satisfac. Ocal dicate points included in torily. Selinsgrove was selected as the place of meeting next year, - ———— Will Run Every Day On and after May 28, when the new schedule goes into effect on the PP. and KE. road, the flyer will run Sunday mornings, It has also been announced that after that date the Western, New York and Pennsylvania railway will put on a new train, “The Philadelphia and Washing ton Special,” and in connection with the Pennsylvania mallroad, via Em. potium, will run Pullman buffet sleep. ing cars between Buflalo and Philadel. phia, Baltimore and Washington with out charge. ———————— ———— . HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver lis, Bil: louaness, Indigestion, Meadache. Easy to take, easy to operate, 280. Jackson, who is liv DIED AT MANILA Licutenant Geo, \! . Jackson to Bright's Disease, Succumb The following dispatch was sent out from Washington, DD, C., on Tuesday General MacArthur notified the War Department Tuesday that Second Lieu tenant George I. Jackson, Forty-seventh Volunteer Infantry, died at Manila on the 21st instant, of Bright disease Lieutenant Jackson was born at Belle- fonte, Pa., in 1869 and served during the Spanish war first lieutenant of the Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered out in ; and in August, 1 second lieutenant in the Volunteer lanfantry, and that regiment to the Philippine following year, as November, 1868, was appointed Forty.seventh accompanied Gi Lieutenant Jackson is the oldest the late Geo, W. centl who die Jackson, His Mrs. ing at the home of her y at this place mother, daughter, Md., war department, to have the Mrs. ed notice of the death from the Geo. Brew, of Okland, receiv - i aud request was made body returned to Bellefonte for in , which will req SX Manila Jack aa nu the Heck: saw In an Lract near The m A bas Loganton, is to be a big one will be covered Ly iron sheeting saw will be used John Sallada has taken the contract t peel 900 cords of bark for John who recently purchased large tracts in Sugar Valley — - - His Leg Broken Ex County Commissioner P. 1. Knecht was assisting Friday in raising a barn on his farm, in Clinton Co, He stepped on a board, which tilted, and precipitated Mr. Knecht into the stable room below, The large bone in his leg below the knee was broken and the smaller bone was torn at the ankle, Side Path Law a Dead Janne The bicycle side path law is being laid aside in many countries of this State as a dead letter, to be defective unconstitutional, The present law is said in construction, if sot | place. The ( | from Mexe! timber | | ENGINEERS AT WORK Making Final Survey for West Valley The construction of the West Bran Railroad lley railroad, from Clear Hilamspori the lo ¥ perhag likely to be commenced in future. A special from Keating says “A corps of engineers arrived Thursday to begin the final the eastern division of the West V railroad. The cn from Valley the new road ha ved whole distance N liamsport, “This new 1 + will para & BE. from its castern term i learfield and Keating to Karthau i ( 1 along the wil | Branch of the & [| its western termi Buffalo, Roches “This road, through caboard of the late dream the western railroad ““ Peace Hath Her Victories Scrofula v ry 171 3 Tumors A LAE 3 | od | =n Mass ho ree Hoods Sarsaparily n : Memorial Day, Fourth of July BY 'tR Hats, Clothing, Etc., FROM 1U'% A Big Reduction Sale. MONTGOMERY & C0. Branch d to Lock pear noon here survey of ranch way for for the | ' \ A lo Wi el the P ual to this | juchanna | YASSeS | MARRIED THEMSELVE her or Alderman for { hanno) Lous Ou} The Tunkhannock correspon the Wi al the there = 2 PATENT oo vel] BATHER « wat ys PEACHES, WTI AT a Gh *fa BE wd ool a he bo we “ b adh! waddd WW Waa ie WAV VA | | potatos | ver ASDATAgUS bard, per LT! Bellclonte Markeols The tallowing prices are Co. Tor produce Potatoes per bushel Begs peor dosen Lard, per pound wo. Tallow, per pound Putter, per pound Hide per pound Shoulder per pound Red wheat per bushel, Rye, por bushel Oars Tears per bushelel. Corn, shellad por bushel Nariey per bushel Oats, por bushel paid by SECHLER S rv— Coburn Markets Following are the prices paid for grain he dealers at Coburn Wheat (old) per bushel Wheat (new) [ol bushel. Oats, nies white... —