8 tn on ot —— 5 The Racket. 7,9 and 11 Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte. SPRING All New, DRESS A Rich Showing See entire Centre Window, Main Room, Every wantable kind of material is in. cluded in this picking which faskion has decreed as correct, for spring and sum. mer of 1900, Printed strip=s 8 to 15. FABRICS and Novel and exquisite Dimities, neat figures India Mulls, is the word to apply to them, 1oc—Cali mer Madras, a new creation of the weavers art 31 in, and the price 13cts Plain Dimities in pink, blue, lavender, light and dark green, canary, new red 15¢ts. You will find pres. rices, higher on above Now Silks Again 1 wind 1 this dep't, the nes, ow, SAEs, on was ahead of a in ‘a 14 r Pik J. R. Sl IV IN LMYER. WOODED HI "| What is *“ Courage and Strength in Times of Danger.”’ Read the warning between the lines. What {s that warn- ing? It is of the danger from the accumulation of badness in the blood, caused by the usual heavy living of the Winter months. Spring is the clearing, cleansing time of the year; the forerunner of the brightness and beauty of glorious summer, Follow the prine ple that Nature lavs down. Start in at once and purify your Hood's Sarsaparilla. Jt never disappoints. Crip" Sixteen weeks of grip made me weak, but after all else falled Hood's Sar- saparilia cured me. Later I overworked, and dyspepsia and canker In mouth and stomach bothered me, 1 took the Sarsapa rilia szain and it completely restored me.” Mus, Evizanern Fouax, Exeter. N, H, Rhesumatiam’'= “Myself and a friend both suflered from severe attacks of rheu matism. Hood's Barsaparilla eured both, We would not be without IL." Wu. JH. Lester, 60 Leonard £6, Fall River, Mass, | Head and Back ~ “ For one year pains in my back and head prevented my house: hold duties, 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilia and am a well woman. It also cured the grip in our family.” Mas, Marre Hexpensow, Cor, First and Franklin Ave. Columbus, Ind, Sarsa blood with that great specific, ’ ood's Pills cure liver (ila, the non irritasing and ““unly cathartic fo inks with Hood's rills, i CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM 7TH PAGE Spring Mills. Little Willle, from his mirror Sucked the mercury all off, Thinking In his childish error It would cure the whooping cough I'was a chilly day for Willie, When the mercury went down Frost Saturday and Sunday mornings CO favor A number of farmers have their planted. The weather is not very able, too cold. of Sunday. No wise man ever lived who did nu at times, make a fool of himself. D. H. Ruhl, our popular landlord, found in one of his outbuildings in an un- conscious condition, Mr, Rubl is a hearty cater and s not have sutlicient He has had several At this writit Bessie Auman, Auman, was very sic daughter K ids ot, | | was doe exer { th Master bright young lad of ten the che; {a bargain counte for his wife, Haze! & Gram! ae 1A an adqition Y