THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 17. 1600, 3 DNA § Transvaalers Will No Longer Fight in Free State. PRESIDENT. STEYN FLEES. Entry of Invading Army Not Opposed wv by the Burghers—Many Free Staters Go Home-—Accuse Transvaalers of Desertion—New Capital at Lindley. London, May 15.—General Roberts has entered Kroonstadt, meeting with no opposition. He has sent the follow ing despatch to the War Office: “Kroonstad, 2 P. M.—I entered Kroonstad at 1:30 to-day without op the was when Union Jack hoisted amidst British “President Steyn position, from the few cheers residents after vainly ende: the Burghers to continue “The no longer fight on Orange Transvaalers salt il, and made off for the 10 Court, pit dren of Filomena 0 men had Judge Gummere who ertain what loss children sustain In the premature death of a father. In the death of a laborer the loss in sorrow may be just as great as in the death of a million aire. But the pecuniary loss would be greater In the case of the death of a man making $10,000 a year than in the death of a man making $1.60 a day.” Judge Gummere attracted general public attention a year ago by holding that the value of an infant's life might be from six cents to one dollar, “It Is ard to a ’ German Captured by British, Brandfort, Friday, May 15.~Among the prisoners of the Foreign Legion tured during the fighting at the 4d River was a German named Trickman, from Erfurt. He claimed to be a journalist, but was found hid. ing In the cactus bush with a rifle in bis hand. Munisb, May 14.-Dr, Herman Lelr, Court Musical Director, Is dead, WASHINGTON NEWS, Some of the More Important Work of Our Law Makers, The Senate passed the Naval bill with the committee's proposition re. garding armor plate. The Becretary of the Navy is authorized to buy ar mor at $445, if procurable at that price, if not he is to pay $545 and erect a plant to cost not more than $4,000,000. The bill also directs the purchase of five Holland boats at not more than $170,000 each, Mr. Gage gent to the House the figures regarding the manu facture of oleomargine asked for In the resolution of May 8 yesterday The House has passed the General Deficiency bill, Mr gave additional ing of the The colonial Canals ha rt on the Ni¢ passed the ent MeK 18 in the House vesterday the Brosh figures on work: fal bill Committee new finan Senate Inter favor- Canal on ordered a ATARUA House 1 ‘Y received | a dele tizens of Buf the ap LAMTELL SUKRENDERS owerman Whose leg Fatal Tunnel Wreck | jence Ca ised a Prisoner, injured ’ l en have ¢ | today, but yet to ext ng to the hs air in the t | entered the tunnel it ance without bein were d t In the and the roof of the tur but to no avall. The of the en tramps n have gineer and fi Ww ho were oman ald to be on ¢ ir ht doubtless been cremated MACARTHUR CHANGES POLICY. Gives Authority to His Staff in Mat ters of Detail, Manila, May 15.-In the last few days General MacArthur has received more officials, consuls, officers and representatives of commercial bodies, To Lieutenant-Colonel Crowder, his military secretary, he will assign many duties heretofore devolving upon the Adjutant-General. This step Is taken In view of the increasing import ance of the post of Governor-General General MacArthur's policy appears to involve much decentralization. He will give to his sta¥ authority In mat ters of detall and will devote himself largely to questions of policy, Hong Kong, May 18. (he Governor has issued a prociamation forbidding the export of arms from the colony, The object of this 1s to prevent the shipment of arms brought here from Germany by the Filipino junta. - ~~ MISCELLANEOUS NEWS, Events of the Past Week Told In a Few Words, | Latest reports confirm the demoral | ization In the ranks of the Free State | forces, and predict their dis. bandment, The Transvaal Volksraad, at a se- cret session, resolved to order all resl- | dents, Irrespective of nationality, to | assist in the defense of the republic. | Over one thousand banks will have to be supplied with new currency | plates, under the Currency Act of March 14. It will be four to six | months before all can get these plates, J. A. drug clerk, had himself bound and gagged after robbing his employer to money for his education early Gabrielson, a Chicago get American forces occupied the towns of Hilongos and Maasin, on the {gland of Leyte, after hot engagements the Filipinos ifldings lestroved hy with 0 have nize er ti f in vd mir th from $f } to $12 At the meeting of the Counell American Institute of Arch ports were received of highly ant ries of an | acan palace in Crete | Annie Jackson, the granddaughter | of a wealthy retired merchant of Har lem, eloped with the son of a livery stable keeper 000 60H of the weology re import discove ancient Mycen 8T. LOUIS CAR STRIKE, Men on the Surburban Road Will Re. turn to Work Today. Bt. Louis, May 15.-~There were Im- portant developments In the street car strike situation today. At a con ference held between the officials of the Surburban Rallway Company, the only system in Bt. Louls not alsolute ly controlled by the Transit Com pany, and on which a strike was In augurated ten days prior to that de clared on the transit system, and the officials and employes of that road an amicable adjustment was effected, and the men will return to work. You Intend Beautifying your Home This Spring ish to NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE TREATMENT Catarrh, Deafness and Airpassages, Asthma, ()} Bronchitis, &c. Certainly vou do and we wu attention to and quality of our stock of the size | . Pos | Now is the Time For trestment «f Ca WALL PAPER qureh, Dostuess und It CONBIRLE of 88 Asthion, Bi he! 50,000 ROLLS ment for Catarrh and Irentiness in the pring beautiful and Care nnd » ! Cail yonr fine STITES y 1 Of the most mimer is wort! selected st SPECIALTIES Out ecialties } OUR PRICES DDR. 21 N. ALLECHENY ST. r or * v rye }» “et > wy i A NL A NCHITIS & ’ 4 ul CATARRH, BRO INGRAINS | A i Pa i N 4d NOW SKILLED WORKMEN Picture and Room | lding ings, Water Colo archi os Ad Prelim w Shades. Paints. Oils, Hours 9a 8 p. m Glass, Etc. : ncural 1) : WILLIAMS = Pa Fo. xan Wind S10 High S Bellefonte Ladies’ Musical Furnishings. y ] J 3 or a dt y |, i " 4 YE y LEASE EE (Goods. ™ Wide Guarant New Domestic, Ball Bearing, $35. No agents. No time Mrs. Aikens wants to see She has lots of new things to show you. Such perfect fits in Tailor-made Suits. suit you. Prices from $6.95 up. Shirt Waists, Silk Waists, Dress Skirts, Underskirts, Wrappers from 69 cents up; sizes from 40 to 46—specially made to suit large ladies. Capes, Corsets, Gloves. A complete line of Muslin Underwear. -— RAINY DAY SKIRTS my Pulley Belts the rage. If you want the latest and best, this is your place. Come soon, come and see, come and buy. you, They'll AIKEN’S STORE, BELLEFONTE, PA.